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meekslt5 • 2 years ago

fbi ....cia......irs.......cdc.......all swamp !!!

Leftarefascists • 2 years ago

along with the DOJ and congress

Mr C • 2 years ago

Dept of Jive

J. Hawkins • 2 years ago

Dept. of Jagoffs.

todd • 2 years ago


I am SO cribbing that new name for use on the internets of things and over beers & stuff.

Patriot • 2 years ago

Include the DOE and IRS.

TruthierThanThou • 2 years ago

Two of the guys in on the “build the wall” scam pleaded guilty today. Steve Bannon, the third top promoter in that group can’t be charged for his part in the scheme because he, lucky him, was pardoned by Trump.

Remember Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows was, as of two weeks ago, was registered to vote in three states. Two weeks ago he was kicked off the voter rolls in one state that is now investigating him for possible voter fraud. He’s still registered in two states. He was recently a speaker at a conservative conference on voter fraud.

You can’t make this stuff up. The real joke is Trump supporters still look up to these jokers and to the

netsolution • 2 years ago

No, you’re wrong! He’s a RINO and we will deal with him. He’s been outed and unlike democrats who circle the wagons when one of their slimey members is found out the Republicans will kick him to the side of the road

harleridr . • 2 years ago

Troll deterrent = TRUTHLESS IS BLOCKED
Please do not feed this TRUTHLESS troll!
THEY feed off your replies! Starve them out!
To those of you who still feel the need to feed this TRITHLESS TROLL here!

Proverbs 26:4 tells us not to answer a fool according to his folly lest we be like him.
Mark TWAIN “Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."
George Carlin " Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something."
Mark Twain "It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”

Burney • 2 years ago

Block me too, pig rider.

Generic Bob • 2 years ago

You should take your own advice.

harleridr . • 2 years ago

Another dim witted troll deterrent = GENERIC BOB IS BLOCKED
Please do not feed this GENERIC troll!
THEY feed off your replies! Starve them out!
To those of you who still feel the need to feed this GENERIC TROLL here!

Proverbs 26:4 tells us not to answer a fool according to his folly lest we be like him.
Mark TWAIN “Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."
George Carlin " Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something."
Mark Twain "It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”

Richard Gay • 2 years ago

You never mention all the corruption in the democrat party, why ?

John W. Lawrence • 2 years ago

They will be Clinton'd?

amongoose • 2 years ago

Because it would be a career?

J. Hawkins • 2 years ago

You mean like the dead people that vote as well?

Pride • 2 years ago

Block the trolls. Don't reply to them.

Javanne • 2 years ago

Why not? They are SUCH fun to debunk.

My Comment • 2 years ago

Unfortunately you and your party have "made stuff up". Remember the fake Russia collusion crap and Hunter's laptop. Yeah, Democrats are so sqeeky clean. NOT. You have no credibility here.

gsbeliever • 2 years ago

You're getting pounded like a pinata.
And I bet the only upvote is yours, lol.

Guest • 2 years ago
Moronicus Magnus • 2 years ago

Thank God you have a great president like me to straighten out this mess that Trump is entirely responsible for.

If he hadn't exposed us as swamp, you'd still think we were living in a Walter Commiekite utopia.

Javanne • 2 years ago

Cronkite was the last true journalist this country has had. Would that we had many more like him.

Moronicus Magnus • 2 years ago

Yes he was the best commie liar to ever do the propaganda. Of course there was no conservative media at the time to refute anything he said either.

Guest • 2 years ago
Generic Bob • 2 years ago

So you're saying the Vietnam war was a good thing?

Guest • 2 years ago
Generic Bob • 2 years ago

It was a noble cause? Why? How old are you? Did you serve in Nam? Or are you just parroting crap you heard? So you're ok with sending Americans to die for a war we started because our government believed in the "domino theory"? I'll bet you have shirts in your closet right now that were made in Vietnam. Is that what we died for?

John W. Lawrence • 2 years ago

Our fruitcakes did not come from a tree. They came from a lab (indoctrinated colleges) and were put in office and not elected by the people.

John C • 2 years ago

Let me put on my shocked face. Let's just admit it - the entire federal government is corrupt.

Patriot • 2 years ago

Almost all politicians are corrupt and I do paint with a broad brush.

J. Hawkins • 2 years ago

Pretty much.

Javanne • 2 years ago

DC proves the old saying about absolute power.

Mr C • 2 years ago

There’s about 100 US House members I trust , about 10 US Senators. All the ones who refused to certify Bidens “win”

Rocco Luca Gambinni • 2 years ago

Yes, and that is the reason why everybody feared Trump because he was an outsider, without special interests hanging from his pockets.

Helix22 • 2 years ago

Drain the Swamp! Keep it going, Durham. The country needs people like you, Trump, and now Musk. And even angry Parents.

Noel's Destroyer • 2 years ago

Durham alone, can't do it. We need to vote wisely in our primaries and the general.
Get firebrands in there, so Dems can't derail the process. It's all about who takes over Congress in January.

Big Ben • 2 years ago

It's all about the military tribunals.

netsolution • 2 years ago

I wish but am not gonna hold my breath

Big Ben • 2 years ago

They've already begun.

Burney • 2 years ago

And Clinton is in Gitmo? And Obama too????

Javanne • 2 years ago

That's not enough. The GOP will certainly launch a bunch of investigations covering the Bidens, Durham's findings, and many other things, but as long as Biden runs the DOJ, nothing will come of it.

harleridr . • 2 years ago

Don't count on my Republican Party to do anything to investigate the DemoncRATS! They had their chance in 2016-2018.My limp wristed Republican'ts did nothing but fight President Trump every step of the way! These RINOS are still in office!

Troy Dynes • 2 years ago

The Durham investigation is merely theatre of amusement for the Commoners. Nothing will happen. DOJ Atty Kevin Clinesmith committed treason by forging evidence in an attempt remove a duly elected POTUS and pleaded guilty to a low misdemeanor charge. Clinesmith kept his law licenses and is in good standing the Bar association. Any forthcoming charges will be pleaded down to parking tickets.

Patriot • 2 years ago

Of course nothing will be done against DEMONrats, look who's the AG - Merrick Garland who will do anything to destroy Repubs because they refused to approve him for SCOTUS. It's totally vendetta and revenge on the part of the entire government - DEMONrats and RINOs. We had the audacity to vote for PRESIDENT Trump, not once but twice!!

Mr C • 2 years ago

Not Jim Jordan, Loui Gohmert, MT Green, Matt Gaetz. Lorena Boebert. They’re good people.

Patriot • 2 years ago

Right, and did you see where Georgia DEMONrats are suing to keep MTG off the ballot because she was part of the Jan 6 "insurrection"? MTG is on her own defending herself because McCarthy and the RINOs will not help her. The left can't win by votes so they'll cheat AGAIN and STILL.
Maybe we should chip in to help MTG. I have. She says it like it is, so DEMONrats and RINOs both hate her as they did/do Lt. Col. Allen West.

Burney • 2 years ago

Yes but you have the deck stacked by jerrymandering and limiting voters.

Generic Bob • 2 years ago

They are proven idiots. They might be good at screaming but they have no idea how to run the government.