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Roderick Halvorsen • 6 years ago

I'm going to plug a book again;

"The Antichrist" by Father Vincent Miceli.

Written in 1991, it prophetically describes in detail the Modernist/Communist war being fought within the Church not as a mere series of unfortunate episodes, but as the playing out in the midst of God's plan of salvation the works of Antichrist through "little antichrists". It has, I guess strangely, calmed my concerns.

And it must be. With Christendom as a culture shattered by the Protestant exodus 500 years ago, the remaining target left to the devil is the heart of the Church itself; the dogmas of the faith, worship, morality. And who best to destroy that edifice but those within the walls?

It is quite boringly predictable that the heretics like this Martin guy use secular terms and the instigation of the mob to make their points. This is not theological discussion or even debate, it is the promotion of full-blown, godless secularism by converts to the teaching of the devil who are at war with Holy Mother Church.

Pearl of York • 6 years ago

We are living in a remarkable age. Among my Catholic siblings and Catholic friends I am increasingly vilified for aligning myself with orthodox teaching in regards to same-sex marriage, in vitro conception, donor gametes, contraception, and a male priesthood. No matter how logical an argument I put forth, they respond angrily and say I am bigoted, crazy, or worse. Very frightening, very disheartening.

RodH • 6 years ago

Luke 18:8 - “But yet the Son of man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, faith on earth?”

Matthew 24:15 - “When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place: he that readeth let him understand.”

Matthew 24:24-25 - “For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect. Behold I have told it to you, beforehand.”

2 Thess. 2:3-5 - “Let no man deceive you by any means, for unless there come a revolt [apostasy] first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, Who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he were God. Remember you not, that when I was yet with you, I told you these things?”

"When all this is considered there is good reason to fear lest this great perversity may be as it were a foretaste, and perhaps the beginning of those evils which are reserved for the last days; and that there may be already in the world the "Son of Perdition" of whom the Apostle speaks (II. Thess. ii., 3). Such, in truth, is the audacity and the wrath employed everywhere in persecuting religion, in combating the dogmas of the faith, in brazen effort to uproot and destroy all relations between man and the Divinity! While, on the other hand, and this according to the same apostle is the distinguishing mark of Antichrist, man has with infinite temerity put himself in the place of God, raising himself above all that is called God; in such wise that although he cannot utterly extinguish in himself all knowledge of God, he has contemned God's majesty and, as it were, made of the universe a temple wherein he himself is to be adored. "He sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself as if he were God" (II. Thess. ii., 2). Pope St. Pius X, http://w2.vatican.va/conten...

PlushGrizzly • 6 years ago

It is like this for me, too. Has been for years.
We were warned that a time would come, when people would not listen to sound teaching.

Pearl of York • 6 years ago

I just had a thought. It’s important to maintain Christian joy and a sense of humor through all these relatively tepid persecutions. We are not being threatened with bodily maiming st this point. We pray for perserverance. Remember St Lawrence, at the stake, saying “turn me over, this side is done”.

jmarrenjr • 6 years ago

"We are living in a remarkable age." Reminds me of that Chinese saying/proverb that's supposedly a curse, "We live in interesting times."

The age is remarkable and the times are interesting and frightening. Disheartening only if you let it get to you...

Recently I read Saint Teresa of Avila's assessment of disappointment (I think you can substitute disheartening for disappointment....maybe not directly on point but close enough.) and she said that allowing ones self to become disappointed is a sin of pride. I suspect the her rationale is that "nothing happens by accident" and that we are born into a particular place and time according to God's Will and that everything that happens to us is a function of Divine Providence so that we should just "man up", "suck up" and approach life with the attitude that whatever is presented to us is just a welcomed spiritual "challenge and opportunity."

Hey, this is spiritual warfare....mortal combat...all Christians are born for spiritual warfare....toughen up :)

Check out Pope Leo XIII In Sapientiae Christianae. Here's an excerpt - you have to love Leo XIII - especially in light of the current occupant of the chair of Saint Peter.

" Pope Leo XIII, however, has no patience with silence. “To recoil before an enemy, or to keep silence when from all sides such clamors are raised against truth,” he warns, “is the part of a man either devoid of character or who entertains doubt as to the truth of what he professes to believe.” The only ones who win when Christians stay quiet, he says, are the enemies of truth. The silence of Catholics is particularly disturbing because frequently a few bold words would have vanquished the false ideas.

“Christians are,” Leo continues, “born for combat.” It is part of their nature to follow Christ by espousing unpopular ideas and by defending the truth at great cost to themselves. One of their main duties is “professing openly and unflinchingly the Catholic doctrine”; a second is “propagating it to the utmost of their power.” As many today insist, they should preach the Catholic faith through personal example; at the same time, though, they should also preach the faith “by open and constant profession of the obligations it imposes.” A negative reaction from the public, far from being a sign of mistaken ideas, can serve as evidence of exactly the opposite fact. “Jesus Christ,” the pope points out, “has clearly intimated that the hatred and hostility of men, which he first and foremost experienced, would be shown in like degree toward the work founded by him.”

In short, before Leo XIIl spelled out the important social doctrine of Rerum Novarum, he outlined some even more basic truths about how Catholics should live. If Catholics can rejoice that much of Rerum Novarum has been fulfilled in the West, they should lament that Sapientiae Christianae remains virtually a dead letter. Many of the social problems in the West today would not exist if Catholics had taken this encyclical seriously. It is not too late. Today, through the great blessing of the Internet, Catholics can learn doctrine more easily than ever before. The next step, “open and constant profession,” is more difficult, but it flows directly from accepting that we are indeed “born for combat.“ "

I'll keep you in my prayers....please keep me in yours.

Peace, Grace and Mercy....remember, what we do today echoes in eternity!

© 2018 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: info@frinstitute.org

Thankful Catholic • 6 years ago

I believe we both commiserated about our fallen away “Catholic” siblings on another occasion. I think that they do not want to deal in logic or reason, because I believe that somewhere deep down inside, they know that we are right. They truly cannot argue against our truly Catholic positions, so they use a defensive mechanism or tactic of name calling or getting so angry and vicious that they hope we will not argue with them on the “hot button” topic or sore subject. Fr. Heilman is asking Catholics to fast and pray for conversions and for life for 90 days, called Nineveh 90 for Life. I’m late in joining the 90 days worth of novena/s, but I’m going to join my fasting and prayers, (for life and for my loved ones’ conversions), to the large groups’ prayers during the rest of their Nineveh 90 prayers. That way I’ll get the benefit of the shared prayers from a large group of Catholics praying in earnest. I hope you can join, too. God bless you and all of the dear Catholics on this blog & comment section.

Sean Taylor • 6 years ago

Liturgical Chaos and the Rise of Antichrist

The Fathers of the Church emphasize the corruption of the liturgy that will prevail in the last days. As the end draws near, the Church will be subjected to a fiercer, more diabolical persecution than any previously suffered

Fr. Vincent Miceli, S.J.

Sincere Convert • 6 years ago

A great defender of the faith!

RodH • 6 years ago

Yes, thanks for posting that.

He references this in his book Antichrist.

I'm tellin' y'all, the book is very powerful. It is a bit of gear I don't want to tackle the mountain without!

larryp • 6 years ago

I'm currently reading this book; a real eye-opener!

standtall909 • 6 years ago

I'll second Fr. RP's ....AMEN!! Great post and quite spot on.

Fr. RP • 6 years ago


Kevin Walters • 6 years ago

Some say that the antichrist will be a usurper of God's authority in the Catholic Church, who
claims Divine honours.
So does making God in your own image fit the above description
There is presently one unifying force between Conservative and Liberals that is a unification of
silence on this question

Is God’s Word (Will) indorsed by the Church Inviolate?

See my running post on Crisis magazine with Michael Dowd in the Link below, from one of my posts;
“as no one will respond to my plea, is there a THEOLOGAIN CAPABLE OF
RESPONDING TO MY QUESTIONS, who visits this site?

My question; is God’s Word (Will) indorsed by the Church Inviolate?

If the answer is yes there can be only one Divine Mercy Image in God’s House on earth an Image of Broken Man.

Perhaps we have a theologian who visits this site, who may respond to my question. I now include those who visit onepeterfive.

Extract from my opening Post in the link above

“We need to be reminded about sin and how we resist it”….

Yes! We do Michael, and that also includes calling (Reminding) our spiritual leaders to give account for their
actions when they deceive the laity.

Many hope for divine intervention to deal with the chaos within the church at
this present moment in time……But it could be said that God has already intervened, as our Lord Himself has placed before these men of power, the elite within the church, who in their own hubris ensnared themselves, by crystalizing their own hypocrisy before God and the whole church, in such a way that cannot be misunderstood by all. In endorsing a communiqué that incorporates the direct Word (Will) of God and then using that
communiqué, they shamelessly made God in their image, a self-serving image of clericalism.
Because of this wilfully act, our most fundamental belief that God’s Word (Will) is Inviolate, has been breached by those who profess to defend that belief, their accumulated silence on this matter compounds their guilt before God and mankind.

kevin your brother
In Christ

Kevin Walters • 6 years ago

The silence is deafening, where are the searches for truth, where are the Shepherds, where are the men with chests, there is a name for many who participate on this site and others where I have posted this question,
But I will leave it for those who participate here to discern its name.

kevin your brother
In Christ

Aut Vincere... • 6 years ago

Well said, man.

Thomas J. McIntyre • 6 years ago

I read that book when I was a teenager. I need to go retrieve it from my parents' house and reread it

Guest • 6 years ago
Guest • 6 years ago
Mighty Joe Young • 6 years ago

Ut, oh. Don't you know enough not to descend into facts?

Just because the Messias-Deniers own the media doesn't mean they are not even-handed and only interested in objective facts :)

O, btw, Media Report is keeping a running tab of the Messias-Denying gal whose attacks on the Church are legendary.

kiwiinamerica • 6 years ago

This is all a battle for the moral high ground within the Church and in society at large. In days of yore, whatever the Church taught was automatically accepted as the moral high ground by Catholics while dissenters were viewed as heretics, subversives and malefactors. We've reached the point where that situation has been almost completely reversed. Previously, the Pope was in our corner and he carried the fight forward since he was the custodian of Catholic tradition and teaching but that is no longer the case.

The advent of priests like James Martin SJ has been greatly facilitated by two events, one external to the Church and the other internal. The external issue is the advent of the asinine entity known as "hate crimes" which has propagated the myth that there is a sub-class of crime which is especially repugnant and is defined by a certain way of thinking. Few people adverted to this at the time but we now have what is essentially a totalitarian "thought police". Such police can, apparently, read minds and hearts and a citizen may be convicted of this especially heinous form of crime on the word of the state.

The internal issue is the behavior of Pope Francis who has brought the "hate" rhetoric into the Church by spending an extraordinary amount of time, words and energy demonizing and vilifying faithful Catholics with terms such as "rigid", "doctors of the law" and "Pharisee" (among many others) which essentially convey the same meaning. Thus, the terms of debate have changed completely and Martin and his fellow travelers know this. Operating in this climate and secure in the knowledge that the sodomites in the Vatican have his back, he's going all in. He (and others like him) now have a "nuclear button", a weapon of last resort to which there is no answer and which he is not reluctant to use; "Hater!!". When he has no theological argument to use against an opponent (e.g. Fr. Z), when Church history, science and facts are against him, there's always the weapon of last resort; "hater". Checkmate!

An important element of propaganda is repetition and the proliferation of this word throughout popular culture has left the guardians of traditional morality marooned on an island surrounded by a sea of secular humanist godlessness. We're closet nazis, racists and haters while Martin et al are the good guys who are just trying to "build a bridge", in the words of Martin's recent book.

Open persecution is coming fast but it will be the means by which the Church is purified.

RodH • 6 years ago

"If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." Luke 14:26

RiaD • 6 years ago

But he is not interested in building a bridge to us "haters," obviously.

Johnno • 6 years ago


Buzzfeed article:

"“No,” the priest, Father John Zuhlsdorf, replied. “It is not necessarily sinful to pray for the end of a pontificate, one way or another … Popes come and go. In our prayers, we can, without sinning, discuss with God about His time table.”"

What Fr. Z actually said, and is contained in the ellipses '...'

"No. It is not necessarily sinful to pray for the end of a pontificate, one way or another. However, it depends on why and on your attitude. I urge people not to have hate in their hearts for the person of the Holy Father. He deserves our prayers. That doesn’t mean that we have to like him or what he does. We do NOT worship the Pope. Popes come and go. In our prayers, we can, without sinning, discuss with God about His time table."

As pointed out by:

Sincere Convert • 6 years ago

Excellent response to heretic Martin

Wisdom is a Tree of Life • 6 years ago

Will pray for your Blog! God Bless and keep up the good work!

James • 6 years ago

The article over at Buzzfeed is blistering. One hardly knows how to respond to it, or to the loathsome erroneous characterizations of Father Zuhlsdorf and his apostolate offered by Martin and Faggioli. It speaks volumes of the author and of those he enlists to support his assault on a priest who is faithful to the perennial Magisterium of the Church. I'm beginning to give credence more and more to the "theories" proposed around the resignation of Pope Benedict.
There is an evil at work in the Church that is mind numbing, and it has only just begun. We all have bulls eyes on our backs, but priests and religious particularly -- and those of whom they need be most cautious are those whom they are required to trust.
It is really apocalyptic.

Guest • 6 years ago
James • 6 years ago

As Catholics we are instinctively sensitive to ecclesiastical authority -- as Catholics faithful to the perennial Magisterium this is magnified. It is hard to turn the corrective on members of the episcopate and clergy, religious. But I've been watching this since it came to birth during my youth. Those worthy of deference receive it from me. Those unworthy, who mask their reality behind a façade of Catholicism are called out. We all have to stop being afraid of committing the "sin" of telling the truth to bad bishops, priests and sisters. They are off track and it is absurd to think it virtuous to remain mute in the face of evil. And that is what it is -- evil.

Paul • 6 years ago

Fr. Z's is one of the more cheerful blogs out there and he is careful about keeping the crazies out of his commboxes, which are two of the reasons I like his blog so much. Makes you wonder if the Fr. Martins of the world ever read anything in his blog from top to bottom, though I think we all know the answer to that.

Deacon Augustine • 6 years ago

From what I hear he is more of a bottom up man.

Sincere Convert • 6 years ago

The title of his next book will be "BUILDING BRIDGES THAT HIT ROCK BOTTOM" !
It'll probably discuss Rock Hudson and other homosexuals.


Thomas J. McIntyre • 6 years ago


Thomas J. McIntyre • 6 years ago

I thought the same thing. I've read blogs and articles by priests that I would consider more "alt-right" than Fr. Z.

Sincere Convert • 6 years ago

He doesn't read!
He just leads people to the Hell Bridge!

Eoin Suibhne • 6 years ago

Your last two paragraphs really resonate with me.

I worked for several years in politics, and saw up close and personal how, inch-by-inch, the conservatives would give and give until many became "liberal lite" or full-blown liberals; to these new enlightened folks people who would have been formerly thought solid conservatives became the great unwashed. This is why I like to say that "conservatism is liberalism in slow motion."

I've seen the same thing play out in the Church, and it's now come to a head. I no longer should be surprised, but it still stings and shocks me when someone I thought "for sure" wouldn't cave on Francis, A.L., etc. goes over the cliff with the other lemmings. "Conservatism is liberalism in slow motion."

veritasetgratia • 6 years ago

Eoin, I think this happens because there are not enough high profile media savvy people who can explain the flaws in the current ideologies. Speaking directly in an un-nuanced fashion is pounced upon. Maybe Jordan Peterson is an exception but we could do with some clones of him inside the Church who are wearing scarlet.

RodH • 6 years ago


I have read a number of comments recently about the void of true Catholic intellectuals among the prelature and find that interesting. We do not have powerful voices, or rather, we have very few powerful voices to defend and EXPLAIN the faith in the midst of conflict.

Really, these Martin/Marx/Cupich individuals should be obliterated by rank and file bishops using the Sword of the Word and the philosophy and historical doctrine of the Church and yet...they all seem to "Coexist" in peace. Yet Traditonalists seem to be so threatening to many!

veritasetgratia • 6 years ago

And he's comfortable with Scripture! There seems to be lots of actual grace around him.

RodH • 6 years ago

I'm not familiar with the details of Peterson's philosophy. But truly we need all the Catholic converts we can get, so I hope he has a devout Catholic in his sphere that can bring him the Gospel.

veritasetgratia • 6 years ago

He believes truth exists and is knowable. That's Catholic 101 today even if that foundation is despised by some but not him. I too pray he will run into a Catholic he can respect. There are no anonymous Christians- the world is too tough. We need eachother.

JohnnyCuredents • 6 years ago

This is precisely what first attracted me to Donald Trump, i.e. he was NOT a 'conservative." The word had lost all meaning in an age when a globalist dunce like George W. Bush could call himself its standard bearer. Trump, while far from being perfect, was independent enough to openly say in debate that Bush and his cohort lied us into the disastrous Iraqi war. I knew then he was not one of "them."

kono859 • 6 years ago

Exactly! They ALL hated him...both sides of the isle. That was huge for me.

Laura Y. • 6 years ago

Same here.

Bob Smith • 6 years ago

Message to "Father' James Martin - You are a heretic and traitor to the Catholic Faith. You are a purveyor of perversion and the sin of Sodom. In no way shape or form are orthodox Catholics going to bend to your dictatorial bullying, bile and hate speech. We are going nowhere. In fact, we are growing and will continue to grow while the modern-day apostate Jesuits are dying. With members like yourself (and Fr 2+2=5) there's no wonder why.

Sunisyde • 6 years ago

I highly recommend reading the book; "The Jesuits," The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church by; Malachi Martin. Bergoglio and many of these Jesuits have been part of this agenda.....

Thomas J. McIntyre • 6 years ago

I should not have gotten rid of that book.

Thomas J. McIntyre • 6 years ago
Jordan • 6 years ago

"Nobody bothers to attack someone who doesn’t pose a threat." I am sure there are many spiritual attacks as well. I pray to God for all those pursuing truth and authentic faith that they would stay strong and receive the graces and grow in virtues necessary to fulfill God's Will in their lives and in the Church and that they not fall into temptation.