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AMA AMOAH • 9 years ago

Justina Ejelonu, the Nurse who treated Patrick Sawyer. May your soul rest in peace. May your spirit be received by the Lord your creator. You never knew death was lurking even in your spirited response on social media “I never contacted his fluids.i checked his Vitals,helped him with his food.(he was too weak)…..i basically touched where his hands touched and dats d only contact.not directly wt his fluids.@a stage,he yanked off his infusion and we had blood everywhere on his bed…..but d ward maids took care of that and changed his linens with great precaution. every patient is treated as high risk …..if it were airborne,by now wahala for dey. I still thank God.”

AMA AMOAH • 9 years ago

Education and due diligence is definitely what we need during this challenge facing us and not rhetoric hatred but what Patrick Sawyer did was evil and backed by Mr. Sebastian Muah, the former Deputy Finance Minister for Budget
Here is the reply he gave
"A friend is dead, I DO NOT OWE YOU any explanation on your monday night quarter backing. POS was a public health practitioner if you MUST KNOW. The Uganda doctor was a MEDICAL DOCTOR if you again MUST KNOW. They are no longer. So the freaking issue is not why he lied or didn't lie to travel. But how we address the freaking disease. IF you don't have jack to say in that direction then frankly shut up on the subject."

How can someone in his right mind give such a response. Dr Ameyo Adedavoh is dead because of Patrick Sawyer, 3 other health workers are dead. One ECOWAS protocol official is dead. All just because of him in Nigeria. May their souls rest in peace for saving Nigeria with their lives. What do we know about others who helped him off the airplane and at his stop over. He knew he was sick. He knew he had direct contact yet he lied to all the Liberia officials and the ECOWAS officials in Nigeria. What was the intent of this man's heart? He urinated on the health workers and tried to leave the hospital. WHY? WHY? WHY?

nuruddeen • 9 years ago

Sawyer and Liberian government colluded to endanger Nigeria & Nigerians

Sonia UF • 9 years ago

This is the time to unite not divide.Not accuse each other,mistakes happened.The real problem here is Ebola.Unite to survive,then you can iron out things.Peace to you all and be more punctilious.

Es3 & Ilk: Are ethnic/religious bigots constantly roving this forum to attack posters of comments that criticized the leadership-stature-lacking, clueless,ineffective,incapable,corrupt-ridden and incompetent president Ebele Jonathan,whose term in office as Nigeria president is a complete waste of space.
Whether you nuisance like it or not under democratic-dispensation every bonafide Nigerian has the inalienable right
to criticize whoever is in Nigeria government.If you hate my comments you may jump into the River Niger so as for democratic culture to gain strength to develop .

Es3 • 9 years ago

After someone would say that it was wrong for Jonathan to refer to Mr. Sawyer's actions (with obvious collaboration of his country of birth) that put Nigerians in harms way as madness?!!!

HAMZA • 9 years ago

We should take war to the doors of Liberia. They simply hate Nigeria. They added Ebola to our Boko Haram wahala. Liberia is like BH.

If Nigeria has a capable,competent and proactive leader in Mr Ebele Jonathan,before the advent of Ebola-deadly virus spread,Nigeria should have sever diplomatic tie with Liberia,Guinea and Sierra Leone to stop the spread of Ebola to Nigeria.Even if it require cutting of relationship with other countries to prevent spread of the contaminant-deadly virus-Ebola,any patriotic Nigeria president would resort to any action to protect his citizenry.
But unfortunately on Jonathan watch,things would have gotten to a head and serious damages have been inflicted as Ebola virus spreads in Nigeria now.Flights from Liberia and other nations where Ebola virus has been reported must be cancelled forthwith.

Es3 • 9 years ago

Many times, you end up convincing me that you either post before you think or that you don't bother to exercise that faculty at all???

Jonathan should have severed relationship with Liberia even before Sawyer's visit to Nigeria with ebola, over what???!

Rochas • 9 years ago

Your hatred of Jonathan would NEVER allow you read and understand the contents of the information. Your type would one day commit suicide on hearing Jonathan's name. Before Jonathan's administration, what has been the status of Nigeria's medical Emergency? How would you have everything put in place one time when your sponsorship of the Boko Haram and other evils have NOT allowed the Federal government to work. I wish you can as well check-mate your state and LGAs the way you do the Presidency ! The situation of EVD is now global, pandemic, and calls for everyone's contribution instead of the HATE syndrome you have been known with. PASS THE INFORMATION ON HOW TO PREVENT EVD, if you have any, and NOT THE HATE message ! Use your brain fella!

Gimbiya • 9 years ago

The word """irresponsible" comes to mind.
But this is the case we know about. What about our other borders? Are those driving into the country being screened?
I hope this will not distract out government from the risk posed by Boko Haram who has killed more people in the Northern part of Nigeria during the first quarter of this year than Ebola has killed in the whole of West Africa in twice as many months.

Enemona • 9 years ago

This is a wake-up call for African leaders. We must know that the fate of the countries on the continent are tied together, if we fail, we will fail together.

Our people and leaders have all started fire-fighting, nobody is even thinking of the whys and hows of these issues. We were told Ebola was transmitted from bats to humans and we all took it hook,line and sinker. Have African leaders made any plans to investigate this beyond what the west feeds us? Have we asked why it is Africa always (or, at least most often)?

The world powers, since USSR, have been involved in biological and chemical arms race and a lot of 'hot' germs have been engineered in labs as a result. This is the reason America has poured so much funds in understanding dangerous viruses with the aim of having solutions in the event that they are used as weapons, this is the result of ZMAPP and many vaccines. The US military funds the most virus research on planet. They have also, in turn, engineered various forms of dangerous viruses that can be directed towards some specific targets. This coupled with the hot competition between US and China in the scramble for Africa's resources calls for serious action on the part of Africa's leaders. We must not take things at face value, we must be ready to dig deep and defend ourselves. That means funding research and educating the populace.

It is also quite curious that AU, ECOWAS etc have not come out with a position on this deadly Ebola outbreak, their silence is so loud. Very irresponsible government; after the meeting with Obama, they went back to their usual business of looting, not even any concerted effort to combat the disease.

Okey • 9 years ago

It is hard to say anything ill against the dead. But I must say Patrick Sawyer's provides exception. That was a man who secretly harbored intense hatred against Nigeria and Nigerians, hallmark of citizens of nations we had made incalculable sacrifices to rescue - South Africa, Liberia, etc. Sawyer was a terribly wicked man who, from all evidence emanating from Liberia, set out to destroy Nigerians. I never imagined that somebody who bore a Christian name could embark on a suicide mission to a country and people he hated so intensely. There is no difference between Patrick Sawyer and the ISIS killers of Iraq. Sure, on judgment day, Sawyer will not be quarantined from fellow murderers (since he willfully, wickedly refused quarantine on Earth). They all will be meted with the murderers penalty.

Dr Pat Kolawole Awosan • 9 years ago

The fault lies with Nigerian-immigration and custom and exercise officials who were derelict with their duties and should hacve prevent Sawyer-an American citizen from gaining entry into Nigeria.Heads should roll in the Lagos immigration dept and custom dept at Murtala Muhammed international airport,Ikeja,Lagos.They have failed Nigeria on their duties.

Dan Fulani • 9 years ago

What is difference between Ebola and Ebele?

Okey • 9 years ago

Sure, what you wish others will befall you. That is karmic imperative.

Es3 • 9 years ago

Since you are already degenerated!

Probably it is the same difference between Fulani and Maitatsine, Boko Haram, etc???!

HAMZA • 9 years ago

The difference 'ola' and 'ele'

Guest • 9 years ago

it mean Ibo names

AMA AMOAH • 9 years ago

Liberians are going round now denying the man saying he is from Freetown Sierra Leone. A Liberian Diplomat. May God have mercy on us. These people are very stubborn, they eat monkeys, porcupine, gorillas, bats, snakes, possum and pigs as bush meat. Is it a wonder they act just like the creatures they eat. Gross negligence can result in war. This kind of nonchalant behavior should not be tolerated. No matter what you say to Liberians, they will never listen, they are always right. And they hate Nigerians with a passion. Yet Nigeria is the only African nation which gave $3.5m to the 3 countries, Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia when these problems started in February. Now see how they are paying the country back with evil. If this was a deliberate act, God will visit them for the iniquity up to the 4th generation. It also shows that they have not learnt anything from the 14 years of war that just ended.

Maxmarvin Sao Scott • 9 years ago

I don't know how you came to your conclusion that Liberians behave as animals and that they hate Nigeria with a passion. Me and many other Nigerians have lived and worked in Liberia. There are vibrant communities of Nigerians in Liberia and they live there free of any problems. If anything, I thing Liberians adore Nigeria and respect and appreciate Nigerian for the role it has played in their country. This is an unfortunate situation that the Liberian leader have even apologized for. I can't understand the hateful messages emanating from some quarters in Nigeria against Liberians because of the actions of one person.

AMA AMOAH • 9 years ago

Read for yourself the careless answer in the interview with a deputy finance minister. I wonder how he got his job.

Enemona • 9 years ago

Please do not generalize. Many Liberians are pissed with their countryman and feel very sorry for what happened and here you are muddling the issues. Everybody is sad but we do not need to make this any more difficult for ourselves as Africans, if anything, this is the more reason we need to bond together as black people to resolve our common problems.

AMA AMOAH • 9 years ago

Read for yourself the careless answer in the interview with a deputy finance minister. I wonder how he got his job.

His wife even said he came to Nigeria for treatment, Yet he denied it to the last minute but made sure he urinated on the health workers helping him.

NaijaCzars • 9 years ago

Nigeria will be sweet again!

NigerBoy • 9 years ago

Wondering when it was sweet before

Hateisnevertheanswer • 9 years ago

As a Liberian, I apologize to the people of Nigerian and pray that the virus is contained before it spreads like it has done in the other three countries. Let's not condemned an entire nation for the sins of a handful of people. What Mr. Sawyer and the idiot(s) who approve his travel did is unspeakable. If anyone had ulterior motives, it would have been Mr. Sawyer, who from reports knew of his fate. The actions of the others show how corrupt and incompetent our government and workers are and they should be held accountable for their actions or lack of. I pray that the government and other administrations can learn from this and restructure themselves better in the future.

It is a shame on the world leaders, especially those of the first world nations on how they responded to the ebola situation. Let's forget the experimental drug(s) for a second and point out that if they had responded by providing other necessary medical supplies and even some experienced healthcare workers in the field of infectious diseases, the situation would have not gotten this bad. Instead, they waited until the health systems in these underdeveloped nations were almost exhausted and the virus posed a threat to their countries to act.

As for the experimental treatment, I cannot say much about because I do not know how the whole process works (shame on me for never really being interested in medical research). With that being said, I cannot condemn the USA for not distributing an experimental drug that had not being tested on humans. Yes, they had no problem administering it to the two Americans and perhaps to the late Spanish priest (it was only confirmed that Spain had received the treatment, but has not being confirmed if the priest was treated with it before he died). But, let's be honest here, if they had tested it on a black person first and had gotten a negative result, we (Africans) would claim that the USA used us as their "lab rats". I should also note that one, if not both Americans had received a blood transfusion form a person who had survived the virus and it could be the reason as to why he/they is/are still alive. even though there have not being lots of studies on the Ebola virus, there is a small study (http://jid.oxfordjournals.o... in 1995 reporting that when 8 patients in Congo were treated with blood transfusion form survivors of the virus, 7 survived and 1 died. However, like the experimental drug(s), there are insufficient evidences (small # of patients and not control subjects) to support it. Maybe this is a course of treatment they should start looking into until the drugs become available.

Once again I offer my sincere apology as a human and a Liberian to Nigeria. My prayers to all those infected with this deadly virus directly and indirectly. I pray that African governments and people can learn from this and become better prepared for future disasters.

Now let the "hate" begin. If it will make you feel better to respond to me with hate and disrespect, please go ahead. After you're done, we can come together to join the fight against ebola and incompetent/corrupt governments.

Costco • 9 years ago


1. Summon the Liberian Ambassador to explain his country's gross negligence

2. Ban (not suspend) all flights from or en route from Liberia until the Aviation Agency in Liberia has proven it has the capacity to screen passengers diligently
3. Given the fact Liberia has pubilcly admitted their negligence with video evidence, the Govt should start looking at prosecuting and punishing the Liberian Government by way of sanctions for endangering the lives of 170 MILLION people
4. prosecute the Airline for criminal negligence in its home country for allowing an obviously violently sick person Check in and disembark upon arrival in Lagos.
5. Seize and confiscate all the airlines assets in Nigeria including planes and sue them in their home jurisdiction.
6. Get the list of the heads of Asky Airline heads and go after them individually, look for ways to lock them up or at the very least make them financially bankrupt.
7. Get the list of the heads of the Airport Agencies in Liberia, especially the unit that saw that video and allowed the Sawyer to board the plane, go after them individually and press criminal charges or civil charges.

8. SETUP AN INQUIRY AS TO WHY THIS MAN WAS NOT QUARANTINED AT THE AIRPORT GIVEN HIS PASSPORT AND HIS TERRIBLE HEALTH CONDITION and make the persons responsible for sending the patient to an unprepared hospital in the heart of this Country's commercial captial with 21million people loose thier jobs at the very least if not locked up criminal negligence. We want to see them crying and entering a cell on NTA not local govt office commissioning!!!


Lets hope they take some of these actions, unfortunately we have a group of unserious enjoyment enjoyment jolly jolly people at the helm of affairs who say corruption is not the main problem of our people so there you go, make your vote count Feb 2015! we need people that will fight for this country not these jok3ers.

NigerBoy • 9 years ago

9. Nigerian Government should resign from their posts for not taking appropriate measures to check Epidermal disease entering Nigeria. Even after knowing the flight was coming from Liberia. I know cause Ebola or not, you cannot enter London feeling sick.

10. Slap yourself for voting for the present government that allowed this, or if you did not vote. For not carrying out a revolution

Onike24 • 9 years ago

The Liberian President has already apologised to Jonathan, that diplomatically is enough. If it was not sawyer it would have been someone else, we were not vigilant, what did the Ministry of health do? i remember the Minister sitting next to Labaran Maku when he said that we had vaccines and cure for Ebola, and the Minister said nothing to contradict the Lie.

Costco • 9 years ago

Tell that to the people loosing loved ones

Onike24 • 9 years ago

Tell what? That Johnson Sirleaf apologized? Or that we were woefully unprepared? I only pointed out that in international diplomacy once the head of a soverign state apologizes it has to be enough. I did not start diplomatic convention, and make no mistake I am heart broken for the baby and mother that went for a vaccine and came home possibly infected with Ebola. I am not defending the indefensible but again it's should be about what lessons are we going to learn from this? My take away on this has been that the Lagos state Goverment was responsive and proactive, we need to hold our executive responsible, where is the minister of health? Is he holding daily briefings? What is the level of public awareness?

Guest • 9 years ago

u are sick period-----------------if a man with HIV/aids from Nigeria sneaks into India in search of a cure for his ailment-then Jonathan will go down on his knees to say sorry to india abi--u must be mad---animal

HAMZA • 9 years ago

HIV is not as infectious as Ebola. Use your head my friend and wake up from your slumber.

Onike24 • 9 years ago

Sir, I cannot join issues with one whose mental health is without a doubt questionable

Bullionvan2023 Fail • 9 years ago

This is very sad, terribly sad. Jonathan should act at the highest diplomatic level by summoning the Liberian Ambassador giving him a dress down and then withdrawing his letter of credence and suspending all diplomatic relationship with them so that these people can understand an apology is not enough for this deliberate wickedness. The Govt must not be lethargic and must consider banning all flight from that Country and impose sanctions on all it govt officials directly responsible for the release of this ebola terrorist.

Guest • 9 years ago

did u go beyond yr secondary school-----why should jonathan summon the liberian diplomats-------------do those who visit TB Joshua first write to Jonathan--those who would suffer from the rubbish u posted are the ibo traders in liberia my friend----------------

Sincerely Yours • 9 years ago

Is that all you care about, your ibo brothers trading in liberia. Did you not read that the liberian authorities insisted on the hospital releasing sawyer to continue on his trip to Calabar, even when they knew he had the virus. I agree wholeheartedly with Bullionvan2023 Fail. They should be summoned to explain themselves.

Bullionvan2023 Fail • 9 years ago

I find it hard to condescend to your gutter. Go educate yourself on how Governments register their displeasure at the highest level with other countries. As for TB Joshua and Ibo traders, you are talking nonsense in the true sense and definition of the word.

Sincerely Yours • 9 years ago

Going by all what has been reported, I have a feeling that the actions of the Liberian officials had ulterior motives. I might be wrong, but I doubt it. How can you know all of these, and yet allowed this sick person to come into another country. It could have been worse. What if sawyer had arrived at Calabar, had sex with some girls. The resultant effects is best not imagined. The disease would have spread like wild fire. The girls will pass it on to their boyfriends, and families. Those one will pass it on to their other girlfriends and families, and so on. It would not have been easy to contain as it is being done in Lagos. Liberia owes us big time.

nonepartyperson • 9 years ago

Liberia,history will judge your Country over this ruthless and careless thing Liberia has done to almighty Nigeria. To worsen it all,we have a very corrupt and heartly leaders #Jona, We are still fighting BK endlessly,now its Ebola. This is not the Nigeria our fore fathers fought and die for, God help us, amen.

Guest • 9 years ago

May God forgive yr tribe in the south east----------------over yr senseless comment--ghana is not blaming their president for the outbreak of the ebola disease--its only in Nigeria that we have the janjaweeds in APC--send their errand boys like ibo man wahala to sing the praise of APC--over a sickness that no nation has control over--------------

True Nigerian • 9 years ago

Yet when madam Sirleaf gives credit to the countries that helped her country to return to normalcy, she will name all the countries on the face of the earth except Nigeria - the most important country that should be number one in that list. But when their citizen gets Ebola or any other deadly thing, they will quickly send him or her to come and spread his virus in Nigeria.

Now, that one aside, what was Nigeria thinking when there was already a big outbreak in Liberia? Was that not the time we should have stopped all flights from the countries that have the virus?

Meanwhile, the same drug that the US said would not be enough to give Nigeria has already been approved for Liberia. That is despite the fact that while Liberia already has hundreds of infected persons, Nigeria has only 10 (with a potential for a few more hundreds which could be prevented if just 10 - 50 people are treated immediately).

Now, the refusal from the US is what you get when you have a corrupt President who would jet off into China in order to spite the Americans and their President Obama each time Obama reminds him that Corruption in Nigeria is problem for both Nigerians and American businesses.

Nigerians, oya o! Deal with it! Get China to help you out against Ebola. three Americans and a few Europeans have been infected as they tried to come in and help Africans. US has sent at least 20 people to Lagos to help Nigeria. Has any Chinese doctor arrived Nigeria to help as a missionary on Ebola? Nigeria - a beautiful country with unthinking hopelessly corrupt leaders and unthinking followers.

Wähala • 9 years ago

Ebolami Jona Dumbo is an evil jinx on Nigeria, every imaginable bad thing has happened under his corrupt and drunken leadership. You've said it all, I will just add that West African countries should have and share a database with all the names of those infected or under observation on it. That way, individual countries can takes steps preventing people with the virus from entering their countries... the Liberians acted very irresponsibly. I would close their embassy in Nigeria and send those slaves back to Barbados. Animals!

Guest • 9 years ago

why cant people respond to comment for heavens sake--why delete them

Guest • 9 years ago

very useless Ibo man--the first Nigerian to die of the ebola disease in Liberia is an Ibo man from enugu state --whose remains were flown from liberia to Enugu sadly for us---The Ebola virus started in the Congo---------and not the west african sub --region-----------------which disease have u been able to find a cure for in africa-----------apart from yr usual regional lies--which sadly for us has no cure-------@ wahala--those to be checked 4 d ebola disease are yr tribes men--------in Liberia- ati-----the republic of Benin--and Togo-------Neither of whom are blaming Liberia-except u--------the two countries are going about testing Nigerian traders all over their country while u foolishly play the blame game----and curse Jonathan for the outbreak of the disease-----------how prepared would the nation have been prior to the outbreak of the ebola sickness--- in Nigeria--------when only the yankees seems to have a cure for it---------------what about the other developed economies of the world-------------why did the yankees who contacted the sickness not die--idiot-------very stupid unthinking ibo rat like u----------want to blame government----did the Spanish priest who died of the sickness blame their leaders-- or the pope for his death' Mon

Wähala • 9 years ago

Ode, 'Mr. Patrick Sawyer' sounds more like an Aborigne's name than Okechukwu Maduka...
Only Aborigine ex-slaves are as sadistic in conduct as what Sawyer exhibited with the connivance of the ingrate Liberian Govt. led by Sirleaf whatever! who forgot to mention Nigeria in her gratuitous speech in Washington not too long ago. Clowns... like Dumbo!

Guest • 9 years ago

U call Ijaws mbamiri--------abi-------------------------i laugh-------------------do u know the name Ijaws call Ibos-----they are 2-----------KEMEFE-AMATU---second--tuwofeamatu-----this one simply means those who eat only leaf---GO ASK ANY IJAW MAN TO TELL U THE MEANING--of the first one-----SIMPLY MEANS--CANNIBALS-----The drug the spanish priest took from the USA/did not cure him-He is dead------------all of us would have been answering Ibo names-------if we were to be Ibo slaves--How do u own slaves when Ibos do not even know where they hail from in the world------------today u are jews--the next day-----Egyptians----------yorubas arrived the south west from the slave ship that brought them-----from sierra leone----did u hear Ijaws also came through that route---go and study the name of yorubas--like williams--and co----------that ibos give their people native names does not make them freeborns----------u must be an osu------that is why u are not sure of where u hail from in Mbaise--------animal

Denis_NG • 9 years ago

The only problem I have with your statement is referring to a people as "slaves". That is unwarranted as we are all Afriicans and of black race.

Guest • 9 years ago

@wahala--sadly the human meat chewing cannibalistic mind set in the ibo man is what is troubling yr dirty soul--that is why the river state have never been able to make any progress-because of the presence of the Ibos--what do they need the ibo man in their midst for--------when I am not in yr place---why should u come to my area----in d SS---------the Ijaw tribe has never been conquered by any tribe--in the region--only fools like Amaechi ati Dickson would allow an ibo man into their states--left for me alone I will kick every Ibo out of the niger delta---------------how many Rivers people do u see in yr enclaves--in aba ati onitsha-----show us the number of rivers people who built houses in the south east--after the biafran--war---who the hell are u an Ibo talk when an ijaw man is talking-------what is in u that i should envy--is it the fraud--the drugs u sell--d 419---your women that u send into prostitution-what is it--or--the human ritual--u use yr parents for--------------any zone that does not welcome strangers---such as the south east---is not fit to be part of the human family--Nigerians are scared of mixing with your tribe in the southeast--because of the fear that they will be eaten up by yr cannibalistic people----we from the Niger delta do not eat human meat so we can not be together in the same place --with the ibos------------when did the ibos start have kings-or chief--that u will refer to us as yr slaves--monkey----ours started long b4 d 16 century in Nembe--d mengi kingship--we went to war with the british---name yr Obis who related-----with the white people b4 then----or fought the british in a war in the entire south east--------animals