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klem kaddidlehopper • 2 years ago
Mark • 2 years ago

As an avid fan of documentaries, there were four in particular I watched over the past month that dealt with childhood indoctrination. What the kids were being taught was so absurd that it was laughable. They were Nazi Germany, Red China, Soviet Russia and North Korea. My laughter was tempered by this BLM and CRT foolishness. Is this really happening? Apparently so.

Prouddeplorable • 2 years ago

Mr. Hinderaker, thank you and your organization for your efforts. Keep up the good fight!

Insufficiently Sensitive • 2 years ago

This is a grass roots war, and it will only be won by driving turnout of normal Americans to vote in school board elections that usually are dominated by left-wing teachers’ unions,

Such a turnout won't be easy in benighted places like Seattle, where the bovine groupthink of 'progressives' elects the brightest of blue Councils and Commissions, and Congresstwerps at both State and Federal levels. But we'll have to round up all our (six?) conservatives and begin attending School Board meetings from Hades to breakfast. Maybe wear BLM buttons to get some fawning publicity from the Seattle Times while we raise the ruckus.

Harry Taft • 2 years ago

Years ago while sitting on some academic committee or other I remember a discussion about the Freshman class and the various quartiles and deciles and where in the university they intended to major. The bottom of the barrel were enrolling in the School of Education. At the time I gave no importance to the information. After all teachers in secondary schools taught the basics. What harm could there be if the teacher was degreed? Now I regret my disinterest. Some time later I learned that Education had created a major where the student had no math requirement. In the Business School where I taught, every major had a minimum of four math classes. This explains part of why we are where we are.

DreadPirateBruce • 2 years ago

"This is a grass roots war, and it will only be won by driving turnout of normal Americans to vote in school board elections that usually are dominated by left-wing teachers’ unions, only because no one else is paying attention."

That's not entirely true. For many of us, there is little, if any, information on the candidates. I expect this is done on purpose to frustrate the voters. Often, the only clues as to who the candidate is, was by their endorsements and the groups they joined.

If you want to change the school boards, you must setup a website where every candidate can publish their bio and statements. Require them to list their endorsements and groups. Those who refuse to participate should have a page created for them, clearly stating that the candidate refused to participate, and list what you can verify about them.

Without information readily available for the voters, your project will face significant headwinds.

104MAGA104 • 2 years ago

Say you're slow cooking frogs. Suddenly you notice they are about to hop out of the pot, what do you do? If you think you don't have much time left to kill them off, you might be tempted to turn up the heat too much. I see this level of heat as sheer panic.

gmoore9449 • 2 years ago

Bravo, Mr. Hinderaker and the CAE!
The Democrats know that elementary schools are the most promising battleground in their campaign to "transform" (translation: destroy) America by turning our children into little class warfare zombies who are driven by ignorance and hatred. This is every bit as evil as eugenics and ethnic cleansing. Critical Racism Theory advocates must be hunted down, publicly shamed, and banned from school boards. In the meantime kids should be transferred to private schools that still provide humane education or home schooled.

TomKatBooks2 • 2 years ago

...most don't realize that CRT is simply a tool of the Dems to convince everyone that white people are nothing but hopeless racists who only want to string up all minorities from the nearest tree.

J Beihoffer • 2 years ago

The left always turns on itself. THe white dems pushing this theory will eventually become victims of one level or another. They are not exempt from these racist labels.

DreadPirateBruce • 2 years ago

And as Solzhenitsyn observed, they will suffer the most, because they did everything asked of them and still they were cast into the gulag.

J Beihoffer • 2 years ago

Two suggestions - we need to take back the verbiage.
1 - The US is NOT a democracy - we are a REPUBLIC and we need to say this everywhere.
2 - Black/white is polarizing. We were taught the three main categories of humans: Caucasian (Arabs, some north Africans, Americans (N and S), Europeans and Indians (Indian); Occidental - all Asians; and Africans. (The other word would be taboo today). Some professors argue "caucasian" is wrong - but think about it - each of these three categories have people with very light skin tones to very dark.

IF we can start infusing these four terms alone, it will start shifting the vernacular. Republic, caucasian, occidental, African.

JK Brown • 2 years ago

To get rid of CRT just leaves an opening for another pernicious theory. The children need to be hardened to not only this kind of indoctrination but also future school shutdowns by officials.

The way to harden the children is to teach them How to Study. Teach them how to process what they read, as well as what they hear in lectures. To that end, 'How to Study and Teaching How to Study' (1909) by F. M. McMurry, Professor of Elementary Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, is an excellent program. Nothing earth shattering, just a process that for some reason was lost when teachers became "educators".

The factors are summarized in this paragraph, but there is also the need to push back on the "school helplessness" so many schools train their students to, that is less initiative and difficulty in self-starting when confronted with a school like setting.

True or logical study is not aimless mental activity or a passive reception of ideas only for the sake of having them. It is the vigorous application of the mind to a subject for the satisfaction of a felt need. Instead of being aimless, every portion of of effort put forth is an organic step toward the accomplishment of a specific purpose; instead of being passive, it requires the reaction of the self upon the ideas presented, until they are supplemented, organized, and tentatively judged, so that they are held well in memory. The study of a subject has not reached its end until the guiding purpose has been accomplished and the knowledge has been so assimilated that it has been used in a normal way and has become experience. And, finally, since the danger of submergence of self among so much foreign thought is so great, it is not complete — at least for young students — until precautions for the preservation of individuality have been included.
vaclav51 • 2 years ago

80% negative reaction, but what about the other 20%? That's an awful lot of people willing to go along with the extreme bigotry taught in CRT. Are they naïve and trusting of the authorities, or are they true believers in the "antiracism" screed - racism by other means? Do the Dems really believe CRT is good for the future generations? How do the White Dems justify imposing second or third class citizenship on their own children and children's children?

Guest • 2 years ago
Scott • 2 years ago

One CNN viewer that wrote lots of letters

MARK Reinbold • 2 years ago

May need you in Utah. Our governor needs to be more proactive against CRT. He has some RINO tendencies.

whatthedickens • 2 years ago

To stop the teaching of anything related to CRT, you are going to have to have America-loving citizens take over the school bards and enter the teaching field. This is not to denigrate your efforts, which I applaud, but to remind that the Left will integrate the ideas behind CRT into as many classrooms as possible under other names.

John Radzilowski • 2 years ago

Correct. If one effort fails they'll bring it back in other forms or try to hide what they are doing. There are those in schools and university who oppose CRT but they need support. Teacher education and HR departments are filled with CRT fanatics. Administrators are either pro-CRT or spineless. Most teachers and professors drank the kool aid long ago or are too afraid to say anything. So we need an even bigger project to remove education from the hands of the professional "educators" who've messed up US education since year 0. A good place to start would be to eliminate education degrees as a requirement for teacher certification. Instead, make teachers take additional content courses. That's a small, baby step but doable and would start to undercut the power of the education bureaucracy.

bluepike • 2 years ago

CRT on its face classifies people into categories (race-nonwhite) thereby denying people their natural rights and therefore denying the founding principle of this country that all are endowed by their creator of the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. None of the above denies the existence of racism, overt, systematic or otherwise but CRT offers no solution that is not anathema to the constitution and this country’s principles.

kieforeturnsagain • 2 years ago

At your events, I hope you have at least a platoon-sized, well-armed, security detail to protect against the Democrat party's violent terrorists.

Scofflaw1 • 2 years ago

Jeffy. Eugene. Edward B. Cato. Pauly D. Why are you and your party pushing this sickening, toxic poison down the throats of America’s school children? Explain why it’s good. Ready, set, GO.

MARK Reinbold • 2 years ago

Paul D is AWOL. Eugene is occasional "Guest."

PaulStPaul • 2 years ago

Thanks American Experiment for taking on this important issue.

PJGood • 2 years ago

You're a great American, John.

Roger • 2 years ago

I fall in this category and no offense, but most of the people are old people or at least older people. All the CRT evil has to do is bide their time while we die off and the youth, already indoctrinated, will march off the cliff into the abyss.

Try taking that stuff to a college or high school campus and you would have to fight every dean or administrator on campus and a loud and aggressive cadre of student storm troopers.

Scofflaw1 • 2 years ago

I worry about that too.

John Hinderaker • 2 years ago

Well, we are doing that too. We also had a lot of young people at our events. But the parents are the key demographic at the moment.

Roger • 2 years ago

Well John - That is good. The parents might be able to keep the elementary thru High School CRT nonsense down. I salute you for that. In my local school district, the pro CRT / White Prvliedge / Anti-Racism crowd just yawns when the 60+ crowd speaks up in meetings. Can't wait for us to die. Saw your link and will visit. Thanks.

424corazon • 2 years ago

Great efforts.

In the meantime, why not encourage students to declare their race as non- binary? Perhaps a way to neutralize the heaping of historical guilt on them.

Rustypelican • 2 years ago

This group is doing valuable work. The problem is that most people have lives and can’t spend every waking minute guarding against at the steady societal erosion pushed by the left. But eternal vigilance is what it takes. The left is relentless, which is how they have taken over every important institution in the country.

BajaBert • 2 years ago

That's why I believe the mindset should be to not just defeat the left, but to destroy it: move from defense to offense. There's a real co-existence problem with them. (BTW, thanks JH for what you do!)

merlyisback • 2 years ago

Bravo! Fighting the good and noble fight!
Is there a link on this thread to donate online?

John Hinderaker • 2 years ago
merlyisback • 2 years ago

Thanks for the link!
Very happy to have an opportunity to donate to this cause!
Super easy link, too. Ammo grrrl would approve 😉 ?

Gwen Kienholz • 2 years ago

Center of the American Experiment/ Put in your search and it should come up. We've joined for a few years and you get a nice magazine I think, it is 4 times a year.

merlyisback • 2 years ago

Yes, got the link.
Took less than 2”
Thank you.