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Wolfiequeen • 4 days ago

I hope the cams get back up soon. Missing our girls.

Justin • 1 week ago

Please fix this camera.

Debra Reed • 2 weeks ago

what happened to the webcams?

LoboLobo • 1 month ago
Little_Diane • 1 month ago

Happy belated birthday, Rosa and Alleno! Rest in Peace.

Little_Diane • 1 month ago
Neko • 1 month ago

Oh, my goodness. Does Diane have two different colored eyes like papa Alleno?

LoboLobo • 4 weeks ago

Oh my gosh! The Wolf Conservation Center posted this photo of our adorable girl. Her left eye looks green, and her right eye looks gold!!! Maybe it's just the lighting, but Alleno's genes could have passed on to her! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

LoboLobo • 4 weeks ago

That would be incredible! Which photo are you looking at? From what I've seen both of her eyes seen to be golden, but it's difficult to tell from the webcam.

Little_Diane • 1 month ago

Missing the Rosa girls today- Li'l Diane, Sweet Bria, and the Helene Melon! I really hope the cams are fixed soon.


Wolf lover11 • 2 months ago

Happy late birthday to the girls! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

J B • 2 months ago

Aren't they gorgeous 😍

Justin • 2 months ago

Rosa and her daughters


Little_Diane • 2 months ago
LoboLobo • 2 months ago

The very happiest of 6th birthdays to the most regal, elegant, majestic, charming, lovely sisters, Diane, Bria, and Hélène! May this year bring many more energetic spring mornings, serene summer afternoons, cozy autumn evenings, and winter romps in the snow. Hopefully, there will be some romance and puppies too! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

V'z • 2 months ago

Happy birthday to the Rosa girls!! Especially to my Bria :p https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
This is the first photo I got of her.

Justin • 2 months ago

I call them the Rosa girls also.

Justin • 2 months ago

Happy Birthday Hélène, Bria, Diane, Beattie, Carson, Mittermeier, Craighead, Lek, and Goodall.

Little_Diane • 2 months ago

I wonder when the cam will be fixed. Diane, Bria and Helene are my personal favorite wolves at the WCC and I really enjoyed watching them.

Justin • 2 months ago

They and their brothers will be six years old on the 8th.

J B • 2 months ago

I believe the girls are on exhibit, according to someone in the know had posted.

Hector Reyes • 2 months ago

And what does implies? Are they in the center?

Gina • 1 month ago

It just means that if you visit in person they are one of the 3 enclosures you get to see. The ambassadors, Hélène, Bria, Diane and Ginger and Mac are the only wolves visible to the public in person.

Hector Reyes • 3 weeks ago


Wolf lover11 • 2 months ago

Yes they are.

Justin • 2 months ago

Happy Birthday to their dad Alléno(+).

Landon Smith • 2 months ago

Hope the cam gets back up soon, but here's a cute pic from a video, all 3 girls with mom and Diane looking so comfy using rosa as a pillow https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

pcc404 • 2 months ago

cam not working?

Lleyton Wing • 3 months ago

Does anyone have/know of anyone who has another visual "guide" kinda like what Wolf lover11 shared below for the girls' brothers at the Stone Zoo? I've only taken photos of them twice but I've compared the photos to a post the Stone Zoo shared (below) with names labeled, can't tell the difference between them


Justin • 2 months ago
pcc404 • 2 months ago

someone (i dont remember who) sent me one not long ago, lemme find it...

LoboLobo • 3 months ago

I don't have any pictures of the boys, (I only stated watching webcams in 2023) but have seen some images of them. From what I know, the wolf labeled as Beattie seems to be Craighead, who was the runt of the litter. As well, the wolf labeled Lek looks identical to the wolf that I have seen identified as Mittermeier. My comment isn't very helpful, so hopefully someone more experienced can offer their insight too!

Wolf lover11 • 3 months ago

I know Craighead used to have the little face and he is the smallest but I never saw them on the cams I only joined two years ago

Justin • 3 months ago

What date was Alléno’s birthday?

Ben • 3 months ago

Alléno was born on 2 May 2010, according to my research!

Justin • 3 months ago

Do you remember Jack, Charlotte and their kid’s birthdays?

Ben • 3 months ago

I'm sad I never got to meet them ...

Jack - 4 May 2007
Charlotte - 2 May 2015
Ben, Deven, Maple, and Marley - 19 April 2018

Justin • 3 months ago

Thank you

WolfyWendy • 3 months ago

Happy belated birthday dear Rosa in heaven. You must be so proud of your daughter Trumpet giving birth to 7 beautiful pups. Watch over the and keep them all safe.

Neko • 3 months ago

I miss Rosa too. She, Diego and then Alleno left quite a legacy. She was such a good Mama.

Justin • 3 months ago

Happy Birthday to their mother Rosa.

Wolf lover11 • 3 months ago

Has anyone been able to see them in person? (They are on exhibit) I hope I will this summer! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

J B • 3 months ago

I 🤔miss the girls...any idea when the cam will be up?

Wolf lover11 • 3 months ago

Hopefully soon. Right now Martha and Oka's cam is down, Belles cam, Gingers, and now the rosa girls

LoboLobo • 3 months ago

I miss seeing them too! The sisters are my favorite wolves here, so I hope that the camera is not down for too long!

Featherfetch • 3 months ago
Ben • 3 months ago

Hélène - like all wolves - is great at staying alert while resting! Her ears are flattened because of the wind.


Landon Smith • 3 months ago

Trying not to blow away in the wind https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
I can usually tell Diane but I have a struggle with the others, I wanna say it's bria but I may be wrong

Wolf lover11 • 3 months ago

Hopefully this can help https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Wolf lover11 • 3 months ago
