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aha! • 2 years ago

Democrats are fascist mass murderers.

Spyeye • 2 years ago

But the voters of New York voted for this guy.

EmpathWarrior • 2 years ago

Did they? Did Georgians vote for Warnock or Ossoff? Did Canadians vote Trudeau back into office? There’s still massive cheating going on WW! I was at the DMV, and there was a 3-hour wait, and an employee told me they’ve been lined up around the building. They did a massive invader dump here, and they’re being told to get their licenses immediately to be eligible for the 2022 elections. I was there three weeks ago, and an employee announced that illegal invaders have their papers ready. They were able to get licenses in Fairfax County, VA, when I lived there too. There are many ways to cheat as we know. They’ve been voting in our elections for years. They’ve really hurt us and have helped in stealing many elections.

DO • 2 years ago

I think your close, but in reality, there is no cheating because it’s all staged. It’s staged on both sides just for the purpose of dividing us. They are making you react that way by how they frame the stories and feed them to different audiences. It’s all controlled.

Cogito42 • 2 years ago

Most of the cheating was done by Republicans.

Illegal immigrants can't and don't vote in elections.

Lana • 2 years ago

If we cheated Trump would still be president you idiot !

Cogito42 • 2 years ago

You did cheat. Just not nearly enough. Republicans were caught cheating, but they only changed a few votes.

Phil Lesh Fan • 2 years ago

Reading through the posts on your page is like reading the Democratic Party Manifesto.
You are a good little obedient non-thinking loyalist of theirs. Cannon fodder in the end.

Cogito42 • 2 years ago

I'm actually a centrist just telling it like it is. The problem is you are far too indoctrinated by the fascist right to know what the truth is.

Phil Lesh Fan • 2 years ago

I have a sibling who conciders himself a centrist. His primary news source in the NY Times, as Left an outlet as can be.
His, and your, perspective is too far gone for rational thought or honesty.
His mind, and yours, are closed to all notions that your thinking might be scewed.


Cogito42 • 2 years ago

The NY Times is one of the most respected and accurate sources of news available. If you think they are far left, then that just proves that YOU are too far gone for rational thought or honesty.

Chris • 2 years ago

There's that word again, fascist. What exactly do you think a fascist is? I don't think you actually know. Kinda like everyone on the left calling all republicans/conservatives as rascists.

Cogito42 • 2 years ago

Fascists are authoritarian nationalists. They tend to be obsessed with communists, like the Republicans are. The Republicans call anyone they disagree with a "communist".

I haven't seen anyone on the left calling ALL conservatives racist. But the fact is that most racists are conservatives.

PaulDF • 2 years ago

Your data is absolutely false

Cogito42 • 2 years ago

Stop lying!

ThinkFirst40 • 2 years ago

I agree with you, and may I add, its the democRATS are fascist, COWARD THUG Murders, and rino;s (few) who always commit Treason against ALL Americans. It's ONLY the US Contitutional Republcan who have spine, character & integrity enough to stand up to EVIL and do what is Right For America...

Spyeye • 2 years ago

The people that vote democratic in New York are just as bad. This is what they wanted and now they are getting it. They just never learn.

Guest • 2 years ago
Shelby Hoffmeyer • 2 years ago

They seem to forget that it's OUR money. The whole system is corrupt. Needs a do-over. A leader to come out and end foreign aid in the form of monetary support. It only ends up in offshore coffers of the corrupt politicians.
We need to end our membership with the U. N. Essentially, our membership fee (which the US pays the most) is financially supporting the demise of America and Freedom. We are funding our own destruction.
We need to end the so called philanthropy of the Elites who use their foundations to fund corrupt politicians whose aim is to destroy America and consolidate power for themselves.

krazo • 2 years ago

The only way for a do over now that they control elections is a revolution. And that won't happen to a country passive and full of sheep.

JohnathanTGalt • 2 years ago

A do over should include splitting up the media. No one company can own more than one medium in any market, including subsidiaries, stock holdings, and board seats.

If that were put into place, suing the media for their lies and "misrepresentations" would be possible.

ThinkFirst40 • 2 years ago

Agreed, and when American Stateman stood up for the Sherman Act that helped to prevent monopolies, and promote Free Market, Free Speech round in the 1st Ammendment was more common.

Catty71 • 2 years ago

You are so right. Both sides are murderers, liars and just evil. They care only for themselves. They need to prove with actions, their words are just hot air. No elections have bene legit, i never trusted them. This country has had it, it's done with. But doesn't mean we can't fight for our families and loved ones. We still have to stand up when we know the gov't NEVER will stand for us. It's us against them.

PaulDF • 2 years ago

Funny ~ I’m watching Republicans stand up for you and me. When’s the last time you saw a Democrat doing that?!?

Catty71 • 2 years ago

there's only been one I seen who has done more than words, marjorie greene thomas. she does more than talk. She went to the dungeon to try to see the false imprisonment/torture of the Jan 6 patriots. She was denied! No other has gone there. no other will even stand up for them.

ThinkFirst40 • 2 years ago

FYI: Rep Louie Gohmert (R) also went with Margarie T Greene to the jails as well, but was not allowed in. Rep. Madison Cawthorn, (R-NC) is presently being denied his reelction bid because he is being falsely accused of insurgency 1/6/21 by NC Election Board (NC University Verology Dept worked wit 2-Wuhan commie chinese to created the bioweapon Chinese Wuhan Virus, Funded by Obama, then dr faucii covertely).

FYI2I: It was demcoRATS Terrorist blm/antifa, fbi, capital police who failed and framing Trump supporters of insurgency when it was their own FAILD attempt to control the Trump Supporter Crowd,. and it was also Trum Stop the Steal Peaceful protesters who kept democRATS blm/antifa from causing more damage to the capital builing (also caught on camera pulling blm/antifa down from breaking windows)...

Cogito42 • 2 years ago

I see Democrats standing up for the people all the time. I have never seen a Republican do that. Republicans only care about themselves.

Ipadofdoom • 2 years ago


edshaw • 2 years ago

Right about that, James. Those, and so many unaddressed issues of the political new wave, basically a patronage system in which merits and qualifications have been replaced with political considerations. That's how we end up with departments, such as the AFT, that are little more than private clubs. There is no way to address the lack of integrity, character, and sense of entitlement. Those are just the tip of the iceberg. Possibly Civil Service reform could bring us back down to earth. Unfortunately, places like NYC
will continue to repel rather than attract long term career aspirants.

Paris • 2 years ago

Not true.

Cogito42 • 2 years ago

Maybe, but it is still wise to get vaccinated.

jake wilkinson • 2 years ago

Normal, healthy people are dying at the rate of 140% above normal since the Vaccinations began, I don't think it is wise to take that chance.

Cogito42 • 2 years ago

There is no chance. None of them are dying because of the vaccines. People who aren't vaccinated ARE however dying in huge numbers from COVID. That is the actual risk here.

Greg • 2 years ago

No, they are getting a positive test and being sent home to get worse. Then hospitalized and put on ventilator. For many, it is too late. They need to be treated in the beginning. In fact, boost your immune system before you get it. C, D, Zinc, don't smoke, lose weight if overweight. If you test positive, there are a number of known, existing drugs that can prevent it from progressing and actually prevent deaths. Waiting until it's worse, per Fauci's orders, is the worst thing and is why the US has the highest death rates in the world.

kevinhufford • 2 years ago

Countries with the highest vax rates have the highest covid rates. Ivermectin cures 100% of the time in 48 hours and is being denied here. Pure evil. Take the experimental dna altering jab instead!

ThinkFirst40 • 2 years ago

In blue states like democRAT run Oregon, you can't even get Hydroxychloriquine, Ivermectin, other proven theraphys until its' too late, then they say you died as un-vaxxed. This is PURE EVIL by democRATS!!!

Cogito42 • 2 years ago

Not smoking and losing weight are good ideas, but the best, simplest protection is to get vaccinated.

The US is not even in the top 10 in death rates. The reason we are higher than average is likely mostly due to Americans being obese and unhealthy in the first place.

PaulDF • 2 years ago

Your data is false

Ipadofdoom • 2 years ago

I thought MY data was false!
Are you two-timing me, Paul?
Or is that all your bot knows how to say?

NunYAhB Option • 2 years ago

Cogito42, here is the hard proof, most people overlook;
1) answers this questions unbiased.
A) since start of the so-call Plandemic have world seen a mass dying off of the Homeless?
B) or have we witnessed an increase of Homelessness?

If Covid virus and it’s constant mutated variants are so deadly we should she the mass dying off in the Homeless communities worldwide yet we don’t see that materialize.

One; can speculate and say “see the vaccine work because the most vulnerable of society are not dying.

I take a different view, is possible the homeless groups that have endured being marginalized have developed, natural immunity and this why we are not see the mass dying off affects upon this section of society?

We have been constantly told if you don’t receive the Experimental mRNA Gene Therapy labeled as a vaccine, you have a higher chance of getting sick or die.

Yet evidence is pouring in worldwide from those, who have taken the E.G.T shot are becoming sick or are experiencing severe sometime fatal side affects. (Some immediately or weeks after receiving the shot)

Yet; “you” Cogito42, can state or hold firm that those administering and receiving these shots are safe and effective in safeguarding their health.

To the people that are reading my response to Cogito42, the “HOMELESS Population in your own community is the evidence you need to look to, are they (homeless) dying or increasing.

Now that I’ve put this narrative out, should you start seeing great numbers of homeless dying out then you will know how “evil” the people behind this “Plandemic” really are.

May the Holy Spirit give you discernment to distinguish the truth from falsehood running amok worldwide currently

Cogito42 • 2 years ago

Since you have no actual data or scientific analysis, you can't prove anything.

I haven't seen any data about homeless people and COVID. Any conclusions you try to draw about homeless people are pure speculation.

On the other hand, there IS confirmed data showing that people who are not vaccinated are 50 times more likely to die from COVID.

The actual data shows that serious side effects for the vaccines are extremely rare and no one is dying from the vaccines.

If you think anyone is reading your post and planning to kill homeless people to prove you wrong, you are seriously delusional. You need to seek psychiatric help.

VoiceOfReason2024 • 2 years ago

No it's not. The vaccine doesn't work. And it has killed or seriously harmed thousands.

jake wilkinson • 2 years ago

Hundreds of Thousands!!!

Ipadofdoom • 2 years ago

......are you serious?

Ted Hernandez • 2 years ago

Yup. People are finally realizing the fraudulent behavior of the Fauci cult. (Liberal/Dimotwits).
I guess they thought they could ride the Bee Ess Wave longer.

Cogito42 • 2 years ago

Rational Americans are wise to your right wing fraud. All of the lies Republicans have been spreading have killed many Americans.

Cogito42 • 2 years ago

The vaccine doesn't work and hasn't killed anyone. Serious side effects are extremely rare. You are FAR more likely to be harmed by COVID if you are not vaccinated.

Listen to your Dear Leader Herr Trump. Even he will tell you to get vaccinated.

Cogito42 • 2 years ago

Yes, it is. The vaccines work quite well and only 3 people with incredibly rare conditions out of billions have died. Serious side effects are extremely rare. You are much more likely to die or be seriously harmed by COVID if you are not vaccinated.

PaulDF • 2 years ago

Your data is completely false

Cogito42 • 2 years ago

Actually, it is completely accurate. Stop listening to the right wing lies and investigate for yourself!