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Chintan Gohel • 4 years ago

Thermal imaging cameras are incredibly expensive and most do not even go beyond 640 x 360 resolution. I wonder which camera was used here

Dheera Venkatraman • 4 years ago

Author here. The camera was a Seek RevealPro which has 320x240 resolution. The thermal data in the panoramas are stitched together from raw data exported by the camera and represented as color (hue+saturation, as per scale in upper right, represents temperature data).

The brightness channel is piecewise-linearly combined with a corresponding visual image taken with a regular SLR to provide a visual reference of what you're looking at.

T.I. • 4 years ago

right in the article, "Since I wanted to image wide-angle landscapes in high resolution, and my thermal camera’s field of view was only about 24 degrees, I had to put together a DIY rig to panoramically scan the scene. I also simultaneously shot a black-and-white photo with a regular camera and a wide-angle lens for comparison. I then wrote my own program to color the black-and-white photograph with the actual thermal data, using a false-color scale which you see in the upper-right corner of every image."

Guest • 4 years ago
Kalyn Davis • 4 years ago

I don't think TJ was being snarky or anything...

T.I. • 4 years ago

yep, not being snarky, else I would have used nasty language like you did *hint*
I figured he missed the info in the latter part of the paragraph in which it was contained.
I wasn't sure if he thought the actual image was from a thermal camera or not (since he mentioned the resolution and may have been perplexed/wondering if there was a higher res thermal camera available).
Take your cursing elsewhere.

Guest • 4 years ago
Mike McCroy • 4 years ago

Your full of crap, and trying to back track. Who else said anything bad in the first 4 words.

Guest • 4 years ago
Chintan Gohel • 4 years ago

And the photos are indeed amazing

Chintan Gohel • 4 years ago

Thank you for the information - at work we have a Fluke thermal imaging camera, I think with a 640 x 480 resolution. I might try out some of the panoramic stitching later - though I have to think on how to do the movement of the camera since it would have to be precise

Much appreciated

jonincanada • 4 years ago

There are some low cost (low res) thermal cameras on aliexpress for $88. The future is here!

DONALD DiNaro • 4 years ago

Nice article