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ManOfMettle • 1 year ago

Remember when the dems would scream about a 'president Trump would cause a nuclear war'?

Remember that?

MrCopperhead • 1 year ago

Sure do!

Abel Washington • 1 year ago

Joe is playing with fire, and he's too ignorant and suicidal to care about a nuclear war.

Moronicus Magnus • 1 year ago

I'll nuke America too, because I'm Joe Biden damn it.

Moronicus Magnus • 1 year ago

Just heard this morning, 300K are suddenly leaving Russia for other countries.
They should come here. Kumala says the border is secured open.

Freeze Peach • 1 year ago

The frailty, incompetence, and bewilderment of the imposter in the WH is obvious to all the world, and especially any power that would want to take advantage of the USA while he is supposedly in charge.

MrCopperhead • 1 year ago

... that's just it! Biden is too damn stupid to realize he's just the puppet for the puppet masters, like Obama that are really running the show!

Gasman • 1 year ago

Biden doesn’t care. He’s pliable and has no pride of accomplishment. He’s making piles of money, people like him and he knows the the Marxist swamp and Marxist MSM insulate him from any danger. He’s the worst kind of politician.

Joy Beum • 1 year ago

Biden is not in charge. Obama passes on the orders he gets from his owners, the globalist elite.

farmerredwhiteandblue • 1 year ago

Biden leads the world over the cliff. Something trump would never do.

Prattler • 1 year ago

Putin’s playing Buyden like the fool he is! Classic you may appear stupid but don’t open your mouth and remove all doubt! His constant backpedaling on his decisions makes
him look weak and indecisive! This is what we get with a stool pigeon for a leader! Always leading from behind and groveling when confronted!

Gasman • 1 year ago

You don’t think rasPutin is the one leading the world over the cliff?

Mike Hart • 1 year ago

That's what the television would have you believe. Because the deep state controls the media.
Putin is taking on enemies of We The People. Biolabs. Bioengineered weapons. Crimes against humanity.
Turn off your television and educate yourself.

Joy Beum • 1 year ago

Hear! Hear!

Gasman • 1 year ago

You mean Putin’s the good guy?

Kaleidoscopeview • 1 year ago

Out of the 2 evils Biden or Putin? Yes Putin would be the good guy.

Gasman • 1 year ago

Putin is a crazed butcher. He’s no good guy and Biden is evil to his core. Anyone thinks Putin is a good guy is either Russian, an idiot or a Russian idiot.

Kaleidoscopeview • 1 year ago

Putin is defending his people from the criminals we have here and the global elite. They are the ones driving the world off the cliff.

HaoleOne • 1 year ago

It takes 2 . Both think they are smarter than everybody else .

Joy Beum • 1 year ago

Zelenskyy started the war by committing genocide in the Russian speaking people in Ukraine.
Zel keeps refusing peace talks offered by Putin.

Gasman • 1 year ago

Because rasPutins peace terms are give up your country and resources to us and become a puppet of russia. Who wouldn’t refuse those terms?

Gasman • 1 year ago

Oh….please….ruski. We’re not as stupid as you’d hope we are. Putin is a dictator and butcher.

ocean • 1 year ago

Thermonuclear World War III would destroy everything.
Election Fraud put Joe Biden in the White House.
Joe Biden is an illegitimate President.
The biggest Election Fraud in American history
happened in the 2020 election.
The entire World knows this.

Prattler • 1 year ago

It will go down as the biggest scandal ever perpetrated! Now New York has decided not even to check for citizenship when people vote! Total fraud and corruption at the highest levels!

Joy Beum • 1 year ago

100% on 🎯

imallpissedoff • 1 year ago

Putin doesn't fear our unlawfully installed Apparatchik-Puppet-in-Chief or the fellow travelers in the American communist party that call themselves "Democrats".

todd • 1 year ago

As American Democrats hunker down to figure out how to parley this to their advantage - regardless the suffering caused by them.
How many ways will POOTUS Puddin' Head find to throw gasoline onto this particular verbal spark by Putin?

MrCopperhead • 1 year ago

... love the, "POOTUS PUDDIN HEAD" term! It's dead on for Biden!

todd • 1 year ago

I was going to go with POOHTUS but the *100 Acre Wood* doesn't deserve to carry the Bid... er, Burden.

Joy Beum • 1 year ago

Thank you

JIMBOB-2021 • 1 year ago

Can't wait to hear Kamala turn "nuclear threat" into another word salad!

todd • 1 year ago

... as we work to work together as a community of people from the working international community to address the nuclear threat to the rest of the nuclear community and its work to form a greater working community within the threatened community which IS threatened by a nuclear force.....

TruthI4U • 1 year ago

The "US" govt is a fake govt...not only is Biden a puppet, it appears now that previous presidents were also just figureheads. The treatment of Trump during and after leaving office is proof because he defied the real "rulers" and wished to govern for the people, not their cabal who runs the US.

Prattler • 1 year ago

Yeah the bureaucrats are really in charge!

#Marsing83639 • 1 year ago

"Russia Mobilizes 300K Reservists And Issues A Nuclear Threat"

Quick Biden send a few Billion more again so you, Zelinski and Putin can split it up.

JIMBOB-2021 • 1 year ago

Not if the Big Guy doesn't get his 10-percent!