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Sharon A Slominski • 3 months ago

SO he's now showing himself to be a blittering idot void f emapthy compassion and the ability to do any job let alone be in the wite house. I get it, but the other idiots don't. He's the main clown in his mini-rallies and NOTHING he says sounds remotely like a fit idiot to do the job in the white house in '25. I expect there to be a wild and aggressive reaction to all of this sort of thing by his MAGAS but even they aren't clicking right!. They will beat the stupidity drum hoping he doesn't get into office like the rest of us. Pathetic and ronic all at once!

SJay • 3 months ago

Ridin that Trump train,

High on cocaine...


MG • 3 months ago

I've read the comments before mine. How do we shut him down? Ignore his maga slaves, how do we wake up the people like me, that want a balanced and moderate country?

The media is complicit. They treat every 'tweet' that comes out of his ass like it's the inspired word of God. Wake up...

green peacer • 3 months ago

I still say that he is an inhuman evil monster in a shell of I don't know what.
Until the brains melt due to multiple aneurysms and run out his ears, I won't believe he's even somewhat human.
It's trumpism.
It's genetic.
Actually, we should be calling them Drumpf. Alternately Drumpft from the 16th century Germany. Another variation is Dromph, which translates as "pompous" or "proud". Ancestors worked in a vineyard in a little town in the Rhineland. It should be noted that the Drumpf surnmane derived from being a drummer.
However, many from the small town in the Rhineland have no desire to have anything to say about 45 "publicly".
I would say the holder of the surname in the US is an embarrassment at the very least to the folks in Germany.

Paula Thaxton • 3 months ago

I do refer to him as "drumpf" but never capitalized.

green peacer • 3 months ago

I hear you!
I just hope all those prophets from the past are correct with predictions that IT will be out of the picture around the middle of the year.
I'm opting for a very-very public episode with lots of coverage where IT has a complete physical breakdown complete with drool, muttering, screaming and an overflow of bowels from his diapers.

Walter White • 3 months ago

It is not craziness.

It is stupidity and sleaze rolled into a big stinking ball. It is the end result of devaluing intelligence, competence and skills. It is a result of glorifying salestrash, marketeering and "people skills" over all else. It is companies which only have purpose of making money because that is a LOT simpler than having to produce useful products, meaningful employment and serving the community while making a profit. It is a set of values where there are no provable facts, only opinions and what you can sell. It is a world where business consists of branding and marketeering, where "influencer" is a real job. It is a world where it makes no difference whether you sell potato chips and computer chips or cow chips, it is all the same because you sell the sizzle and not the steak. It is a world where wall street can destroy and loot hundred year old firms that were built by and built communities by using leveraged and borrowed money. And a world where the same wall streeters make the ultimate screw up and crash the entire eCONomy without being held accountable and barely seeing a hiccup in their bonuses. It is a world where pensions can be stolen with no accountability and 300 year old institutions destroyed for profit. It is a place where opinions and feelings and image trump facts.

trump is a disgusting, pustulent, stinking, putrefied foul symptom of all this rot but not the disease. People have been speculating for several hundred years why and how Rome fell. We only need to look at what is going on now.

MG • 3 months ago

In Freudian terms, he's pure Id. That's why his ego is so fragile.

Walter White • 3 months ago

No, he is pure idiot.

<---Has-been Traitor • 3 months ago


Affordable Cat Hair • 3 months ago

Alarms are raised! People are put on notice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!

MG • 3 months ago

"And you, Mr. Mayor, are responsible for the lives of millions of voters...." - Peter Venkman

Marc D • 3 months ago

And he's STILL dominating in the swing states. The country on the whole is hell bent on destroying itself. No one can be THIS ignorant, unless they are WILLFULLY ignorant...explaining where that will for self-destruction is coming from is well beyond my pay grade.

Norah Black • 3 months ago

No, Sir. He is only "dominating" because Fox & GOP have been successful in lying to viewers for 30 yrs. They are literally brainwashed. I have said this for 3 decades since Bush Sr. got rid of The Fairness Doctrine as a "reward" for Murdoch's cash infusion to Reagan's campaign. Murdoch & Ailes studied Goebbels propaganda machine with the intention of making the Rethug party ruler of the U.S. as a "one-party country". That is fascism. I said it at the time...."if they're allowed to LIE, opine & use propaganda with impunity....then they will bring us into fascism". I was scoffed at...at the time. "Oh it can't happen here" they said. To which I responded..."why"? You already believe lies over truth & fyi...1930s Germans were smarter than 1989s Americans. So for years I've fought the lone fight of bringing back The Fairness Doctrine...only to have a bunch of chuckleheads claim "it goes against the 1st amendment". However, they would then go on to describe the "equal time rule", which is not The Fairness Doctrine & it's certainly not what I am referring to. Even wikipedia has been corrupted to claim The Fairness Doctrine is the "equal time rule", which is curious & I don't believe accidental. The equal time rule was about allowing both sides of an issue to be discussed & compared/contrasted during the political season. That my friends...is not The Fairness Doctrine. The F.D. said that a newscaster cannot give the news along with their opinion, with propaganda or lies. News media must tell the news & only the news.

Now ask yourself if that sounds like it goes against the 1st amendment. No it doesn't. Yet the powerful, well-connected, CIA GHWBush used a corrupt FCC to repeal the Fairness Doctrine. Why would they go to all of that trouble to repeal that law...if it's so weak & meaningless as the GOP fascists have claimed? The other disingenuous knee jerk claim made by everyone else is that..."but the F.D only regulated network news, it won't work for cable news, or the internet". My response is this...if the F.D. were still regulating the big three networks ABC, CBS, & NBC, then it would force all other networks in line. Regardless of how many cable networks made other claims...the big three major networks would be forced to deliver the news unmolested with lies & propaganda & the result would pull the other networks into line because of that. I would bet my last dollar on that! We would not be in the situation we are in...of losing our democracy to a craven, corrupt, fascist party who is owned by billionaires due to the brainwashing of Fox & other right wing stations.

Media stations that act like there is no solution are wrong. I'm tired of screaming at the tv. I have to get people to understand this truth & stop blathering away & freaking everyone out. It's time to demand news media, cable, social media etc...be regulated to protect U.S. democracy. I have lost a dozen profiles on twitter, facebook, etc...for trying to protect democracy with knowledge, history, facts & truth.

WTF?Over! • 3 months ago

Yet more alarms sounding. Let me know when the fire is put out.

buzzenup • 3 months ago

They are being purposefully ignored. There needs to be a reckoning with Media. People are watching online news now because the regular media can't be trusted to just say what's right in front of them.
That's a problem. A big one.

techno333 • 3 months ago

Darnold Grump is infamous for observing that he could shoot down someone in a New York street and nothing would happen. More recently, a MAGAT interviewee said that DT (delirium tremens?) could stand on the steps of the White House and commit murder and he would still support him 100%. This is the sickness with which he has infected his hordes, who have already contracted the virus of hate and bitterness but are now itching for the chance to spread it.

d-Democrat • 3 months ago

Let's see ... so short clips of Pres. Biden (D) stuttering are proof of something or other --- while short clips of Trump (R) saying the most incredibly stupid things are passed over as Trump being Trump. This is what happens when The Domestic Enemy (R) controls the news and entertainment media.

Sheepleherder • 3 months ago

It's been 8 years now ... and they just started to notice he's off his rocker?

MG • 3 months ago

Einstein said everything is relative. It just seems long to you.

Sheepleherder • 3 months ago

I suppose. I would have thought 8 years was enough, but then again, I thought I knew everything that made him unsuitable to be a president of a junior high student body, much less the president of a great country ... after only 8 weeks.

Walter White • 3 months ago

It has been 30 or 40 years. Dave Letterman was mocking his trashiness in the 1990s.

Tozo • 3 months ago

Simply put ,this orange pus bag that is running to occupy OUR WHITEHOUSE is very dangerous and people better start taking him serious ,if we don't it will be to our demise ,he HAS to be destroyed ASAP !!

Norah Black • 3 months ago

The Republican party should be sued out of existence. A U.S. political party that has turned fascist, spread lie after lie about Dems & colluded with our enemies, rigged swing states repeatedly, etc..to secure power. It's treason. Now they've allowed a candidate who stole the 2016 election via Russian social media interference, hacking actual voting precincts, & the FBI has downplayed these facts. He with the help of David P used the Enquirer to make up false stories about Hillary & hide all the real stories about Trump. It's called election interference & that = #StolenElection2016

IBWatching • 3 months ago

The less likely the Fascist Pig sees himself winning the election, the more likely there will be a violent national incident(s) promoted and conducted by the Fascist Pig and his fascist MAGA thugs. If and when he sees himself losing the election, which to him means going to jail, he will call for and promote violence in the State Houses and in DC in an attempt to throw the November election off the rails. If he can't be president, he wants no one to be president, and violent attacks on election workers, liberals and people of color will be his path to widespread and deadly violence in his attempt to destroy our election processes. If anyone thinks he is just going to sit and watch himself lose, they are dreaming. Prepare yourselves for local trouble as those MAGA thug-neighbors down the street from you are given permission to burn and pillage your neighborhood. Be ready to react however you see fit to protect yourself and your family and friends. Take this shit seriously because history shows us that it has happened before in countries around the globe.

techno333 • 3 months ago

Absolutely. In the manner of Hitler, who ordered all good loyal Germans to fight to the death, destroy their infrastructure and burn their crops when the Allies were knocking at the door of his bunker, it's scorched earth all the way. He will sow the chaotic seed of his bitterness and acrimony far and wide, never mind who gets hurt. This has never been one of his concerns.

Cienega32 . • 3 months ago

Trump rode into 2016 on millions of dollars worth of free TV coverage. here the hell is the constant coverage of what this sack of crap domestic terrorist is saying now?!

rosetips • 3 months ago

This is who dt is and always has been. He's livelihood and freedom has never been this threatened at any other time in his life, as it is now. So stop trying to convince people he has gotten worse. The only reason why his actions are worse is because of his fear. He's the same greedy, racist, misogynistic coward he has always been. It's just that now he's showing people what an ugly human he really is. He has always cheated people, bullied people, used people, hated people, and tried to strong arm everyone in his life to get what he wanted. He's not a good person in anyway.

techno333 • 3 months ago

A dark soul masquerading as a human bein. He was born cuckoo and raised in the same manner as he now operates: bullying, using, hating, and strong-arming. The rotten apple has landed right at the base of the tree that spawned him.

CaliJAB • 3 months ago

We read this stuff and the other side hears a doctor say his cognition is excellent. Never the two shall meet.

Viktor Lazlo • 3 months ago

I tried. Nausea and vomiting ensued. Couldn't finish. I'll try it with the sound off...

Doc Smot • 3 months ago

Every fucking appearance is Festivus for the fool. His airing of grievances, along with pretending he has done nothing wrong has lasted well past the sell by date.

Why anyone would still even consider voting for the vile idiot is beyond my understanding. Every utterance a lie. Every complaint is from suffering the consequences of his own actions.

He's not so much running so that he can run the nation because he's such a pure hearted patriot as he is on a vengeance tour, and giving warnings about just exactly whom he plans on going after if given the power.

We've already seen what kind of "leadership" he is capable of. We don't need tens of thousands of lies for the next four years. He's a fraud through, and through, and all his bullshit over his life long crime spree is finally coming home to roost. The dumbest thing he ever did was run for POTUS. He had no clue how to do the job, and he certainly had no understanding that he was placing himself under the worlds biggest microscope.

You can't run your cons when the world is watching. David Copperfield he is not. Soon he will find himself in prison, and will have plenty of time on his hands to maybe come to grips with the fact that he did it all to himself. His biggest accomplishment will have been to reveal what a truly horrible, and vile person he is at his core.

techno333 • 3 months ago

He still has followers because his message resonates with his class of people: bitter, hostile, unfulfilled losers who have no desire to be part of the "system" that they feel has marginalized them, or of the well-adjusted people who still display a degree of contentedness and acceptance, whom in frustration at their own failures the MAGATs blame for all their shortcomings.

frank johnnson • 3 months ago

Good comment, to the point, well said and well written. 👍

techno333 • 3 months ago

Thanks. Comes from the heart.

featherknife • 3 months ago

There needs to be a debate between trump and President Biden. But only if the only microphone that is live is during one side's question, and the other side's response. For some idiotic reason, trump believes debates are won by talking over your opponent. To have a rational, clear, and fair debate, trump's microphone has top be controlled, and debate rules have to be enforced by a tough moderator. There needs to be strict enforcement of time limits on questions and answers. Might be a good idea to arm him with pepper spray. Or a flame thrower.

techno333 • 3 months ago

When Darnold Grump shouts over his opponent, or disses them in one of his unhinged diatribes, you can hear the same cheers from his fateful as would have been heard when the starving lions devoured the Christians in the Coliseum - mindless, mob mentality, thirsting for more blood. I witness the same LCD behavior many years ago when I took my son to a couple of wrestling matches and the little old ladies in the crowd spat on the villain dejour when he strode into the ring, or when he got clocked by a folding chair and the blood packet ruptured. Like Delirium Tremens himself, strictly low-grade.

IBWatching • 3 months ago

Debate with Trump would be useless and would only serve to further enrage his fascist MAGA thugs. There would be no new knowledge gained by allowing the Fascist Pig a national platform to insult President Biden with.

CaliJAB • 3 months ago

And no pacing behind the other like a shark ready to attack. He did that to Hillary.

d-Democrat • 3 months ago

Did you notice that the corporate-owned media did much less reporting on that than they did when Al Gore (D) walked up behind George W. Bush (R). The Selective Outrage (R).

Richard Warnick • 3 months ago

Trump is so wrapped up in his criminal cases, trying to stay out of prison, that he forgets to talk about the ten "Freedom Cities" he wants to build out in the desert with flying cars.

techno333 • 3 months ago

I wish to hell he'd hurry up and move his mob far away from everyone else so, like the mutineers from the HMS Bounty on Pitcairn Island, they could gradually dispose of each other, as is their nature.

Katie • 3 months ago

I forgot about that one! Hard to keep up.

Squi • 3 months ago

He's always so angry these days. It seems the only thing that ever cheers him up is when he talks about someone somewhere in America getting murdered.

Guest • 3 months ago
jjo • 3 months ago

I don't think we have to wait for psychopath. He's already there.

acidfly • 3 months ago

Its the MSM. They're first in line at the Trump gravy train and will be the last off. They legitimize him. They keep his head above water. I mean, havent you heard? Both sides are the same. /sss

Joyce Griffin • 3 months ago

We are dealing with people who unfortunately are as demented as he is. Most them just want a civil war so they can cosplay! They haven't stopped to think that if Trump loses and they start a war WE have the best, biggest and strongest military behind us!!! Who do you think will win and how many of their loved ones would die? They really need to think, but then again, stupidity has them blinded.

jjo • 3 months ago

The people that Trump appeals to are largely white men who want to go back the 1950's or earlier when women and people of color knew their place dammit!! How dare women cry rape when they say no. How dare people of color think they are equal. It is now up to the voters in this country to say there is no going back!

techno333 • 3 months ago

Good point, but not all white men. I recall the 50's as the time when the biggest thing we had to worry about at school was detention or the schoolyard bully. Shootings were something you saw in the movies when the guys in the black cars had tommy guns or the guy in the white hat faced down the guy in the black hat and always won. Yeah, we had trailer trash back then, too, the kids from broken homes who were no good. But by and large, things and the trailer trash were not nearly as off track as they are now, and didn't motivate the media to appeal to the LCD.