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NavyVet • 6 years ago

Question: Who do liberals hate more, President Trump or Kim Jong Un?

DBGS • 6 years ago

I think the Libs hate Trump more, and don't even think about the threat from Kim Jong Un! Typical Lib response! Their hatred for Trump clouds their brains!

Somebeach • 6 years ago

It is very obvious. The libs hate Trump more. It would not matter, but the fact he is trying to do what is best for our country, NOT going around apologizing for it, is something they hate. The libs want our country crippled and put into a 'second best' status. WHY in the world they dont want us to be a great nation is beyond my comprehension!

Guest • 6 years ago
Ed D. • 6 years ago

Hey Azzwipe joe, we laugh at stupid people like you on this site. libtards are always good joke material!

GaMBA,JD • 6 years ago

Laugh all you want. BOTH of them are leaders of their country controlling large nuclear equipped militaries.

Presson • 6 years ago


bob • 6 years ago

we? do you have a frog in your pocket? we should be "i"?

patriot • 6 years ago

It will be a changed relationship allright. Once Kim Jong has a flyable nuke, the conversation will be about blackmail..

earth passenger • 6 years ago

You are more right than all the others. Blackmail has worked in the past, why won't it work again

HL Mencken • 6 years ago

It does your reputation little good to bring up the old chestnut whether Truman made the correct choice in using the two atomic bombs to bring WWII in the Pacific theater to a rapid conclusion.

"The bombings were so devastating that they forced Japan to surrender."

That was the whole point to Truman making the decision. Now several generations of revisionist historians and college professors later that same issue is being raised ex post facto as if the US were somehow the villain and aggressor in a war it did not start.
If Truman had demurred, upwards of a million American and allied soldiers, sailors and airmen would have died in the planned invasion of the Japan homeland islands. Hundreds of troop ships holding scores of thousands of veterans of the European theater were already on the way as the two bombs
The Japanese home defense had prepared and a was ready to defend with men, women and children even to the death. And had the Allies backed away from their demand for unconditional surrender and had reached an armistice with the warlords of the Japanese Empire, it would have taken no more than a few years for Japan to rebuild it war machine and to begin again to threaten its neighbors.
Todd, where did you learn your US history? Far too many reporters have fallen
prey to the idea that the country that gives them the freedom to arrive at a contrary world view is the guilty party. Far be it so.

RedRocker • 6 years ago

All True!

Walt_H • 6 years ago

Right but it's also worth mentioning that the population of Japan was around 70 million at the end of the war. Had we invaded they'd have fought as a matter of honor; it would have been a slugfest all up the island chain. Tens of millions more JAPANESE would have died, probably mostly from starvation and disease but also as we burned up the last of the cities and towns.

As things turned out Japan's irreplaceable resource -- talented and hard working people -- was largely intact. Ten years later they were well along on the upswing and by the time I was there -- '62 -- it was an impressive and modern country.

HL Mencken • 6 years ago

The much maligned 33rd US President made the right decision.

cv • 6 years ago

An accurate view of the use of nuclear force against Japan. In fact, a test far off the coast of Japan was discussed and rejected because it would give clues to the scientists working on Japan's own nuclear program, of which little was known. Further, the US wanted to make it appear that they had a steady supply of such weapons, but in fact they had only two, and number three was still in preparation on the west coast. The Japanese generals didn't want to quit even after Nagasaki, but the emperor forced it on them. Read "The Making of the Atomic Bomb" by Rhoades for a fabulous account, starting with the discovery of radioactivity in the 19th century.

HL Mencken • 6 years ago

Thanks, cv, for the additional info. Yes, it took two to convince the Emperor that the people of Japan had suffered enough. Left to Tojo and the other officers of the Imperial High Command, an invasion was an inevitability. I, also, have published on the wrenching decision Truman finally had to make. Other proposed options would not have succeeded. Revisionists have second-guessed Truman ever since.

KKModerate • 6 years ago

And the world will sit by and watch while America handles the threat and then weigh in on opinions and a heavy icing of criticism. You watch! it's the western world way. Get the US out of the UN, the Paris Accord and NATO. We need to get out of the business of world responsibility ASAP!

JimS in Texas • 6 years ago

When it comes to this dog eating fat little pot bellied
pig and his entire inbred family Don't put anything past

RedRocker • 6 years ago

They must be inbreds. No other explanation will explain their deprivation. This is what happens when all you have around you is "YES" people. You begin to think you can do no harm and are infallible.

GaMBA,JD • 6 years ago

Hillary found that out the hard way.

Nonlib44 • 6 years ago

Gen Hayden is giving this wingnut too much credit. He is more akin to his friend, Dennis Rodman, than a sane politician.

GaMBA,JD • 6 years ago

"He has to create the nuclear capacity that we find objectionable, the kind that reaches the United States," Hayden explained, "and then maybe he'll be willing to talk about a changed relationship."


He will be able to DEMAND much more in the form of Aid and other tribute.

Only a Libtard thinks people will act out of the love of their fellow man.

The Pup • 6 years ago

Putin said essentially the same thing last week - the little fellow just needs assurance that he will survive. No surprise that former Obama officials think like Putin. They all come from the same strain of morally, intellectually and politically perverted progressives that ran the Soviet Union.

Jax • 6 years ago

"He also discounted Trump's attacks on Kim's mental stability, telling

Tapper that "I'll vote for sane, rational, calculating, within his

"He has to create the nuclear capacity that we find objectionable, the
kind that reaches the United States," Hayden explained, "and then maybe
he'll be willing to talk about a changed relationship."

So after stating how horrible it would be for N Korea to detonate an H bomb over the Pacific, he still sides with Kim Jong Fat One and takes pot shots at Trump. Way to take both sides of the issue Hayden! As a military man you know there's only one side of the issue you should take and that would be the one where America wins and N Korea loses you jerkweed two faced psycho babbling idiot!

Ed D. • 6 years ago

Anyone that goes on cnn and talks to fake flapper, is an idiot in my book and can't be trusted to tell the truth!

Centered Integrity • 6 years ago

The problem is, if I read it correctly, he said "we have NO environmental concerns". Babbling is apt.

SweetOlBob • 6 years ago

Watch this, people !
Please keep a list of every politician who agrees that little "Rocket Man" is a danger and a threat to the U.S. and her allies.
Don't allow the same thing to happen as did in the first Gulf War, where all of Congress, with few exceptions agreed that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction,and then changed their tune when, after a long period of warnings, none but a supply of yellow cake was found.
Then,they all,as one voice, claimed to have been against any intervention.
I don't expect little Kimmey to ship his rockets out of the country in a Saddam imitation, but if intervention is necessary, rest assured that the CYA syndrome will come again into play.

bob • 6 years ago

enemy of my enemy is my friend! do we have a greater enemy than isis? yes nk. why would'nt nk at least arm isis with material for a dirty bomb? this is much more dangerous than missles. potus said as soon as nk flies a missle in the wrong direction it will be shot down, nuclear or not.

banjoboy • 6 years ago

The fat little pygmy will find out as did Sadaam Hussien didwhen
the power if the US forces will be unbeleivable when fully unleashed.

Somebeach • 6 years ago

BUT.... the fat little pygmy will experience way beyond what S. Hussein experienced. Because his imminent threat to S. Korea, he will be ashes in the matter of hours to eliminate the threat to Seoul.

Arnie Fife • 6 years ago

We'll talk all right.
About how big the detonation was over North Korea....
After we knock Little fat Boys kicD into the dirt.

Presson • 6 years ago

Beware of schizophrenic NSA leaders who prize endless allsides of analysis over reality and can't recognize it's time to go to bed and get some sleep or what ever is available. Another way to say Hayden needs a b--w job.

srmeyer • 6 years ago

The libs don't know that this problem is the fault of EVERY politician prior to TRUMP becoming President. oboner and clinton are directly responsible for the current situation with their "do nothing" policies and the sale of uranium to the Russians. Deny, down vote and then go lick yourselves, this TRUTH can not be denied!

Rich • 6 years ago

When I read the article, I see Hayden telling how it is in the head of Dear Leader. I think the article is spot on. He is saying that the guy is determined to forge In order to create a lasting place for himself. When he has the ability to hit the US, then he may be open to talks. I think Hayden is right.

Robbie Wolfe • 6 years ago

Can't hear the truth Newsmax?

steven jacobs • 6 years ago

Another clueless doofis. Kim knows that if he sends one rocket over here he will get 200 back-he is NOT going to do a FIRST STRIKE on the USA-If WE bomb him then he WILL retaliate-as he should.

concerned citizen • 6 years ago

oh, hail yes. the wise man once said " you have to let the rattlesnake bite you just to see if he really is poisonous." that "wise man" was most notably a democrat.

Buck DePublic • 6 years ago

Hayden's comments (at least as how reported) are bizarre, almost nonsensical. We need a plan aimed at destroying NK nuke capabilities, while at the same time disabling their 'command and control' centers so that South Korean casualties can be minimized. And we sure don't want a ground war on the peninsula again. "Tweets" get us nowhere. Time for action.

Bill Hood • 6 years ago

Mr. Hayden, obviously a lot smarter and more qualified than I (he having spent so much time in and around the SWAMP) to address this issue, must have attended a different path of education than I. Nowhere do I equate H-Bomb use of any kind to an intelligent conversation relating to survival, personal or regime based!

nineelevenaftermath • 6 years ago

That missile must be shot down BEFORE it passes over Japan, this must not be allowed to explode over the ocean period.

jimbo • 6 years ago

Do not eat the fish.

jimbo • 6 years ago

Conventional weapons will not take down North Korea only Nuclear,the terrain of N.K. is so mountainous and they have dug into these mountains for 60 years with their military.We must hit them first with a nuke so they can not respond.

wurm wud • 6 years ago

While we can all envision what type of fall-out would occur should N. Korea explode a Hydrogen bomb...the effect on various nations should be more clearly shown.

If we would take each individual nation in the United Nations, and show calculations of just how that particular nation would be impacted, and then show another, and another, and so-forth...i.e. don't just let the United Nations think about it in general terms, but show the entire world, nation by nation. just how devastating such an explosion would be on EACH of them,..

Then....NOW...it gets REAL PERSONAL for each nation...each nations' citizens will also see the calculated potential danger, thus place pressure on their leaders to DO SOMETHING NOW!!! with N. Korea!

GaMBA,JD • 6 years ago

"No hydrogen bomb has been used in battle by any country, but more than 200,000 people died in Japan after the U.S. dropped the world's first atomic bomb on Hiroshima and then another three days later in Nagasaki in 1945 during World War II.

The bombings were so devastating that they forced Japan to surrender."

A more accurate statement would have been that they TRICKED Japan into surrendering. Japan didn't know that we only had two and it had taken years to develop them.

But as usual, the pundits ignore the role the Soviet Union played. The US dropped the first nuke on Aug 6. The USSR declared war two days later. The Japanese were concerned that their old enemy, Russia, would grab Korea and Manchuria if the war continued. Thus it was better to surrender to the US than face a strengthened traditional adversary in the future.

Peace is defined as the period between armed conflict where both sides regroup and rearm to prepare for the next war.

cv • 6 years ago

A third bomb was under preparation on the West Coast. The US wanted to create an illusion of a steady supply, which was certainly not the case, as you say. But they were coming!

JC • 6 years ago

The only changed relationship we should consider is NK doesn't exist anymore---Hayden you were part of the kick the can down the road Coward so why should we listen to you---you are part of why we are here today !!!!

Jase4America • 6 years ago

Prediction: Kim gets in over his head, nuclear accident, blows himself and his own people up... Perfect.

rtryon • 6 years ago

Its very close to the moment for the U.N. be informed that the N. Korean delegation may wish to fly home as the Security Council debates the next step, knowing that the U.S. is ready to intercept the next long-range missile on a ballistic path and launch N number of our own before the intercept to literally destroy all known N. Korean military and dictator Kim's needed locations.

We simply are in a world that can't trust this 3d generation tyrant of the N. Korean people who will largely have to die because of a Kim order to continue his quest to be a ruler over all whom he can blackmail with nuclear threats.

The Kim puppet delegates may die no matter where they go or stay, but we are left no choice to wait for further explosives of any kind flying out of N. Korea.

If China has finally really cut-off oil and all support, we may have a few days before Kim makes his last mistake. If we have historians afterward, they may never know if that fateful Kim shot was armed or not, unless the intercept triggers a huge weapon.

Cletus • 6 years ago

All the Chinese government has to do is give the word to the North Korean generals that Kim Jung Un has outlived his usefulness, and has become a problem. KJU would be gone like a puff of smoke. He has more to fear from the puppet masters than Trump. The Chinese can't afford much more talk about trade sanctions, and they don't want or need more rocking of the sampan. KJU has got to go.

Maxi • 6 years ago

this guy in NK may be sane but he is definitely not thinking about the consequences of his actions. Those bombs for a wide range can just melt people away where they stand. It is like the sci fi movies they die and vaporize. The temps were something like six or seven thousand degrees. His people and ours will both suffer. it is also a question of who else will take advantage of the situation and jump in, like china, russia, and maybe iran. disgusting.