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Sandrag • 3 years ago

Mitch McConnell and the GOP still think they can save themselves without taking any action. I am pretty sure the American people have noticed just as they noticed that 4 years of Trump and the GOP left them far worse off.

Macbill • 3 years ago

I hope it's a secret ballot. Everyone can vote their conscience.

Sandrag • 3 years ago

I suspect most of the GOP has a conscience that has been bought by others.

DonkeyKong • 3 years ago

Crush the S.O.B. then await the arrival of FBI agents to arrest him on civilian charges that have been pending for a couple years now. Put the fear of our Justice System in him and..........oh wait, the D.O.J. is mostly Rethuglicans ........moving on.....

steve • 3 years ago

Fuck the gop. Fuck its Fuhrer.

dssme • 3 years ago

No wonder state GOP co-conspirators are trying to rewrite laws so that the next GOP nominee will win elections even after the voters overcome their suppression
The GOP is finished as a national political party and the whole world knows it

Sandrag • 3 years ago

Since their first act after Trump was to initiate more voting suppression while refusing to admit that there was no fraud, yep I suspect the nation has noticed and woken up to how dangerous they have become to our democracy.

kevinbaja • 3 years ago

"The Democrats have taken my words out of context...!"
In : 5.....4......3.....2.........

conti ben • 3 years ago

SEE? THAT'S what I'm talking about...These people are on RECORD contradicting their OWN WORDS...Why is the media not playing these clips EVERY TIME they invite one of these liars on their shows? unforgivable that a resource this easily available is hardly EVER used

Mr559rick • 3 years ago

Moscow Mitch changed his tune after Putin pulled his string.

OTOH... • 3 years ago

Mitch is a Republican, not sure WTF Trump is, but he's not a Republican..

cwazycajun • 3 years ago

He upholds the twisted values of ratfucklickons..
Power for powers sake...
Greed..cause why not..
authoritarianism..cause it worked so well in the past ,present and will in the future..
Cruelty...awww boo hoo where we mean to you...to Damm bad your poor a minority or someone we just don't like deal with it...
Sadism...hey everyone needs a hobby...

FormerBobbyG • 3 years ago

Trump used to be a Democrat.... but he said a long time ago that only Republicans would be stupid enough to vote him into office, and he was right...

conti ben • 3 years ago

pathological liar and rank opportunist? Sounds pretty republican to me...Republican voters support him, and more that 4/5 of republican congress people support him.. So if he's not republican I don't know who is

OTOH... • 3 years ago

No argument, but looking down the road, what will Republicans stand for? QAnon nutjob conspiracies or conservative ideas. I don't think they can be both and survive.

Bart Deason • 3 years ago

I think they have made the decision!


Uncle RICO • 3 years ago

So by “no argument”, you must be coming down off your “Trump is not a Republican” nonsense. Good for you! You’d have to be a rube to think that =) Have a nice day.

Uncle RICO • 3 years ago

Trump is most definitely a Republican. As evidenced by his 89% approval rating among Republicans.

OTOH... • 3 years ago

No, he's a conman. If you can't see that you're just one of his rubes.

Uncle RICO • 3 years ago

Haahahaha what utter bullshit. Donald Trump is a Republican, the head of their party, the one who calls the shots and they all follow as his lapdogs. THEY LOVE AND ADORE HIM. He still enjoys 89% approval among the Republican base, the HIGHEST APPROVAL RATING any Republican has ever had... but you say he's not a Republican ...and I'm the rube LOL.

Why you or anyone would let the GOP off the hook for elevating this grifter conman makes no sense. Yes, conman - it doesn't have to be an either/or... being a conman doesn't preclude him from being a Republican, shit it's almost a prerequisite.

Moongirl6 • 3 years ago

"Yes, conman - it doesn't have to be an either/or... being a conman doesn't preclude him from being a Republican, shit it's almost a prerequisite".
Yup, it's a feature, not a bug.

Bart Deason • 3 years ago

Regardless of titles (a Republican, a Democrat, A green Party member), Donnie John IS the Republican's current mouthpiece. He owns the party, even if he declared himself an Independent.

So, rather than label him as a Republican, or a Democrat or whatever, i'll continue to refer to him as "The Asshole".

conti ben • 3 years ago


He RAN as a republican..WON as a republican, and continues to have high support among republican voters...Trump represents what the republican party has BECOME...THIS is who they are now...

A party of Con-men...

thxforbeer • 3 years ago

Right, he ran under the reform party, was a democrat that was pro choice, basically you can find two positions, or more, for every stance djtcheeto has ever made. He is the cheesy chameleon, pretending to have billions, social climber, attention seeker, wimp douchebag, that sane people knew he was...all along.

conti ben • 3 years ago

he ran as a republican and won as a republican. That makes him a republican. Full stop...People sometimes switch party affiliation (see wedge strategy)...That he was a democrat 20 years ago doesn't change the fact that he is a republican now...And the only reason he ever called himself a democrat is because NYC is a democratic enclave...He wanted to fit in...And you don't believe he actually ever VOTED, do you?

Setward • 3 years ago

Indeed. The thing is that Trump himself even said that if he wanted to run for president, it would be as a Republican. Because even his dumbass knows that the mutant base would believe every lie he says. And the sad thing is, he ended up being right on that part.

As far as I'm concerned, the Republicans didn't have to take him in. But they did because they saw that he can be used as a pawn for their regressive policies. However, they couldn't handle Trump's stupidity, and insanity, and it cost them power completely.

So Trump, and the Republican Party are simply one, and the same. Incompetent, and hateful crooks at their core.

Bart Deason • 3 years ago

"As far as I'm concerned, the Republicans didn't have to take him in. But
they did because they saw that he can be used as a pawn for their
regressive policies."

Oh, so true!!!!

Since he became president, Mr. Trump has largely operated as a greedy Republican, signing taxes that benefit the 1%’ers and corporations, eliminating regulations on corporations and appointing administration officials and judges with deep roots in the conservative movement (including many lobbyists). His approach has delighted much of the political right, handing them everything they have fought for over many years. And they are not about to give up that new found power.
Billionaires, chief executives, corporate executives and the denizens of Wall Street continue to fund the Republican party and bankroll Trump and his propaganda machine. They’re doing this because they’re raking in billions thanks to the Trump-Republican tax cuts and regulatory rollbacks. Trump is already promising more if he gets a second term.

Setward • 3 years ago

True. And that's all Trump was to them. A pawn for their regressive agenda to happen. However, Trump's incompetence has cost them power when he has shown himself to be a massive liability for them to hold power. And lo and behold, the Republicans lost it.

Of course, this means that the next time around, we have to make sure that we do the work necessary to fix, and change society so that everyone get a stable, and equal life. As well as make sure we keep voting for sane, and ethical people, and not let anymore Trumps get into power in the future.

conti ben • 3 years ago

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.....

Setward • 3 years ago

If the shoe fits, wear it. Any other phrase we can use all end up with the same thing.

conti ben • 3 years ago


OTOH... • 3 years ago

Yep. The GOP is full of opportunists and grifters Trump was just an irresistible vehicle for them to grift and cheat on an industrial scale.

Mr559rick • 3 years ago

Trump is a mobster, he's the leader of the moron mob.