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HPB • 1 month ago

Scott Armey should never be allowed near Congress if he's anything like his extremely loathsome dad, Dick Armey, who manufactured the Tea Party to manipulate the 2010 election and the subsequent extreme gerrymandering in red states which followed in the reapportionment.

Using dark money, Armey manipulated the media who created a perception of a gigantic "grass roots (anti)government movement" specifically aimed at President Obama and the Democratic party.

Remember these were the jackwagons who literally spit on John Lewis while claiming to be patriots. Waving signs with apes and watermelons. "Keep your gub'ment hands off my social security." Fake populist movement steeped in racism which came and went in 6 years.

Judy Bloom • 1 month ago

I am in favor of taking money out of campaigns but not this way. Has anyone been caught and prosecuted? This is partially due to DeJoy and his campaign to destroy the USPS.

Farmer Suicide Rate • 1 month ago

Excuse me, sir, in what aisle can I find a hacksaw to cut oligarchs out of our democracy?"

lmurr • 1 month ago

"...to support our business, associates, and communities. Umm yeah, fuck those last two."

Farmer Suicide Rate • 1 month ago

The oligarchs fund the GOP fascist insurrectionists, and then turn around and fund the establishment Dem fossil "leaders" to protect the insurrectionists from any consequences.

It's worked so far. Just ask Pelosi:

โ€œHere I am, Nancy Pelosi, saying this country needs a strong Republican Party.โ€
May 11, 2022 Aspen Ideas Climate Conference in Miami.

Shaun M.J. • 1 month ago

I'm a Democrat, but shades of Citizens United v. FEC - what is my favorite home improvement store doing with a superPAC??

This has got to go.... corporations are NOT people!



chaserblue • 1 month ago

Sounds like a thriving cottage industry...๐Ÿ˜†

Donnie Sharp • 1 month ago

The existence of these pacs is as confusing to people overseas as our pharmaceutical medication commercials. They don't understand why any of this is legal. It's so very clearly bribery.

"Hey Mr Congressman would you like some money? Will you vote in favor of regulations to help my company? Okay I'll help you get elected. And by that I mean I'll pump it up money into your election that it almost guarantees you win."

But it won't change anytime soon because Republicans know that this form of bribery is far more effective from the right than it is from the left.

NMRon • 1 month ago

PACs should be outlawed as organized bribery.

DownriverDem • 1 month ago

Home Depot supports trump. Don't go there unless you have no choice.

Bobby McGee • 1 month ago

I know the founder was(is?) a big tRump-humper and I used to go on that, but given these OpenSecrets numbers I'm not sure which team they play for. I'm inclined to agree, and since there's no shortage of hardware stores in my area, big box or otherwise, I avoid HD.
Frankly, I avoid any business that I can see offers any support for the ReTrumplican Party. They really need to be outed and boycotted.
(And now I fully expect some MAGA knot-head to start up with "boycott the libs" BS. You're welcome, pinheads)

tapeworm1965 • 1 month ago

Took this store off my list when the Orange stain loving founder started running his sick mouth.

Steve B • 1 month ago

Like guns, it seems there are more PACs in this country than people. The old advice to "write your congressman" is useless drivel now, unless you enclose a check for them.

John_St_John • 1 month ago

A check? The delegates from Utah only accept gold bullion or Krugerrands which means that I, as a citizen of Utah, cannot compete against the Mormon Church or Corporate entities in getting my voice or opinions heard.

LILLIANE M L HEATH • 1 month ago

Too bad they didn't empty Home Depo's bank account! I stopped going to a **RTDJT** Supporter a long time ago. If you still shop at Home Depo do you know they are **TRUMPERS** all the way even with RAPE being added to resume?

crc3 • 1 month ago

Yep and that's why I shop at Lowes!