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NMskyimager • 3 years ago

Everyone must be fucked by Trump.. How I hate this bastard...

IBWatching • 3 years ago

If another country cut off our access to the vaccine here in America, we would be out to nuke that country.

So the fascist pig paints a bullseye on us... and then leaves.

Bob L. • 3 years ago

Oh Yeah, that ought to make him very popular world wide! I think prison may be his last sanctuary. Make sure he gets plenty of sheets, blankets and pillows. Maybe even a length of rope to fiddle with and a how to make a noose manual with pictures.

Ian McGarrett • 3 years ago

If this money is seized it should qualify as biological warfare and crime against humanity. Not that that matters anymore.

Gojiro • 3 years ago

This will be a Crime Against Humanity. TRUMP will be turned over for trial in The Hague.

VP505 • 3 years ago

It should be but unfortunately there are enough idiots in this country that will agree with him and think it's great that he wants to stick it to them like that..

xxxooo • 3 years ago

Iran has it's radicals just like our RWNJs Trump is an "UGLY AMERICAN"

SYSPROG • 3 years ago

Are you FKN kidding me? That stupid sht doesn't realize what a GLOBAL PANDEMIC is? No WONDER his followers are so completely ignorant.

Dick Hertz • 3 years ago

"Seize this, honkus!"


shivabeach • 3 years ago

Mr Rouhani
For $5.69, I will send you a detailed map to Mara fat largo. Suitable for ground troops

Jorge Lowell • 3 years ago

I'm as progressive as they come, but the headline smells a little like clickbait to me. This is about what Rouhani said he is concerned about, not anything the administration has said it would or would not do. I'd like to repost it on my FB page, but I can't because of that headline.

Freeze Peach 🍑 • 3 years ago

I hope other nations make sure that Iran is able to obtain the vaccine. Of course, this should happen for humanitarian reasons. But there is also the selfish reason of not leaving a disease reservoir.

Rachal Schlurr • 3 years ago

Something sounds fishy.
Ivanka did a video selling Trump Towers Baku a few years back.
When trump was told the TTB financing was traced to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, trump reportedly responded, "Why should I care where the money comes from?"

DriveBy • 3 years ago

Why does the US simply have to be a f'king asshole when it comes to dealing with Iran?


The last time the US seized money that belonged to Iran, it led to the hostage crisis. Let's hope this crisis leads to Iran acquiring a nuke, or 5000, because that seems to be the only way to make the world's leading terrorist nation put its rapist dick back in its pants.

oldjovian • 3 years ago

The US carries Israel’s water in regards to Iran. Israel would LOVE IT if the US decimated Iran. Trump would be rewarded by having something else in Israel named after him. He loves that stuff.

shivabeach • 3 years ago

I can tell you tonight, that Iran can buy nukes from Russia. They dont need to make their own

DriveBy • 3 years ago

The problem is, Iran does not believe in having nukes. I hope threats from the world's leading terrorist nation helps change their mind in that regard.

shivabeach • 3 years ago

they understand full well the consequences of lighting one off. They would be charcoal in minutes. Something the US had better understand as well

glasgal • 3 years ago

What a monster, The Haige needs to haul his gigantic orange ass to trial!

DJ • 3 years ago

That's F'd up and definitely something Trump would do. Iran could buy Covid Vaccine in bitcoins . No muss, no fuss.

Ferd Berfel • 3 years ago

Every one of his enablers needs to be charged and taken down. IF that doesn't happen this will be much worse - NEXT TIME

POV4 • 3 years ago

Personally pocket money he's stolen from Iran and take credit for Muslim deaths without having to lift a finger or spend any money. A win-win for him.
So successful at home, let's take it abroad.

ilyas252 • 3 years ago

whisper 'iran' to a con and watch it get wet or hard.

Whatsa Matta U alumnus • 3 years ago

He's committed mass genocide in the USA, Yemen and now is KILLING Iranian citizens!
I hope trump relives his "groundhog day" the rest of his incarcerated YEARS! Everyday trump wakes up the day AFTER the election and every day he has STILL LOST! Let that blood BOIL, tRUMP!
I PRAY the world will see this scenario the moment after PRESIDENT BIDEN is inaugurated !!
NEED HELP?! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

William Bombelyn • 3 years ago

His sanctions have been killing Iranians since he pulled out of the nuke deal and imposed new sanctions on them. He wants to kill more Iranians is what you meant.

Mayra • 3 years ago

He is really pretty stupid. He is on his way out, which means most of the protection he has been under will be over. These people, are professional terrorist that unlike America have been around for thousands of years. They are very patient, and if they really want to get him, they will.

Michtou • 3 years ago

I would argue that they are professional politicians, not professional terrorists. That label can be given to Russia, China and the US.

Mayra • 3 years ago

Who? The Iranians? I beg to differ, as they may well be professional politicians. But they happen to be professional politicians that are also professional at sponsoring terrorism as well. But as you so truthfully said, so is Russia, China, the US, and we should not leave out the Arab Kingdom and Israel.

katkelly57 • 3 years ago

djt....the super spreader of misery.

Blue dot • 3 years ago

I guess the fu¢ker hasn't killed enough people in America he's moving on to other countries?

Baconstang • 3 years ago

Might as well bomb their hospitals while you're at it, asshole.

Michael Rivera • 3 years ago

No matter how you feel about the Iranian regime, this is unconscionable.

artyoung • 3 years ago

The sadism of witholding money for vaccines is up there with caging Migrants and their children, or not signing a relief package. This is incredibly ironic given that Iran's entire history has been Fucked with by the United States and western neocolonialism,

d-Democrat • 3 years ago

I notice there are a bunch of right-wingers now claiming that Trump (R) isn't a Republican.

CosimodiRondo • 3 years ago

He sure knew which party was corrupt enough to crime with him.

d-Democrat • 3 years ago

Funny . . . both Reagan and Gingrich started out as Democrats . . . until they found out how much the right-wing paid off. FACT.

artyoung • 3 years ago

They bought that loose canon, he's theirs. Now they are crying about his narcissism, boo fucking hoo.

d-Democrat • 3 years ago

Brings back memories of the ship battle scenes from the movie, Master and Commander. A loose cannon was no joke! I can't even imagine.

M Benton • 3 years ago

Trump beyond the shadow of a doubt you are one Huge Piece of Shit.............

Mexfiles • 3 years ago

Trump himself, or just US policy? I don't see much difference between US political parties when it comes to the idea that the US can unilaterally impose sanctions on other nations, and in its attempts to punish any nation that has the temerity to think it has the right to its own natural resources.

d-Democrat • 3 years ago

There's a major difference between Democratic administrations using sanctions for reasons of State [...e.g., Obama used them to pressure Iran into accepting a multi-national nuclear agreement from Iran...] ...
... and Trump using sanctions for personal reasons [...or Bush(43) unilaterally invading Iraq for political reasons...]

d-Democrat • 3 years ago

Well, Iran . . . y'all know where he lives ... and you know what his habits are ... what'cha y'all waiting for? /s /s /s

jw • 3 years ago

President Hassan Rouhani said Saturday that Washington was demanding Iranian transactions for novel coronavirus vaccines pass through US banks, and expressed fear the money could be seized.

Who gives a fuck what the US demands? How can the US legally do this?

d-Democrat • 3 years ago

The United States has a lot of economic clout, worldwide. Might makes right ... in the right-wing world-view.

Baconstang • 3 years ago

Yup. The "Golden Rule"....

chyrd • 3 years ago

Never ceases to amaze me that all of the evangelicals, baptists, calvinists, among others preach fire and brimstone, and talk about the evil that is the anti christ. It does say in the bible that they will not know him. Here he is ladies and gentleman. You have been marked. Full disclosure, I'm an atheist and don't believe any of that. But shouldn't they recognize a scumbag when he is openly scumbagging?

Walldude • 3 years ago

Sure, if Christians actually followed the teachings of Christ. However, Religion, born as a way to control the masses, has turned into a way to fleece the masses. It has nothing to do with the Bible, good over evil, or helping those with the least among us. It's all about amassing wealth and power. Not hard to see why, or how it happened. After all we live in a country where when someone gets sick, our first instinct is to see just how much money we can take from them.

jw • 3 years ago

Right? The christianists have been warning about the anti-Christ for centuries.

Then he shows up and they vote for him. TWICE.

d-Democrat • 3 years ago

I dunno . . . by my count, it's EIGHT ... Reagan, Bush(41), Bush(43), and Trump. At least Trump is a One-Term POS, although WE will pay for his antics for decades.

chyrd • 3 years ago

They certainly did. Proving yet again they don't believe in this Jesus character. They are the antithesis of Jesus. As Ghandi said... I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.