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Tammy Gilbert • 7 years ago

Amen and thank you for that very informative word.

Janet • 7 years ago

1 corinthians 7 has a lot of advise

39 A woman is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to marry anyone she wishes, but he must belong to the Lord.

I would take that to mean widow or widower.

Trusting God with our lives putting His plan first rather than our wants must be best for all lives.

God bless you/us all as we seek to Hear from our God who loves us and hears us but knows what's best for us.

Janet • 7 years ago

married and had two children before receiving Jesus as Lord and Saviour of my life.
Married for 46 years now and have another child praying for then all and their families.
Am blessed because i invited Jesus in when I heard how much God loved me praying they and friends and neighbours ..........will hear and know of His love for each of them
God bless and strengthen all who are struggling in relationships marriage, frenfships, family's community...
Keep our focus on Him, He will.bring us through and remember all our brothers and sisters around Gods world

Jacob Israel • 7 years ago

Where does it say "but we are not told to knowingly walk into a relationship with the awareness that they are an unbeliever." in the Bible?

Carolyn • 7 years ago

I think most people would be happy to be with their physical and spiritual equal. I think the Church is full of more woman than men though and the people tend to go with the status quo rather than what God wants!

Brian Ansell • 7 years ago

It is not a big deal as everyone and everything that ever existed is or was UNIQUE, NORMAL and PERFECT at being itself!!, so equality is a wasted dream
Sexual reproduction only works with DIFFERENCE!!! Each bringing something different and leading with offspring to more unique , perfect and normal people !! With life ine plus ine can kead to three or more if it inky came to two there woukd be no future generations!!! In any relationship the secret is to love the other for who they are not what you want them to be. The clever think about a Yolk is it has two ends with each making their contribution.

Sylvia Morgan • 8 years ago

Do not be unequally yoked with an unbeliever. Believe me, therein lies heartache & pain. You can never share on a Spiritual level when you get home from a wonderful meeting with the Lord, & that is very painful. Then there is the terrible feeling of being torn between two loves whenever decisions have to be made on all manner of subjects. Unequally yoked is bondage. This is to say nothing of contemplating Eternity!

William Smith • 8 years ago

Amen! anen! anen! Yes, Yes, Yes.
If only all believers believed the value and importance of staying within the boundaries that God lovingly sets out for us.
I remember the hot water I found myself in as a pastor when I refused to marry a believer to a non Christian. And the hot water was in the buckets of believers!!
Light and darkness don't mix.
Truth and error don't mix.
Righteousness and unrighteousness don't mix.
God's Kingdom and this world's kingdoms don't mix.
Those whose hearts have been given to God don't mix with those whose hearts are still set on themselves.
All or nothing.

Brian Ansell • 8 years ago

Nothing wrong with being unequally Yoked as long as one of the couple does not assume they always have more than the other. I have been with my wife for nearly 42 years and the secret is to respect DIFFERNCE not look for it and point it out!!! If mean and women were equal how would sex work? Who would have the babies!!!
Humanity excists BECAUSE men and WOMEN are different and with bith no one is born!!!
Remember each of us is UNIQUE! NORMAL And PERFECT at being oursleves. Learn to love yourself foe who you really are then love others for who they are!!!
Sadly many think love is about making those you claim to love as you want them !!! That is always ABUSE !!!
My extended family share the same values and in over 300 years of marriage in there generations marriage has only ever ended with death!!! Ie no kne married in order to change the other!!! We changed together!!! LOve changes everything and all you need is love!!!!

Zytigon • 8 years ago

It is maybe one of the key skills in a marriage not to repeat an idea that you know is going to conflict with your partner's position, what ever the topic. Just focus on all the other things that you share in common.

Proverbs 17v9, " He who covers over an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends"

Proverbs 17v14," Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam; so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out"

Proverbs 17v28~"Sometimes the discerning thing is to just hold your tongue"

I know of heterosexual married couples who have lived together happily for decades while holding significantly different views on religious matters. There are many relationships where people just agree not to discuss politics or religion. I know someone who said he has never known what political party his wife voted for, he deliberately never asked. People who work in high security are forbidden from talking to their wife or anyone else about it.

I think it is important to keep things in perspective. Religion is only one small area of life. You might find that in ten years down the line you will radically disagree with the position you now hold.

A large part of church life is pretty much just a social club, the chat is about the mechanics of the social club.

Many men spend 8 hours a day at work, 1 hour twice a day commuting, maybe passionate about a couple of sports; e,g 4 hours at the golf or football on Saturday and Sunday, watch films, read books, listen to music.

So talk about organising holidays or trips you've been on, talk about maintaining the house or car, talk about the books & films & music, talk about having a family or how they are getting on.

If you've found someone who you enjoy looking at and listening to the sound of their voice, their manner, it appears that they are going to be able to earn a living wage, they appear to be law abiding and unlikely to go off on a bender then you must be in the right ball park. People who seek perfection might end up single.

In any case why not just embrace the big picture of all possible (legal) ideas.
What if you were in the habit of going to a Pentecostal church and found someone who also liked going there but later got sick of it and wanted to go to the Free church but your better half refused to move ?

Don't go overboard on religion, it's more important to find someone with a good sense of humour, smart thinking, street wise, tolerant, easy going, forbearing, patient.
[ Good looking and rich has done well enough for plenty people if pressed ]

Stephen Watt • 7 years ago

In human experiences that may be so When Gods word gives explicit instructions they have to be carried out Sin is a violation of all that God is and He hates sin so christians have not the choice of choosing what we will allow by Gods will must be obeyed if we love Him If you love Me keep my words

Dr.Szymanov • 8 years ago

In 45 years years it never crossed my mind whether my girlfiend was a believer,an atheist or whatever.I must be honest,i never asked.
They knew I was religious as I prayed,attended church and so on.
I had the most wonderful girls who taught me about love and how to be less a horrible man.
The most impactful was Diane,a communist atheist.She taught me how to love.Love radiates from her and everyone feels blessed by her presence.She is now a lung and cardiac nurse.
So,i disagree with this Paul,as usual he is very good at judging and creating division.Jesus is my saviour and love is my goal.

Brian Ansell • 8 years ago

Dr S it appears you are a male!! That puts Diffrent complexion on the horse line!! Best reign in on tht now!!
I don't do religious as religious people OBEY often blindly becuase someone to,d them to!!I do faith and belief!! i am a Christian agnostic if cuSed of being religious I would laugh!! Jihaodsts recruits are religious, not Muslins but religious jihaodsts , they are promised a wife and a home and when they die dong what jihaodts do they will go to heaven, jihadist heaven known as hell by others, where there will be as many cirgins as they can handle but belfre they die they are given the cirgins as brides so none of them left !! They blieve the promises a s they are better than a Muslim lad is offered in say Bradford !! So they go they obey and if they want to come back here we lock them up thus proving to them they made the right choice!!
When I started teaching in 1973 I was expected to THINK how best to help my studmets learn now teachers are expected to OBEY the God Give and make sure all studmets Aem teachers and schools are all above average !! That can't be done and due the new OBEY rule few rare becoming teachers even fewer are reining to be teachers and more teachers are leaving that's joining !! No Inteligent person ever gets a job where they are expected to OBEY!! so please have faith and blieve but never be religious!!

John C. Gibson. • 7 years ago

Brian a true born again believer does not have religeon, but a relationship with the Glorified risen LORD of glory. He is God [ God the Son] We love Him, for He loved us and gave HIS life for us. God is not a killjoy, but a loving Father who wants the best for His blood washed children. Being a loving Father He knows all the pitfalls, hurts etc that can come about when a believer marries a non believer. I have seen the suffering and anguish such relationships bring. When the storms of life come sweeping in as they do in all relationships, the believing couple can uphold one another up before their LORD. They have something in common, a faith and trust in the One who takes them through the storm. My wife and I have proved God is graceous, loving, and full of peace.

Stephen Watt • 7 years ago

Brian if you are not a christian I,m afraid you do not understand what the scriptures teach it is not left to our way of interpreting the scripture teaches Do Not means just that we have to be obedient to Gods word If you love Me says the Lord keep my words the scriptural reason why then Paul gives the spiritual reason Since all have to meet God the Creator and will be judged by Him whether we believe in Him or not Heaven or Hell is our choice the final choice is Gods and He has condemned sin and sinners and made a way of escape by the Lord Jesus death So if be believe Him all will be well and we will enjoy keeping His rules

Brian Ansell • 7 years ago

Stephen but I am a a Christian agnostic and I love my neighboyr as Jeus suggested I even love idiots for being who they are!!

Stephen Watt • 7 years ago

Seems a contradiction of terms Christians know God He has revealed Himself in His Word and Being a a man and God on the earth
\there are at least 10 meanings of the agnostic they are very negative of belief so one cannot be a christian that is one who knows God or an agnostic who does not believe iin God
Loving people is not a way to say you are a christian you like me are sinners we cannot keep the commandments Only did and He was God manifest in flesh Jesus Christ

Brian Ansell • 7 years ago

Stephen if you love yourself for who you are and love those you encounter ( neighbours ) for who they are you will not murder them nir covert their things nir steal from them and the secret us LOVE
I am the way the truth and the life for me. And the same is true for anyone who calls themsekves "I" now you are free to disagree but then you must prove I can't live my life my way by what I see as true!!! You are of course free to BELIEVE as you choose but so am I!!! Now I am a Christian agnostic and you are a RELIGIUS biggot. Which would Jesus approve of? In the Samaritan steoy he had no time for the religious biggots who walked past the man he need he praised the Samaritan, an immigrant possible not even a Jew for offering help to. Man in need and Jeus was telling that story to ex,ain that the Samaritan loved his neighboyr the religious biggots clergy did not !!!!

Brian Ansell • 7 years ago

Stephen I dint even KNOW you and I suspect there is evidence that you exist!!! You probably existed before I ever heard of you. And having conversations with you has shown me how foolish peole can be . Had I never heard of you my life woukd not be diminished as I can always get laughs by noticing biggots.

Brian Ansell • 7 years ago

Stephen here is a contradiction . Someone who claims to be a Christian who failed to understand the story about a Samaritan!!,

Stephen Watt • 7 years ago

Who has failed to understand the parable of the Good Samaritan ??

Brian Ansell • 7 years ago

Stephen you have . Yiu have not worked out that the Samaritan was an immigrant who helps the man in need and the religious people walked by on the other side and only loved the religious nit their neighbour.

Stephen Watt • 7 years ago

The parable is different to what you have translated as The Samaritan is the Lord Jesus who helps the one going from Jerusalem The place where God dwelt and going to Jericho the place that was cursed he was ,and was going to Jericho YES THE TWO RELIGIOUS FOLKS DID NOT HELP THEY WERE GOING TO JERICHO AS WELL
The Good Samaritan looked help and left him in an Inn ie Church and promised to come back for him It has a gospel meaning nothing wrong with thinking it is about helping But regarding Go and gods there can only be one God the one Christians believe in tells how He created the world and how it will end and how He demands His rules to be observed

Brian Ansell • 7 years ago

Stephen no rules have to be obeyed!! Certainly from those fir women there is no evidence they even exist!!
so if you were on your way to church for a soecial service and you came across a Muslim woman clearly in need of help you woukd carry on to church!!! ! That is what religious peole do not Christians! ! love changes everything and is all you need ,

Stephen Watt • 7 years ago


Brian Ansell • 7 years ago

Stephen that is so funny. Remember that block capitals are harder to read then big and small letters. Also I am a Christian and have no reason to listen to your God I have my own god! You as ever are free to believe as you choose but nothing you believe will ever affect my life. Thanks fir the laughs you have given me and as ever I get the last word unless you are a lier.

Brian Ansell • 7 years ago

Stephen having read yiur nonsense again I laughed even more. I did not translate anything . Jesus was asked " who is my neighboyr" the stroty was his response!! It has nothing to do with where Gid was or who was going where. The religious ignored the man in need the immigrant stopped and helped. Thanks fir the laugh.

Brian Ansell • 7 years ago

Stephe read it again with no assumptions even according to you God is everywhere to assume God exists and was in Jerico is utter nonsense !! But very funny to read that an idot could think that!!!
Please Prove me wrong with evidence !! As trying to prove what is true never works!!
It is funny youso t call yourself " I" a defend runner you only live other RELIGOUS idiots!!!

Brian Ansell • 7 years ago

Stephen utter rubbish !!! Jeus to,d the story he was NOT in the story sadly you missed the pint as I suggested!! Stop being religious and live your neighboyr then you can be a Christian !!, thanks for the laugh!!,
No one created the very thing each thing evolved from what existed before !!, the thought that anyone chose to create you is really funny!!!

Brian Ansell • 7 years ago

Stephen where did you read that agnostics dint belive in God? That is what Athiests belive!!! Never make yourself look an idiot by misquoting definitions .

Stephen Watt • 7 years ago

Did no but was giving the benefit of the doubt but God is known in detail and there is only one GOD but many gods So to say He is not known contradicts scripture
This seems far away from what was discussed about the unequal yoke So if you have nothing to say about that subject will call it a day Since I love you as a fellow man will bow to your superior knowledge But not your scriptural knowledge Brian

Brian Ansell • 7 years ago

Stephen if there is only one God and that God created everything and knows everything how come RELIGIUS people areTRUE thier God is the ONETRUE God and are prepared to claim others AreWRONG for not sharing the same belif . Jihaodts and the IRAA are prepared to KILL those who don't share thierGOD!!

So we must each have our own god you have yours I have mine and neither can prove that they are the same !!! Women must have a female god and people of different races their own gods who are just as they are!!, please prove me wrong if you can.
Start by proving that your god is the same as mine.

Brian Ansell • 7 years ago

Stephen inferiority and superiority have no place in love of any kind. Just difference as we are all different!! Hence no two people can be equally yoked!! If you could think clearly enough you woukd realise that everything you ever do is connected to everything you ever did.

Brian Ansell • 7 years ago

Stephen clearly you don't love me for who I am asylu assume your scriptural KNowldge is better than mine!! I suggest my understanding is just different from yours!!!

Brian Ansell • 7 years ago

Stephen so many assumptions by you.. " God is known " to whom and how do you know? " only one God" says who? What evidence ? Your God having a gender !! How can that work? Sue inly something so powerful is abive sex and gender!!

Your last line is really funny, why bistro me and what superior Knowlwdge? And I wing what is written is Scrioture is irrelevant knowing what the scriptures MEAN to individuals is what matters !!!
Remember we are each UNIQUE, NORMAL andPERFECT at being oursleves. That is true for everything that ever existed from atoms to milky ways!!! So equality cannt happen !!, so we are each unequal and each Differnet !!! Also at each moment in life we can only react with LOVE, WORRY or HATE. And all Christians only ever react with LOVE. They never feel superior to others or inferior just different. Now you clearly feel inferior to me so you need to change that as I can't!!! Learn to love yiurself for who you really are then you will be fit to be a Good Samaritan!!!

Brian Ansell • 7 years ago

Stephen loving others as you love yourself has nothing to do with Christianity all world faiths do it. But not loving your neighbour for not believing as you do means you can't be a Christian. Please try and prove me wrong.

Brian Ansell • 7 years ago

Stephen definitions cannot be negative , nothing can be defined by what it is NOT unless there are only two possibilities!!! Clearly when it comes to whether God exists or not there are more than two. Those that believe God exists , thise that disagree with that group and those who dint care which one is wrong.

Brian Ansell • 7 years ago

Stephen it is also a contradiction to claim to be a Christian and not love your neighbour fir who they are!!! So if you are a Christian you will love me fir who I am. But if you are an arrigant religious oerson you will assume you are superior to me!! That is funny becuase no one is superior to me or inferior or even equal they are all just different!!!
As each if us is Unique, Normal and Perfect at being oursekves. Now if you want to claim to be subnormal and imperfect at being yourself that is your choice!!!

Brian Ansell • 7 years ago

Stephen what makes me laugh about religious biggots like you is you assume those who don't boieve as you do are wrong, you assume you and others are sinners and you only hope to go to heaven once you are dead!!! That is funny as I live in heaven love all I encounter whoever they are!!!
Try the 14 words and tell me hy theyDONT work for anyone who calls themsleves " I"?

Brian Ansell • 7 years ago

Stephen thatbjs ery funny.. You are a theist a religious theist and you claim to be Christian but asylu don't love me your neighboyr you can't be a Christian . Many theists imagine that anyine who is not a theists must be wrong and that is rubbish!! Athiests are as funny as theists as they know they. Do not Bleive what theist do!! I don't care what either believes a dam happy to not care whether God exists orGod does not. I am a Christian who follows the way Jesus lived when he was alive!!!
Christianity is a FAITH a personal faith it matters not what others believe and it is impsooble to UNBELIEVE or even NOT BELIEVE!!
So thanks for thelaugh and kearn to live by thses 14 words then you too can be a Christian and live in heaven as I do!!!
" I am the way the truth and the life" (for me) and " love my neighboyr as myself" if we each did that there would be no wars, no crime, no murder, rape or abuse in fact no crimes!!! Now that is heaven!!!!
Remember at each Monet in our lives we can only react with LOVE, WORRY irHATE and the last two are awaste of time so why not be a Christian like me . You can be Agnistic, theists or Athiests or cn secular!! The choice is your but never waste your breath claiming whatI can't be asthat justifies me laugh at you for being stupid!!! Thanks for thelaugh.

Chrystal Lee • 8 years ago

A teacher really?
This paragraph is in great need of proof reading.

Brian Ansell • 7 years ago

Indeed a qualified and successful teacher for 37 years never met me hence your arrogance !!

Brian Ansell • 8 years ago

CHrystal Yiu use such a name and want to tell others abiut sleeping and grammar very funny!!! Jesus was a teacher and there is no evidence he ever wrote a single word but clearly you are not a teacher but are LEXIC .

Chrystal Lee • 8 years ago

Chrystal is my name. Why are you insulting my name? And what does my name have to do with people using incorrect grammer?
There has only been one Jesus, son of God and he walked on water but what does that have to do with poor grammar.
Your spelling is not good either.

Brian Ansell • 8 years ago

Chrystal please give any evidence Yiu can that God was a dad or Jesus walked in water . As Yiu get X cited about spillin and grandma I suspect you are LEXIC, why not get tested it is very common and seldom diagnosed .

Chrystal Lee • 7 years ago

You are the one that brought up Jesus by saying he was a teacher. So, you prove he was, and that God was a dad and Jesus walked on water. I am not a Grandma. Sonny, and I am not excited about "spillin" as you stated.
If either of us is "LEXIC" as you call the condition (Dyslexic) I strongly suspect it would be you.
Just curious about, why one would purposely use bad grammer and
miss-spelled words that displays to all
that read their spewings, their ignorance.
It distracts from whatever point you are trying to convey. It exhausts the reader because they must practically de-code every other word and guess if they have reached the end of your sentence or not. Then when questioned you attack and stray off the subject. (I know a 4 year old that is master at that game).

Brian Ansell • 7 years ago

Chrysalis thatbjs funny LEXIC is not the same as dyslexic you fool. Lexics are people who are not dyslexic!! What else do you call them ??

Stephen Watt • 7 years ago

You call them Brian Ansell

Brian Ansell • 7 years ago

Stephen that jsfohnd you want to call all non LEXIC people Brian Ansell . Would you suggest that all lexics aerecalled Stephen Watt!!! What a mad thought of millions of lexics all confused as all called Stephen Watt!!, you must be LEXIC!! There is a simple test. Take a test for Dyslexia and if you fail it you are LEXIC!!! A state of not being Dyslexic!!, just like tall people are those who are not short and left handers those who are not right handers and Inteligent those who are not stupid!!! Being either LEXIC or dyslexic are both NORMAL !!! Sadly lexics think they are more soecial than dyslexics !!!
these peole were not LEXIC. Einstein, Leonardo da cinci, newton, Shakespeare , and most Nobel physicists in history!!! Now please name as many lexics who changed how the world is seen!!!
Try looking at what things MEAN not what they say. As often the two don't match.

Chrystal Lee • 7 years ago

There you go with your insults again and avoiding a valid question. Guess you can not answer honestly.
Okay, so you call me a fool. I'll call you a troll and we will be done with this banter. Good day