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J Ascher • 3 months ago

The judge absolutely should and must not "shrug off" TFG's ongoing attacks.

The next time TFG is in NYC, the judge needs to have him arrested and jailed without bond.

Tozo • 3 months ago

This is crazy ,how much can America put up with from this orange pus bag ?Arrest him and throw him in jail ,show true Americans that you just cannot get away with this childish nonsense no matter who you are.Spank the child and make him stand in the corner.!

Steve Eshleman • 3 months ago

Gag orders are meaningless unless strictly enforced. So far the Teflon Don has gotten away with multitudes of egregious gag order violations and frivolous delay tactics with no real consequences whatsoever. Trump pisses and moans about a "two tiered justice system". He's right in one respect, the justice system is two tiered. Except it's tilted at near 90 degree angle in Trump's favor (as it is also for other rich, white, famous, and/or well connected defendants), not ours. If any of us mortals out amongst the great unwashed got in trouble with the law for so much as spitting on the sidewalk and tried one 1/1000th of the shit Trump gets away with on a regular basis bail would be revoked in a NY minute and we'd get hauled off to jail all and left to sit in stir all the way up until trial. It would be even worse for African Americans. Police would just shoot first and ask questions later.

carl gunn • 3 months ago

I'm going to hold you to that judge. No more motions entertained. No more continuances. No more delays no matter what the cause.

Get on with the trial. On time. Without delay. From opening statements, to witnesses questioned, to evidence presented, to jury instructions, to jury sequestration, to final verdict, to sentencing.

Without the width of a piece of paper being able to cause any separation on that timeline.

MR.ZIMM • 3 months ago

Donald and his demented mind and mouth will be stopped when he's DOA. That's where our
system of justice is at in real time today. How did it ever get this bad that a really stupid deranged psychopath gets to run for president yet again? Wasn't once enough????

Steve Eshleman • 3 months ago

Historians 100 years from now in the year 2124 will look back at the first quarter of the 21st century and wonder WTF was wrong with those Republicans? How could a majority of otherwise rational party turn into lemmings following a Pied Piper like Trump over an electoral cliff?

And these Evangelical Christians. Didn't they even read their Bibles? Here you have a presumptive GOP nominee who a) lied about a legitimate election that he lost fair and square, calling it "stolen" and "fraudulent" even though he and everyone around him knew for a fact it wasn't stolen or fraudulent, b) he pushed the Big Lie from before the 2020 election up to this day, in which c) he and his minions tried every dirty trick imaginable to overturn said election up to and including calling on rabid supporters to literally "fight like hell", resulting in a violent insurrection that trashed the Capitol, caused numerous injuries and four deaths to cops, d) has been indicted on 91 criminal counts (since reduced to 88) in four separate jurisdictions, including two state and two federal cases, e) was adjudicated liable in two state level civil cases as a defamer, a de facto rapist, and a business fraud resulting in judgements totaling $537.3 Million. One of the criminal cases involves covering up a hush money payment to what in effect was a tryst with a paid prostitute. Not to mention trashing a JUDGES DAUGHTER repeatedly after being slapped with a gag order. All at the same time blaspheming the Holy Bible as a money grubbing grift to line his own pockets. Not to mention the fact that his "USA Bible" includes the founding documents, Constitution, and Declaration of Independence, Pledge of Allegiance, which violates the spirit if not the letter of 1st Amendment separation of Church and State.

To those Evangelicals I would like them to bookmark these New Testament passages:

Matthew 6, 5:8
And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
8 Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

Matthew 6, 19:24
19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Matthew 7, 15:23
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

vito aluia • 3 months ago

Will somebody put him in Prison please!

Mizz_Muzi • 3 months ago

"it’s unseemly for a judge or top prosecutor to protect themselves..."
I will never understand why it has become acceptable - the norm - for indicted criminals to insult, defame, threaten, etc. judges and DAs and their families. WHY IS THIS OK ?!?

fmd160 • 3 months ago

The New York judge overseeing Donald Trump's hush money case might overlook the former president's attacks on his daughter to avoid delaying the trial, an expert said Friday.
I can see why that might make sense, but it's still a very bad look for the legal system, especially, because the former guy almost always gets away with trying to delay a trial. It just isn't right that judges and their families have to accept what the a-hole tries to do to them.

rod • 3 months ago

Remember donald, the judge is sucking it up, knowing that he who sucks it up last, sucks it up worst. You will get yours in the end.

Sheepleherder • 3 months ago

These judges are pretty brave ... a lot braver than the GOnceP pols in Congress, combined.

TMID 2.0 • 3 months ago

I'll take a delay if it puts Trump in a cell overnight for contempt. Just one lousy night.

Petey Wheatstraw • 3 months ago

"Suck it up?"

What kind of shit is that? Who else could attack a judge's family and get away with it?

It's just another excuse and example demonstrating that donnie will never be held accountable.

pam bergren • 3 months ago

You didn't read nor understand the article, Pete. IF he throws Trump in prison for breakaing gag order, then not only will Trump base threaten more, BUT this will put off the court case and delay it, which is exactly what Trump is trying to do. IF he becomes President, he will throw out and pardon himself from everything. All of them.

Petey Wheatstraw • 3 months ago

You're right. My bad.

We must cower in fear of donnie and his followers.

I forgot about that part.

Silly me.

DMS • 3 months ago

Wondering why the judge did not include his family in the gag order?

Chief John • 3 months ago
Marslander • 3 months ago

The judge knows what Trump is up to. Trump is trying to incite an angry response from the judge, so after Trump loses his court case, (he will lose) Trump's lawyers can say in their appeal that the judge's open hostility towards Trump tainted the case, so the verdict should be tossed out.

Petey Wheatstraw • 3 months ago

Yeah, and you threaten someone's daughter and then expect them to be civil?

What kind of grounds would be the appeal?

pam bergren • 3 months ago

He didn't threaten her, he LIED about her and tried to tie her to Biden.

DMS • 3 months ago

TFG & his lawyers will make a case claiming judicial prejudice as another delay tactic that will set the trial back another month+. We likely won't be seeing any of the cases against TFG take place before the election. Delay,delay, delay is the only thing the criminal has to avoid prosecution before the election.

kimn8r • 3 months ago

The court has never actually enforced a fine on him yet. We hear about them but there is never a follow up on whether he actually paid his fines or not.

FU_Pubs • 3 months ago

Why bother with the gag order when they are not enforced. Very weak on the judges part.

Nick Sr. • 3 months ago

It is absolutely right to do what it takes to let the trial move forward on time. Not only because Trump is desperate to delay, delay, delay, but you can’t put Trump in jail for violating his gag order. It just wouldn’t work. He will pretend to have a heart attack in five minutes and spend the rest of his time in the hospital acting like he’s Jesus on the cross and fundraising off of it. Trying to put him in jail now is not worth it. They have infirmaries at prison. That’s where our focus should be.

kimn8r • 3 months ago

That’s why he just needs to be neutralized. Who ever puts him in the morgue will be a national hero.

DruidsRule • 3 months ago

He's going to delay anyway he can, throw his criminal ass in jail until the trial.

ignatzfattis • 3 months ago

We should all suck it up. Be brave. Be ready. Call them out on all their terroristic threats, and dare them to bring it on.

The Fear of political violence will kill a democracy faster than ACTUAL political violence will.

So yeah. Bring it on Assholes.

Dr. Janeth • 3 months ago

If I were Loren Merchan and my Daddy, Judge Juan Merchan did not stand up for me or reprimand some stinking douchebag nazi fuckwad criminal, I would never have anything more to do with him. Ever. That's reprehensible. It's condoning trump's words and actions and letting him get away with it, so his next rhetoric gets a little nastier. Grow a fucking pair of balls there, Judge Merchan and defend your daughter against the antichrist. Fine donaldfuckingtrump $25K each time he violates the gag and throw his fat fucking ass in jail for 24 hours along with it. Everyone is playing trumps game in the legal arena. Time for our judicial system to wake the fuck up, prove that you yourself are not on the trump payroll and show the orange walking abortion that there are implications to violations.
Something of which has not, nor never been done.

Diaper Don’s putting Judge Merchan’s daughter in danger, there will be consequences, despicable defendant will not know when it’s done.

John J Guy • 3 months ago

Sadly, this is exactly what TFG is pathetically attempting to do. He is trying to create a delay.

It’s not going to work and the Trial will go ahead.

nkd • 3 months ago

One of his judges ( I frankly keep up... Maybe E Jean's) sanctioned him twice. After that he pretty much kept his mouth shut. Why this judge do that?

bingbingbong • 3 months ago

I know it hard dealing with the Orange Dick face. But I would too. He just baiting you as soon as you respond to it…
WHAAAAA Judge is mean to baby Trumpy… WHAAAA. I’m being persecuted. gag ord order, appeal it. He farted in My general direction,, WHHAAAAA!!!

AristocraticHauteur • 3 months ago

Look at this evil, ugly fuck.


DruidsRule • 3 months ago

I can't wait for the picture with the orange suit.

Petey Wheatstraw • 3 months ago

Sorry, but you'll be waiting in vain.

DruidsRule • 3 months ago

He cannot escape the stroke he's going to have, that I can tell you.

Ferd Berfel • 3 months ago

Why would tossing him in jail slow the trial any more than he is already doing?
He can be locked up, and hauled out for his appearances based on the court schedule, not his. In fact, accelerate the schedule because of this crap

kimn8r • 3 months ago

This is how you know that Trump controls the courts. They will cave in to him every time.

Ferd Berfel • 3 months ago

Sure looks that way

T Tourist • 3 months ago

It's always been that way.

Ferris LeChat • 3 months ago

Merchan will get the last laugh when a couple of months down the road he has the pleasure of sentencing Trump after he's found guilty unanimously by the jury of being a criminal...

Petey Wheatstraw • 3 months ago

I see you got jokes.

Ain't shit gonna happen to donnie even if he is convicted. They'll sentence him to a few months probation at best...

And he will still violate the probation and nothing will happen.

Big B2 • 3 months ago

Oh, he will of course be found guilty of some charges, perhaps a majority of them. But then, after a phone call from the DOJ explaining the situation, Trump will at worst receive house arrest, and most likely not even that. He will be fined, and his sentence will be suspended when he pays it.

fmd160 • 3 months ago

Exactly. If it worked for Paxton in Texas, it will work here.

pescadofisk • 3 months ago

IF he isn't in jail for the Maralardo documents he isn't going to jail for anything .. EVER.

Petey Wheatstraw • 3 months ago

That case is essentially over before it starts.

Ferris LeChat • 3 months ago

It's a NY state case, nothing to do with DOJ...

La Résistance (Kash Krupa) • 3 months ago

But tRUMP will be a felon which, according to most if not all polls, kills his chances for the WH. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

kimn8r • 3 months ago

You would think so, but apparently being a life long criminal and a convicted rapist is a plus in American politics.

La Résistance (Kash Krupa) • 3 months ago

No, not really. tRUMP is losing voters. tRUMP got 51% of the vote in Iowa, 54% in New Hampshire & 60% in South Carolina.