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Maxine Bourgeois • 5 years ago

What racial divide?

guitarman121 • 5 years ago

"Because I think that the great lesson of Lincoln and Jane Addams and
King and Mandela is, for every stitch of hate or distrust that you put
into the fabric now, you’re going to have to unstitch at a later point."

Liberals don't get that and they don't care.

SIASD • 5 years ago

You are doing Russia's work for them with generalizations like "Liberals don't get that and they don't care."
So maybe stop stitching hate and distrust.

The [Russian] idea was to undermine democracy, to make Americans lose confidence in democratic institutions and elected officials by turning every crack in our country into a chasm and pitting different race, ethnic groups, religious groups, socioeconomic groups, Second Amendment, abortion rights, whatever it might be where we fight, instead of being a unified front against them.

jskdn • 5 years ago

"How many of you all talk to someone who doesn’t share your politics?"

I'd be surprised if the overwhelming number of participants in IYC didn't share similar political beliefs. I've never seen an interfaith organization that wasn't politically liberal.

Dexys • 5 years ago

I was there, a good amount of people were conservative. One of the first things we did was raise our hands if we lean left or right on beliefs or both. It was pretty even split for all three categories. It was a solid program Imo.

Guest • 5 years ago
SIASD • 5 years ago

Yet the Irish and Germans weren't "white" enough in the 1800s, and Catholics weren't "Christian" enough.
And then in the late 1800s and early 1900s, there were Central, Eastern and Southern Europeans who weren't "white" enough -- and yes, some of them were Jewish.

And amazingly, the above didn't "destroy America and its culture and people."

Guest • 5 years ago
SIASD • 5 years ago

Large parts of America have advanced a great deal beyond the 1800s.
Maybe you can join them soon.

(and where are Sharia Law Somali Muslims immigrating in the same numbers / proportion as German Catholics in the 1800s?)

Guest • 5 years ago
SIASD • 5 years ago

You mean this (irrelevant) question?

"Do you think Sharia Law Somali Muslims would immigrate as well with 1800s Americans as German Catholics?"

--answer: I have no idea -- yet it doesn't seem like there was a country called Somalia in the 1800s, and it isn't clear the Sultanates that were there used Sharia law.

"Some cultures are better than others, and some people assimilate into certain countries better than others."
--my guess is that words with the same meaning were said in the US about the Irish, the Germans, the Catholics, and the Central, Eastern and Southern Europeans

So a question to you: Why weren't they "white" enough?

Guest • 5 years ago
SIASD • 5 years ago

your question remains irrelevant.

And regarding Somalis in the US, you clearly don't know the history of Chinese in America and how it informs the issue of immigration and discrimination -- kind of like this article

And it's very revealing that you don't answer the question posed to you.