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MarkD2814 • 2 years ago

Yep, it's worked for them, and worked so well that Althouse has to first confirm that she's pro "abortion rights" before she makes her point about how it's unseemly to use the issue as a political football, for fear she may be dismissed as one of those icky pro life people.

Of course I've never met the woman, it's probably just as likely she really does believe in abortion rights and really is bothered more by political demagoguery than the murder of innocent children by their mothers. If that's true, hard to look at her with anything but contempt.

But Althouse's comment is telling, what is the "hysteria" they're drumming up? That someone might take away the right to murder your babies, if you don't vote for us? That's what's been winning for 50 years? We've twisted morality so much that the ones who protect children are now the villians and the people who help women murder their babies are the heroes? That's a far more distressing political reality than the one Althouse railes against, and yet she seems perfectly fine with this one.

hairless_joe • 2 years ago

Ann Althouse, nice upper-middle-class liberal that she is, wants to take the fun out of everything, even using the wretched abortion controversy for political advantage.

Of course, she supports "abortion rights". Fetal rights, not so much.

MarkD2814 • 2 years ago

it's not the "controversy" that wretched, it's the act itself. It's also wretched that the ones who can use the "controversy" for political advantage are the ones advocating the murder of innocent children, not the ones trying to save children. It's Wretched that saying innocent children should not be murdered in the womb is "controversial" at all.

disqus_RMwq77vdQN • 2 years ago

Primarily serving as a means to control the #s of poor, abortion serves as a bloody-shirt issue for Democrats to rally the troops, a virtue-signaling prop for GOP phonies, and a largely empty symbol of freedom to gull the deluded, even as real freedoms are whittled away.

Zefal • 2 years ago

What's Anne's opinion on the constitutionality of laws that restrict abortion? Does she think this Texas law is unconstitutional? Does she think the unborn have rights that make abortion at some point unconstitutional? These are rhetorical questions. We all already know the answers.

Dee Bee • 2 years ago

After years of cutting and pasting from liberal “blogs” like NYT and WaPo, Vanity Fair etc., without comment (with agreement?) and pretty much nothing else this penchant for periodic halfway middle of the road effluvia gets tiresome. She lost me after she waved the rainbow flag after, like the us embassy in Kabul, after Obergefell. I got taken in by the “cruel neutrality” schitck

LekkerBloke • 2 years ago

The now completely irrelevant Ann Althouse. The comments on her blog were the only good thing about her blog.

hairless_joe • 2 years ago

She seems happy enough now just talking to herself. No negative comments from the readers to put up with. Several of the former commentators were much more dependably interesting than the insipid articles that she posted about.

LekkerBloke • 2 years ago

You are right. There were a few guys over on that comment section who had seriously funny and original things to say.

DysG • 2 years ago

Let's work through why she's fabulously incorrect, slowly enough that an intellectual like her can follow it.

If conservatives/GOP were truly seeking to use abortion for political gain, they'd make sure that abortionists were on every street corner in minority neighborhoods, and they'd offer free tubal ligations to single, over-educated/under-informed females of the feminist persuasion.

Within two generations, the GOP could have a demographic advantage that the DNC would find difficult to overcome, and within four generations, the DNC would be a permanent rump party in American politics.

But the GOP, instead, is arguing for fewer abortions, to their own political detriment. Where's the "partisan advantage" here?

Althouse believes in taking positions so illogical, so ignorant, that only an intellectual could believe them.

hairless_joe • 2 years ago

And arguing them in an infuriatingly obtuse fashion, carefully avoiding her own bias and assumptions.

JWilde • 2 years ago

This see you next tuesday has the gall to split hairs on murdering the innocent. Do the letters F and O mean anything to you Ms. Althouse?

MrJest • 2 years ago

Only a minority of people care one whit about abortion from either stance. But they are a loud minority.

LekkerBloke • 2 years ago

I'd say that's almost completely wrong. Abortion is a moral issue, and that means pretty much every person with morals has a view. And given that abortion means the killing of a human, men are exactly as involved as women.

Ditzy • 2 years ago

On abortion and every other social issue today, it can be summed up the same way: Almost all Americans agree that there are too many Democrats. Republicans want them to change their minds, but Democrats want to kill themselves off as a demographic either by directly killing other Democrats (abortion, ESCR, IUDs, euthanasia) or by making Democrats barren (other contraceptives, promoting gay and trans lifestyles etc).

balzacq • 2 years ago

If Biden is a "reluctant gladiator", then I, for one, am not entertained.

MrJest • 2 years ago

Thumbs down. 😈

pseudo-intellectual • 2 years ago

ANN ALTHOUSE: “I support abortion rights...

That's disappointing.

LekkerBloke • 2 years ago

Entirely consistent with her illogicality on most issues.

blue quasar • 2 years ago

"I support abortion rights..."

You support the murder of innocents. There is no evil you can't be talked into committing.

jeff999adxe • 2 years ago

Althouse voted for fascism. Twice. GFY.

Grail Knight • 2 years ago

Good conservatives support free speech on principle. Smart conservatives do not interrupt when their enemy makes a mistake.


Yeah maybe you should treat a tragic situation with gravity, once you've pulled yourself out of that hole.

Jack Amok • 2 years ago

If Althouse, or anyone else for that matter, what's to support a woman murdering her unborn baby in barbaric fashion before it's even had a chance to breathe because letting it live would be inconvenient for the woman, well, go ahead, just don't try to pretend you're supporting something other than that.

I mean, I support hanging violent criminals who pose a danger to society and am not afraid to make it clear that I realize the criminal is D-E-D dead afterwards. Can supporters of Mothers-Killing-Their-Babies be as honest?

larry • 2 years ago

"Thanks to cultural conservatives, pro-lifers and even former president Donald Trump, Republicans finally may have overstepped."

The NeverTrumper Kathleen Parker cannot resist a slap at Donald Trump, blaming him for something he had nothing to do with. She used to hold herself out as a conservative. President Trump showed which conservatives were not actually conservative.

pseudo-intellectual • 2 years ago

Ms. Parker hasn't been the same since she bumped her head several years ago.

mike2000917 • 2 years ago

It's been said here before and recently, but I still don't give a shiiite what Althouse says. And she needs to change her picture to reflect reality.

DirtyDave • 2 years ago

Ann Althouse. Not going there.

Stoutcat • 2 years ago
"It’s so great to get back to good old abortion, where we can stir up the old-time hysteria and rile up the voters the way we’ve been doing it for 50 years.”

Interesting to note regarding Althouse's mention of abortion and hysteria, that the word hysteria originates from the Greek word for uterus. The oldest record of hysteria dates back to 1900 B.C. when Egyptians recorded behavioral abnormalities in adult women on medical papyrus. (From Wikipedia)

pseudo-intellectual • 2 years ago


mrkwong • 2 years ago

If the Texas law, and others like it, eventually put a bullet in the '60s 'viability' pseudoscience behind Roe v Wade then so much the better.

That said, it's hard to imagine the end result of that being a Federal ban on abortion. And returning it to the states requires unwinding fifty years of 'privacy' being found under some Constitutional rock.

Keoni P. • 2 years ago
And returning it to the states requires unwinding fifty years of 'privacy' being found under some Constitutional rock.

I'm not in favor of that because the right to privacy is an unenumerated right that is referenced in the Bill of Rights in different ways. And I'm not going to disparage unenumerated rights just because it inconveniences me on one issue.

BizChuck™ • 2 years ago

The Open Thread should begin two hours earlier here.

Official ruling, and not subject to any dispute whatsoever.

Ditzy • 2 years ago

Gosh, you keep pronouncing that week after week, month after month, and yet: it doesn't happen. It's almost as if you aren't as influential as you think you are.

Marielle Redclaw • 2 years ago

A lot of women out there were utterly failed by their parents

Luke West • 2 years ago

Except that they were still given a chance to live and breathe air.

Marielle Redclaw • 2 years ago

And then the parents pretty much abdicated any other responsibilities

When I got pregnant the first time I knew I was signing up for an 18+ year career

Hawkeye52 • 2 years ago

You never stop being a parent. Your roles evolve but you will always be mom [or dad].

Winston Smith • 2 years ago

Even in their 30’s they’re still your “little boys and girls”.

Seeing them with my grandkids is the best thing ever.

saywhatsaywhat • 2 years ago

The one with the uterus and pregnancy decides what to do. Not, the government.

21stCenturyCassandra • 2 years ago

So, if the two year old turns out to be inconvenient, the one with the uterus gets to dispose of them? Because that’s what you are saying. Own it.

Lanceman • 2 years ago

So, cheapening of life means nothing to you. Not that I am against abortion, mind you. It keeps future democrat voters relatively in check.

Guest • 2 years ago