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James California • 1 year ago

Delay, delay, delay, tamper with the Jury, then appeal.

LULAMAE SAY • 1 year ago

I am begining to see him make a run for it too. Cause with his hot airhole mouth piece he's diggin in even worse than before and old Cannon plans to help Trump are becoming impossible now that he's even assaulting her.
Plain and Simple the MFER is gonna make a run for it to another Country cause he sees there is no re-election for him and there are far too many serious crimes to try and brush this shit under the rug. He's ah gonner in that old raggedy plane. Hopefully they will shoot it from the sky or catch his orange ass trying to re gas up. I can see it now walking him back here on US soil with his hands behind his back. Maybe then they wont wait so long to put his ass in PRISON to rot

Icanthinkformyself • 1 year ago

Sure, sure, sure. And, the government will reveal exactly what they recovered in Roswell, NM in 1947.
PS, that was no natural phenomena, weather balloon or other human invention.

wikwox • 1 year ago

Delaying justice is an old Trump favorite, his real goal is to win in 2024 and literally pardon himself. But if you've got the money to play, our failing justice system has got the time, it's designed to jail the poor and free the rich.

LULAMAE SAY • 1 year ago

That's the point Trump doesn't have the money. His supporters do and they'll end up doing the same as the RNC when it comes to continued footing Trump legal bills. Cause at this point it's pretty much written in stone he's going to lose in 24. He's going to prison. Only the media says he's going to be re-elected for rating and rowl.

Also with the continued threat to Judges, lawyers and ect he just may end up in custody sooner than we think.......

paulroden • 1 year ago

Trump needs to be tried, convicted, sentenced & incarcerated by Jan.14, 2024, because the Iowa Caucuses occur on Jan. 15th in 2024. Next Trump needs to be indicted, arrested, held without bail for trial, tried, convicted, and sentenced for attempted Election Tampering in Georgia. And finally, Special Prosecutor Jack Smith needs to indict, arrest, hold for trial without bail, try, convict, sentence, incarcerate & fine Trump for sedition and other crimes related to Jan. 6, 2021 Coup Attempt to topple our democracy and seize power by force to become a dictator. Trump needs to be sent to prison to the maximum, consecutive, not concurrent sentences in as many states and jurisdictions, Federal and State as possible, so he never gets out of prison until he drops dead. He is pure evil and must be punished now to save our democracy and be a deterent to any future wana be dictator. There should be no Presidential Pardon, commutation of any conviction, sentence, fine, no parole, no house arrest with an ankle bracelet, no dismissal or dropping of any charges. Trump has shown no remorse. Show him no mercy. He is a crook. So, lock him up now. Throw the book at him. He is unfit to hold any office.

paulc • 1 year ago

He needs be no more, the merciless evil cocksucker. I hope his expiration is inteminally arduous. There.

JZseer • 1 year ago

I believe the finger Trump is pointing is the same one he uses to scratch his butt. Tiny but deadly.


gold6185 • 1 year ago

There's not going to be any Hung Jury with a MAGA Member. Jack Smith isn't an idiot when it comes to correctly Vetting Jurors.

LULAMAE SAY • 1 year ago

True that the only ppl that are saying HUNG JURY HUNG JURY is the poor pathetic desperate News Stations looking for ratings and a rowl to boost their bottom line. Hell the media doesn't even know they are just like us regular citizens waiting for the sentences.

david r • 1 year ago

A reminder :

Bill Scher

Two months ago, a jury found Trump liable for sexual abuse.

Beyond the initial aftermath, I’m not aware of a single mention of the verdict by an opposing candidate, or by a journalist posing a question to a candidate.

Just completely memory-holed.

paulroden • 1 year ago

Not one Republican or Democrat is calling for Trump to be locked up. The "facts" and the "laws" are overwhelming. Trump must be convicted and sent to prison by Jan. 14th 2024 the day before the Iowa Caucuses. And then the other trials should begin. There should be wall to wall arrests, holding over for trial without bail, trials, convictions, sentencing and incarceration with no appeals or pardons ever. Trump must rot in prison now, "with all deliberate speed," until he drops dead. Let him run for President from a prison cell where he belongs now.

Nancy • 1 year ago

Sad, but true; creep still free.: - (

JZseer • 1 year ago

There must be a significant number of other politicians, birds of a feather. You don't throw stones in a glass house...I ran out of tropes; you get what I mean. Oh, wait, one more: "Honor among thieves."

Man From Nowhere • 1 year ago

Well...you don't have to be a genius to predict that

CanyonCarver • 1 year ago
Jazz Is Not Dead™ • 1 year ago

"Hold on lady. Don't make statements like that without checking what the bookies are saying first."

Sal Agadula.

Katmando • 1 year ago

If I only had a dollar for every time "they had trump," I could have a gold toilet too.

gold6185 • 1 year ago

Civil Cases are Not Federal Indictments-----with both Visual & audio evidence against Donald Trump. Jack Smith will demolish him in Court.

paulroden • 1 year ago

Besides Civil damages in other Court proceedings by other lawyers and prosecuters, Special Prosecutor Jack Smith should also seek the maximum fines & Court Costs. Drive Trump into bankruptcy in addition to sentencing him to the maximum, consecutive, not concurrent sentences, with absolutely no possibility of a Presidential Pardon, Parole, reduction in sentences or house arrest. Trump must be punished now.

colorowdy • 1 year ago

I think it will come down to no way out of charging him and taking it to trial. DOJ could get all stupid and try to skirt punishing a prior President but damn, they cannot let a prior steal classified documents and plan coup attempts and pay no price. That would be a slap in the face to Democracy, to this country. Would leave the door wide open for the next one to not fail at over throwing Democracy.

paulroden • 1 year ago

Trump makes Richard Nixon look like a choir boy in comparison. President Ford should have never pardoned Nixon for his crimes. As a result, we have this evil monster Trump to contend with. Lock Trump up now and throw away the key. He is pure evil.

Vod Kanockers • 1 year ago

Yeah, two level justice system. Anyone one of us would have been tried, convicted, and put in prison with a life sentence, no parole. Fuck the republiKKKlans!

colorowdy • 1 year ago

I think Donald will skip the country with help of course. They could dash off to Mel's home land. OR he gets a life sentence of house arrest, no passport and lives his life out at Mar-a-lardo.

paulroden • 1 year ago

He has a 300 room abandoned hotel in Azerbarjain. He can seek asylum there. He can start a chapter of "Dictators Anonymous," with Putin, Duarte, & other dictators and use it as his Presidential Library. It would be cheaper than providing Secret Service Protection, prosecuting and incarcerating him until he drops dead.

Schipperke • 1 year ago

With no phone and no tongue. We’d never hear from him again. 🙏🙏

Linda Beaver • 1 year ago

I've said from the very start that he'd flee the country to avoid prosecution.

CRAZYMAKING • 1 year ago

I been saying that for months. He has a plane

paulroden • 1 year ago

And they returned his passports after the Mar-A-Largo raid and didn't take them when they arraigned him in Florida and released him without bail or strict gag orders. I say indict, arrest, hold him for trial without bail now and for any future indictment, State or Federal. The fact that he hasn't turned over the remaining stolen classified & White House Documents, or told the Court what he did with them, and being released on personal recognizance, with no gag order, is just outrageous. As former Federal Appellate Court Justice & VP Pense Legal Advisor has said in his testimony to the House 1/6 Coup Investigation Committee, J. Michael Luttig: "Trump, his allies and supporters, are a clear and present danger to our democracy." Lock him up now.

pescadofisk • 1 year ago

I've been thinking the house arrest at Mar a Lardo will happen. I doubt that the mighty US government will put this criminal in prison.

paulroden • 1 year ago

If "no one is above the law," and the DOJ "will pursue justice, without fear or favor, to wherever "the facts" and "the law," take them," according the words of our Attorney General Merrick Garland, then they have no choice then to put Trump away now, "with all deliberate speed." This is the "Perfect Test Case," to prove, once and for all time that "no one is above the law." It is the "Perfect Prosecutor Case," because the evidence, i.e. "the facts, " and "the laws," are all "Perfectly Alligned." You don't even have to just argue, just present the evidence, "the facts," and "the laws." It is a slam dunk, "beyond any reasonable shadow of a doubt, " that Trump is guilty." It is on tape, video tape, witnesses, and other documents, photographs of the stollen documents, and testimony of witnesses. So, lock him up now and throw away the key. Otherwise we are a nation of men, and not of laws. Trump must be punished now to save our democracy.

Admiral Obvious • 1 year ago
colorowdy • 1 year ago

They worry about how it would look. How will it look to let a traitor go free? Dumb shits need to wake the fuck up.

Moneal • 1 year ago

He belongs in prison where I would hope he would be banned from speaking to the press. If he has anything to say or rant let it go thru the warden if allowed. Other than that he absolutely deserves NO SPECIAL TREATMENT because he is a former president, he commited crimes against America.. Being on house arrest is not an option in my opinion, he would still not be able to keep his mouth shut and I think everybody knows that would not keep him from still spreading his hate and keep on saying he did nothing wrong to keep his cult riled up. He's proven he can't be trusted.

paulroden • 1 year ago

No more golfing, no more hair styling and dying, no "bronzer" or tanning beds, and no more social media posts, rallies or interviews. Lock him up and keep him shut up until he drops dead.

colorowdy • 1 year ago

I agree 100%. I don't think our government has what it takes to follow through. Weak and stupid.

Vod Kanockers • 1 year ago

That would be a massive injustice.

MacRoberts • 1 year ago

Perversely, DJT may yet again be shooting himself in the foot by any delay he causes with the usual bevy of motions.


'cause he's banking on at least one jury holdout, but as time goes by the number of die-hard Trunts who would fill the bill and purposely lie their way through jury selection gets smaller.

Yep, he's a dip$hit.

AlbertCamus • 1 year ago

Shot himself in the foot?
That explains the bone spurs!

Linda Beaver • 1 year ago

For a case this visible and high profile, I would be willing to bet they will check the social media of prospective jurors.

KDNDLKJ • 1 year ago
shenshi17 • 1 year ago

Nice sentiment, but Muller would never have the [integrity] to arrest Dear Leader.

Muller is no stronger than AG Judy Garland.

KDNDLKJ • 1 year ago

Mueller was never the AG. He was brought on as a special prosecutor only. And when you read his very narrow “mission statement”, it deliberately constrained him in what he could and couldn’t investigate. He left the ultimate decision up to the AG to decide whether or not to indict Trump because of that constraint. There was definitely Russian interference BUT Mueller’s hands were tied. Even the Republican majority Senate Intelligence Committee report confirmed there was indeed interference.
Mueller’s dictated constrains is why the evidence he keep turning up re others involved had to be turned over to the SDNY and other authorities to be further investigated and prosecuted. That’s what a LOT of people don’t comprehend.

Smith isn’t constrained by such BS. Iow. His hands aren’t tied behind his back like Mueller’s was.

dashitcrazy(jamie) • 1 year ago

"I don't think he's going to get away with it" He shouldn't and if he does....... Let's just say, it won't be pretty.

Mike Malloy's Ghost • 1 year ago

With additional charges piling up with more on the way, there is no way he can escape. The only reason he has anyone representing him is that they are there for a pay check, otherwise they would have to assign him a public defender.

Linda Beaver • 1 year ago

Anyone representing him knows they are going to lose. So somebody has to be paying his legal expenses, cuz there isn't any other reason why anybody would represent him. It's not like there's any glory in taking a high profile pro bono a case that you know you can't win..

paulroden • 1 year ago

Trump is siphoning money from his re-election Campaign PAC to pay for his legal defenses. That is a violation of Federal Campaign Election Financing Laws. You can't take the money from your campaign for personal use. AG Garland, investigate, indict Trump on this charge now. Stop dragging your feet, wringing your hands, hemming and hawing. Throw the book at Trump now!

Admiral Obvious • 1 year ago
dashitcrazy(jamie) • 1 year ago

If he gets a PD, good. That means that he's broke!

AlbertCamus • 1 year ago

Rudy Tutti does stuff for free.