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Pops • 7 years ago

A question for Trump supporters:
What ever happened to that "I know more about ISIS than the Generals"? and "I have a secret plan to defeat ISIS"?
Oh, wait, there's North Korea to worry about now...
And, for what it's worth, I don't have any problem with Trump firing Comey. In fact, Obama should have fired him when he announced the whole e-mail thing just before the election. (Can you just imagine what the uproar would have been from the Trump campaign and his supporters?)

Oh, and one more question for Trump supporters:

If you entered into a relationship, and that person said to you:

"I am the only one you can trust. I am the only one who is not lying to you. I am the only one who can keep you safe"

What would you do? How would you feel if someone close to you were in this type of relationship? What would you do if your daughter came home and told you that her new boyfriend told her these things?

lowBSdiet • 7 years ago

Just do it and don't argue about it.

If the FBI has any evidence against the President they still have it and still have to present it to the fishermen on the committee, with or without Comey.

Big Willy for you! • 7 years ago

If impeachment seems like a fine solution to you, the good news is that Congress doesn’t need evidence of actual treason or murder to move forward with an impeachment: Practically anything can be considered a “high crime or misdemeanor.” Even Liying.

Trump is a serial liar!

Impeach the clown now! Pence too!

Pops • 7 years ago

The thing that bothers me the most is the unrepentant and total hypocrisy of Trump supporters and the Republican Party in general. If a Democrat would have pulled half of what the Trump Administration has done, they would be apoplectic. I'm an Independent, and if the Republicans would have run someone (ANYONE) else I probably would have voted Republican. Trump is a crook, a moron and a total disgrace. He may well be also a Traitor, but time will tell.

Mary Haas • 7 years ago


SaCruCoR • 7 years ago

The firing was I ntended to distract from his latest health care disaster. That has worked pretty well. But Russia is rapidly becoming Trump's watergate -- it wasn't the burglary that brought Nixon down, it was the attempts to cover it up.

What do I think of the president's decision to fire Comey?

Oceania is at war with Eastasia, Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia..

Sassy917 • 7 years ago

Trump needs to be removed, he is a danger to the country, this is an attempt to screw the investigation into his relationship with Russia. He had Comey help him steal the election and now needs to shut him up with the investigation that includes Trump. Trump wants to be dictator in democracy not going to work or he will insight the American public into a revolution if this crap keeps going

L Step • 7 years ago

Ah, one does tire of constant Trump-Bashing. A constant media snow-storm.

Nancy Widman • 7 years ago

He should have done it on day 1. Comey needed to go and the Democrats wanted him out a long time ago while the Clinton investigation was ongoing. The Director of the FBI has NO business being involved in politics. Period.

Willie Pierce • 7 years ago

And now, Democrats want us to forget that Comey lied under oath about Clinton's emails.

Guest • 7 years ago

The polls told us Clinton would win the Presidency a few months ago. So much for the polls.

Murf the surf • 7 years ago

"LOCK HER UP,LOCK HER UP!"Wouldn't it be nice if the new director looks
into her illegal server,destroyed e-mails,Clinton foundation etc.There are
many people sitting in our jails who have done far less.

OsmanthusFragans • 7 years ago

Here would be a great PATCH headline.


Guest • 7 years ago


You have got to be kidding! It was not that long ago that ALL the polls claimed that Hillary would be our next President .

Polls are agenda driven . Fake news. Fake polls.

Trump has not even started yet. It s about time we had a leader.

Joan Modzelewski Carignan • 7 years ago

Trump is doing that to divert attention from the FBI investigation into his collusion with the Russians in subverting the election of our president.
Same with his unfounded allegations about voter fraud. When that investigation is completed they will find that yes! There was voter fraud and it was committed by Vladimir Putin.
PS I do wish we had an adult as president instead of a child in need of anger management therapy. And he didn't even have the grace to fire his employee in person.

Guest • 7 years ago

Whatever your on.........can I get $5.00 worth?

cvozz • 7 years ago

Still drinking the DNC Koolaid Joan? Voter fraud in this election cycle is a myth perpetuated by the disbelieving left. Votes were recounted and voting machines were checked. double checked and triple checked in the states of PA, MI, WI and OH. All they found was that Trump actually received a couple of 100 votes MORE in each state. The problem with you is if Trump kept Comey you would have complained as well! LOL!!!

all-c-ing-eye • 7 years ago

it does not seem logical for the president to have control over what should be an independent agency such as the FBI. All forms of Gov. agency's should be able to present to the president their independent findings to be assessed. With that being said, Mr. Trump asked if he was being investigated, I see nothing wrong with that as the president could be of help should such a search be conducted. Mr, Comey it seems was not on the same page as the president and the reason for the firing may have been to stem a witch hunt perhaps in progress instead of being objective. When this is finally settled it will be a matter for the public to decipher what is the real reason and what is "fake news".

Joseph S. • 7 years ago

By firing Comey this way and also insulting him with the "showboat" comments Trump has opened the door for Comey to exact revenge at the Russian hearings. All Trump's fault. He could have done this in a professional manner but he chose not to. Trump has had his fun. Soon Comey will have his fun.

gvm442 • 7 years ago

Democrats are going a long way to proving my theory that you have a memory span of about 2 weeks. Let me refresh your tiny little minds-Last November and beyond, you were screaming for the firing of Comey.

john • 7 years ago

Hey libtards..Comey was fire because of the way he handles investigations..Hillary:Open investigation, close investigation, reopen investigation
Trump: Open investigation, close investigation, reopen investigation....See the pattern?

Blowin Smoke • 7 years ago

Comey requested more resources for the Trump/Russia probe, and was immediately fired. Even Republican congressmen are finding it harder and harder to ignore the smell of scandal. Senate intelligence committee is issuing subpoenas to Trump's lackeys. It's gonna get interesting. Trump will rival Nixon as the most corrupt and disgraced president. Both Republicans.

john • 7 years ago

wake up...

Guest • 7 years ago
Joseph S. • 7 years ago

Trump has slowed down the investigation short term. But he has added fuel to the fire. Long term this move makes no sense for Trump. He embarrassed Comey in the press and Comey will seek revenge at the hearings.

Anonymouse • 7 years ago

Should have happened sooner. His treatment of the Hillary Clinton case - describing all the things she’d done wrong, then announcing that she would not be prosecuted, was so wrong on so many levels. And Comey, a high-priced lawyer and former AG himself, knew better. The FBI investigates. It neither prosecutes, nor decides not to prosecute. It refers its findings to the Department of Justice.

He also had to know that “intent” is not a factor in prosecution of cases involving national security.

Then he wildly exaggerated the number of emails Huma Abedin had supposedly uploaded to her husband’s laptop. Thousands? Nope. A relative few as it turned out.

Irresponsible? Screw loose? Whatever. It was past time for him to go.

cvozz • 7 years ago

Do you think he thought that with Bill Clinton's embarrassing, ill-timed meeting with Loretta Lynch? Comey probably thought that the "fix" was in for Hillary with regards to the prosecution of her extremely careless handling classified information by the Democrat-controlled Justice Department. He launched two torpedoes into the side of Hillary's campaign.

Hank • 7 years ago

With all due respect to former FBI Director Comey, historians will judge him as one of the weakest Directors of the FBI. It is a tough job and was he up to the task? He should have never said anything about any investigations and just follow the investigations to its final conclusions. As for the aspect of collusion, if it is the nature of all politicians to wheel and deal, then the FBI needs to investigate the whole lot and not just Trump. Trump should have hada boss to worker talk before doing anything. It would have been better if Comey resigned instead of being fired. He paid the ultimate price for talking too much and injecting the FBI into the election politics.

S.O.S_1.20.17 • 7 years ago

Trump wanted Comey to swear an oath of loyalty, when he didn't he got rid of him. Trump is acting like a Mafia boss.

It is just amazing to read all of the comments below and see people saying that Trump is an idiot, Trump is crazy, Trump has Russian ties..... and on and on and on.
The fact of the matter is, you people know nothing. You are in all probability far less intelligent than the President. Stupid people don't know they are stupid.... think about that for a while you geniuses.

Buddy Revell • 7 years ago

I just did a search on this page. The word "idiot" was used three times (once as "idiot," twice "idiotic"). All three were by you.

Max • 7 years ago

The President can do whatever he wants. If you disagree, "You're fired!"

Yep • 7 years ago

What took so long? Tree of Liberty was looking parched.

Ariestar • 7 years ago

Bill Clinton did it. No reason why Trump shouldn't have his say as the FBI works for the executive branch.

Buddy Revell • 7 years ago

Sure, but if you're being investigated by the FBI and then you fire the head of that investigation, it says you're hiding something and abusing your power. It's something a two-bit third-world dictator would do.

cvozz • 7 years ago

And yet the Dems were saying from day one he should have been fired. Some people you can NEVER please! LOL!!

Jessica Sweeney • 7 years ago

With Comey's removal, the FBI has been neutered. The only groups besides the now-neutered FBI that have the authority to investigate Trump are congress and the judiciary. Congress isn't going to do it. The judiciary isn't going to do it either (and even if they were going to, a neutered FBI is not going to provide agents to conduct the investigation). Trump left Comey alone for as long as he did because he thought that he was a crony. Now that he realizes that Comey is not in his back pocket, he is useless. Once Trump controls the FBI, no one will investigate him. Trump does not believe in our government. He never has and he never will. That is why he is systematically destroying it. He is on his way to becoming a dictator.

Buddy Revell • 7 years ago

I wouldn't count the FBI out just yet. There are a lot of FBI agents who are very loyal to Comey and very angry at his dismissal.

Joseph S. • 7 years ago

You are correct. There could easily be a Deep Throat in the FBI that will be feeding info to investigative reporters. Would it be ironic that 2 Washington Post reporters uncover the first explosive stories. Could happen.

Ron Ruggieri • 7 years ago

You seem to know a lot about the FBI with your fake name. Are you perhaps a concerned INSIDER ? Most socialists do not slobber over ruling class intelligence agencies.

Buddy Revell • 7 years ago

C'mon socialist Ron. Say something about the GOP. I'm sure a fake, I mean, fervent socialist like Ron has some pretty choice words for the GOP, eh?

Ron Ruggieri • 7 years ago

If you can read BUDDY REVELL ( " 80s super punk " ? ) I have said again and again that BOTH the Democrat and the Republican parties serve the American plutocracy. But presently it is the Democratic Party that is promoting this toxic New McCarthyism. And General Michael Flynn- whom I do not admire - is nevertheless the number one smear victim of the neo-liberal witch hunt.

Buddy Revell • 7 years ago

Is Trump a vicious plutocrat? Before you respond, think: "What would 'Ron' say?"

Pel Pelago • 7 years ago

Well, IMO Mr. Trump, as POTUS, should have removed Mr. Comey the day after being sworn in.

Guest • 7 years ago
Buddy Revell • 7 years ago

Obviously because Comey continued to lead the FBI's investigation into ties between the Russians and Trump's campaign. Trump's former security advisor is already in hot water for taking payments from the Russians. Trump wanted Comey to make it go away and he wouldn't.

Buddy Revell • 7 years ago

But he didn't. Trump waited until the Comey-led FBI investigation continued to unearth illicit ties between Trump surrogates and the Russians. THEN Trump fired him. That's the crux of the scandal.

Pel Pelago • 7 years ago

Crux of "the scandal" you say. Whoa. If it's true that the Russians were meedling in the US election in order to persuade voters to choose Trump over Hillary, doesn't that suggest that Mr. Comey was helping the Russians on the even of the election by stating so late in the game that the Hillary email investigation was ongoing cuz he just learned that Huma sent her hubby "the Wiener" the "missing" emails (did Comey mean to suggest these were the emails Hillary had said were "cleansed"?) Well, look at this so-called "scandal" from another perspective, because there IS another perspective: Who was Comey helping? The Russians? Hillary (by making her look like a victim)? or Congress? (As Comey initially claimed.) Or could it be that Mr. Comey lacks good judgment and he already knew he would be going out the door so he asked for money to investigate the boss before the door hit him on the backside? Curious minds want to know.

Buddy Revell • 7 years ago

Comey thought he was doing the right thing by publicly announcing the discovery of the unvetted Huma emails 10 days before the election. He didn't want to look like he was hiding info, so he released info he shouldn't have. Ultimately, that breach of FBI policy helped Trump, but in Comey's mind, either way he was affecting the election. Obama never fired him, although he could have.
Now to Trump. In this scandal, Comey is again doing what he thinks is the right thing, by investigating Trump for possible collusion with the Russians to hack the election. We don't know where that investigation is going to end up. But Trump firing Comey, in the middle of the FBI investigating Trump looks extremely guilty to anyone who's not a blind Trump zealot.