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alblack57 • 4 years ago

Presumably exports to SE Asia and beyond are affected as well. This could have huge ramifications for the NZ industry when it is already on its knees.

Van • 4 years ago

Just hope the mare's tests are negative. Otherwise she could be a lifetime carrier and could pass the disease on to her foals. She would not have got the disease in the UK or NZ. A Northern Mediterranean country most likely her origins if she was as stated an EU import. Not what anyone wanted to hear. 1246 horses to OZ last season and 856 so far this season from NZ.

Vivienne • 4 years ago

Praying she isn’t positive. It could be disastrous for so many.

balanced • 4 years ago

Yep, fingers crossed for our Kiwi friends. Gee whiz, of all the times that this could happen.

Filthy • 4 years ago

correct. like it or not kiwi racing/breeding lives off selling to honkers. i'm sure those blokes are far more concerned than whether any current tried horse can come over for the carnival. having said that if worst case and kiwis can't come over (let alone northern hemisphere) the Melbourne cup might be NTD. could be a new challenge to try to break the 4 minute 2 mile

Farnorthpunter • 4 years ago

They are talking 10 days for the all clear so the headline is a bit of overkill.