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We usually see Ginger on this platform; now it's Mac's turn! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
https://uploads.disquscdn.c... Got this one from a video I was taking that I ended up adjusting the brightness on. Love these guys
I believe the Wolf through the fence is either Caroline or Jacques. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
I saw that too!
So cute! I miss seeing all the wolves whos cams are offline :(.
Mac Jan 16 https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
January 13 2025
So cute!
January 10th, 2024. Ginger's side profile! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
Night Mac https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
https://uploads.disquscdn.c... ooouuuhhh the sleepiest of babies
January 3 2025 https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
Does anyone have information on Mac for the family tree?
He also has a sister Terra at Point Defiance Zoo
He has a brother, Patience, at Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium who is paired with Ginger's sister Sugar.
I think everyone for the most part has been distracted by the lobo family tree, so we have been neglecting the red wolves. Thanks for reminding me; I will definantley try to work more on the red wolf tree.
Unortunately, I do not know much about Mac's family and relatives. With some research, we would probably be able to dig up some info about him. I discovered that the most effective way to research wolves is finding the centers they have lived at, and clicking on their Facebook page. Click on the search button and enter the wolf's name or number, and there will likely be some posts containing pictures and information about him/her.
I know that Ginger has two brothers, Piney and Trace, and a sister Sugar.
Often when I try to find information for the red wolves I come up empty handed because of the lack of information open to the public and lack of a central data base to find information. If you have any web pages that you have found useful please let me know.
The Wolf Conservation Center got this photo of our adorable Ginger girl ❤️ https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
Mac and Ginger together on the platform. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
Beautiful picture!
https://uploads.disquscdn.c... Quite an intense look
Such a cute couple https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
Wolvs :D
Mac and Ginger! ❤️ https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
Aww great picture of them both.
Awesome pic😍
December 23, 2024
Is this Mac?
Looks more like Ginger sitting pretty!
I think it's Ginger!
What a beautiful photo thanks
Ginger was reclining on the platform, then Mac Tire appeared briefly. Shortly afterwards, Ginger got up to follow him.
December 20 2024
Mac https://uploads.disquscdn.c...