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Is it I, Lord? • 3 years ago

Does anyone remember a ridiculous movie from the 80’s which had a cameo by the disgusting George Carlin playing a “bishop” unveiling a “new”, blasphemous statue of Our Lord’s Sacred Heart? One that blasphemously and demonically depicts Our Savior smiling and winking while giving the thumbs up?

The perfect image of a perfectly corrupt organization of jorge: the perfect leader of the perfectly indifferent.

jim • 3 years ago

Carlin was Catholic who lost the faith no doubt to the comedy of the NO.

pitytheviolins • 3 years ago

That was the “Buddy Christ” from the movie Dogma in 1999. Sad to say that in those days I had not yet come to the faith and found this all perfectly hilarious. Today I wince just to think of Our Lord being mocked so outlandishly. But I would not be surprised to see the Novus Ordo make this blasphemous parody a reality someday.

Is it I, Lord? • 3 years ago

They’re already close, officially, when they substituted Our Lord’s Sacred Heart with some vague chest rays, displacing the willingness to admit and suffer for one’s transgressions. The ‘divine mercy’ image is just another protestant ‘Jay-sus is off the Cross’—no need for amendment or atonement or penance.

That is the real parody.

P. O'Brien • 3 years ago

"Buddy Christ." In religious goods stores I have seen pictures and even statues of Our Lord playing football, baseball, or soccer with children.

jim • 3 years ago

"our [religious] differences are necessary” “The pluralism and the diversity of religions, colour, sex, race and language are willed by God in His wisdom, through which He created human beings. This divine wisdom is the source from which the right to freedom of belief and the freedom to be different derives”

The perfect setup for the NWO with Rome being the 'religion'. Whether we agree or like it or not, it coming about and will succeed.

BurningEagle • 3 years ago

October 27, 1986: The Deuce holds the first World Day of Prayer for Peace with all the other Satanic religions of the world.

Deja vu.

Pascendi • 3 years ago

At least that one minute of silence will mean Jorge isn’t talking.

Is it I, Lord? • 3 years ago


MKDAWUSS • 3 years ago

Is there anything left on the Syllabus of Errors that Francis has yet to complete?

catherine • 3 years ago

I think the "rights of man" have already been replaced with the "rights of mother earth".

trevor • 3 years ago

I think people forget that the Pope is NOT infallible in the vast majority of his doings, it's only when he specifies Ex Cathedra that he must be obeyed or believed. Too many people think that Catholicism is wholly just blindly obeying the Pope and the Bishops, this is false. The Church has 3 aspects, Militant, Suffering and Triumphant, and these are primarily supernatural in nature. We as still living in the material world members are in communion with the other members spiritually.Just because the Fathers, Popes, Saints etc are dead doesn't mean they are not a part of, and active in the total Church. They are. Vatican 2 will be just a pimple that will burst eventually, perhaps only with the final phase of Apocalypse, but the Church will go on. Invincible Untouchable Magisterium imparted by God Himself. The vast weight of testimony and works of 1958 years of Saints, Popes, Doctors etc of the Church are overwhelmingly against the 60 or so years of this Vatican 2 heresy and it's false saints, popes and followers. A very evident misuse of perceived/usurped authority by Vatican 2 personnel, infiltrators, at the service of judaeo-masonry-marxism to deny the traditional God-approved Catholic doctrines, in ambiguous marxist dialectical language should be called out. All sorts of mind control and plausible deniability in words coupled with actions that are frankly antichristian are the fruits. The majority of Vatican 2 Catholics aren't aware of it, being brainwashed and lazy frankly. If I read older versions of scripture, older catechisms, saints like Augustine, Aquinas, Ligouri etc etc rather than consuming Newssportstainment I know what the Church says about Vatican 2.
-- We should obey God over Man no matter who the man is, as St Paul says if anyone preaches a different doctrine he is an Antichrist and is to be condemned. Church authorities that can't even respect or practice sacred dogmas, simply and literally as intended, like Trent etc etc that were defined for all time and proven by experience, can't be trusted with declaring saints, encyclicals and even ex cathedra pronouncements. The right to those privileges depends on upholding what came before and was proven. Gods Word is eternal it does not bend in the wind nor repudiate itself nor use ambiguous dialectical language and actions. The mark of Apostolicity is also dependent on that, therefore there is no Apostolic pedigree with Vatican 2 leaders and they are impostors. Termites. Cryptos/marranos infiltrated, freemasons, marxists or just plain creatures of earthly appetites and lusts, deceptively presented as holy or whited walls as St Paul would say are what we are dealing with. As well as those infected with the doctrines of those people, Catholics who will fight for their own spiritual and physical slavery are like the swine going over the cliff with the vast majority of the world.
---We are seeing the Grand Dialectic of central banksterism/megcorp monopolism and Communism, to be synthesized in one huge slave camp for the vast majority of peoples with a ruling elite of talmudists/kabbalists, a management middle class of their brethren and a completely dependent and shackled everyone else. This includes debt slavery, medical slavery, false scientism slavery, technocratic messianism, etc What we get from this marxism is satanic conclusions of deliberate evil doing to supposedly "help" along the good. The dark and light checkerboard ideology of freemasonic kabbalism. So IF there is climate disaster, which could very likely be artificially created or is the result of judaeo-masonic-marxisms policies, then the solution is the murdering or at least letting die millions of humans. Actively killing the least protected like babies, disabled and those simply not very good at the worlds games. Actively reducing the calorie intake via created shortages, creating viruses that covertly do the same thing etc etc etc Sorry I'll stop but it's so sad.

jim • 3 years ago

If you accept one as the legitimate pope, you are subject to him...his teachings, pronouncements,
and his authority infallibly speaking or not. You cannot pick and choose what you want to accept if coming from that pope.

trevor • 3 years ago

I gave definite reasons as to all that, you didn't read them.

Digital Logos • 3 years ago

"No one is saved alone" fits right in with the Marxist-Collectivist sloganeering of 2020, lest we forget that the slogan commonly associated with the "pandemic" is "We are in this together." Just another domino in the socialist agenda of eliminating individual personhood for the sake of the socialist "hive."