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With the move to a subscription licensing model, will M&S still be available to perpetual license customers, or will those of us with current M&S as at 04 June 2024 (version 24.0.1 release date) be stuck at version 24.xx.xx unless prepared to move to subscription-based licensing?

James (PaperCut Support) • 2 weeks ago

Hi Kevin,

Perpetual licensing will still be available for customers and there are no plans to make changes to this in the near future.


PaperCut has a well-defined upgrade policy that ensures customers have access to the latest features, fixes, and security updates. The upgrade policy includes the following elements:

Free upgrades: Customers who have a valid PaperCut license are entitled to free upgrades within their license period. These upgrades include new features, bug fixes, and security updates.

Upgrade notification: Customers receive a notification when a new version of PaperCut is available. The notification includes information about the new features, fixes, and security updates.

Upgrade procedure: PaperCut provides a detailed upgrade procedure that guides customers through the upgrade process. The procedure includes information about the system requirements, pre-upgrade tasks, and post-upgrade tasks.

Compatibility: PaperCut ensures that new versions are compatible with older versions, so customers can upgrade without any disruption to their workflow.

End of life: PaperCut provides a clear end-of-life policy that outlines when a version will no longer receive support or updates. This policy gives customers ample time to plan for an upgrade to the latest version.

Overall, PaperCut's upgrade policy is designed to provide customers with a seamless upgrade experience that ensures they have access to the latest features and security updates.