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BurningEagle • 4 years ago

Par for the course for Jorge. He is consistently pro homosexual. He is as queer as a three dollar bill.

I'm really beginning to suspect that since the high water mark of Freemasonry in 1959 -- the year after "John XXIII" was "elected" -- that homosexuals (and worse) have replaced Freemasons as the prime secret society driving the human race to hell.

BurningEagle • 4 years ago

Could be homosexual Freemasons

Logic&Reason • 4 years ago

That gives “double dipping” a whole new meaning.

Logic&Reason • 4 years ago

What advantage does the state derive from their unnatural acts and their cohabitation?

A DISadvantage to the American taxpayer would be astronomical increases in health and mental care costs:


Kcherrytree • 4 years ago

Thank you for pointing out this study. Most informative and eye-opening. If the study's concluding paragraph is correct, that "those who engage in same-sex practices or identify themselves as gay, lesbian or bisexual constitute a very small percentage of the population. The most reliable studies indicate that 1-3 percent of people and probably less than 2 percent consider themselves to be gay, lesbian or bisexual, or currently practice same-sex sex," then they enjoy an influence which is all out of proportion with their numbers! For such a statistically small percentage of society, the gay lobby is the tail wagging the dog, as it were.

Lee • 4 years ago

What bothers me more than the actual sodomites themselves doing what they do is those who are heterosexual that tolerate, support, or encourage it.

Kcherrytree • 4 years ago

Yes, the significant change has been in the number of heterosexuals who, as you say, tolerate, support, or encourage it. There has been a widespread loss of knowledge of the natural law, which is a participation in the eternal law and which is revealed in the divine law. The supreme principle of the natural law remains, as St Thomas says (Summa Theologiae, I-II, Q.94, a.2), that good is to be pursued and done, and evil is to be shunned. The problem in practice for many now is ignorance of what is good and what is evil. As a result of this widespread practical ignorance of natural law, Bergoglio can advocate that human laws be enacted by government which are obviously contrary to natural law.

Logic&Reason • 4 years ago

It’s most definitely diabolical in nature.

A while ago, I attended a Roman Catholic Faithful conference RCF.org in Chicago. Those nvolved in this spiritual battle are like modern-day Crusaders. Toward the end of the event a man (former Marine) spoke (for the first time ever) on the years of abuse he endured as a child from a priest.

It was obvious that the extent of the abuse went way beyond just human wrongdoing. Diabolical evil was definitely behind it ... and the evil one was definitely mocking our Lord and the Holy Mass through his actions (for now).

The president and founder, Stephen Brady, is like a pit bull attacking bad priests and prelates (he doesn’t let go). Surprisingly, most of the talks were inspirational and hopeful, such as an older lawyer whose career is representing abuse victims by going against Goliath the Vatican If anyone is interested, they may still have conference DVDs available. That worthy organization could use our support, because (like our government) the Vatican has very deep pockets.

Pascendi • 4 years ago

I’d like to know how recent the study is. I remember seeing the same percentage being published 30 years ago. It has likely grown since. The "offspring" of sodomites has historically been children and young adults who were abused by them. The abuse caused anger and confusion in the minds of the victims concerning their own nature. A certain percent of those would descend into the same sins. But since 2009, at least in the U.S., the sodomites have been invited into classrooms if not always directly, then indirectly by teachers and others in authority. The poison of their influence has been injected into the minds of the children who are being taught that it is evil to call the behavior filth and that there is nothing bad about it. Throw in peer pressure, social media, and widespread cultural acceptance, and it’s all but certain that a greater percentage of young adults will begin the practice and lose their souls.

Guest • 4 years ago
Pascendi • 4 years ago

All very appropriate quotes. I’m impressed with how you always find the right passages from Sacred Scripture for the topic.

Logic&Reason • 4 years ago

You’re welcome.

Liberalism encourages a habitual hatred of people who aren’t liberal. It exaggerates grievances, elevates victimhood, excuses laziness and immoral behavior, undermines success and it pours acid on the pillars that hold up our entire society. To paraphrase Thomas Sowell,

catherine • 4 years ago

For a Catholic critique of liberalism, I suggest the book "Liberalism Is A Sin" by Roman Catholic Priest, Dr. Don Felix Sarda Y Salvany:


Logic&Reason • 4 years ago

That’s cool that it’s online, I’ll check it out -and I’d agree that it’s a sin ... liberals are on the wrong side of every issue. Thanks.

ProRomaMariana • 4 years ago

The disadvantage to any taxpayer ...

So let me state, that as a Traditional Catholic and sedevacantist I have nothing against sodomite "marriage", per se. Because as Romans 1:32 has it, perverts are worthy of death (meaning official execution, as a law of the land, not some vigilante action), so then why would it bother me if they get "married" two minutes before they are burned at the stake?

Here in Lisbon, Portugal, in Jan 2010, there was a demonstration against the queer marriage. It was exactly at that point that I became a legal immigrant (as I was illegal before), so I went to the demonstration (without the legalized status this would have been be problematic). In the beginning it looked normal, because the people I talked to initially were also opponents of sodomy. So we started the march, during which I conversed with a bunch of others, stating that they have no problem with "gays". I had to ask why are they here. For some economical reasons, tax benefits, etc., they responded. Had I known this before, I would have not participated.

Francesca Roccosalvo • 4 years ago

As Mr. Jorge continues to pile turd upon turd on his heap of malodorous "papal" pronouncements, what is left to us who pray for restoration, to do.
I get no comfort from the fact that he is not Pope. It causes anguish and sadness to us who eagerly await his public burning as heretic and apostate - whether figuratively or actually -
this would console and comfort us.

ProRomaMariana • 4 years ago

Maybe we should pray a novena for a visible Divine chastisement. May the earth open beneath him, for all of us to see. There was a novena like this decades ago on SedeList, which I am no longer able to find.

catherine • 4 years ago

I believe we are living in a visible Divine chastisement.

But would it not be better for us all to pray a novena, or more importantly, pray a daily Rosary as well as individual daily prayers, penances and mortifications for the conversion of all of these arbiter's of evil? Are we not to love our enemies?

ProRomaMariana • 4 years ago

Loving our enemies? You are right, but Frankie is not only our enemy. Remember, even the Book of Psalms contains some prayers for justice (and Our Holy Mother the Church makes us say the whole Psalter, as part of the Divine Office so don/t tell me that this is only the Old Testament). God does not only have His merciful side, but also His just side. There must be a balance. The visible chastisement I mentioned was meant for the enemies of our holy Mother the Church.

Pascendi • 4 years ago

It would just relieve some of the burden from the NO clergy. They’ve been embezzling money from parishes and dioceses for years and giving some of it to their boyfriends. If Jorge has his way the taxpayers will now cover it. That’s more money with which the clergy can line their own pockets.

Jay Lowell • 4 years ago

A Homosexual lifestyle by its very nature incurs higher healthcare costs to society which in turn raises taxes on the populace as a whole. Homosexuals are notorious for having dozens of sexual partner over a weekend of "partying" thus increasing the chances of transmitting STD's to multiple partners and adding to the burden of the healthcare system. With so many Homosexual Clergy in the Vatican II sect Bergoglio will soon have to sell off the works of art at the Vatican to pay for their healthcare. Not that he would care he would just replace it with his favorite Satanic voodoo dolls.

catherine • 4 years ago

There really is no concern by those who favor sodomy and promiscuity and infidelity for ones health. Their primary and only real concern is tearing down all normality and traditional, i.e., Christian, forms of thought and practice, especially their rejection of objective morality and true forms of liberty and justice. This is Revolution-the tearing down and rejection of everything in the past but without anything coherent or even possible to replace what has been discarded that makes anything better.

An atheist put it this way and this is exactly what the apostates in the counterfeit church believe-that this is all an evolution in human thought and conscience. Humans now think that everything evil, destructive, and unnatural is wonderful so the claim is that evolution is always towards something "better", then this must simply be the natural evolutionary process that must be accepted because it cannot stop.

Pascendi • 4 years ago

Yet instead of getting better we see only decay. There is more confusion, more discontent, more anger, more rebellion, more violence, and nearly all of it coming from the people who insisted if we accept the perverse the result would be a more peaceful society.

catherine • 4 years ago

That is why this way of thinking can only be considered insanity. Or actual demon possession.

Pascendi • 4 years ago

It’s easy to understand why we want to identify the cause as insanity or demonic possession, but I think those are rarely the case. Insanity is defined as the inability of an adult to recognize right from wrong. It’s very unlikely that most of them don’t know what they do is wrong, so unnatural is their behavior. It’s also very unlikely in the vast majority of cases that it’s true demonic possession, however, the influence of the devil over them is so overwhelming that they have little if any ability to resist.
Each case must be determined on an individual basis. In nearly all cases they made a choice to do what they knew to be a sin.

catherine • 4 years ago

There are different definitions of insanity. For example:

Extreme foolishness or irrationality.

Utter folly; stupidity.

Senselessness; foolhardiness

These are the definitions I had in mind.


Pascendi • 4 years ago

Point taken. Using those definitions it can be called insanity. But I have to wonder how old those definitions are. I’m skeptical of some of the newer ones being given to some words in the dictionary.

catherine • 4 years ago

I am also skeptical of new definitions of words, particularly those given by the counterfeits, but if we are talking about today's revolutionaries, the definitions of insanity I posted seem to fit, particularly when they are blind to the irrationality of their senseless ideas and philosophies. Another definition of insanity I also find appropriate is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result. I suppose you could call it something else but it is abnormal, although I guess it is a part of being irrational.

Pascendi • 4 years ago

Ironically I was thinking of that definition (expecting a different result from the same actions) as one in particular that irritates me. It’s attributed to Einstein and in my opinion is yet another ploy to prop him up as someone to be idolized. Nevertheless I agree that it does fit with the definitions you sited.

catherine • 4 years ago

Whatever the cause, its certain that we live in an age of foolishness and irrationality, especially that of those in the counterfeit church who have rejected and denied the revealed Truths of our Almighty and unchanging Triune God.

Pascendi • 4 years ago

Very well said!

Logic&Reason • 4 years ago

... and this is exactly what the apostates in the counterfeit church believe-that this is all an evolution in human thought and conscience.

Rather than an evolution ... this regressive process in thought and conscience is a devolution.

catherine • 4 years ago

In reality, it is a devolution but the counterfeits have bought into Chardin's evolution of the cosmos baloney as an elevation of man and creation into one "god".

It might explain the leftist obsession with health insurance and health care. That, and they're atheists who don't believe in guardian angels.

2Vermont • 4 years ago

There is a reason why husband and wife are entitled to certain social and tax benefits from the state, and that’s because marriage is a great blessing to society because by its nature it results in offspring and thus maintains and increases the number of citizens.

I sure hope there's more to it than that given many of us can not have children due to age/infertility.

Novus Ordo Watch • 4 years ago

In case it wasn't clear, I meant procreation as the goal of marriage in principle. It is the reason why marriage exists to begin with -- it is the natural and intended goal of the union of husband and wife. That in some people this goal cannot be realized for natural reasons beyond their control is understood, but it does not follow from this that marriage as such does not benefit the common good.

2Vermont • 4 years ago

I understand. It just seems that those of us who can not procreate are often forgotten in discussions such as these. And I fully admit that it's a very sensitive topic for me especially at this time.

BurningEagle • 4 years ago

Suggestion: Maybe it is time for N.O.W. to put together a separate listing (in one article) of all the things Jorge has said and done with regard to approval of the unnatural use of the genitals, as well as his approval of shacking-up, and divorce and remarriage.
The guy holds hands with homosexuals while walking with homosexuals (what normal man does that?)
He has had homosexuals read scriptural stuff in his "Masses."
He has promoted homosexuals. He has covered up for the crimes of homosexuals.
Amoris Lætitia was written in such a way that it applies to divorced and remarried as well as homosexuals.
He has received homosexual couples in the Vatican and has hugged them.
He made a phone call to a lady and approved of her shaking-up with a man, and that she should be admitted to communion. And the list goes on, and on.
With all of this in mind, as well as his lisping, and his election by the St. Gallen Group, I would not be at all surprised in the least to find out that Jorge is a homosexual.

Lee • 4 years ago

You forgot to mention limp wrist with the lisping.

Logic&Reason • 4 years ago

Even worse. ... Jorge’s limp wrist clinging to a “Marxifix”—the crucifix in the shape of a hammer and sickle


catherine • 4 years ago

Isn't it interesting that the author of the article whose link you posted isn't a Christian but is able to see the truth about Jorge Bergoglio while most Catholics do not?

Pascendi • 4 years ago

The reason is that even though they call themselves Catholic they really aren’t.

catherine • 4 years ago

Of course.

C R.v • 4 years ago

Who cares wether Frank is sodomite or not?

C R.v • 4 years ago

The important thing is that he is a False pope

Logic&Reason • 4 years ago

Since ROBERT TRACINSKI has studied politics, he obviously understands the evils of communism whereas many modernists don’t know ... or don’t care.

Paul VI was found out to be one by the Milan cops one night.

catherine • 4 years ago

Have you seen the website The Denzinger-Bergoglio? The author has an extensive list of his errors with corresponding citations of the true Catholic Church:


BurningEagle • 4 years ago

I looked at the link supplied. I find the site difficult to use. I also found the fact that these people are pseudo clerics from the New Church unappealing.
But, thank you for alerting me to it.