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Paul john • 8 years ago

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gilcarlson • 9 years ago

Get a better idea of why the aliens are here and how long they've
been here and what their plans for humans are!

Ralph • 9 years ago

What???!!! Chemtrails don't contain Viagra??? Can't be true. My body is reacting with something. Something very powerful. Something amazing. It it ain't chemtrails then there has to be some other explanation. Must be in the city water.

Andrea Carmody • 8 years ago

Hey Ralph, I couldn't comment on the article about face blindness but I wanted to tell you that it sounds like you've got "Aphantasia "(as well as the face blindness thing), look it up! It was a big relief for me when I read about Aphantasia and I understood a lot more about certain things I'd always struggled with (eg no image of family or friends in my head) hopefully it can help you too :)

RonPaulKicksAss • 9 years ago

"The ongoing measles outbreak linked to unvaccinated children has exposed one danger posed by hostility toward science, which is promoted in large part through social media."

Where is your proof for this claim? According the CDC's website, the measles outbreak was brought in by a foreigner and does not mention the person's vaccination status!

"The United States experienced a large, multi-state measles outbreak linked to an amusement park in California. The outbreak likely started from a traveler who became infected overseas with measles, then visited the amusement park while infectious; however, no source was identified. Analysis by CDC scientists showed that the measles virus type in this outbreak (B3) was identical to the virus type that caused the large measles outbreak in the Philippines in 2014."


It looks like Raw Story just makes stuff up!!!!

C Albert Welsch • 9 years ago

Don't believe this Illuminati article! It's a ploy by our reptillian overlords to mislead you into thinking jet fuel can melt steel beams!

Jim • 9 years ago

Those that did not read conspiracy pages interacted 100% with pages that did not contain conspiracy theories and tended to believe what they read. Pretty much same conclusion as the article but stronger. So what?

Andrea Di Napoli • 9 years ago

Correlation is pseudo-scientists porn.

Charles Edward Pardue • 9 years ago

Humans tend to believe pretty much anything they have been told. Experience and education are the only things that ameliorate this basic tendency.

There is some evolutionary basis for this reflex if you consider the fact that for most of our history we lived in small bands of individuals, usually numbering less than 150 individuals, with all knowledge being passed on by oral tradition.

This is why demagogues, using the mass media, present such a danger to our current existence, since they will say anything to further their agendas, and can reach a greater audience, unheard of in earlier times.

I hate people • 9 years ago

I want to share this, but maybe I'm being trolled.

1946vet • 9 years ago

Next we're going to hear that Christians Against Dinosaurs is a phony site!

Jim Mooney • 9 years ago

But I bet the World Economic Forum doesn't consider the Koch-funded lies about global warming, pushed by Faux and Rush, as digital misinformation. They like those kind of lies. And history tells us some conspiracies were true - the Reichstag fire, Weapons of Mass Destruction, the Gulf of Tonkin, etc.

The NSA spying on everyone was also a conspiracy theory, until Snowden told us it was real.

eyelashviper • 9 years ago

Delusional thinking is completely closed off from reality, so the conspiracy theorists are able to spin their nonsense, and their bots buy it, carry it on, and fend off any shreds of facts and reality.
As a psych disorder, meds and therapy can help, but first the individual has to recognize that they are delusional.

RoninOne • 9 years ago

Some of you might want to tone it down on the "wake up" and "sheep" comments considering that the numbers suggest that it is (you) that has pigeon-holed yourself into your own bubble of misinformation.... then again... perhaps that's just what they *want* you to think... (lol)

Guest • 9 years ago

LOL Well done! :)

Guest • 9 years ago

Worked in a big box for a few months. It is a prison.

maccamcfc • 9 years ago

This is what kills me about these knobheads, they are the boy who cried wolf, everything is a false flag, all this Jade Helm bollocks and nearly everything Alex Jones says, that when a actual conspiracy happens no one believes it because these silly bastards have been chatting shit for years.

Jim Mooney • 9 years ago

Really, the Koch Brothers are investing millions to kill local transit so they can sell more oil, yet that's not a conspiracy.

maccamcfc • 9 years ago

Did you read my comment " that when a actual conspiracy happens no one believes it" because it gets lost in all the other nonsense.

Jim Mooney • 9 years ago

Actually, the "nonsense" is done on purpose by intel agencies. They push crackpots or hire them to cloud the real issue, so they can shoot it down. Intel works Inside the US, although that's not supposed to be legal. I found that out personally when I had a clash with a "reporter" who was actually working for them. Only he didn't know I had a source who IDed him.

Some conspiracy theorists are paranoiacs, but some are right on. The difficulty is knowing the difference ;')

Chey • 8 years ago

You have evidence for these outlandish claims?

forwardprogress • 9 years ago

Not to mention the millions they are spending on our public school boards to continue their disinformation campaigns, or the millions "donated" to college economics departments so they can disseminate Ayn Rand's thoroughly debunked economic theories.
And so on....

Guest • 9 years ago

I got into a huge Facebook debate a short time ago, over this very fucking thing. My ultra conservative family members were sharing this idiotic story about mandatory adult vaccination and tracking program, which stated that all adults would be legally required to receive vaccinations coupled with tracking chips so that President Obama could keep track of us...

I went so far as to find the source of this story, and post a quote from it, with the link (from the fucking source!!!!!) that stated, very clearly, that it was a fucking APRIL FOOL'S PRANK!

Did that deter them? Of course not...


forwardprogress • 9 years ago

An APRIL FOOLS JOKE?! Oh sure, that's exactly what they want you to believe!!!!

Chey • 8 years ago

Yea totally not a April Fools Prank... Which is why Obama passed that new law making us put on those tracker in all of us. Getting mine implanted today... Oh wait this hasn't happened and NEVER WILL!

Anon E Moss • 9 years ago

Oh dear.

Guest • 9 years ago

Yeah... My thoughts were a bit more crude, but that's the jist...

Jon Helpingstine • 9 years ago

As noted below, most of those that are quick to dismiss or condemn one as a "conspiracy theorist" are ones that believe every word that Fox News tells them and only watch Fox News.

Nomorepsorisis • 8 years ago

All main stream media. Even CNN, MSNBC, ABC and any others I am leaving out.

shivabeach • 9 years ago

LOL, my first thought was fox news as well.

CrankyOldCoot • 9 years ago

Mention the 9/11 Truthers theory that is pure hogwash and watch the Truthers come to defend it. 5-4-3...

ConnieHinesDorothyProvine • 9 years ago

Shall I assume that these morons think that Onion articles are true stories?

Guest • 9 years ago

No need to assume. They do.

EC • 9 years ago

You have to love all the nutters coming out in force against this article in the comments below.

eyelashviper • 9 years ago

Note how they all have new socks...

JuanLiberale • 9 years ago

Conspiracy nutters band together? No surprise there. Alex Jones gets rich off of them.

Haruko Haruhara • 9 years ago

Just remember ...

... they want you to think it's a conspiracy!

Johnny Galvan • 9 years ago

People have no desire for the truth. If they did, they'd understand what the New World Order is and how easy it is to see it is pushed on us. They're literal cattle; goyim, useless eaters, sub-humans in the eyes of the Managerial Class of Illuminati bloodlines like the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, all the ones we're allowed to learn about. If you really want to learn about these things, there are tons of books on the subject. You can start with this pdf of a 1992 book by Michael Hoffman II Secret Societies and Psychological Warefare http://downloads.umu.nu/Boo... You can also read None Dare Call it Conspiracy (1970's book) By Gary Allen http://www.whale.to/b/allen... or Behold a Pale Horse by Bill Cooper, released in the early 90's. http://www.whale.to/b/coope... Also, check out David Eager on youtube and on Out of Darkness Into the Light on Talkshoe http://www.talkshoe.com/tal... And DON'T forget to get your ass to GLP pronto!!! www.godlikeproductions.com

eyelashviper • 9 years ago

Well, you are certainly on the list to be carted off to Fema Camp....best to avoid closed Walmart stores, watch for black suvs, and never accept food from strangers...

RecreationalPilot • 9 years ago

JuanLiberale • 9 years ago

What a joke. I can't wait until the Jade Helm project rounds you all up at the super secret Walmart.

Jim Mooney • 9 years ago

Why would the government evenWant Texas? The best thing they could do for America is give it back to Mexico.

JuanLiberale • 9 years ago

As if Mexico would want Texas back.

RecreationalPilot • 9 years ago

Wal*Mart has tunnels connecting their Mexican and American stores.

Shhh. Don't tell anyone. ▲

Jim Mooney • 9 years ago

It's true. I watched a Walmart near the border for two weeks. And ten thousand more Mexicans came out than went in!!!

RickyG • 9 years ago

it is on the You Tube so it must be true! https://youtu.be/TPMS6tGOACo

Are we there yet? • 9 years ago

You can't fix stupid................

Which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt fox viewers are stupid, and only watch to increase their degree of stupidity #:>)

Dichromos • 9 years ago

Like the crap in this article? Calling everything you don't believe as conspiracy theory and everyone, who have the intelligence to be able to entertain an idea without accepting it, as conspiracy theorists only serves to prove an inability to comprehend anything novel while dismissing everyone else that can. Stagnation and the inability to evolve is the last step to death.

F.Jaime • 9 years ago

Just out of curiosity, of the conspiracy theories presented, which one do you think is true?