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Vel Santic • 4 months ago

they're rotten spoiled pampered bored overprivileged overentitled bigots and bullies, heavily financed by the oligarchs to keep being that way, while masquerading as "poor". This is the shortest possibly summary on them.
Now, how does America think of surviving as one and the same country in this shape and form with the evilly spiteful them, I still have no idea.

Scott Englert • 4 months ago

Excellent summary - pretty much nailed it... As another commenter said - the way to deal with them is for the rest of society to ruthlessly dissociate from them on a family & friends level... there is *zero* reason to continue pandering to their demands for attention... Whether that produces meaningful results quickly enough...who knows...

Luuta • 4 months ago

"Trump's Alphabet:
A is for arsehole
B is for Brigand
C is for Coward
And E is for Idiot
Now you know your A-B-C's
Come and be a traitor with me"

Jumeaux65 • 4 months ago

There's nothing shocking about this. Lynchings and hangings were festive occasions. Whole families would gather to watch and cheer. This nation's history defines who some of us really are.

Rickhead • 4 months ago

"The Last of US" is real!


Gelfin • 4 months ago

This CRAPPY country is more than ready to have death camps exactly like what Germany had in 1945. Americans are evil, hateful people I don't want to be associated with. In Germany they claimed they didn't know but Americans are inhuman enough to fully support murdering people. AMERICA STINKS SO WHY LIVE IN SUCH A CRAPPY NATION.?

P. M. RITTER • 4 months ago

Okey Dokey...LE A V E !!!!! Putin will welcome you...and folks LIKE you as "cannon fodder"

Zup • 4 months ago

All of us ?

Gelfin • 4 months ago

This CRAPPY country is more than ready to have death camps exactly like what Germany had in 1945. Americans are evil, hateful people I don't want to be associated with. In Germany they claimed they didn't know but Americans are inhuman enough to fully support murdering people. AMERICA STINKS SO WHY LIVE IN SUCH A CRAPPY NATION?

P. M. RITTER • 4 months ago

Okey Dokey...LE A V E !!!!! Putin will welcome you...and folks LIKE you as "cannon fodder"

,,l,, EM

Tinyal • 4 months ago

Throughout history, those Fascists/Fascist $upporters he's described as 'directing the political conversation not at public figures but at friends, family and neighbors..'. - these Fascists have always had to be imprisoned, had their Rights restricted, or killed.

"These are people who go to our churches, our schools and are in our communities," Hillyard said. "They are our family members they are our loved ones...

They may be friends, or extended family members, or co-workers...

They are also the Enemies of Democracy & the Rule of Law :(

It's only going to get worse, no matter who wins :(

Blaugrana • 4 months ago
whatamess • 4 months ago

we are way further down the road to societal collapse than people are willing to admit. the degenerates are the fastest growing demographic in the country.

Blaugrana • 4 months ago
Mavelous63 • 4 months ago

10 years ago I directed most of my venom and concern at family, friends and neighbors, who follow this cult behavior.
My answer?
- divorce them, disown them, shun them.
Too many people have ignored this concept, as if these fascists can be rehabilitated.
Maybe some can ………about .05%.
This has been discussed longer than the last 10 years -conspiracy theories have been destroying any sense of American intellect since the 70s and 80s. Again, make a list of the top 10 or 20 conspiracy theories that pop into your head and then figure out which side of the political spectrum they come from or who benefits from generating lies. The worst thing about all this? It’s ALL so fucking predictable, and has been done before.

So much for American exceptionalism.

BillyJoe JimBob • 4 months ago
Zup • 4 months ago

We are too exceptional.
We're like Canada except we're insane.

Be Azul Bob • 4 months ago

Even Left wing started conspiracies, like being anti-vax, get embraced by the Right and become something monstrous.

Vel Santic • 4 months ago

and, antisemitic under a cloak of "anti-zionism", generalized anti-Israeli-ism, but supposedly, "not against all Jews in America or wherever".... do I have to mention the moderator/administrator even of this, otherwise excellent, forum.....

Zup • 4 months ago

Anti vax was\is a conspiracy?
It started with mercury and people looking to blame something other than themselves for their child having autism

Turd Ferguson • 4 months ago

So, what are are we supposed to discuss with folks who deny objective reality? Not sure how to fix people who are going to be mad and want chaos. It's hard to reason with folks who just want to burn it all down. These people have been lied to 40+ years from Roger Ailes and every other "conservative" huckster and put in a constant state of panic about fake things. The keep alienating folks and then wonder why they keep losing? And then instead of any self-reflection, they just double down. This is not a problem we have to solve. This is a problem we have to put down.

John A Olsen • 4 months ago

The new book just out : "White Rural Rage" by Tom Schaller and Paul Waldman make it clear that the Rural Republicans Are All Jim Crow, All the time.

J Lintecume • 4 months ago

I watched his segment. Scared me enough to make the hair on the back of neck stand up. The idiot is ending his rallies with things like ‘’24 is our last stand’. We all know what that means.

jw • 4 months ago

I will never forget sitting on my couch on November 9, 2016 crying my eyes out, telling my husband that adjudicated sexual predator Biggest Loser Benedict Donald** was going to destroy this country. I'm so sad and fucking pissed I was right.

Mavelous63 • 4 months ago

Well, as long as YOU’RE right, we have hope.
We’re not alone.

jw • 4 months ago


Mindy Leffingwell • 4 months ago

Why is it always up to sane and reasonable people to care about the magat nutjobs. As I recall, they found much joy in wearing their "Fuck Your Feelings" t shirts. Now we're suppose to try to reach these people?

Vel Santic • 4 months ago

My feelings and questions exactly!
oh, btw. they're still wearing their "Fuck Your Feelings" t shirts, also, practicing them with their crimes.

Professor Brandywine • 4 months ago

God I wish he’d turn into Howard Hughs and move into one of his 33,000 sqft apartments and wear Kleenex boxes for shoes

uaau • 4 months ago


vjones • 4 months ago

What is it about Trump that makes the Far Right Drool all over him??? Someone need to explain it to me. Because I don't get it.

Be Azul Bob • 4 months ago

A lot of it is envy. They're envious that a loser like Trump became president, they're envious that Trump continuously fails upward, they're envious that Trump doesn't need to filter what he says, they're envious that Trump has the confidence to tell a lie and then act like it was true all along, they're envious of the imaginary wealth of Trump's, they're envious that Trump can "grab them by the p*ssy", and envious of so much more. They want to live a life like Trump's were he never has to face the consequences of his decisions and is never held accountable. They support him so that they too can be unaccountable for their actions even if just means they don't have to filter what they say about homosexuals, minorities, and anyone they deem an "Other". They vote so they can be Racist without fear of accurately being called Racist.

Vel Santic • 4 months ago

The envy understood in this context as - loving it.

marknc • 4 months ago

I think this is spot on correct.

Add in that Trump openly pretends to be Christian.

vjones • 4 months ago

Your comment was worth the read. THANK YOU

Mavelous63 • 4 months ago

Cult of personality.
You think Hitler & Mussolini were gorgeous?


vjones • 4 months ago

Now I'm beginning to understand

Ka... • 4 months ago

I believe that it's THEIR likenesses.

Vel Santic • 4 months ago


ERG2008 • 4 months ago

This is not new. White resentment has been here since the country was founded. Nixon and Reagan road it into the White House. Nicole Wallace didn't mind it when it put Bush into office. Now she is shocked. Come on!

ComradeRutherford • 4 months ago

I agree. Lamenting Trump while worshiping Reagan is hypocritical. Trump was President because Reagan was elected. Republicans WANT stupid and raging assholes to be their political leaders.

acidfly • 4 months ago

Their long term plan since forever. Hearts and mind a thing since forever. RW 24/7/365. They will sell it and they will buy it....many will get paid because of it. Hysteria is big money. /s

Ka... • 4 months ago

Well, what pleases me about these UNEDUCATED F^cking A$$holes, is that MANY lost THEIR lives to Covid! LESS VOTES.
Also, here in FL, MANY of THEM got caught trying to Vote 🗳 at least 2 two times!
How damn DUMB is that?? 🤔
Pretty F^cking DUMB‼️

Mavelous63 • 4 months ago

You’re stuck here too, eh? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Ka... • 4 months ago

🎯 Yes, indeed, me too.
It sorta sucks, but, I'm beginning to see a Purple/Blue hue developing.
Here ya go 🤗🤗🤗 & a 🍺 if you'd like.... Take care 💙

uaau • 4 months ago

Republican ^

marknc • 4 months ago

I "think" (not totally sure) that he simply said:

LIAR (Look, it's another RepubliQan) as a generic and not you.

Ka... • 4 months ago

What the F^ck are YOU sayin?
IF: YOU are calling me a Damn Republican......
If so, then F O‼️

uaau • 4 months ago

triggered ^