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Whit • 2 days ago


First Lady Jill Biden wouldn't stand for it!

VNwarwidow • 3 days ago

It seems to me as if the anti-Biden opinions/stories/ accounts, etc. are growing as the IRS is increasing its investigations into the accounts of the obscenely wealthy individuals (possibly AIPAC). A coincidence???

HedonismHippie • 3 days ago

Ya know, I'm beginning to wonder who Rawstory really wants to win and I get the feeling it's not Biden.

Kenesson • 3 days ago

I'm beginning to wonder who the unnamed WH aides want to win....aipac money involved?

Mizz_Muzi • 3 days ago

Same here. It’s getting worse and worse.

Sketchy Galore • 3 days ago

Who would expect access while the President is being briefed? Do they have the requisite security clearances?

Bisqueene56 • 3 days ago

I am thinking that Raw Story could give lessons in promoting conspiracy theories.

Hellbound • 3 days ago

Yet another repost of a right leaning rag where they trash Biden with “unnamed” sources. FFS RS.....if you can’t verify it.....don’t post it. I’ve read 4 Biden bashing stories today siting “anonymous” or “unnamed” sources. That translates to Bullshit stories!!!

Sandrag • 3 days ago

I have said it before, these are all ambitious people who when then sense weakness become like sharks in a feeding frenzy.

Thanks Dems for showing me why I became an independent in 2016.

wehaveseenthisb4 • 3 days ago

Yeah, it sounds plausible. Ronnie Raygun wasn't running things his last couple of years. It's happened before throughout history. But I want names, dates and corroborating witnesses. This un-named bull shit from behind a curtail of secrecy is not enough. BTW, did any of the behind-the-scenes talkers have a plan? Like a who and how? And why it would all work?

Mizz_Muzi • 3 days ago

I was just thinking the same - these “insiders” are always nameless. If they really have inside info, they should stand by their statements. But of course they don’t. Maybe there aren’t even any “insiders”. Maybe the writers or media outlets just make it all up.

toonces_3 • 3 days ago

Controlled by trusted advisers vs controlled by the Kremlin.

Tuff choice right there.

MbarestinTX • 3 days ago

Good point!

alfredeneuman • 3 days ago

“In every administration, there are individuals who would prefer to spend more time with the president and senior officials,” Bates said in a reported statement. “President Biden fights hard for families every day, working with a wide range of team members at what he is proud is the most diverse White House ever.”
This is the woke (had to throw in the completely off topic “diverse” buzzword) bullshit response that the Biden administration answers every question with. They even had to throw in the “fighting for families” catchphrase. All segments of the American public except the far left see right through this crap and don’t buy it. It’s going to cost us the White House and both houses of Congress.
And fucking get rid of Mimi!

wehaveseenthisb4 • 3 days ago

OK. Who? How?

robWeever • 3 days ago

Now there’s a person who would make a super president, Governor Wes Moore of Maryland.

stcroixcarp • 3 days ago

Thanks for the huge dose of negativity. I needed that.

Equacosmos • 3 days ago

RS better watch out or they are going to end up with a lot of cancelled subscriptions including mine. These Biden hit pieces are sounding like NY Times and many other MSM BS. Knock IT TFO RS.

Mizz_Muzi • 3 days ago

Same here. I’ve told them how I feel about some of their “stories “, but they don’t seem to be getting the message.

Cereal Killer • 4 days ago

Rawstory seems to have shifted to attacks on Biden.....

something is fishy about this site...

Biden's POLICIES are what's important not what he's like to be around....I've worked with VERY demanding people...many of us have....and we learned a LOT.... though it's not easy....rarely is.

the thing about competent and demanding people is they force you to up your game....

what sucks is working for incompetent fools who are difficult to work with....

Linda • 3 days ago

This site seems to be missing all the stories about the tangerine stain and his slurring of words, his missteps, his babblings.
Seems to be only focused on Biden, and all because he had a bad debate.
Not sure anyone could have handled that any differently. The barrage of lies from traitor boy were unchecked by the two idiots from CNN, so President Biden had the choice to either point out the lies or go with his vision and what he has done.

musicman80 • 4 days ago

"People are scared s---less of him," one senior administration told Politico. "He is not a pleasant person to be around when he’s being briefed."

I'm not buying this. Sounds like sour grapes. Biden has had a reputation for his entire political career as being gracious and polite.

MbarestinTX • 3 days ago

I agree. IMO, Pres Biden is a very decent person. I don't think he would do anything to harm this country .. or us.

(((Jgmurphy))) • 3 days ago

I think I am seeing a coordinated and orchestrated slew of attacks against Biden. Holy shit! Who is behind this? And why, if he has been president now for going on 4 years, would we just be hearing about it now that he's "not a pleasant person"? Who believes this horseshit? Did RS get bought by Karl Rove?

Mizz_Muzi • 3 days ago

I think you hit the nail on the head.

alfredeneuman • 3 days ago

No, they hired him.

JAY - STOP THE FASCISTS! • 4 days ago

As someone who considers himself a Progressive, I have to say that I'm sick and tired of Politico's so-called non-partisan attacks on Biden all the fucking time.


ALL of us, Dems, Liberals, Progressives and even Independents & Never-Trumpers MUST come TOGETHER to DEFEAT trump in November.

If your newspaper or website claims to give a shit about this country, then STFU with decisive stories and start RALLYING voters to come together and VOTE FOR BIDEN!

Kebbo McGee • 4 days ago

They have been hiding from America that Joe has a temper. Oh no!

QJ • 4 days ago

a tight cabal of senior officials shield Americans from President Joe Biden's declining state as they wield increasing control over national politics

Sounds like Reagan all over again, but without neocons behind the scenes running things

txcn • 4 days ago

They aren't scared shitless of Biden if they are running to the press. Especially now that Biden can do whatever he wants to them and call it an official duty.

buzzenup • 4 days ago

Hahahahahahaha, what?!
We don't care if he's nice?! I care that he's not a fucking rapist convicted felon, you stupid git.

There is a difference between nice and kind, fool.

Bob L. • 4 days ago

Hey Kathleen Culliton, FUCK U! Are you auditioning for a Fox job?

Mizz_Muzi • 3 days ago

Thank you fir saying that. Not only is her article full of shit, it’s incoherent , terrible writing.

C. Berkowitz • 4 days ago

Nice piece of vulture journalism. Just what the world needs now.

Lefty Wright • 4 days ago

So basically these anonymous insiders are saying Biden is both pliable and under the sway of a few close advisers while also being antagonistic during meetings. Just a left wing copycat claim of the right wing that Biden has dementia but is also running a complex plan to become a fascist dictator. It can't be both, folks. But I hope whoever planned his debate prep is kicked out.

Walter White • 4 days ago

It is not left wing. There is no meaningful left wing. It is more corporate political manipulation. The clintonoid corporatists want someone even more corporate than Joe, if that is possible.

leathersmith • 4 days ago

I read something about he had some cold medicine before going on stage, maybe caused some drowsiness

MbarestinTX • 3 days ago

Cold medicine went through my mind too ..

Mizz_Muzi • 3 days ago

I read a post on X saying theat person thinks someone slipped Biden a mickey before the debate. It sounded far-fett, but maybe one of those “insiders” did. Uh-oh, I’m starting to sound a like a conspiracy theorist. I’m shutting up now.

NazzTea • 4 days ago

"Not a pleasant person", well, I'm not either.
Stuff be fukked up and sh!t, and I let off a little steam about it too now and again.
Still, Biden is the only person PROVEN to be able to defeat Donvict, who we KNOW to be more than "unpleasant".

RandyBastard • 4 days ago

"Forget it, Jake. It's Politico."

There's a reason they call it Tiger Beat on the Potomac.

Steve B • 4 days ago

So, RawStory, in addition to being ALL about Trump for the past several years, is now the "paper" of record in tearing down Biden? I understand this unsourced gossip came from Politico and before that some mythical WH officials, and YES, when we heard the same things from the same "officials" during Trump's term, we all ate it up because it was SO EASY to believe about Trump's administration. He showed us EVERY single goddamned day what a farce he was. But now, the same tactics are being used against Biden and I don't believe hardly a word of it.

Our fake news media -- and almost everyone now has become FAKE -- thinks that their bread is buttered on the Trump side; that he's better copy; that he will get all the clicks, and that may be true for now, but guess what? The SCOTUS ruled yesterday that Trump, and any president, can do whatever he wants to do in office, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Fox News, with some adjustments, became State TV, and all of these other little journalistic rags became GONE. So count your clicks while you can.

Lefty Wright • 4 days ago

Raw Story is owned by the same people who own Alternet, a site much further to the left than typical Raw Story articles. Alternet has always skewed super progressive, demanding Hillary step down in 2016 all the way to election day and have Bernie replace her. Despite Clinton getting 3 million more votes in the primary and trying to switch would tear the party apart. Just like the Raw Story demand Biden step down before the sun rose the day after the debate. Right now we don't even have another contender with enough support, name recognition, and fund raising capability to mount a successful run in just 4 months. But Raw Story wants to have a bruising convention fight that will divide the party through election day. It's almost like they want Biden to lose. Just like several people posting articles in Alternet in 2016 wanted Hillary to lose.

Walter White • 4 days ago

Shoving clinton up our ass is what tore the party apart. The majority of the people in the presidential election wanted none of the above. About 40 percent did not vote at all. The majority of clinton voters held their nose and did it because they hated trump. And the majority of trump voters did it because they hated clinton.

Only a minority composed of idiots liked clinton or trump.

It was the two worst candidates of my lifetime.

ulTRAX • 4 days ago

So none of Reagan's staff tried to hide his decline? If I were on Biden's staff... it's what I would do to protect the president's power and agenda.

It's one thing for Biden to do well on a teleprompter. The debate showed he was unable to think of his feet with material he should have long ago mastered.

Steve B • 4 days ago

Reagan was in his second term when his decline started, so that gets a pass. Did we want NANCY as shadow-president? Ronnie was bad enough.

Biden did fine at the debate. He answered questions mostly correctly, except the few times he trailed off somewhere else. He didn't LIE, not even once. I'll say this, if this election weren't more existential than any other election in the history of the US, I'd probably not vote, or vote for some third-party nonsense. I don't like, especially, how Biden, as president of the most powerful country on earth, has dealt with that cabal in Israel against Gaza. There's defending yourself, and then there's genocide. For that reason alone, I'd not vote for Biden this year, BUT the alternative to Biden is SO BAD, I will happily vote for Biden again.

Bob L. • 4 days ago

All I really cared about is he didn't lie his ass off like tRUMP did!

ulTRAX • 4 days ago

No it doesn't "get a pass". The issue here is whether staff will try to protect a president's power and agenda by not letting the public see any decline. But of course you can believe Biden is magically immune to the effects of old age. His stiffness over the past few years and lack of affect through most of the debate reminded me of my mom's Parkinson's. His confusion is a separate issue.

But sure, we can't have Trump... so I will gladly vote for any Dem. But I do wish for another choice.

Blue Meanie • 4 days ago

I thought Red Reddington took out the Cabal by season 4.... Oh, we're not talking about the Blacklist?? Story must be referring to Patterns of Force episode of Star Trek instead. Or just total BS from RS

ReQusant • 4 days ago

Russian propaganda & palace intrigue unsourced gossiping. The hysteria surrounding Biden having a bad 90 minutes trying to "debate" a psychopath is ludicrous.
I challenge anyone to defend themselves against a pathological liar, gaslighting in real time. All the unnamed sources are working to elect donald, championing project 2025, and anxious for an American dictatorship codified by a terrorist supreme court.