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Don • 3 years ago

Maybe Trump plans to impale these traitors on that new fence he had installed around the White House. Or maybe have them set up on poles on his border fence as a warning to anyone who would not do as he demands.

Teto85 • 3 years ago
Clint Hall • 3 years ago

And I demand to know the name of the hairstylist responsible for that fucking hair!

Ken Shabby • 3 years ago

These Chickensh*t MotherF*ckers have been given the opportunity that only comes every 200 or 300 years.

The last time a group of Americans came together to tell a Tyrant King to take a hike we got John Hancock's large signature taunting the King of England on the Declaration of Independence.

Will any of this excrement rise to the challenge? Not a chance.

PyrpylKyrtynz • 3 years ago

Late-to-the-ass-kissing-ceremony attendees Mr. Haney and Ms. Lady G:
A sickening bouillabaisse of flattery, knee-crooking toadyism, and blind submission to a demented cartoon character
Don't even try to get a seat at the adult table when Donald Tweezerhands is excreted from orifice

crc3 • 3 years ago

Accept Biden as president elect or don't . It's not going to matter after the Electoral College gives Biden the presidency...

Destiny Endurance • 3 years ago

They never recognized Obama as President for 8 years...so who cares what they think?

Trump will be dragged out of the White House Jan 20th and nothing they can do about it.

N8W1der • 3 years ago

This 'toe the line or else' regime that Orange Anus still heads was aided immeasurably by those now cowed to silence years before Idiot Amin 'emerged.' Their own political Frankenstein now threatens those who dare say a single contrary word with death. They made this, now it owns them.

MiladyV • 3 years ago

That's Trump, still expects others to do his homework for him. I'm sure the 27 acknowledging Biden's win are known in by the GOP.

HairBear • 3 years ago

trumph wants the RINO's names, he must be wanting to throw a keg party in the Rose Garden, more than likely he will be tweeting them a invitation.

TheoLib • 3 years ago

Aah, Rep. Mo Brooks.

In late April 2011, there was the "2011 Super Outbreak" of tornadoes across the South, in the Midwest, and in the Northeast. Alabama was especially hard-hit with over 200 deaths and massive destruction. Rep. Mo Brooks said, "It's a proper function of the national government to assist people in times of national disaster. Don't get me wrong—individuals have responsibilities", recommending that people keep a 72-hour emergency supply of first aid and food. (See a fuller quote from a contemporary Politico article after the links below.)

A report of what Brooks said was reported in the Politico article. A commenter at digby's Hullabaloo responded:

There must be stupid written somewhere on [Mo Brooks's] forehead. Storing enough emergency supplies to last 72 hours is great.........unless a huge f*ing tornado goes through and takes your house. Generally your supplies will fly away with everything else.




https://digbysblog.net/2011/05/but-how-do-they-hope-to-pay-for-i/ (Commenting on posts was discontinued several years later and are no longer shown for the earlier posts that had comments.)

From the Politico article:

Brooks said he thought he was fulfilling one of the government’s primary roles. “It’s a proper function of the national government to assist people in times of national disaster. Don’t get me wrong — individuals have responsibilities,” he said, adding that he urges his constituents to keep first aid and food supplies that they can use for up to 72 hours, but “the federal government has a proper role. Some states would not have the capability to deal with the storms on their own.”

These reality checks in their backyard come just months after House Republicans approved a budget resolution that would cut $410 million from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a move that the NOAA chief, union employees and Senate Democrats said would hurt the agency’s National Weather Service, which is meant to provide early warnings to people in the path of natural disasters.

In the wake of the destruction, conservative freshmen said it’s a matter of priorities.

Be forewarned, what follows the last paragraph there is nauseating.

aquarius2 • 3 years ago

In true Mob Boss fashion----trump wants to find the names of the "traitors" and take them out. Out in his case means verbally persecute the hell out of them in the media. trump has been proven to be extremely vengeful. He makes it his life mission to destroy anyone or anything that goes against him

Setag Mailliw • 3 years ago

If the Dems were like Republicans they would have some dirty trickster start planting fake stories about Republicans claiming Trump is a loser and Biden won. Watch them all squirm.

Question Everything • 3 years ago

What if no one cared what you wanted...like right now...

Monster Speg • 3 years ago

STAND UP - by god!

basher72 • 3 years ago

Let’s see... as I recall, seven of them were dwarves. I’m not sure about the other twenty.

Taz • 3 years ago

Wake up GOP! This guy is gone in a couple of weeks, going back to irrelevant. Think his supporters are going to remember what you did in 2020? trump was never a Republican, he just saw an easy win after seeing what a wreck the party is.

Red Raven • 3 years ago

A more gutless GOP congress never existed.

lovingc • 3 years ago

Donny we still remember your criminal activities laundering the Iranian revolutionary guard's terrorist money in Azerbaijan !
You need to pack your bags and get out of Doge before the rest of the republicans impeach you and make it stick !
For those that don't know about it Google Trump and Azerbaijan , it is an eye opener !

Wilt • 3 years ago

We are witnessing perhaps the saddest chapter in presidential history. This man is ill. And he dares compare himself to Lincoln. Lincoln would have spat on this vile fool. Agent Orange planned this long ago when he saw the handwriting on the wall. So he started attacking mail in ballots and the post office. Now he claims that he was robbed because the mail in ballots are counted last. He knows he has lost. He just needs to show us one more time what a miserable specimen of a primate he can be. Covid has defeated him twice. Time to grow up. His crap has become so obvious, yet he thinks he's so clever. What a disgrace ! The GOP has lost generations of young voters who know lies when they see them.

Admiral Snowflake • 3 years ago

No member of Congress, who denies the election, should be seated if they won in 2020 because it would be ridiculous to seat someone who disputes his/her own election, right? And in order to be seated they must make a public announcement and apologize to the American people for being assholes.

Nick Danger • 3 years ago

I know the Dems won't do it, but I want every member of congress investigated for foreign money. Has to be more going on than fear of Dear leader.

Dt is acting as if he will have them all hung when he takes there name....This child is in his fucking 70s https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

larmarch5 • 3 years ago

Hummm. So has the “I am Spartacus” moment passed?

cosliberal • 3 years ago

Let's give him a list if he's too lazy or stupid to find it himself. I'll start....Graham, Cruz, Cotton, Johnson, Scott, Barraso, Cornyn,,,,

dottycharlesbanks • 3 years ago

The names are listed in the news story, along with Senators who are leaving office, and those who did answers the question with a solid yes or no.

empclsr • 3 years ago

I really do hope that he tears the R party to shreds, the party of racist hacks, the lies, the party of grifters and those who enable them!

DFW • 3 years ago

And what is the Donald going to do with the list when he gets it? Refuse to campaign for their re-election when he is a forgotten private citizen in 2 years? Not invite them to waste away in Mar-a-Lagoville with him? Threaten to not invite them to his funeral? He must have more briar patches than Bre'r Rabbit.

jj • 3 years ago

Enemies list. Been there, impeached that. At least Nixon exited with semi dignity.

Quantum_Cloud • 3 years ago

So, has it finally become
Democrats, Republicans and Trumpits.

(No it Is not spelled wrong)

Trumpits: That stink you get between two flaps of loose flesh that has not washed and gets that orange stain.
It causes raging stupidity to people who get it, like political athletes foot.

Yes, I am in a mood.

colorowdy • 3 years ago

It is easier to name those that Do NOT acknowledge Donald as the LOSER. The whole DAMN WORLD is congratulating Joe and Kamala. Fucker is in his own world.

bluetah • 3 years ago

The cult's hit list.

stoddard • 3 years ago

Baseless claims are Dawn Jawns stock in trade. The most tragic thing is the quivering and fear these so called Conservatives, have of Trump. De -Nial isn't just a river in Egypt.

The Con and Clown Show goes on.......🤦

fmd160 • 3 years ago

Another 220 GOP members of the House and Senate—roughly 88 percent of congressional Republicans—refuse to say who won.
Because the election loser might want their names, too. What a vindictive idiot and cowardly gop.

Mr559rick • 3 years ago

Mo Brooks is waving the battle flag and getting ready to fire on Ft Sumter.

mongopat • 3 years ago

Mo Dummy. But, he's probably smarter than the average constituent in his district filled with inbred cousin-fuckers .

deadeyeaz • 3 years ago

GOP = cowards,eunuchs,and TRAITORS!

PlutoC • 3 years ago

If Republicans weren't corrupt cowards, the 27 that acknowledged Biden to be #46, would band together and, with a united voice, destroy the mirage that conman Trump is selling them.

Black Cat • 3 years ago

Trump wants names so he can subject them to his "mob boss" intimidation tactics such as threatening them with treason charges like he did with "I want that Whistleblower!" in the run-up to his impeachment.

GrantS • 3 years ago

Trump's hunting for rats, snakes and weasels after failing to bag a donkey.

1GG • 3 years ago

"... nine others—including Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)—support his attempt to overturn the election results, ..."
In other words these 9 are traitors and should be treated as such since they have violated their oath of office to uphold the Constitution.

Black Cat • 3 years ago

In other words, Trump has compromising information to hang over the heads of these 9.

His evil mentor, Roy Cohn, taught him the true value of extortion.

1GG • 3 years ago

What could be be more compromising then treason?

kimn8r • 3 years ago

The Republicans in Congress are such cowards. When you willingly deny reality, you are a fucking coward.

Tom Flynn • 3 years ago

Sadly there aren't any Margaret Chase Smith's in the lot.

Clint Hall • 3 years ago

Hitler and Stalin would be so proud of their boy.

wait_a_dag_minute • 3 years ago

Gosar claimed that there is “too much evidence of fraud.”

Bring it bish! Put your $$$ where sh*t-filled mouth is bc rudy’s got nothin (not putting any “witness” under oath bc he can’t prove fraud occurred).

((( rl12 ))) • 3 years ago

These lies should be treated EXACTLY like lies to the FBI. These are not campaign lies these are deliberate lies to overthrow the United States Government. People must remember who is doing these lies and treat them accordingly. Not like they played softball to the TRAITORS that celebrated the 4th of July in Russia. Those TRAITORS should have been charged at the least with Sedition.

((( rl12 ))) • 3 years ago

F*ck Your Feelings Donnie