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scott • 6 years ago

"and must be approved by a judge". I for one don't trust judges anymore. Too many have a political agenda to push and most of the time it's not one I approve of.

Varangian Guard • 6 years ago

Essentially anyone that has sought after any type of counseling with a social worker or psychological professional can be eligible for the red flag.

Funny thing, NONE of the mass shooting perpetrators were members of the NRA. So perhaps if one is a NRA member they should be exempt from the red flags............

JackB • 6 years ago

Not sure you're being serious here, but NRA members are for the most part lawful citizens, who have been taught gun safety. Since none of the mass shooters are NRA members, I fail to see why the NRA is the target of so many protests. I've been an NRA member for, probably 50 years. I learned gun safety as a 14 or 15 year old from the NRA. Perhaps we should be targeting U-Haul, since it was their truck used in a mass casualty incident, or maybe the makers of pressure cookers!

Sane_Person37 • 6 years ago

The last guy I read about having his weapon(s) confiscated were due to people saying he made them nervous.

Varangian Guard • 6 years ago

Nasty Nancy and Chuck U make me nervous, maybe we can get them committed. I'm skeptical, I think their mental state is directly linked to their political proclivity.

Sane_Person37 • 6 years ago

There are many democrat politicians who make me nervous and who I believe have genuine mental disorders. I read that a pharmacy in the area of the Capitol bldg regularly delivers alzheimers drugs there. Nana Has to be on that list.

TexanForever • 6 years ago

"Nana" ... LOL !!! ... Now who could that be? (There are several good candidates.)

Sane_Person37 • 6 years ago

I'm thinking Nana Pelosi. But yea, there are several democrat pols that are likely getting the stuff.

TexanForever • 6 years ago


Bwa Ha • 6 years ago

I've heard/read they both pack!

Varangian Guard • 6 years ago

Don’t know about that but they have federal police protective details assigned to them that do.

JackB • 6 years ago

When they get rid of their armed details, I'd be happy to sit down with them and discuss gun control, in fact when all of those Grammy idiot lose their armed details, send the armed police away AND their private plans and limos, we can sit down and talk gun control, and climate change. Until they rid themselves of the very things they're so clearly against, they are nothing more than hypocrites, a gong clanging in the wind.

Barbara Jean Mulle • 6 years ago

Well I'm 100% for our 2nd amendment but we are learning that many people should not have a gun. Way to much mental health out there

JackB • 6 years ago

We can't police thoughts, when that is permitted we are on a very slippery slope. We can however police actions..........

Guest • 6 years ago
JackB • 6 years ago

The FBI has limited resources, has many cases, looks at A, B, & C, if nothing worthy appears they go on to another. Sad but true, there are wack-a-doodles out there, and there is very little we can do to stop them.

Bob • 6 years ago

especially 9th circuit judges

Hottotrote • 6 years ago

Yea right! An Obama communist or even Islamic judge!

Uncle R • 6 years ago

Hey...Considering it's the left-coast, and libs are controlling it, I understand...But who is to determine who is a risk? Hell...everyone could be a 'risk'...

scott • 6 years ago

That's just it. I'm sure some misguided snowflake, who wants to get back at Trump supporters will volunteer for the job of reaching out to the judges.

Uncle R • 6 years ago

One could call the cops, and say "My neighbors are unstable and have guns"...even if it's true or not. This is a prelude to the demise of the 2nd.

scott • 6 years ago

Yep, that's so true.

Sane_Person37 • 6 years ago

Exactly what happened to the last guy I read about having his weapon confiscated.

JackB • 6 years ago

Step 1: Limited State confiscation Step 2: Sate confiscation
Step 3: Maintain the Totalitarian state. It has begun

Kevin Cowlishaw • 6 years ago

Anyone who is a risk to the Marxist democrats agenda.

Bwa Ha • 6 years ago

Bingo!!! You nailed it. This isn't going to go away. There's been a decades long push towards socialism at least. Cloward-Piven, global "elite", Georgia Soros, etc.... yeah, it's real and it ain't going away. The movement is getting stronger in fact.

bigdaddybernie • 6 years ago

Judge shopping, 'til you find one who'll go for it !

No Mas • 6 years ago

All good ideas are manipulated to be abused by the communists...
Who will be taken seriously on this issue, the person making the call to report an "emotionally disturbed" person, or the person the call is about? This can be used by anyone that has an agenda to remove guns, or a personal agenda to ruin a persons life and reputation.
The weapons of any individual should not be removed from them temporarily or otherwise until a Court Hearing. The person reporting should be required to pay for the defense of the person they reported, with attorney chosen by the person that was reported.
I am all for helping those with mental and/or emotional issues and protecting "society" from those, but then you get to the next rabbit hole././
What is mental emotional illness, and how do you get diagnosed as well and healthy?
This is a dangerous trap that will remove our individual rights!

Sheriff Bart • 6 years ago

After Hurricane Andrew ripped through our area in 1992, many of our neighborhoods were affected by looters and robbers looking for easy prey due to the weeks of power failures. One redneck Cuban neighbor, the Israeli , and myself were the only licensed gun owners on the block. We took turns standing watch at night and turned away many" lost souls " those weeks after the storm, without once having to fire our weapons. Thank God. The neighbors were so grateful that we did this for them , and us. Now, with all this gun talk going around , the same neighbors are in favor of us not being armed and say they are " afraid" that any day one of us will turn on them. The frightened neighbors are , retired teachers, retired Jewish couple, you know how they vote, and a city social worker. How quickly they forget. I almost hope they get what they wish for. They will be the first to cry foul. Look at the three that realized they had to protect their lives and the lives of others. Two Cubans and an Israeli. Two groups that know what it is to lose the freedom you have.

Harley Davidson • 6 years ago

Hey Sheriff Bart you know they have yard signs that say, my neighbor wants to ban all guns! their house is NOT ARMED! Out of respect for their opinions I will not use my guns to protect them. 😁😁😁😁

scott • 6 years ago

Where can I get one of those signs?

Harley Davidson • 6 years ago

Amazon E& M design's

No Mas • 6 years ago

Thank you! The III% gained our freedom long ago, I think the new III% need to keep America FREE! HOLD YOUR GROUND! HOLD YOUR GUNS.

Tyrone J. • 6 years ago

Your progressive neighbors should study history and learn why the Founding Fathers wrote our Second Amendment out in our Bill of Rights.
Thanks for taking care of folks, we need more people like you and your fellow gun owners!

Sheriff Bart • 6 years ago

I know. I don't get it how they can forget all that Americans have given up so they can live in retirement as well as they do, and still think the way they do. If we had known they had that way of thought, maybe we would have just safeguarded our own homes instead of blocking off the entrance to the cul de sac. But maybe not, because we couldn't live with ourselves if something had happened. Be well TJ

Bwa Ha • 6 years ago

"If we had known they had that way of thought, maybe we would have just safeguarded our own homes instead of blocking off the entrance to the cul de sac."

Sheriff Bart, You're a patriot, you'd do it again. It's in your blood. Don't kid yourself.

janet king • 6 years ago

Sorry but maybe you should learn why our founding fathers wrote the ENTIRE second amendment, not just the last line. They DID NOT WANT AMERICA TO HAVE A STANDING ARMY, but militias only. They saw from the British that a standing army could be brought to bear against a peaceful population in order to tax and steal.........lol, never mind..this gun owner doesn't want to disturb all of your deeply entrenched belief systems, lol

Tyrone J. • 6 years ago

Here are a few quotes from our Founding Fathers that clarify their viewpoint regarding our Second Amendment:
(BTW - I find it amusing when people Up Vote their own comments)
“The right … of bearing arms… is declared to be inherent in the people.”
Fisher Ames, one of the framers of the 2nd Amendment in the first congress
“The great object is that every man be armed … Everyone who is able may have a gun. But have we not learned by experience that, necessary as it is to have arms … it is still far from being the case?”
-Patrick Henry
“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.”
“And what country can preserve its liberties if its rules are not warned from time to time that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.”
-Thomas Jefferson
“To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them”
-Richard Henry Lee
“The advantage of being armed is an advantage which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation … the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.”
-James Madison
“A free people ought … to be armed.”
-George Washington
The founders meant the militia to be we, the people. Each of us individually is “the militia.”
So, what is this militia? Try these quotes on that topic:
“The militia are the people at large.”
-Tench Coxe Attny. Gen. of Penn. and Asst. Sec of Treasury under Washington
“Who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people.”
-George Mason
“The militia is composed of free citizens.”
-Samuel Adams
“A militia… are in fact the people themselves.”
-Richard Henry Lee

janet king • 6 years ago

Nice! Thank you for taking the time to post

Bwa Ha • 6 years ago

Janet, Just a note for what it's worth... me being on the outside looking in re: your and Tyrone's exchange I noticed you're a great sport. Thanks for being reasonable.

Tyrone J. • 6 years ago

Hi Janet,
Thanks for taking the time to read through my response.
I like to research issues / questions out myself and draw conclusions from multiple sources.

Bwa Ha • 6 years ago

Mr. Jackson. I borrowed your rebuttal here. I'll be posting it on my site. You submitted a perfect response to Janet IMHO. It evidently sent her packing. Thank you.

Tyrone J. • 6 years ago

Bwa Ha -
You are entirely welcome, glad that you liked my rebuttal enough to post it.
Here are a few more notes that you may also want to share:
Thomas Jefferson also viewed our Constitution and principles similarly, saying: “Government is to declare and enforce only our natural rights and duties and to take none of them from us.”
John Adams stated that, “Rights are antecedent to all earthly government; Rights… cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws; Rights are derived from the great Legislator of the universe.”
The work of Prof. Gary Kleck and Doctors for Integrity in Policy Research has shown that between 25 and 75 lives are saved by guns for every life lost to guns.

Throughout history, we have had leaders that supported gun control such as King George III, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Chairman Mao.
We have also had leaders that opposed gun control, such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King.
People need to ask themselves,which side of history are they on?
My mother always said that we are judged by the company we keep, I'll 'hang out' with GW, Abe, Gandhi, and MLK.

Bwa Ha • 6 years ago

You're on a roll Tyrone and YES I will borrow this one too. Thanks! Much of this last post I've read and used prior but it's good information and the push to seize our guns never seems to end so, any time I can get this out to those few who read my site is a plus. They' read it again, this time borrowed from someone else and eventually, if they read the same thing from different folks enough they might, just might realize what's going on.

I'm Proud • 6 years ago

Hey Sheriff Bart - How are you? Hope all is well..

Sheriff Bart • 6 years ago

So far , so good, thank God, Thanks

antiliberal00 • 6 years ago

Shoot to kill, any SOB that tries to take them. Better to die on your feet than on your knees.

Hottotrote • 6 years ago

This isn't a good idea! Predisposing someone is going to commit a crime based on prejudice against anyone with a weapon is a recipe for a civil war! Everyone has a knife; everyone has a car; everyone has a fist! And there are deaths from each. Actually everyone has poisons in the homes & they are far easier to use. So where will it end? Big Brother will end up destroying the world.

ericrrr • 6 years ago

No, let the state pay for the defense. That way, if there is a real cause / case, then the reporting person would not feel the pressure of the payment being required and not make the call. However, if the call is found to be made with malice, then the reporting person should have ato pay.

No Mas • 6 years ago

The State. is every tax paying person... Personally I rather have open carry and if anyone with mental issue wants to act out, we take them out when they show up. Individual RIGHTS > WARM FUZZY COMMUNISTS