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Roxene • 7 months ago

These videos are superb! Follow some of these doctors on uncensored platforms such as Rumble and X.
The I'm not a robot box is only showing part of the pictures and I'm unable to complete it.

Paul Wolf • 7 months ago

The vaccine does not prevent you from catching the virus. It does prevent you from dying from the virus.
Remember that many millions died from the Covid virus and now that so many have been vaccinated, the death toll is way down.

And despite what propaganda is said here, masks do help in reducing the spread of the virus especially in crowded areas.

liberpublican • 7 months ago

You need to prove your false allegations. As there is no proof you will simply have to be categorized is malinformed.

Lori P • 7 months ago

I feel sorry for you.

Suzanne • 7 months ago

You have been woefully misinformed. Please do some research.

Connie George • 7 months ago

You have been misinformed I'm sorry to say.

wytze de Boer • 7 months ago

As English is not my mother tongue I cannot understand it. Please send it in words.

DRGNFLYANGEL Truth Seeker • 7 months ago

It's MIND BLOWING that the USA is right up there with CHINA as far as Propaganda being the MAIN SOURCE OF "SO CALLED NEWS" 🗞️📰
Yes it broke my 💓 when I WOKE UP IN 2016 & shown the TRUTH about the world we live in. But it explains why THE HOLY SPIRIT told me at 9 years old, that something was/ is WRONG with the U.S. government and something wrong with the CATHOLIC CHURCH!!!
Yes, I was shown this at such a young age, that I know there's a reason that I sought and have been shown the UGLY TRUTH about the EVIL UNDERBELLY OF THE RULERS OF THIS WORLD, THE RULERS OF DARKNESS. But PRAISES BE TO THE MOST HIGH, THE GREAT "I AM". Praises be to THE FATHER, THE SON (YESHUA/ JESUS HAMASHIACH) AND THE HOLY SPIRIT 🙏💔❤️‍🩹🫂⚖️🇺🇸🕊️
Don't be a SHEEP 🐑🐏🐑

Tina • 7 months ago

I Love this series, so cool you’ve sharing it again!!!!🎁👍🏼

Are you beautiful people playing episode 2 tonight?

I recently purchased Remedy and shared the other 5 free…. Seen all your series….. brilliant 🩷
No words to express my deepest gratitude for all you do!
God Bless and keep you and yours safe and protected as you enlighten and share top notch guests sharing TRUTHS!!!!!🙏🏻♾️🙌🏻❤️

The Truth About Cancer • 7 months ago

Tina Thank you for your support! Yes, episode 2 is available here: https://go2.propaganda-expo....

Jeff Brink • 7 months ago


Jena • 7 months ago

My stepfather died 10 days after his first dose of Moderna. Im the only unvaccinated one in my family but i fear for every one of them & what their future holds for them! My mom, who always thought i was crazy for years of saying things about what’s going on in our country & abroad, now says she listens to what i say because 9 out of 10 things ive said has come true or out in the spotlight. Her eyes were forced open by COVID. She didn’t listen when i tried warning her but that’s ok. Im not a tyrannical dictator so i let her do what she thought was best for herself & her husband. Thank you for putting this info out there! It was well done & you guys seem like you truly care because you’re not out to line your pockets! ❤️🙏🏼😊

Lori P • 7 months ago

My dad died within a year of the booster. I begged him not to take any of them.

Paul Wolf • 7 months ago

Jena, you failed to mention what your step father died of.
It is also not impossible that some people were just meant to die on a certain date and just happened to take the vaccine right before that time.
But since people have not been dying by the thousands from Covid shots, we need an explanation and even a verification of what your stepfather died of.

Ellie McCaffrey • 7 months ago

I love what Leigh says we are one nation under God not government.

Julián García-viso gómez • 7 months ago

Thank you so much.
Son ustedes muy valientes.
Sería fantástico una versión en español.

Michael • 7 months ago

I hope this doesn't come across as harsh. I just started watching episode 1 and at less than 6 minutes in, Ty & Charlene offered a grievously erroneous definition of "government". The error is that someone you mistakenly trusted said the "ment" ending comes from Latin, which it does not. It comes from French and is the way the French language turns a verb into a noun (think of excitement, development or investment). There is no special exception to that for "government", which came into English through French. (In fact, the vast majority of English words relating to government and law came through French, though they originated in Latin.) The people you relied on (or you) also failed to follow the origin of the word into Greek, where it was spelled a bit differently and referred to the steering of a ship, and by metaphor, a ship of state.
See: https://www.etymonline.com/word/govern
and https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/govern

Usually your research is much better than this, like way better, which is why I've looked forward to each next series. I hope there aren't many other glitches like this one. I find this particular one doubly ironic because the series is about propaganda, and you lay your foundation on a blatantly erroneous definition, which then makes the series itself look like propaganda. 🤪 Which, I'm sure, neither you nor your staff have intended.

I am deeply concerned that many of your educated first-time viewers will stop cold when they encounter that. For them, it may well look like you're building this house not even on sand, but quicksand – because it really doesn't take much effort any more to look up the etymology/origin of a word. For such people, that is an idiot-level mistake – it really just doesn't get any worse. Getting educated people onboard could be very helpful to your mission. They tend to have, or have access to, significant resources, and are sometimes influencers.

Although it would require substantial editing and some new video, I sincerely hope you will take the time to correct that error. Or, it may be as simple as dropping in a short segment with the correct definition, followed by a brief transition suggesting that the more fanciful definition may nonetheless be useful as a way of framing things. I offer this because I would like to see your mission succeed as broadly as possible.

That all said, I was surprised and greatly dismayed to learn that the author of Manufacturing Consent, the layman's bible on soft domestic propaganda, fell for the hard domestic propaganda and was drinking the Kool-Aid by the barrelful. It was like watching him turn into an agent from The Matrix. That's how clever and successful the propaganda campaign was.

Janice Alderson • 7 months ago

We have experienced - since being in France - that children will be taken away from parents if they don't want them to be vaccinated. Terrible - I have just signed an online petition against forcing kids to have yet another vaccine the papilloma vaccine - and I noticed 80,000 signatures. The government are working against opinions of the people of this country and stamping on their Godgiven freedoms. So sad.

Janice Alderson • 7 months ago

You are wonderful - where would we be without your sanity love and hard work! The people were suffering from stress due to fear and maybe flu and the pretext of a terrible vax was a crime against humanity which unfortunately keeps repeating itself for greedy money.

Jay Beacham • 7 months ago

"Show your papers" was used by the white Russians in WWI.
If a person, what refugee has papers?, didn't have any, they were shot.
The Bolsheviks shot people if their hands were soft.
In Russia before WWI, the leaders who persecuted Jews and others claimed they were only following orders.
It doesn't change. As stated in the first of your film, this has been going on since the beginning.

J. Kent • 7 months ago

I saw it 35 years ago, stopped watching tv and reading newspaper, back then. Changed my life. Fired 6 times from CPA firms for speaking about open borders, race in civilization making, zionism, jews in the media. Read 1,000 books on race, past civilizations, Christianity, the read one, not that taught in most modern churches. Wrote 3 books on the subjects above. Challenging life, but interesting.

Elias Ok • 7 months ago

People don't like to be told what to do. People can get defensive when you pose an opposing view. But to shine a light on the systems that sway and influence thought and deceive you is inarguable. Thank you to my favorite Bollinger Patriots! (Well, there's only one and you're it so that's that! 🙂❤️

The Truth About Cancer • 7 months ago

We truly appreciate your kind and encouraging response.
Thank you for supporting our mission!

Dubby Rose • 7 months ago

Thank you for this. I have watched every one of your webinars and learned so much from all of them including this one. Del Bigtree is also someone I listen to but he said something that I question. You are right that we are so heavily propagandized that I've taken to saying if Uncle Sam's lips are moving it means he's lying. Therefore what they say about "despotic" regimes I also question. Russia isn't the USSR and I discovered on the internet that Putin said the vaccine is recommended but should not be compulsory. If it was or wasn't, I don't know. But I have discovered (I admit through YT) that Russia in many ways is a far more liveable country than the U.S.....as was from what I can discern was Libya until the war criminals Obama/Clinton turned it into a more to their liking, failed state with open air slave markets. Doesn't mean I want to live in Russia. I want the U.S., my home since birth, to be a liveable country, not hostile to its citizens and more akin to a Mafia than a government. I would also love if in the future you could do an expose of the fod industry which is also lying us into ill health. The Bollingers look so fit and healthy, I would love to know what their diet is like. I wish I could buy your webinars but I am 85 and living best I can on social security.

Truth59 • 7 months ago

Watch the great movie, Life is Beautiful 1997/98. It wasn't only the Jewish people dying in the camps but also from almost every other country.

Debbie Butters • 7 months ago

Is this the same series you did about a year ago or is this a new version?

The Truth About Cancer • 7 months ago

Propaganda Exposed [UNCENSORED] was originally released in Fall 2022. We are happy to offer a free viewing of this series so more can learn the truth. Please share this opportunity with your friends and family!

James Bryson • 7 months ago

A “half-day” on vaccines in medical school…that sounds about right.

Truth59 • 7 months ago

The same goes for nutrition! Also read the great series, The Tuttle Twins with your family and take the free course on The Constitution on Hillsdale College site for a small donation.

8wayspeed • 7 months ago

Well done, thanks for the content, thanks for the time spent creating such content.
Common Law Sheriff Queensland Australia

The Truth About Cancer • 7 months ago

We truly appreciate your kind and encouraging response.
Thank you for supporting our mission!

Dissident • 7 months ago

It's the Rocky Horror Picture Show, Frankenstein, Haloween 13, & Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Hyde all rolled into one.

Dissident • 7 months ago

CO + H20 -> H2CO2 -> H + HCO2.
Carbon monoxide (abnormal combustion) plus water makes FORMIC ACID. That breaks into hydrogen ion & formate ion. It results in severe swelling (dropsy, edema) & all kinds of pain. Diuretics work initially then fail. Death comes in a few weeks.
Bicarbonate is extremely effective in neutralizing formic acid.
Normally the body makes its own bicarbonate in normal metabolism:
CO2 + H2O -> H2CO3 -> H + HCO3.
H2CO3 = carbonic acid.
HCO3 = bicarbonate.
That bicarbonate & hydrogen ion shift back & forth as the major primary & foundational pH balancing system.
Normal metabolism is disrupted by hyperventillation. Simple overbreathing blows too much CO2 out of the blood, resulting in hemoglobin being unable to release O2 into the tissues, resulting in hypothalamus set point for blood CO2 to lower level, to result in chronic overbreathing. That is evidenced by yawning & sighing, tiredness & stupor.
Normal breathing is very quiet, very soft, low in the chest, the lower side ribs move, mouth closed. Even during high activity. Only at the very highest activity levels does the breath need to be bigger & the mouth open.

Michelle Cardenas • 7 months ago

Thanks for sharing your knowledge

Jeanne Turnpaw • 7 months ago

The vaccine is only one part, I think the largest part of the WEF, WHO, NATO and the UN is to depopulize the world. Control is their end game to take our property and posessions and make us their slaves, those of us that survive.
WHAT I am concerned about is the mRNA that is being introduced into the food supply and pets. We can say NO but what about our meat supply? Vegtables? Fruit? Gates owning ECOLABS WATER? Gates new food preservative APEEL something you can NOT wash off the fruit or vegatables! 2030 agenda of the WEF and participating governments to depopulate the world. You will have nothing and be happy? Eating bugs? Living in 15 minute cities?
Our president and elected officials are ruining our country.

Michelle Cardenas • 7 months ago


Anthony Imperato • 7 months ago

Wish there was a GAB share selection

Dissident • 7 months ago

I have understood all you have exposed here since the early 1960s. But I did not understand it was deliberate & thought it was just a lack of information. I was wrong.
I now know the lies & deceit are all pervasive & deliberate. I know the reality of the genocidal attack on their populations by big pharma & big governments everywhere. The news & universities & teacher's unions are complicit.

Sherri Ristow • 7 months ago

This was a great documentary it confirmed everything I know and have researched about covid ,ivermctin, Remdesvir which they tried giving me when I had to be hospitalized for accute respiratory failure and pneumonia because my doctor refused to help me or give me Ivermctin . Thank God I knew what Remdesvir did to your organs and I had to be my own advocate and the doctors put me on the covid ward so isolated and lonely.

The doctors didn't let my husband in or communicate with him I luckily had my cellphone and keep my husband updated. Luckily my daughters father inlaw worked at that hospital and my husband was able to call and talk to doctors and told them she does not want Remdesvir and no ventilator either I was put on 6 liters of oxygen and 2 different antibotics ,steroids, potassium I had so much diarrhea I have no idea where the hell it was coming from if I had not called my husband to take me to hospital he would have come home and I would have been dead athe covid part was just a really bad headache and a coughing fit at night no energy no smell or taste .
I have no idea how I got pneumonia and respiratory failure I was not congested my oxygen levels kept crashing . I fired my quack doctor who told me he believed in the science I am like you nearly killed me jerk
My husband sister died from the bioweapon shot caused her to have a heart attack and died I will never forgive my old doctor and the doctor who killed my sister inlaw

EJ • 6 months ago

You most likely had the synthesized venom shot. It's akin to getting snake bite poisoning. https://rumble.com/v10miez-...

Sherri Ristow • 5 months ago

No shot for me not dumb enough to fall for their lies

Michelle Cardenas • 7 months ago

I know how you got it. https://rumble.com/embed/v3.... Check this link out

Alicia • 7 months ago

With this diabolic people being so powerful, what chance has the common person to survive unless God thinks it is his time to act? Those of us who never allowed the jab to touch our body can still be at danger with shedding and covid in water, air and food. One way or another they want to reduce the population of the planet. Now that we know that our life has always been a lie, is it worth living? Alicia

Russell King • 7 months ago

It was not against the law to be a socialist back in 1939. In fact, the Russian cipher clerk who defected from the Soviet Embassy in Ottawa in September of 1945 went to the newspapers and they wanted nothing to do with him. The socialist media are going to expose themselves continually? This is why Prescott Bush was the banker for the Nazis. He was no intell expert. The OSS wasn’t around then. We have 84 years of hindsight.

As for President George H. W. Bush, if he was feeling sheepish the day he made a phone call to the FBI on the day President Kennedy was assassinated, then he was the only one. LBJ and Richard Nixon were also in Dallas that day. They never called in. They were the next 2 presidents who benefited from Kennedy’s death.

Anyone who considers themselves a Democrat supporter should be aware of the fact that President Kennedy fired Allen Dulles as JFK could see Dulles was a liar. Yet, Dulles’ narrative permeates throughout the media today. The polarization would not exist today if the media and schools taught this. People have a duty to educate themselves on this as well.

Lorie Bomar Aragon • 7 months ago

Powerful!!! Yet so so saddening. This is such evil and we must not be silent. Thank you Ty and Charlene!

WelcomeTheEagle88 • 7 months ago

Love it! You got my man Dr. Matthias Rath included, good job!

The Truth About Cancer • 7 months ago

Welcome to the premiere of Propaganda Exposed [UNCENSORED]!

Jules • 6 months ago

A bloody Brilliant Job !!!@! Love from the Land of AUS; https://julesbar.blogspot.c...

Neville • 7 months ago

There is one truthful statement that big pharma made and that is vaccines are effective. Effective in killing anyone who takes it. Safe is entirely another matter.

Yogalifer • 7 months ago

Doesn’t open.