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dean barbour • 2 years ago

Forced birther boycott of Amazon in 3......2......1......

Thanks, Amazon. Kudos to Bezos for taking this step knowing it's going to cost him $$$......

Guest • 2 years ago
sweetallysum • 2 years ago

They are not on the side of freedom. If they were, then they wouldn't be operating in couintries like China who use slave and prison labor.

Terje • 2 years ago

Gotta love when a loyal Saudi subject critiques human rights in other countries.

Bet the bonesaw used to dismember Khashoggi was made in China.

He can afford it

dean barbour • 2 years ago


Jack Wrong • 2 years ago

To him it is the equivalent of donating to Act Blue each month

Chammy • 2 years ago

Came here to say the same!!!

Guest • 2 years ago
sweetallysum • 2 years ago

Don't get too excited, this is just a publicity stunt.

middleman • 2 years ago

Damn! Shots fired in the re-energized culture wars! What will DeSantis do to punish them?!?


jr6020 • 2 years ago

Great idea but red states will pass a law against this…count on it…

and then Amazon will have a policy that says they will pay $$$$ for you to travel to another state of your choosing to have a medical consultation. And then an Amazon affiliate in that state will pay for the abortion.

Dave • 2 years ago

The benefit never said it was paying for abortions, just that amount for travel expenses. I assume the cost of abortion is on either the employee or the insurance company.

Insurance is state regulated, so the like would have to be out of pocket.

Dave • 2 years ago

And that's fine. At least that's status quo, which is a lot better than it was before Dobbs v Jackson, except for the inconvenience of travel. Glad to see at least one company stepping up with a benefit to help their employees here. Still sad that it's necessary - although this would have been a good benefit even before Dobbs (as it can provide for employees seeking other medical treatments that aren't available in the area).

Dave • 2 years ago

I was going to say that states don't have the ability to regulate interstate commerce, but if a law gets passed, guaranteed this SCOTUS finds a way to ignore the Constitution and rule that states do have that power, despite it being explicitly enumerated to the federal government in the Constitution.

I was thinking about the interstate commerce clause as well. Since abortion is technically a "service", it seems like you should be able to travel to another state to access that service.

Left_We_Go • 2 years ago

A humane and laudable response to Roe, but the trend of corporations acting as a private government performing services that the government should provide as a public benefit only increases their power over time and raises its own set of concerns.

Buford2k11 • 2 years ago

ahh...good...now make it part of a Union Package...
but...there are some republicans who have thought of this...I can't remember which state it was, but they want to criminalize anyone who goes to another state for an abortion....and criminalize anyone who helps pay for it as well...so...I just stocked up on ammo, and I go to practice my new techniques...

Texas, Oklahoma, and Missouri have all done more or less what you describe, whether through bounty hunter programs or direct criminalization. Idaho was about to as well.

MidwestMagic • 2 years ago

How would a state enforce such a measure?

Chammy • 2 years ago

However, I just read that Amazon donated a million dollars to anti-abortion committees as well as Coca Cola, CVS, Verizon, Walmart, Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, Walgreens and several others, per Judd at Popular Demand

Booker2118 • 2 years ago

I'm neither a fan nor enemy of big business. However, in this case, I admire and congratulate Amazon and Jeff Bezos of supporting liberty.

Edit - wow, removed the bad double negative. Too much typing; not enough coffee.

hdavis • 2 years ago

Can we have longer bathroom breaks?


sweetallysum • 2 years ago

And air conditioning in the summer.


Amadeus • 2 years ago

Better yet, Amazon could refuse to deliver to states like TX, OK, and FL which have passed these insane laws, and close all their facilities in those states.

King of Debt • 2 years ago

If they start getting sued for aiding abortions in Texas that may happen.

Twelve • 2 years ago

This is a good thing.

sweetallysum • 2 years ago

That's nice. Now if they could grant employees "Bathroom breaks" so they won't have to pee in bottles, they will show themselves true friends of the average worker.

Zornorph • 2 years ago

Or they could just pay them enough so they could afford it themselves.

"psychadelic warlord" • 2 years ago

not trying to defend amazon, but they do have a $15 min. wage, health insurance, including vision and dental, on day one, a family leave policy and, discounts on day care for employee's kids .... they also offer matching funds for 401k plans, free financial counseling, mental health care, and obviously decent employee discounts not just on amazon products, but things like travel as well ... these benefits go to employees at every level - they having sign on bonuses and stock stuff as well, but i don't know if all employees enjoy those ....

Adam Brown • 2 years ago

So Amazon will be hated by progressives for daring to be a big corporation and for being anti-union..
While Amazon will be hated by the right for daring to support women's reproductive freedom.

I gotta respect.

Grimwald • 2 years ago

Important to note this staff...not warehouse workers.

waket • 2 years ago

From the article:

Amazon's new benefit, effective to Jan. 1 retroactively, applies if an operation is not available within 100 miles (161 km) of an employee's home and virtual care is not possible, the company's message said. It is open to U.S. employees or covered dependents enrolled in Premera or Aetna health plans, whether they work in a corporate office or a warehouse.

tick62 • 2 years ago

It's sure is cheaper to pay for an abortion than to pay for the health insurance for the kid, especially if there's a genetic defect.

I can see a corporate bonus in the future where a self insured company or private health insurance company will tell an employee they will get free room and board, travel expenses and a $50,000 bonus if they abort the genetically deformed fetus.

This is a good and decent thing to do. Still, I’m glad I don’t work for that miserable company anymore and I intend to continue to boycott them as much as is possible. They could give all my former fellow underpaid coworkers a 50% raise and still afford to cover these medical expenses.

dgb • 2 years ago

So it's a tag match between the forced birthers & the gay bashers vs Zuck & the Big Black Rat. I know where I'd put the money down.

Herb Powell • 2 years ago

I'm not even sure you've got the right program. Zuck and Bezos care about MONEY, full stop. Money may not matter much longer though; money's a great substitute for power, but you know what's an even better substitute for power? ACTUAL POWER.

Herb Powell • 2 years ago

More importantly, are pregancy services and procedures in general covered under the company health insu -- ooooh, I see what you did there, Jeff; you, Epstein and Dahmer are inspirations.