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Luc Bossuyt • 4 months ago


I'm preparing a major OS & APP migration and one of the aspects is that the print queues will migrate to new servers. Configuring the virtual Qs (section 3.) is doable in a manual way, changing the Print Release parameters (section 4.) is a huge problem as I have to do this for +/- 240 devices. Is it possible to automate (server-command?) or with SQL update statements in the database (something I'd rather not do)? Other options?

Kindest regards, Luc BOSSUYT.

David Dunn • 4 months ago

Hi Luc,

You've raised an interesting question. Here is a useful link that should contain the answers you need.

Requires PaperCut MF 20.0.3 or above and the example code requires Python 3.6 or above
You should only proceed if you are an experienced administrator.

hws3rd • 1 year ago

I am encountering a situation with a Mac laptop user at a remote school who updated the Mac iOS and in the process lost her ability to access printing. Printer access is accomplished via Papercut Print Deploy and users employ a printer access card to authenticate themselves at the Kyocera printers of their school in order to be able to print off their print jobs. The end user's Mac laptop is using Mac iOS Ventura 13.2.1. Printing was working fine with the previous iOS but with the updating this was lost. I have had her install the Print Deploy Client but she says that she does not see the local virtual Find-Me queue when she looks under its properties nnor when she attempts to print. Any help or guidance would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

James (PaperCut Support) • 1 year ago

Hi hws3rd,

In order for us to help investigate this properly with you, please raise a support ticket @ support.papercut.com and we can do a bit more of a deeper dive.


Mike H • 1 year ago

Is it possible to have a virtual follow me print q that contains printers from different manufacturers?

Hey Mike,
Thanks for leaving a web comment.

Yes, Find-Me printing works with printers from a range of different manufacturers. You should be able to point to devices from different manufacturers with the same Find-Me queue. The Find-Me queue itself is just a virtual print queue that redirects jobs to other queues associated with actual printers. In general, most of the functionality within PaperCut NG/MF is compatible with a mixed fleet.

If you've got any more support or sales-related queries, I'd recommend reaching out to us via: support.papercut.com to get the best experience!

Please note: FollowMe is a registered trademark of Ringdale UK Ltd. PaperCut is not in any way affiliated with Ringdale or its FollowMe products, solutions or offerings.

Jason Flannery • 1 year ago

Hi, is there an option for configuring the jobs to only use IPP printing for the find me option? Currently, I can release on Xerox machines with the IPP queue but looking to reduce SMB traffic on the print server and only send jobs via HTTPS ports. The release is fine and sends via IPP but the send to being a nul port is SMB traffic only (sent via share.) Is there an option for only HTTP find me queue?

Aaron Pouliot (PaperCut) • 1 year ago

Hi Jason,

When it comes to sending IPP/IPPS jobs to a print server, we recommend using our PaperCut Mobility Print solution. We're curious about your goal to reduce SMB traffic though. Feel free to open a support ticket with us through our Support Portal to tell us a bit more about what you're trying to achieve.

Jason Flannery • 1 year ago

Thanks. I did but it was closed saying that papercut wouldn't be the issue unless ports associated with papercut software was the issue. The issue we had\have is that I changed a driver which then forced all 10,000 clients to update their drivers - loads of SMB traffic - network crashed - I don't believe it's the print server that is the ultimate cause of the crash however SMB traffic is high and we've had to throttle it to 400mb. (The issue is flows with Cisco but the sheer volume of connections "looked" like the cause. In fact shutting off the print server relaxed the issue but we have network engineers working on the flows issue. I am doing what I can to streamline the printing comms and after reading multiple posts with issues of SMB traffic over VPN's (we have a VPN connection to all schools that then come back to central location where the print server lives.) Based on HTTPS traffic being preferred by network I am hoping changing all printers to IPP printer release stations. Mobility print is possible but haven't set it up yet.

Aaron Pouliot (PaperCut) • 1 year ago

Thanks Jason, for context that is not a problem I've heard of other customers experiencing, and with just the information you've given I agree that sounds like something specific to your network. I tried looking up your support ticket for more context but I wasn't able to find any recent tickets with your name. If you'd like to know more about how Mobility Print could be a potential solution, please feel welcome to start a new support ticket with us and mention this web comment.

Jason Flannery • 1 year ago

Thank you - we have to go through ACDI for our support so it may not be in Papercuts' system.

Aaron Pouliot (PaperCut) • 1 year ago

That makes sense. We do tag-team support issues with our PaperCut partners like ACDI, but we don't have visibility into their ticketing system. You're still welcome to reach out to us directly, and we can get a 3-way dialog going to help you navigate your options.

Noah • 2 years ago

Hello, I have a user that states when sending the print job and the copier runs out of paper any print job that is sent to the main queue used for "follow me printing" transfers to the dedicated copier queue then just sits there and disappears from papercut. Any input would be appreciated!

Tim (PaperCut Support) • 2 years ago

Hi Noah, sorry for bringing this thread to life again, I'm just here to mention that from a legal point of view, we need to acknowledge that FollowMe is a registered trademark of Ringdale UK Ltd. PaperCut is not in any way affiliated with Ringdale or its FollowMe products, solutions or offerings.

Sorry about the interruption - no reply needed! :)

Jesus at Papercut • 2 years ago

Hello Noah, can you run through the following troubleshooting articles and see what the results are?


If you're still having issues after running through those articles, feel free to open a ticket at support.papercut.com and we'll guide you the rest of the way!

Noah • 2 years ago

Thank you Jesus, I went through those articles and took a look. We did not find any errors in the application log. This issue is occurring with every user and they are all using PC's.

Jesus at Papercut • 2 years ago

Hi Noah, Thanks for getting back to me!

Can you please open a ticket at support.papercut.com so we can keep troubleshooting? It looks like we'll have to do some log analysis to identify where jobs are going missing.

Noah • 2 years ago

Already did sir. Thank you again!

Sara • 2 years ago

Do I need to do anything specific/extra to add a new user to an existing virtual printer?

Sean @ PaperCut Software • 2 years ago

Hello Sara, thank you for reaching out here. There is nothing specific that needs to be done to have a new user gain access to a virtual printer, but their account credentials will have to be in PaperCut prior, just as any other user. If your users are synced via an AD/Azure/LDAP source, news users are imported once every 24-hours from the OUs PaperCut syncs against. If you use PaperCut internal users, you or your IT team will need to enter that user information into PaperCut prior to printing. If you do have more questions, head over to support.papercut.com and open a support ticket directly with us so we can address you specific PaperCut setup and assist you there. Cheers!

Sean @ PaperCut Software • 3 years ago

Hello Elizabeth and thanks for reaching out here. PaperCut does have the ability to change some print settings at the print release stage, including changing from colour to grayscale and altering the number of copies. Changing the stapling option at print release is not an option and can only be set when a user submits a print job at their desktop or mobile device. If you have additional questions or have followup just head over to support.papercut.com and open a support request and we can address your questions directly. Thank you!

Elizabeth • 3 years ago

Is there a way to staple pages from print release and not just copy?

Mr-Tin • 5 years ago

Is it possible to have a virtual queue without hold/release which releases print jobs automatically to a user associated printer?

user, printer mapping
user1, printerA
user2, printerB
user3, printerB
user4, printerC

Dan @ PaperCut • 5 years ago

Hey Mr-Tin,
Thanks for stopping by, this could be possible with print scripting. You could compile a script that would look at a user / group of users and route to a printer depending on whom they are.

More information on Print Scripting can be found over here... https://www.papercut.com/su...

If you want to discuss this further with one of the team I would definitely reach out at https://support.papercut.com where we can help you further!


Brendan • 6 years ago

The "unreleased jobs" report is great, but we'd like to be able to compare that number to the total number submitted to a "find me" queue. Is there a way to obtain that information, or are jobs simply not logged until they are either released or cancelled?

Adam B • 6 years ago

Hi Brendan,

Thanks for getting in touch! I've been taking a closer look at this and there doesn't seem to be a single report that will cover this. As you mentioned, we won't log the job until it is released or cancelled so I'm not sure this will be possible in general. Having said that, could you submit a ticket to support.papercut.com so we can follow up directly? This could potentially be a feature request but I'd like to gather a bit more info on the use case and exactly what information you are looking for. Feel free to reference this web comment when you send in the ticket.


Brendan • 6 years ago

Thanks Adam! Just submitted a ticket.

James Jeal • 6 years ago

Is it possible to configure options within the app that's on the printer? Currently we would select email, an account notification comes up which one must then 'awknowledge', you send your email and you're booted back to the home menu and have to repeat. It's quite tiresome having to scan multiple pages which won't go in the feeder.

Alex G (PaperCut Support) • 6 years ago

Hi James,

Thanks for the comment. Sorry to hear about your troubles. Either your PaperCut Reseller or ASC should be able to assist with this as being reverted back to the home screen after completing a scan doesn't sound right. If you could log a ticket via support.papercut.com so a member of Support can assist that would be great. Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks!

James Jeal • 6 years ago

Thanks Alex, that sounds fine, as long as it can be done/fixed. We've only been using PaperCut MF for 2-3 days so we're still coming to terms with what can/can't be changed etc.

Thanks again.

Alex G (PaperCut Support) • 6 years ago

Hi James,

Thanks for the reply. I'm sure we'll come up with a solution. There are many features within PaperCut and it's highly customizable so it does take some time to get familiar with it all. Hope you enjoy the ride though! Thanks

J Snellink • 7 years ago

We have a customer with the following set-up:
1 virtual printer deployed through GPO, users can print to this printer and the 6 printers will act as release station
6 actual printers, if a user is logged on to the device they will see their printjob.
Everything works fine for this moment.
Sometimes the client will give us a call to release multiple printjobs for them, we log in the PaperCut admin interface and click the release all jobs button.
The problem in this case is that the jobs will be send to a random printer/one of the 6 devices.
Is there a way to release a pending printjob to a specific device?

Brad @ PaperCut • 7 years ago

Hi J,

If you are using the PaperCut admin console to release jobs, you should be prompted to specify which physical printer queue to release to. I just did a quick test and confirmed this will apply whether you release the print jobs individually or use the release all option.

Find-Me Printing does make use of a load balancing algorithm to distribute jobs evenly between available queues. This is enabled as a default but can also be disabled as follows:

Click the Options tab. In the Actions menu, click Config editor (advanced).
Modify the config setting print.load-balancer.default.reuse-printer-window-seconds. Set this value to 0 to disable this feature.

If you continue to have issues please email us at support@papercut.com so we can investigate further.

J Snellink • 7 years ago

Hi Brad,
Thanks for the reply, everything works as expected right now.
In our test environment we've only set-up one printer, if you click on release all printjobs this standard printer is used so you won't get a pop-up.

Guest • 7 years ago
Priyanka Dave • 7 years ago

Hi Steve,

We do not have an option to redirect from over virtual queue to another. It seems like you are using Web based release station to release the jobs. When you use that, it is required to chose the printer. However, when you use the standard release station software, it load balances the queue and you do not need to select a printer.
I would recommend you to give that a try. It should be able to solve what you are trying to achieve.

If you have any further questions, please email us at support@papercut.com


Guest • 7 years ago
Brad @ PaperCut • 7 years ago

Hi Tim,

I can understand your dilemma here. The potential discrepancy between the cost displayed on the client and the cost displayed on the pending release screen is something that has come up before. I have added your email as a vote for this feature request that will be visible to our development team.Though this isn't a guarantee for development, each vote helps in increasing it's visibility and potential business value. If we do happen to implement this in a future version, we’ll be sure to let you know!

To help in the meantime, PaperCut does include the ability to customize the user client popup notification with your own customized text, so you can notify students about any possible discrepancies with their print job charges. Instructions on doing so can be found here: http://www.papercut.com/kb/...

I hope this helps!

Dave Buckney • 7 years ago

I have a customer where we have set up a Secure Print queue, and two devices where the jobs can be released to, When we first set it up the queue was set as a NUL port, but this didn't work, the jobs appeared in the queue and then disappeared. We changed it to point to one of the printers' IP address, and for most users this enabled the Secure Print to work.
However when the IT manager prints it comes straight off.
I did a remote session and the first test print was held, but the next 2 were released, but then a word document was held. I was logged in as the IT Manager.
Any suggestions?

Mel Zouzoulas • 7 years ago

Hi Dave,
That's an interesting scenario. If the virtual queue in PaperCut was set to hold/release with the NUL port, then it should have held the job.
To understand this environment and troubleshoot further, can you email through to support@papercut.com and we'll help you out!

Alvin Prasad • 7 years ago

How do you recommend handling the scenario where some of the devices that can be released to have additional options such as binding and stapling? I.e 2 copiers in the virtual print queue, one has staple and is colour, the other is black and white with no stapling - do you point the virtual printer to the drive of the colour device?

Art (PaperCut Support) • 7 years ago

Hey, Alvin, good morning. It sounds like you might be on the right track with wanting to separate out your queues. Using the correct driver for the devices in question, you might want to set up different queues with different default options; one for stapling and one without stapling. You could even keep the existing virtual queue as a load balancing option.

We'd love to hear from you at support@papercut.com if you have more questions or comments!

Bryan Fatka • 8 years ago

Is there a way to add this virtual queue in the "Release from selected queues. . ." section for a whole group of devices instead of having to do each device one by one?

Peter @ PaperCut Software • 7 years ago

Hey there Bryan,

Kevin's got the exact right idea on this one; from the "Devices" tab in the administration console, you can click on the "Copy settings from device to device" button found in the "Actions" pane on the left-hand side of the screen. From here, you can choose the device to source settings from, and each of the other devices you'd like to replicate its settings for. With respect to the release queues, it's the "Release station settings" that you'll want to select before clicking to "Copy". That should do the trick!

P.S. Many thanks for stepping in to help, Kevin!

Kevin C • 7 years ago

Bryan, could you do the copy settings on the printer? If would set some of the settings at least. https://www.papercut.com/pr...

Junaid Ahmad • 8 years ago

Where are the queued files are stored in a multiple location printing environment?

Kyle (PaperCut Support) • 8 years ago

Hello Junaid,

Thanks for the question. The print jobs live on the server where the virtual queue was created so this varies by operating system and can always be changed. For example;

Windows - Default
CUPS - Default

In summary, with a virtual print queue, PaperCut pauses the print job as it comes in to the virtual queue. When released, we move the paused spool file from the Virtual printer to the Target printer.

Finally, we un-pause the print job. If you have a more complex environment please email in to support@papercut.com and we will be happy to review the location and questions you might have.

James • 9 years ago

Any instructions for creating the Virtual Queue in CUPS? Is it identical to a standard CUPS queue and you just set Papercut to Virtual or does it require changes in CUPS conf?

Hi James, creating a Virtual Queue in CUPS is identical to a standard CUPS queue, there's no other configuration required! Simply set the queue to Virtual in PaperCut and we will start treating that queue like a queue for Find-Me printing.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach us on support@papercut.com

Robert Newton • 9 years ago

What is the best way to setup a virtual queue on a MAC server without configuring it use a real IP of a printer? Are there similar methods for creating a nul queue like on Windows platforms?