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Tyrion4Prez • 2 years ago

I'm surprised the MSM hasn't started calling them "assault trucks" yet.

Guest • 2 years ago
Moronicus Magnus • 2 years ago

I didn't grab that under anybodies skirt that I remember.

⭐JohnnyStarSpangle⭐ • 2 years ago

Of coarse.

Fishfilet • 2 years ago

No, Biden said it felt like silk.

desadiste • 2 years ago

... and smelled like fish.

Alfred Uhrich • 2 years ago

probably was rotten fish or a dead skunk

desadiste • 2 years ago

...or Kamala.

Coenraad De Buys • 2 years ago

Yup, and I didn't use cigar-blows, nor do I sniff little girls' hair.

Reno Rivera • 2 years ago

For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

Reno Rivera • 2 years ago

The one who has the Son has the life; the one who does not have the Son of God does not have the life.

Valerie Rawlins • 2 years ago


Randall Bunton • 2 years ago

If you lived in China you would be considered a troublemaker and lose you 'status'. It could be happening in Canada as we speak. Trudeau must go.

Mike • 2 years ago

If Trudeau must go, then you just vote for the better candidate next election.
Who do you have in mind to vote for? Who do you consider to be the better fit for our country?

lardheppus • 2 years ago

Domestic terrorists is enough.

Deplorablasaurus • 2 years ago

So the socialist whiners are on here whining because the people protesting the denial of access to their normal lives are creating a problem for them to access things in their normal lives.

How ironic.

Tyrion4Prez • 2 years ago

Dems: Somehow this sounds racist to me.

Mike • 2 years ago

Are lives are getting back to normal. It’s the 10% that can’t get back to normal. The 10% is attempting to hold the 90% hostage, who are the whiners your referring too? It really appears to be the protestors….

Proverbs17-12NLT • 2 years ago

Any police murdered yet? Any buildings burned down yet? Nah, only democrats do that

anyonebutmarkeyforsenate • 2 years ago

So true, DevilObama...

desadiste • 2 years ago

...and their corrupt government agents.

dan oneill • 2 years ago

So true.

Reno Rivera • 2 years ago

No but there was an antifa meth head, crazy woman, trying to murder a woman siding with the truckers. Hit her parked car then the crazy leftist began hitting other people for the truckers.

Martial law coming to Canada by their soy PM. I think this many break-up Canada. Their provinces are easier to secede compared to states here.

Mike • 2 years ago

Oh, so those were dems in Charlottesville and in Washington?

Proverbs17-12NLT • 2 years ago

Nice try Moron

Guest • 2 years ago
Proverbs17-12NLT • 2 years ago

LMAO, Hey my car can go over 100MPH so should the cops ticket me for that?

In Ontario ticket will be the least of your worries if you're caught driving at 100 mph. Your car will be impounded for a week, licensed revoked for 10 days and a minimum of $2,000 fine

Guest • 2 years ago

Morale: Don't do anything crazy and don't get babbitized.

Mike • 2 years ago

Not in Canada, I did hear of an incident a few months ago, it went on for a day, in Washington, where 5 people died and many more were injured. Are you aware of that incident?

Mike Adler • 2 years ago

Freedom is contagious...unless you're a commie leftist who loves big brothers hand up your ass and in your back pocket.

EvilDoersRUs • 2 years ago

...careful, you'll trigger those who miss having their big brother's hand up where the moon don't shine, calling it the good ole days, when someone at least paid them SOME attention.

Mike • 2 years ago

I want freedom just like anyone else, but the truckers are looking for something that’s unobtainable in Canada. They want the ability to cross the international border between the US and Canada. The internationally ratified agreement between the two countries was worked out four months ago after the border was closed to all but essential services, the truckers were considered essential and were allowed to cross at that time. After the vaccines were introduced and disseminated the governments wanted to open the border to all citizens. There was no provisions made, in the international agreement, to any segment of society, therefore, the 10% of unvaccinated truckers that were originally considered essential, were basically called on to get vaccinated or be left out of the workforce until the pandemic was over. The new provisions were, and are overwhelmingly popular in Canada because it allows 90% of the population to cross the border by land, reuniting families and friends that were separated for 21 months. Since the trucker protest started, other groups have joined, asking for more than the truckers were originally asking for, it’s become a call to arms for the removal of all mandates… they are basically riding on the backs of the truckers to get their wish list past the government too…
I too want this to end, and it is, the pandemic is done… the hospitals are seeing the best reduction is cases since the pandemic began… it won’t be long before the mandates and restrictions are behind us… the truckers really should have started this four months ago when the international agreement was first introduced, it would have been easier to get addendums added then. I don’t see anything being changed now, since we are so close to the end of this virus… at this point in time, all these protests are doing is aggravating the residents that live in the downtown core of Ottawa. They aren’t going to speed the end of the mandates, they are linked to those falling Covid numbers….

TruthI4U • 2 years ago

you are delusional....the mandates are for control...for the new "social credit score" passport, which will be used for everything from what you buy, consume and travel. Think "climate change". This is in preparation for the incoming digital dollar. Not for a mostly overblown "pandemic" where only the old and infirm are at any appreciable risk, as was always the case for flu/cold season, (which mysteriously disappeared). Savvy truckers, and now a majority of the public realized they have been scammed...forced to inject a sketchy, and plausibly dangerous faux vaxxine that does not work to stop transmission, or even getting sick. No, you still get just as sick whether you are vaxxed or not. In countries where the population is fully vaxxed (two and a booster) are now experiencing health issues on the rise for various ailments....no this is not a "conspiracy theory", but fact. Did the truckers wait to long to oppose this madness? Yes, we all did.

Mike • 2 years ago

Well, if that’s what happens then you nailed it. I would say good for you but what your describing is the end of society as we know it. Personally I don’t see that happening, maybe it’s because I’m too invested in the world as I know it and know that if this ends we are in a whole different place where none of us have any control… I’m well off and am able to work but there is a difference between needing to work and wanting to work…if your right, how is what your doing helping to prevent it? If your wrong when will you be aware of it and refrain from this type of rhetoric?

TruthI4U • 2 years ago

So far my "rhetoric" is being confirmed as time progresses....will what I presupposed doin fact transpire, hopefully not, but if not, in large part to the mass opposition to the draconian edicts, in the guise of "health mandates", by the brave truckers and thier millions of supporters worldwide.

Mike • 2 years ago

So how will you know if you are wrong?

TruthI4U • 2 years ago

If all mandates are turfed, and no more dangerous booster shots are planned and all the athletes who dropped dead on their playing fields right after their "vaxx shots" rise from the dead, and the young and middle aged who had NO signs of heart problems, suddenly get better, and not die unexpectedly. And the drug companies are sued for the scam of administering billions of taxpayer dollars for useless fake vaxxines, and the money recovered to be used for hospitals, training doctors, nurses and more resources for public health...(not bureaucrats salaries). Money recovered to actually study effective treatments for the not-so-deadly "covid" flu...and investigation into how that virus was made and released......for a start.. to your guest ion

Mike • 2 years ago

In other words you aren’t wrong. So the world as we knew it is over and we are driving at break neck speed into the abyss of a new world order. There is no way you would ever be wrong and no way to avoid it?
So then how are you prepared for this apocalypse? What’s your advice as to what we should all do prior to the inevitable collapse of society as well know it?

Randall Bunton • 2 years ago

The USA is not the Republic I grew up in. Old timers see it. The youth are lead into prison by a corrupt group of elite criminals. It is up to them to decide the fate of the Nation. The Constitution is spit upon by those that hate freedom. The love of money is indeed the root of all evil. We spoke against warmongers in the 1960s. Your turn.

Mike • 2 years ago

I agree, it used to have moderates that would cross the political divide and make laws that were good for the country. Now the divisiveness as a Pauling and the sides would rather defeat a good bill because it was written by the other party,

TruthI4U • 2 years ago

Me? Buy crypto, gold, silver and stocks dealing in oil, lithium, gold copper, etc. Then learn some basic survival skills. As Investment adviser Robert Kiyosakii, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad says, stock up on gold, silver, land and bullets. He was quoted as saying he often pays his Dentist in bullets.

Mike • 2 years ago

I’m not a crypto fan, but I have a few pounds of real gold (I’m a fan of the Canadian maple leaf, 1oz of 24k gold with a face value of $50) it can be carried across international borders, on its face.value avoiding the restrictions… similar to crypto…, silver is too heavy for me, I’ve got a cupboard full and its pretty much worthless… if society collapses, your stocks won’t make it, that’s a system tied to the current society…. How will crypto work without the internet?
I’m certainly not a fan of guns, if it comes down to that I’m probably finished… I think I’ll continue rallying to our current system to go on for another 35 years or so…. Then if I’m still around and have two marbles left bouncing around up there… it really won’t matter…

TruthI4U • 2 years ago

" How will crypto work without the internet...Well if your wallet is on your stand alone computer, and you negotiate with another crypto stand alone computer wallet holder, for an item and/or service as to an agreed to various crypto value, you both print or scan your appropriate wallet engineered codes, enter them in your respective wallets....and VOILA, a transfer of funds is complete....SANS internet.
As for your gold...the guy with the bullets will lighten your load of both gold and silver, so no worries.

Mike • 2 years ago

What’s to stop the seller from selling it again before it’s registered in the system? And the guy with the bullets will take your computer, and voila you find your in the same boat as the rest of us. Because your not the only one with 50 guns and you might win once or twice but you won’t win every time.

TruthI4U • 2 years ago

DUH.....crypto transactions require two wallet generated numbers, the seller can "sell" it to someone who cannot deposit it unless he has the corresponding number from the buyer.
The guy with the bullets will be hesitant to take ANYTHING from you if you have more, and bigger , bullets then he/she does.

SteveYo • 2 years ago

Tinfoil hats are on sale at Walmart. Hurry!

Iamhere2saveU • 2 years ago

So is sand to put your head into.

Joe Campbell • 2 years ago

The vaccines are not vaccines...never approved yet forced on the population. Worth protesting.