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"We want to help them, but..."

LaProgressive • 3 years ago

At one point in time 3% unemployment was considered the bottom limit of employable population. If that is the case then he might be right on this. It was thought that the 3% consisted of retired, those physically or mentally unable to work and those continuing their education. Not sure what is considered the bottom limit these days. Also, the $300 he's talking about is the State contribution. Not sure of the Federal contribution isn't still being processed.

tobedetermined • 3 years ago

He forgot to tell you that Utah doesn't pay the greatest wages.

Stone Temple • 3 years ago

What these Republican Governors are really saying:
"We're really sorry if you're scared you'll contract Covid-19 and spend the last few days of your life, dying all alone, intubated in some stark, soulless hospital room. But we've got hotels, restaurants and casinos that need to get opened back up. If you're not willing to volunteer for the cause of keeping the convenience stores open, we'll economically corner you into doing so"...

Karen Klinck • 3 years ago

Ever see a little kid try to walk with one leg on either side of a horizontal policeman? This is what he sounds like. Awkward!

S80Fan • 3 years ago

There are families struggling, we want to help them out, but at some point have to roll that back."make their lives more miserable.

AlienFactor • 3 years ago

Don't strip benefits from those receiving them, but make them prove they are actively seeking work. There are plenty of jobs to be taken.

texasaggie • 3 years ago

Doing what, besides being exposed to COVID?

Christine Gernant • 3 years ago

Sure, go back to work at poverty wages...No childcare, robust schooling, after school programs, etc. Works every time....

S80Fan • 3 years ago

.. co-workers that refused to be innoculated,

tootlemonde • 3 years ago

Here's an idea! Have California, Oregon and Washington gather up all the homeless and put them on a fleet of buses to Provo to help out their neighbor during their labor shortage!

win Win WINNING!!!!

Icanthinkformyself • 3 years ago

"We have to incentivize people to work for slave wages by taking the safety net away. How else can those at the top stay there?", the Republican fascist said.
Maybe pay people a living wage and they will jump at the chance to earn it. Bottom up economics always worked in the past and lead to prosperity and will again under Biden/Harris. Trickle down always causes more pain for the bottom and ease at the top. It's time to turn that over and give a little pain to the top of the pyramid. They've 'earned' it.

texasaggie • 3 years ago

"Here in Utah, unemployment at 2.9%"

And you are claiming that paying an extra $300/wk is keeping people from working? You have essentially full employment and yet people are just sitting home and collecting UI? Just how bright are you?

Marcus • 3 years ago

If you ever met him, you would be shocked if he ever managed to find his ass with both hands…

Karen Klinck • 3 years ago

Bothsiderism taken to a 'logical' conclusion.

9mmHiPower • 3 years ago

This fuck and the gop fucks all need habanero concentrate-coated cactus dildo enemas, several times per day for their sins.

jhand • 3 years ago

Whoa, Gov! Utah has little or no unemployment, yet it is the extra unemployment incentives that keep people from moving from other parts of the country to take jobs in Utah? Even lots of Mormons prefer to live somewhere other than Utah. What makes you think the "gentiles" are lining up to move into your theocratic paradise?

Tony Mac • 3 years ago

Auto companies were struggling -- you didn't roll anything back; farmers are struggling -- you paid them off; oil companies are struggling -- give them more tax relief; the list goes on. American citizens -- well, they can just pull themselves up by the bootstraps -- if they can afford boots -- and walk to work -- if they can find any work for a living wage. Republicans create nothing -- they only destroy.
Can anyone imagine during the Great Depression when millions were out of work, hungry, homeless, without jobs -- if FDR had said -- "well, if we give them money to survive they'll never go back to work"??? Instead he said "Let's get some jobs going with road building, building dams for electrical power, the TVA, Hoover Dam, multi-state road systems..." Aw, hell, today's Republicans would have nixed the entire idea...and they're still at it...

Bcaroo • 3 years ago

What the extra unemployment has shown is that the segment of the population who is relying on it are underpaid. Why would you return to work in a pandemic when you get paid less? If you were returning to a job where you make more money, most people would. We are talking about $1200 a month. If this a "make or break" amount, then obviously there is something wrong with the pay system.

JOANN MCDEVITT • 3 years ago

I had to explain to my husband that we have 200 casino dealers here in our city that were laid off and still not brought back. Sure, they can get a job part time at $7.25 an hour, but that won't pay their bills.

Ken Shabby • 3 years ago

Start at the corners of Utah and move inward 'adjusting' the rate of Republican voters.

OooSillyMe • 3 years ago

We are no where near "the end of the pandemic"...this is the new talking point along with the "laziness" trope that they spout every day...I am so sick of these rich pigs looking down on people who are struggling and then kicking them while they are down...

lisamanv . • 3 years ago

Didn't sound like he put him on the spot, it sounded like the perfect lead in to a republican talking point. Tapper should have asked him about about the unemployment numbers for women. Lack of childcare is what is driving unemployment right now. Kids going back to school will help but moms can't all work from home and they can't leave small children by themselves. Even the option of grandparents isn't one now. This article is from February about January but it is still applicable.


Marcus • 3 years ago

This is Utah. Women should stay home and stay quiet.

Maddoktor2 • 3 years ago

Zero sympathy, that's what you get when you elect Republicans. Don't like it? Vote smarter.


lisamanv . • 3 years ago

With that way of thinking I hope that every person harmed actually voted red not blue like I did in a red state.

colorowdy • 3 years ago

Asshole Oligarchs of America crack the whip and the slaves must obey. No mention of safe work places to return to just money for the Oligarchs of America.

Colleen Betz • 3 years ago

Leave it to the repukes to spin this supplement into "paying people not to work". I'd love to see you, your wife and your four kids live on what these people are getting in unemployment, you weasel.

Sam Bell • 3 years ago

Apparently the people of Utah are paying the Governor and he's only working for donors and Trump!

Jinmichigan • 3 years ago

The pandemic is over. The pandemic is over. The fact we still have 700 people dying every day means nothing I guess. So much more important for business owners to get the cash cow rolling.

rod • 3 years ago

Tell ya what Guv, you live on three hundred dollars a week for a year, then I might listen to you. Right now, I figure you're full of shit.

vietvet1968 • 3 years ago

When $300 a week is seen as a living wage then it tells us those people are being paid way less in their regular jobs...that's the Trumpian idea of making America fail.

NMRon • 3 years ago

Traitor scum

Tom D • 3 years ago

Working class people who vote for republicans pay the highest price. They never learn.

Bcaroo • 3 years ago
vietvet1968 • 3 years ago

Republicons consistently vote against their own interests. That is the definition of stupid.

Tom D • 3 years ago

They're proud of it.

Oscar Wildling • 3 years ago

"And as we talk to workers, we found it actually is a disincentive. That's what happens when we pay people not to work. There are families struggling, we want to help them out, but at some point have to roll that back."

a) I doubt very much 'workers' said that the $300 is a 'disincentive.'

b) Ending benefits is not 'helping families out.'

c) This fuckin' joker is just another Republican reptilian in an ill-fitting human suit. Fuck him.

wait_a_dag_minute • 3 years ago

Key word “we want to help them out, but...

Tom D • 3 years ago

Ted Cruz claiming he is a 'working class representative. Imagine that?

Bcaroo • 3 years ago

Making $174,900 per year for part time work. Not including his benefits.

Right now the unemployment supplement is a whopping $300 per week or $1,200 per month.

Oscar Wildling • 3 years ago


"We want to help them out, but...ha-ha-ha- no, we don't."

wait_a_dag_minute • 3 years ago

Unfortunately I think it is a good idea," Cox responded with a grimace before hastily adding, "The purpose of the funds was absolutely critical during the pandemic, as we struggle now, we're towards the end of the pandemic."

1. His first sentence tells you he doesn’t believe what he’s saying. He knows he and his state legislators are wrong!
2. We are nowhere near the ‘end of the pandemic’, but you keep murdering and maiming your constituents.

CaliJAB • 3 years ago

“We want our serfs starving. We want them groveling to take whatever pitiful, low paying job is available. If cleaning shit is how they put food on the table then by gawd they better be ready to clean shit up with a smile on their face.”

DPSnAZ • 3 years ago

This country is spiralling into the abyss....at a mind numbing pace...