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terminus2 • 4 months ago

So, essentially the defendants are arguing that the prosecutor (Nathan Wade) only got the job of prosecuting them because he was in a relationship with Fanni Willis.

Essentially, they are arguing that Nathan Wade was not a good enough prosecutor to get the job of prosecuting them on his own merits.

Now, I am no legal expert, but I am thinking that if it were true then this would mean that Nathan Wade would have replaced a much more talented/qualified prosecutor. This, in turn, would also mean that such a prosecutor would be more likely to present a better case that would end in a guilty verdict.

This would also mean that they are currently less likely to be found guilty with Nathan Wade as a prosecutor. So they should probably shut up and accept Nathan Wade as a prosecutor as they are more likely to be found not guilty.

Breezi621 • 4 months ago

Didn't Bradley testify under oath that he didn't know when the relationship started? I guess the thought of jail time for perjury was enough to set him straight, but I wouldn't expect this kind of behavior from a lawyer.

Robyn Ryan • 4 months ago

Because playing fair isn't in their book.

this unregistered voter • 4 months ago

Will the lawyers be disciplined?

Kathy Indiana • 4 months ago

The judge in the Georgia case is as prejudiced for Trump as Judge Cannon and the Supreme Court are; Judge McAfee's rulings have been horrible for Fani Willis from day one and he is guaranteed to take both her and Nathan Wade off the case - which means the whole office will be pulled from it and no one else is qualified to prosecute it. End of case. The judicial system is rotten to the core and the only cure for Trump is to VOTE BLUE; equal justice my ass.

JAY - STOP THE FASCISTS! • 4 months ago

I don't see that at all.

He's a young judge with, what could be a long career ahead for him, if he plays his cards right.

GA is turning BLUE and Fani Willis and Nathan Wade have neither broken any laws or broken any ethics.

He will play the right-winger judge, but ultimately he will rule for her.

Besides, now that everyone knows what the scheme was from jump, he'd look like he was in on it and he doesn't want that.

John Teegen • 4 months ago

i don,t put anythingpast trump,s lawyers at all.vote blue

Robyn Ryan • 4 months ago

We need to start displaying public hostility towards MAGAts.
Don't forget to call your Congresscritters and State legislators.

Ibshame • 4 months ago

It appears Bradley was trying to hit on Merchant. He was trying to bolster her so HE could have a relationship WITH her. That is WHY he told her those lies. Ok it makes sense now. He didn’t expect she would call HIM to the witness stand but she needed his text messages to win her case. He was pissed at Wade because he had to leave their firm BEFORE Wade got the contract from Willis that meant he lost a lot of income from their three way split.

Wade got to have it split TWO ways instead of THREE and that left Bradley out. He had to pay that female assistant in their firm $20,000 for sexually assaulting her. He didn’t have $20,000 but he knew Wade had it because of the contract so he approached Wade and got turned down even though he had been Wade’s divorce attorney. Bradley KNEW Wade had caught his wife cheating. He knew ALL of the sordid details AND he knew Wade was trying to date Willis but she wasn’t having anything to do with Wade romantically. Everyone seems to forget Willis had a boyfriend.

Bradley decided he could get his revenge against Wade by saying Wade had a romantic relationship with Willis before it began AND hit on Merchant at the same time. However, Merchant was just using him because she thought he was the goose that laid the Golden Egg for HER effort to remove Fani Willis. When she told Bradley she would keep him out of it, she knew she was lying. When he realized he had been played like a cheap fiddle by Merchant it was too late for him to try and tell the TRUTH about why he told her all of that BS because Merchant was putting him under oath. Now he’s sitting there knowing she USED him, so instead of him getting in HER drawers, she stabbed him in the back.

Judge McAfee has allowed all of this mud to be out there, it makes sense now why the State put out the information about the sexual assault by Bradley. At first it made no sense but Willis has known all along about the allegation, probably because the woman might or might not have filed CRIMINAL charges against Bradley. The judge should end this whole mess tomorrow. THERE IS NO REASON TO REMOVE WILLIS FROM THIS CASE. IT IS A STATE CASE and not a FEDERAL CASE so they can’t use the SCOTUS decision yesterday to delay it. No doubt that will be trump’s next move. What Willis should do is speed this thing up.

Ibshame • 4 months ago


Possumlove • 4 months ago

Works for me. Makes more sense than the accusations from the defense.

Finbackrich • 4 months ago

I love the smell of RICO,
in the morning.

How 'bout you,
Mr. Bradley ? ...

MiddlePillar • 4 months ago

This explains his weird testimony. When it came right down to it Bradley chose not to purger himself in a case this big by saying he knew the relationship started before Wade's hiring.

EastCoastBlue • 4 months ago

Bradley...disgruntled ex-friend...

OneWhoCriesOut • 4 months ago

Sad thing is it looks like SCOTUS is trying to give Trump a pass on immunity, taking the case delays the Federal cases. If he is reelected, he orders a new Attorney General to fire Jack Smith and dismiss the cases. It looks like the Georga judge might fire Fani Willis from prosecuting the case. They are trying to give Trump every opportunity to be Elected and evade prosecution. Next up, Trump motions all criminal courts to wait on SCOTUS immunity ruling. Justice Delayed.

Robyn Ryan • 4 months ago

Start fighting for democracy. Publicly support Biden.

OneWhoCriesOut • 4 months ago

Bradley did not think she would actually call him to the witness stand. He's like a scorned spouse. Who initiated contact. He was warned by the Bar Association and looked hurt when his sexual assaults came to light. A coworker and a client. He was kicked out of the partnership and forced to pay the coworker. His legal career is basically over. The judge, Merchant and Sadow are gonna go after him. Wade is gonna go after him. The State is gonna go after those lawyers and Wade's wife. They dug into his personal sealed divorce. They need to find out how Merchant started this mess in the first place. Who contacted whom?

Guest • 4 months ago
Robyn Ryan • 4 months ago

Until we vote GQP out of power

Smells like conspiracy.

mommyHASaheadache • 4 months ago

Bradley and Merchant were flirting with each other. Bradley was bitter as hell because he was fired for sexual assault, I wonder if him and Merchant were fucking?

Lady4real • 4 months ago

Yes, why yes, they are! Why do you ask? Think it's important? /s

The /s is implied • 4 months ago

Sounds like the attorney crossed the line and became a part of the overall RICO case. Willis should include them in the case and subpoena all of their client notes and communications. I'd bet that she'd find that there is coordinating communications between the different Trump co-defendants' attorneys, which would be a conflict if they're overall goal is toward getting Trump off instead of looking after the best interests of their individual clients.

Lady4real • 4 months ago

I wonder how much Bradley got paid of her client's money, sounds like a conflict of interest to me. Sleeping with the star witness while trying to scuttle a RICO crimes case.🤔

Karen • 4 months ago

This crime of the attorney could set her up for disbarment. Every time you turn around in this GA case, there seem to be multitudes of slimy GOP lawyers.

Joey Wolowitz • 4 months ago

Are there any other kind of GOP lawyers?

Lady4real • 4 months ago

Bradley ought to lose his bar license for sure.

Mark Klein • 4 months ago

So should Merchant

1strepublic14thstar • 4 months ago

"Lavish trips "?

Way to lean into the Republican messaging.

You're talking about two people who traveled to typical tourist destinations and stayed at chain hotels.

If that's "lavish" then every American family that's ever been to Disneyworld has spent lavishly.

Lady4real • 4 months ago

Lavish because black people should never go on vacation when they should be working.

KarenAtFOH • 4 months ago

So Bradley left Merchant hung out to dry. Pity.

Marilyn Rose • 4 months ago

As I said from the start, this is a typical republiSCUM smear effort on behalf of donald john dump. This is a re-do of the Clinton-Lewinsky smear on the part of Ken Starr. It's disgusting and makes me ashamed of my country.

herbsistah • 4 months ago


Marvel E Daniels • 4 months ago

How could she ever had left Bradley out of 'this'? He was the only person who said the relationship began way before the grand jury impeached defendants. None of the other 'subpoena them all" confirmed the gossip between Bradley and Merchant, nor had any personal knowledge of the relationship. This attack on the District Attorney's office was based on gossip and the gossiper refused to say the gossip was true and from personal knowledge. Co conspirator Bradley, he was the only one. Defendant then presented an embarrassment of a evidentiary hearing where the rules of evidence were not used. Did Merchant abuse the system? Well she could not have without the help of McAfee.

Anne Tye • 4 months ago

Misjudged Fani perhaps? Thought that the filing alone would make her panic and recuse herself to avoid being dragged through the mud?

Or maybe she thought that a white male conservative judge would simply throw that uppity black woman off the case without a hearing.

rt5guide • 4 months ago

"then carrying on a romance that had them spending suspected taxpayer funds on lavish trips to Napa Valley and the Caribbean."

Hey RS, that's a pretty shitty way to portray the facts. It makes it look they are being accused of using public money for their own. That is not the case. It was never the case.

numbskull • 4 months ago

The best laid plans of mice and men often go wrong

herbsistah • 4 months ago

Because the Men are Mice....

Colin Snook • 4 months ago

Conspiracy of jumped up nobodies peddling smut

Here4humour • 4 months ago

Was Merchant trading sex for testimony? A couple of those messages sounded a bit more intimate than the usual defense lawyer - potential witness relationship.

rick • 4 months ago

Anyone connected with Trump is a mean, nasty, emotionally unwell individual.

noGOP • 4 months ago

after she reads that, i don't think bradley will be getting no Fani anymore.

Here4humour • 4 months ago

Are you confusing Bradley with Wade?

GrantS • 4 months ago

This manufactured side plot has obstructed justice long enough.

MG • 4 months ago

trump is a worm that just saw the hook. Squirming is his only defense.

Raymond D Hedrick • 4 months ago

And the Judge "fell" for it, say it isn't so!

CanyonCarver • 4 months ago

"Trump team lawyer's texts show shadow effort to disqualify Fani Willis"


Raymond D Hedrick • 4 months ago

times 1000

totalblyss • 4 months ago

Hoping no one is surprised by this…

Ricardo Santos • 4 months ago

"Hundreds of text show that there was a concerted effort", Who found them? And doesn't the damn judge know? Do we have another "judge Cannon" on this fcked up case? Nothing has been proven that points to criminal or professional ethics violations. All, has speculative and nothing points that DA Willis profited off of Wades' hiring.