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Gerald Parks • 3 years ago

Who are these people? Joe asks
freeDUMB aka DUMB Ass'.
Now we KNOW they will MURDER their fellow Americans and LEO protecting Americans.
AND they are Super Spreaders of a highly contagious disease THAT KILLED 4.000 Americans in the last 24 hours.
THESE people are to be removed from society for the safety of Americans.
Humpt ... they were good for something ... THAT phrase!

Followfornow • 3 years ago

We could send them letters through certified mail, stating that Q has told them they must take themselves out for the good of the cause.

Followfornow • 3 years ago

We could send them letters through certified mail, stating that Q has told them they must kill themselves for the good of the cause.

FinnishMasseuse • 3 years ago

a plot, a cover up, an on going threat.

pseudomass • 3 years ago

"Who are these people?" They're Christians!

Millie • 3 years ago

If you don't have anything on you that you are not allowed to have, you won't set off the metal detector. If it goes off because you have too many paperclips, show them the paper clips and it will be okay. What are these idiots afraid of. It's not a strip search. We all go through various detectors every day that we are out of our homes.

Bernice_Anders • 3 years ago

I hate those stupid pictures of people posing with their guns. It's so cringe.

mojorising • 3 years ago

this is now your rethuglikkklan party today, white racists carrying guns in the halls of congress, pushing their way into the house chamber, going around metal detectors because they are conceal carrying

flying monkeys • 3 years ago

"who are these people?"


Finbackrich • 3 years ago


if not universally,

NazzTea • 3 years ago


We need more than magnetometers at the entrances to the Capitol, we need psycho workups as well

I wonder how many incoming GOPees are funny farm eligible>?

Baby Doe • 3 years ago

Boebert is a rebel without a clue. She has zero knowledge of the job she was elected to do. She's already pledged to represent only half of her constituents.

Seabiscuit • 3 years ago

the black members of the Capitol police were punched,spit on,pushed,called racial slurs,,,while a white colleague took a selfie with a rioter, another white colleague ushered some rioters into the building.
i doubt they feel safe,or can trust their white colleagues... i don't blame them.. i am white..

tyler bennett • 3 years ago

in addition to metal detectors, congress should probably also require brain scans.. to ensure the gop have one

Freeze Peach 🍑 • 3 years ago
Denni A • 3 years ago

Pelosi needs to expel these wackos...any member threatening other members needs to be given the boot.

ProgressiveDog • 3 years ago

Every time there's a mass shooting, conservatives say we should let civilians carry weapons to protect themselves from the shooter. Here we had a violent mob storming the Capitol and several armed Congresswomen inside. Did they use their weapons to protect everyone? No. Because they were colluding with the rioters. They carry the guns to intimidate, to get people like AOC to resign from Congress out of fear. Of course, they can do this since they're white. Let's see the reaction when Corey Booker starts carrying a gun.

Denni A • 3 years ago

Pelosi should buy a cartload of AR15's and give each member of the Black Caucus one to strap over their shoulders everyday as they enter the chambers...then look back at the QAnon nutjobs...":bring it on".

Veronica Feinstein • 3 years ago

"Who are these people?"

Scum. Walking, talking scum.

TechYes • 3 years ago

It wasn't an accident that when Ayanna Pressley and her staff sheltered in her offices during the riot, they discovered all the panic buttons had been ripped out. Specific people were targeted by members of that mob. And they may have had help from sitting members of congress so they knew where to go.

Denni A • 3 years ago

are there no security cameras to see who did it..where I work there are security cameras everywhere, hallways, stairways...everywhere.

TechYes • 3 years ago

That's a good question. I would hope that place was loaded with cameras. If not, it should be now.

Culebralor • 3 years ago

WHY aren't any of these clowns PROVING QANON? This is your chance Trumpies, be the hero!! Bust Qanon wide open! Save those babies who are being munched on as we speak!

smitty • 3 years ago

why are they wearing black and red? Does that mean something in treasonous traitor world?

smitty • 3 years ago

djt has planted multiple Manchurian canidates to take out Dems. Pelosi cannot go to inauguration

Seabiscuit • 3 years ago

wear bullet proof vest at least... as many of the others should as well.

W.C Fields • 3 years ago

When they say their pictures aren't threatening, I call BS. If you pose in a picture with a noose, there can only be one message being sent, so it's no different with a pistol or rifle.

Jinmichigan • 3 years ago

Scum of the earth. That's who.

David XXX • 3 years ago

I've had magats tell me having to wear mask is close to America becoming communistic. So naive, they have no knowledge of millions of people Stalin purged or millions Mao starved. These women are sensationalist, loose cannons, don't trust them.

jabber1 • 3 years ago

They are willing to wear a flag around their shoulders and a hairy helmet with horns but not a mask. Go figure!

LawrenceOfA • 3 years ago

"Who are these people?" These are amoral takers, people with no soul, shame, decency, conscience, dignity, integrity, compassion, honor or patriotism. They are political arsonists, charlatans, whores, agents provocateurs, seditionists, insurrectionists, in other words opportunists of the worst kind.

jabber1 • 3 years ago

These are republicans who claim to be pro life, pro law and order and pro family. They say they are christians and god loves them more than he/she loves you. They are liars, thieves, charlatans who love only money and guns. Oh, an fetuses. They love those fetuses.

Gun Derp Twin powers - activate.

Tamara Beinlich • 3 years ago

Someone ripped out the panic button's in Squad member Rep Pressley's capital office right before the insurrection, it's being investigated. And WTF? I been posting all morning and suddenly I had to sign back in?

disqus_GqYPdlnflE • 3 years ago

Metal detectors for schools. libraries, airlines, courthouses and the rest but not for Congress? UFB.
I wonder why these Greene and Boebert believe that they are the only people who can threaten others and don't expect others to return the favor?

Margarita Velez • 3 years ago

The OPTICS look real bad, of those two whack jobs holding a gun.

wysiwyg (Bill) • 3 years ago

The should have put the Republicans in a separate room so they could hopefully keep their Covid to themselves.

Maybe arrange seating in the House and Senate to separate Democrats from the mostly-maskless Republicans too. Congress doesn't literally do the old right vs left seating do they?

THE REAL TRUTH • 3 years ago

They are simply deranged animals and should be treated as such. I totally understand the fine system for the metal detector, but there REALLY needs to be a zero tolerance policy as well. You bypass the metal detector and you are immediately detained and sent home for first offense, and then second offense is being expelled from the House of Representatives permanently.

Tom Flynn • 3 years ago

This feels like one of those ominous stories where everyone knows the dangerous consequences but no one can or will stop it. The whackjobs are now mainstreamed. Thanks Raygun!

RUINSINRUIN • 3 years ago

Pelosi has initiated fines against members of Congress who refuse to pass through Capitol metal detectors or submit to having their personal belongings inspected -- $5000 first offense, $10000 subsequent offenses, to be taken directly out of their paychecks. So, yeah, hit them where it hurts for their obstinance.

EveryWoman • 3 years ago

Why Joe...those people are the GOP...a.k.a. REPUBLICANS...America's WHITE neo-nazi party...trumpanzees are sub-human.

Baal • 3 years ago

If you eat tainted food you vomit to expel it. It feels horrible but then you are better. Congress needs to do the same thing to these pathogens. But if there are too many pathogens or the immune system is compromised you die. So start now.

Margarita Velez • 3 years ago

If AOC or OMAR carried a gun in there purse. Day 1. Republicans would've filed to have them expelled.

Stuart Underwood • 3 years ago

These are people who believe that people are killing babies to harvest a fictional drug invented by Hunter S. Thompson in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas called "adenochrome"*. No, it is not a real thing. It never has been. It is fiction, just like the rest of their idiot conspiracy theory.

They desperately need to justify a host of otherwise unjustifiable beliefs (white supremacy, etc) so they've basically reworked the old "blood libel" into a more modern form.

*Its closest real world analog would be DMT, a powerful hallucinogenic which has been shown to occur naturally in the brains of rats in miniscule amounts. However, there are a bunch of plants out there in the world that make DMT in concentrations literally millions of times higher - any extraction based on brain matter would require TONS of brain material to harvest a single dose and would be pointless since you can do the same shit with a crock pot, the roots of various plants and some basic chemistry with a vastly higher yield.

Poladydi • 3 years ago

These people were your party Joe, the party of Reagan, the party that has been accepting more and more crazy people to run for office.

basher72 • 3 years ago

For as long as I can remember, if I want access to places like a courthouse or the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, I have to go through a security screen. I am, frankly, surprised that metal detectors weren't ALREADY in use at the US Capitol for EVERYBODY entering. One would think the US Capitol would be one of the most important places where they would be universally used. But... somebody didn't like the "optics" apparently.

We had to experience an insurrection that caused the death and injury of people, and damage to OUR public property before metal detectors were important enough for consideration. Unbelievable that we are managing a suspected security threat from lawmakers, cops, and military members and/or veterans.

Responsible politicians and lawmakers should WANT their peers in the Congress to be safe. They should want to take steps to ensure their OWN safety. If not, then what kind of message are they sending to a family who wants to visit the capitol, or a bus load of school kids on a field trip?

Chew on those "optics" for a while.

moldy • 3 years ago

Just use the 14th and dump these Q's and 100+ R's that betrayed their oath.... Nancy.

Joey Wolowitz • 3 years ago

They're both Qunts.

JuanLiberale • 3 years ago

Pelosi had to order metal detectors to protect members of congress from their colleagues. That is how low that Trump has brought America.

kimn8r • 3 years ago

I blame Congress as a whole for allowing these two asshat idiots to even be seated. They are seditionists at the very least.