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violating the Constitution should be grounds for IMMEDIATE IMPEACHMENT

Solly • 5 years ago

It is so shamefule that American Politicians (GOP mainly) do not have the courage to enforce The Constitution and The Separation of Powers. 15Feb19.

Denicio • 5 years ago

....and hours after he declared it.......Dem's are fookin' silent.

No actions........NADA........

He'll have a great uninterrupted golfing vacation this weekend undeterred by any noise from the opposing party.......

TELL ME Nancy & Co still have steam left after the Shut Down Show Down.......

HardBoiledBlonde • 5 years ago

Indeed we do have a national emergency. Our national emergency is that tRump must be removed from office by any and all means.

Lovenkindness • 5 years ago

How long before he declares marshal law over something else fabricated by him? This is going to happen in between now and the election.

MarkmBha • 5 years ago

I fully agree. The President must be impeached, now!

BeanToes • 5 years ago

I know there aren't a lot of Trump supporters on this site, but look at it this way:

After watching that unhinged and incoherent press conferences, pretend Trump were someone else.

* Would you want him as your attorney, representing you in divorce court?
* Or what about your cardiologist, explaining how he's gonna implant a pacemaker?
* Hell, I wouldn't even want him as my auto mechanic, replacing my brakes.

Trump is mentally unfit. There's no two ways about it.

* Not a chance in Hell

* I'd rather die

* I'd give up driving first

VictoryRider • 5 years ago

How about would you leave your daughter alone with him?

Reita Anderson • 5 years ago


Jimcima • 5 years ago

I would love AOC or Ilhan Omar to introduce the resolution, but hopefully someone has it already teed up.

Ann Watson • 5 years ago

After today's display, only a butterfly net will suffice to deal with this menace, anything else would take too long.

Gabe O'Rielly • 5 years ago

Butterfly net?

Only if it's large enough to enmesh an (R)sehole elephant!

Naw.... Impeachment won’t fly.... let’s use Orange # 45 ‘s own words:

Campaign Trump: “ Maybe the second amendment people can do something....I don’t know.” 👀

BeanToes • 5 years ago

Trump's 2A comments still shocks me

In “normal” times , Agent Orange #45
would not have made it in the “finalists” .... certainly not Miss Congeniality.... never the second runner up ..... would have lost the talent competition for sure... never mind the fecking swim suit competition..... no...no.... 2016 “wadn’t“ no beauty contest.... 2016 was more like “The World’s Biggest Loser” ..... and Trumpie done win.....
big time.

Gabe O'Rielly • 5 years ago

Trump CONsiders the Twenty-Fifth to be an amendment, but the Second is a COMMANDMENT!

Red Raleigh • 5 years ago

Trump should have been impeached immediately after he was "selected" President.

Gabe O'Rielly • 5 years ago

Along with TRAITOROUS TURTLE McConnell, who said at the meeting with Obama and national security officials about Russian attempts to influence the "election", that he would denounce any publicizing of the evidence of the meddling as a partisan attempt by the Democrats to swing the election.

Kentucky's DISGRACE is a party-uber-alles (R)sehole!

BeanToes • 5 years ago

I think his illegitimate placement is the slimy slug under the rock.

Millie • 5 years ago

If Trump is not removed from office, there may not be future generations to be baffled by the failure to do so.

Amy G. Dala • 5 years ago

Wouldn't that set his hair on fire!!!

CrankyOldCoot • 5 years ago

Impeachment is long overdue. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Foundryman • 5 years ago

What trump just did should be the rallying point for all Democrats to work twice as hard to elect a Democratic president and senate in 2020. This is great!! The real national emergency is the condition of Social Security, healthcare, climate change and infrastructure!! Who the fuck needs the supreme court now??

Philip J. Fry • 5 years ago

The wall will be built with Russian steel, in order for drumpf to pay back debts.


KSEKcc • 5 years ago

He is sniffing again in the Rose Garden. I had to switch to PBS kids.

Denicio • 5 years ago

Huckster needs to start cutting his adderall with some benadryl to reduce the sniffles.....

Ricardo Santos • 5 years ago

I would love impeachment for Thanksgiving dinner. Let's hope they begin soon, there are already 4 articles of impeachment (by different congressmen), but not enough signatories.

SunMoonStars • 5 years ago

Rs will stick together and will go down together. That's one thing I can say for them, they are loyal to the death.

SunMoonStars • 5 years ago

Rs have proven who they are especially since 2016 but this solidifies that for all of history. They are in violation of the constitution and if the military follows his orders so are they. The brass better step up and show some balls.

bluevistas • 5 years ago

"spine"? (Women have plenty of courage too!)

frustrationismyname • 5 years ago

I have heard that Betty White said that we should not say balls because they are fragile things that are easily crushed. We should say vagina because that takes a pounding!

Snopes just said false...it comes from a NY comedian Sheng Wang.

bluevistas • 5 years ago

I like "spine" because it's non-sexist, applies to all, except invertebrates I spose...

I find it sad when people use sexist terms when there are alternatives. Appropriating a male term for a woman doesn't make it effective.

carleegage • 5 years ago

Relax. They're only words.

bluevistas • 5 years ago

Words have meaning and connotation (diminishment). Do you forget the womens' movement?

For example, a 40 year-old woman is not a "girl".

She is if she's hot

bluevistas • 5 years ago

You earned being blocked for stupidity.

carleegage • 5 years ago

Semantics police? Connotation does not exclusively denote diminishment. There are far too many worse things happening in this country that need our attention first. Things bad enough that the womens movement wouldn't even be able to come to fruition. Priorities count no matter how they are introduced. That said, I say 'peace'. I've seen enough war over fifty years ago.

bluevistas • 5 years ago

LOL. Semantics police.

Women don't have balls. When a person says "having balls" in relationship to courage, that leaves out women. That excludes and diminishes womens' contributions. Use a non-sexist description instead.

I realize that for many people, these idioms are hard to stop using. Of course there are other problems to deal with too. Walk AND chew gum. Do the inner work to be more inclusive. You don't say the n-word, or other hurtful terms do you?

SunMoonStars • 5 years ago

It's attitude. I've made my way through the advertising world and I had to grow a set years ago to make it. Ever watch Mad Men, yeah that shit was true.

carleegage • 5 years ago

One has to do what one has to do to get by. That said, I do not watch too much TV. At least not since the GE Theater and Ed Sullivan Show went off the air.

SunMoonStars • 5 years ago

A sense of humor is required to make it through life along with not taking yourself (generic) seriously all the time. If you can't laugh at yourself you've got some real issues that need to be addressed.

carleegage • 5 years ago

Well said

SunMoonStars • 5 years ago

I have more balls than most of these males and I use them. I take being called a b!tch as a compliment. It means I'm acting or responding like a male and not taking shit for it. Bring it on.

bluevistas • 5 years ago

Regardless, it's still a sexist term, and diminishes womens' power and courage.

SunMoonStars • 5 years ago

Not to me.

bluevistas • 5 years ago

Flying in the face of reality...

SunMoonStars • 5 years ago

Yep, that's my reality alright.