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Gary Schaefer • 2 years ago

IMHO this is misappropriation of Federal funds. Newsom should be sued, prosecuted, forced to repay every dime and removed from office.

Guest • 2 years ago
ButtWheat • 2 years ago

All the climate scientists on earth can't tell us what the temperature will be or if will rain next week,

Fishfilet • 2 years ago

I gave up waiting for elected democrats to be called out and made to account for their crimes. Maybe someday.

Abel Washington • 2 years ago

The Dims stockpile money from lefty cash grabs in Congress, with no intention of spending the money as the bill stipulates, but backdoor the cash to fund their marxist agenda, pulling the US away from Capitalism to communism.

reyol • 2 years ago

"Stockpile" is the wrong word as they usually spend more than they take in no matter how much this is - to fund their marxist agenda, of course. There's no way they're going to leave money laying around. It's power they stockpile.

321a adr123 • 2 years ago

I understand your frustration. But be aware of God's faithful promises. "And as it is appointed unto men, once to die, but after this, the Judgment". Hebrews 9:27

Jimbu • 2 years ago

Won't happen - too many liberal people in upper echelons of law enforcement.

Pi Man • 2 years ago

I agree, but do you know how much money was lost to fraudulent COVID relief? 100 Billion dollars. Our government is just throwing our tax dollars around like it's Monopoly money. Someone, besides the crooks, should be held accountable for that much fraud.

Timothy Collier • 2 years ago

The Biden Regime and Career Criminals in Congress are the Culprits. The Ones with a D after their Names

Pi Man • 2 years ago

The problem they cause has to be addressed by ( I laugh out loud ) the Attorney General. I laugh, because I know he's a Dim Witt Dumpacrap who could care less.

big al • 2 years ago

he is much worse than that. He is trying to bully parent and others who don't agree with him. someone should kick his no good ass.

Christopher Roy • 2 years ago

good luck with that we see how he stole the election twice!

Observer • 2 years ago

Ever notice how everything always needs more work and more money! Nothing is ever finished in a politician's eye or mind.

Fishfilet • 2 years ago

They have to spend all of it now to justify getting more tomorrow.

Rollo • 2 years ago

Fixing things that are broke is not in the self-interest of a politician.

Timothy Collier • 2 years ago

Breaking Things for Personal Gain that Never Needed Fixiing is their Forte.

Mac Wildstar • 2 years ago

When the only thing you have ever known is government related, the solutions to your problems are government, which created the problems in the first place.

1riely1 • 2 years ago

Yes you are so correct. The democrats have had many good intentional projects over the years that would actually help the citizens of the U.S. The problem is they never knew how to solve the problems that the projects were for so the problems became bigger. They found that Americans were all for using tax monies to help people out to the extent that they could then fend for themselves.
But then the democrats found out that people would not need them because they caused the very problems ( and they did not even know it ) they said they would fix. The democrats then decided that the programs needed to control the people in order to make themselves indispensable. So they forced more people into slavery so they could become the "party of the people". Along the way they found out it was so easy to pocket the money and make themselves rich and they enlisted the very people they were supposed to help to make them rich. Then some of the republicans caught on this scheme and jumped on the band wagon - creating the swamp we have today.

M.D. Hill • 2 years ago

Politicians typically never want money to permanently fix anything, just to continually fund an ever evolving agenda.

Guest • 2 years ago
Fishfilet • 2 years ago

You've got a dim view.

Sheridan • 2 years ago

Plastic straws and cow farts more important than human life.

Tony Williams • 2 years ago

It seems that used syringes have replaced the plastic straws as the major threat to sea life.
Okay Newson & Pelosi, what do we do about the junkies throwing the syringes into the water instead of hazardous waste containers?

big al • 2 years ago

have the junkies throw them in their backyards!!

Jimbu • 2 years ago

I am suspicious that some tree-hugger fool stuck a straw up a turtle's nose for a photo op, much to the dismay of PETA.

big al • 2 years ago

plastic straws up merrick garlands ass and cowfarts in his face!!!

Guest • 2 years ago
Guest • 2 years ago
he'samoron • 2 years ago

"Rumor has it....." demoncrap bullet point !

Tony Williams • 2 years ago

And Maxine and her husband. Her influence bailed his failing financial institution out. Then the money disappeared.
Investigation? Nope, it never has and never will occur. She and her husband are democrats, immune for the laws the rest of us must follow.

ManOfMettle • 2 years ago

Dems operatives are always engaged in political graft and defraud the tax-payer continuously.

ocean • 2 years ago

Election Fraud put Joe Biden in the White House.
The 2022 Home Foreclosure rate and crash of the Stock Market
Bubble will dwarf the collapse of the 2008 Housing Bubble.
Many Real Estate websites are hiding the vast amount of
Pre-Foreclosure, Foreclosure, Auction, and Bank Owned
Homes. It’s a Foreclosure tidal wave.

vethelper • 2 years ago

That's what climate change is all about, Money! Here in SC I have been walking by the same tidal creek for 25 years and it has never once flooded unless there was a hurricane at high tide but the town officials cry climate change because it means federal dollars coming in. Meanwhile, development runs rampant with trees being cut down and everything being paved etc.... Follow the money....

Tony Williams • 2 years ago

Climate change. It must be real, the Clintons, Obamas screamed and cried about it. That is why they used the multi-millions of dollars they made as President to buy a mansion on the beach of Martha's Vineyard. So they can study the changes on the climate change.

Jimbu • 2 years ago

It must be real, just ask Al Gore Rhythm (inventor of the internet) as he disembarks his private jet.

T F • 2 years ago

How shocking that DEMOCRATS once again show their corruption.

Pj • 2 years ago

My opinion. Any funds for any purpose not used should be returned to government.

TrumpAssociate • 2 years ago

Returned to We The People!

PaulGosarFan • 2 years ago

"Do as we say, not as we do..." RIGHT DEMS?

G Orwell • 2 years ago

No surprise - the RATs have been using tax money for personal agendas for decades. Like trips to islands with there concubines, strip clubs, sporting events, etc.

Robert A'Beuy • 2 years ago

Climate Issues - Insulating politicians' pockets.

Kaleidoscopeview • 2 years ago

They have all used covid to benefit themselves. Its not used for climate change. They are trying to financially break the government like good commies.

321a adr123 • 2 years ago

Climate change and control are not even in the realm of man's management. If we didn't create them, how on Earth are we going to control the climates? We can not. God created the Heavens and the Earth, and only He can, and does, manage them. Climate control by man is a fraud that steals money from us, in the form tax of a Carbon Use Tax. Any country, State, City, or other municipality that garnishes this tax, is a bold and sly thief. What do you say about this Democrat Governors?

TrumpAssociate • 2 years ago

TRANSLATION: used for interstate bicycle lanes, inefficient mass transit nobody rides, city/county/state employees' new $80,00 dollar electric cars, solar water fountains, wind-powered fake trees & shrubbery...

David Druggish • 2 years ago

Most people know when the government offers aud, its opening the doors to fraud and misuse of funds.

HotwireLBH3 • 2 years ago

The biggest pork project in the history of bad California projects: The High Speed Rail disaster. $98.1 billion and nothing to show for it. It was an advertised as a environment savior that connect L.A. and San Francisco. The problem is each county the train went through, demanded a cut of the action for approvals. No $$$$$, no approval to run the tracks through their county. Having a train stop was also part of the demand from those counties. It was originally to have four stops and ended up with San Francisco, a spur to Sacramento from the Stockton stop, Modesto, Merced, Madera, Fresno, Tulare, Bakers Field, L.A., and Anaheim. Many people got burned, besides the Federal Government. Entire housing communities were popping up and gobbled up by people who wanted to move out of San Francisco's insane rents and no parking. So much money just went down the drain.

InOurAmerica-LogicWins • 2 years ago

Now let's see, just what are our current priorities in California:
- homelessness,
- mental health,
- alcohol and drug addiction,
- crime,
- tax relief for the 8am-5pm workers that gave us the COVID relief money in the first place,
- global warming.
Hey Betty, please call Bill, Ernie, and Zak and see if they still have their global warming consulting firms. I think they could use some work.

Jimbu • 2 years ago

You left out firing the unvaccinated.

No _Hypocrisy • 2 years ago

And "free" health care for illegals. Pay no attention to the doubling of your taxes CA residents.
The Grand Wizard Gavid says that will be a transitory event. Transitory until all of your personal wealth has been conviscated.