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rjazz • 6 years ago

Kelly brings order, discipline, process, etc that is badly needed to offset an impulsive President. Priebus, a nice guy, is a political animal but not suitable for Chief of Staff...he did his job helping Trump win.

SJJolly • 6 years ago

Now, if Kelly can just manage to "accidently" step on Donald's iPhone ....

Lynn • 6 years ago

Ok let's get on with it most of us know OBama was the worse of the worse not to mention the Mrs. who needed 27 attendants, more then any other First Lady in History of course it is obvious why. So now let's look at the Dems and media who are the real obstruction of this President and his agenda.
First more lies and false information by the media, statistics show the worse in history. Of course being owned by rich Dems can't expect them to try and work for the good of this country as it would hurt their pockets. So on they continue even when they are found to be lying.
Now let's look at those Dems in the Congress and Senate who have made fortunes by being in office, do the Names Waters, Polisi and others who are now being found out for their mis deeds! Then you begin to wonder who are they for? Certainly not TRUMP because it is now coming out how rotten they have been for this country and their mis deeds are coming to light. Just look at Lynch, Rice, Comey and the ever Known pathological liar Clinton.
It's a wonder this country has survived these last eight and I should know I've watch for many of my 80 years and was fraud this country wouldn't survive through the Obama's term.

BobbySrFSM • 6 years ago

So no single Republican ever enriched themselves by being in the federal gov't huh? It is amazing how big the right wing blinders are when it comes to the current federal gov't.

Worst of the Worst huh? Obama handing Agent Orange record stock markets, a growing economy, a reduced deficit from when Obama took office, the lowest unemployment rate in decades, basically every economic success Trump can claim is a direct result of Obama's 8 years.

State of Jefferson • 6 years ago

Socialist troll!

509th BW • 6 years ago

LOL, so no real rebuttal. Stock market at under 7000 when President Obama took office and above 18,000 when he left. Highest number of additions to manufacturing industry jobs since 1990s. Unemplyment from above 10% to less tahn 5%. It is hilarious to hear Trump deride those employment figures before he entered the Oval Office and embrace the figures from the same source once he is in office. What changed? The Trumpster is a pathetic joke, ecept he is harmimg the people in this country, mosly those who voted for him.

Kochie • 6 years ago

Although I wasn't fond of Obama, there's no denying that the economy came back, albeit, slower than it did from the great depression, and unemployment as low as it was before 2007. When he brags about the low unemployment numbers, the bull stock market, and strong economic growth, that has been built on the previous administration.

stoney • 6 years ago

Economy started back in spite of him not because of any of his policies.

Raven • 6 years ago

What changed... the congress had changed two years before Oboma, and that gave us a liberal house and senate... that brought in DODD-FRANK !!!
Prior to that the US was doing pretty well.

BobbySrFSM • 6 years ago

Right wing speech for "You are telling the truth and I hate you for it!"

Diogenes • 6 years ago

It's real-speech for "what a bunch of bs". Growing economy? The economy didn't hardly grow at all during the entire 8 years; he increased the Debt from $10 trillion to $19.7 trillion; household income barely above flat for the term. The only reason his economic record looks so good is because of everyone's fixation on the stock market, since that's the only place left for anyone to make enough money on their investment to stay ahead of inflation..

BobbySrFSM • 6 years ago

He did it huh? All by himself? The Republican controlled House from 2010 had nothing to do with it right?

Had he performed as well as his GOP counter parts, in particular Reagan, we would actually be 30Tril in debt.

And that unemployment number everyone called fake? Guess what... those same people are now calling it proof of how great Trump is.

Hypocrisy is the true Republican platform.

Diogenes • 6 years ago

He was $4.5 trillion in the hole before that change in the House in 2012 could rein in his spending. If it weren't for that change in the House, we Would be $30 tril in debt.

BobbySrFSM • 6 years ago

The "reigning in" of the defict, 1.4Tril thanks to Bush happened the very next year and continued through out his Presidency. The House couldn't pass a spending bill because they treated it like an ACA repeal vote, but through the resolutions the Dems were able to fix the deficit as best they could. By 2014 the legislation passed in the first full years kicked in.

Diogenes • 6 years ago

"reining" - not "reigning" Sheesh. I f you can't even write the language, why should anyone listen to you, Goodbye.

BobbySrFSM • 6 years ago

Ahh yes, I used the wrong spelling of a word so that is enough to dismiss the facts. Typical Right Wing. You cannot dispute the truth so you find any excuse to dismiss it.

Diogenes • 6 years ago

Typical alt-left: claim to speak the truth; only speak nonsense. The only reason the deficit was reduced in 2014 is because of the sequestration that Obama fought against. The "bills that Bush passed", that is, money that is spent because of laws passed under the previous president, are taken into account by GAO when it calculates the budget allocations between different presidents (as if you didn't know that), so that any expenses allocable to the bills passed during the former president's term are placed on his side of the ledger for purposes of attribution of deficits. Even by allocating the Bush Stimulus to Bush, Obama's deficits were well over $1 trillion for his first four years, when the spending was finally slowed down thanks to sequestration. The deficits still added up to over $9 trillion during his term, an increase of 86% (!!) from Bush's time in office. Obama had no budget to constrain his spending, not even for those years that the dimweeds controlled Congress, and he never saw a dime (of other peoples' money) that he didn't want to spend. And yet you nonsensically claim that Obama was good for the economy? Revisionist history, right up there with the quality of Goebbels and Roosevelt.

BobbySrFSM • 6 years ago

Yes, using the wrong word, even though the meaning was clear, is nonsense... Grammar is the only way you could dismiss my statement. And now you label with alt-left. Gotta love it.

Diogenes • 6 years ago

Yeah, and no rebuttal from you as to the facts I posted showing the craziness of your trying to claim Obam wasn't responsible for all those deficits; I do love it.

BobbySrFSM • 6 years ago

I'll rebut them when you post actual facts.

BobbySrFSM • 6 years ago

Yes, thanks to the Bush Bailout and Congress passing spending during Bush's administration that hit when Obama took over.

Diogenes • 6 years ago

Ok, believe your revisionist history. It's worthless trying to get you to actually read, so believe what you want, even though you're dead wrong.

BobbySrFSM • 6 years ago

Answer me this question then. How much of the spending in his first 2 years was a result of legislation passed under Bush? Compared to legislation he passed? And what was the deficit Obama inherited compared to what he finished with?

Call me a revisionist all you want, the numbers don't lie.

DonRS • 6 years ago

Krauthammer is attempting to resuscitate his sagging credibility after months of his foolishness. The SWAMP MUST BE DRAINED. NO OTHER POLITICIAN has had the strength of character and personal stamina to even TRY! Of couse, the DEEPLY ENTRENCHED SWAMP RATS are fighting back, as are the beneficiaries (those riding in the wagon, and those attempting to assuage their feelings of guilt, with OPM (other peoples money), like JJames, below!

Jay • 6 years ago

I have been reading a lot of the posts on this forum, and one thing strikes me as curious. That happens to be that Sen.Joe McCarthy was right a long time ago when he was outing the Communists in Hollywood and other places. If the committee had listened to McCarthy there would not have been such an influx of Communists in Congress and the Democrat party. It all started with FDR then the Kennedy's, Carter, Clinton, and Obama.
The latter of those Obama was worse than a Communist he is a Muslim and every thing he did while in office was to praise the Muslim brotherhood and even supported countries like Iran, Libya, Palistinians, but he demeaned the United States every chance he got, and those that voted for him not once but twice are just as bad as he was, because they are getting something for nothing without having to work for it including illegal immigrants.
Welfare, Food stamps, and Social Security was handed out to illegals like candy. Obama told at least 65 lies about different issues, and he caused enormous job losses in the Coal and Fracking industries, and purchased oil from a Muslim country Saudi Arabia although the United States has the biggest oil reserves in the world. By far the biggest two lies he told was on Obamacare when he made these two statements; "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" and, "if you like your healthcare you can keep your healthcare." Two of the biggest whoppers of all time.
To all you naysayer Democrats on this opinion page I suggest you quit taking money from Soros and post on your own socialist forums, and leave the truth to the rest of us. If you want proof of Obama's lies I will be glad to post them for you.

MC • 6 years ago

When you mention Sen. McCarthy, you are pointing to the real reason the world is floundering, Communism is another way of saying Godlessness. People think our problems are political but actually they are rooted in this pervasive secularism that sees government as the institution that gives people their rights. We the People will have to change back to our Founding Fathers vision for this country. And We the People will be leading the world to peace through prayer and PURITY. So you see we have a way to go. it is interesting to see how much we must suffer before we get it.

jhpoland • 6 years ago

Charles, Since when is doing the 'Right Thing' mean hitting a LOW in ANY Administration?

Peted • 6 years ago

The Never Trumper, Krauthammer is just sore because he thought Hillary Clinton was going to win and he had a boatload of articles about her just full of Krauthammer's wisdom! Now, he is reduced to cannibalising those articles for snarky comments about the Trump administration!

Pastori Balele • 6 years ago

Trump polls will not rise unless he fires all Repubs and TPs from his administration and especially in the WH. Each one hired in the WH had their own agenda - mostly having more mistress after work. With the exception of Military appointees who are used to obey orders, other Trump other appointees hate to be supervised. That is why the WH is now in chaos. Two weeks ago Spicer left last week; Last week it was Reince Priebus, the real conservative du who thought he owned the WH job. Scaramucci is out within a week for his ego. Now Trump has hired Kelly. Like Scaramucci, Kelly wants to fire all Trump relatives including Ivanka. Ivanka, as VP, will fire Kelly within a week. I can’t wait to see Kelly and Ivanka take-off their gloves. Here is my advice to Trump. Please hire only relatives in the WH. These will keep your secrets not only as workers; but also as relatives. You cannot fire Ivanka or her husband because they will remain the WH as your relatives anyway whether you like them or not. Above all please fire Sessions who wants to sue you. He is sneaky and an embarrassment to your administration.

WeRAmerica • 6 years ago

President Trump is 1000 times better than the Ex Muslim in Chief who Pandered to ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, and undermined our Military with his Pro Tranny nonsense, and caused the biggest Middle East fiasco ever perpetrated by a sitting President by the so called Arab Spring, which resulted in our ally, Mubarak, being thrown out, with Lybia now in turmoil, because Mr. Muslim had said leader killed, then there was the fiasco in Benghazi, with the death of our own Americans because he told them to stand down, then there was the Palestinians lobbing missiles at Israel and told Israel to stand down, and Syria in disarray from arming to the teeth the so called opposition which just happened to create ISIS, and are 100% Sunni Extremists, who want all Christians exterminated in the region.
President Trump has been left with these blunderous problems and has to contend with a crazy dictator in North Korea, because Oblunder did nothing, and Oblunder's Shadow Government is encouraging him to launch missiles.
I'm proud that President Trump had the guts to drop the Paris Accord, fix the Veterans Administration, and trying to fix Healthcare even though the Traitors are now in full vision, such has McCain, Murkowski, and Collins, just to names a few RINOS.
Mitch McConnell has to go, and support Mo Brooks who is a great American Patriot who can really shake up DC.
Yes, it's too bad President Trump has reawakened Coal, and is encouraging businesses here in the USA.
The only troubles in the White House are from the Deep State, and Shadow Government trying to oust him with this made up Russian narrative, and I think you can thank them for trying to start World War III with Putin.
Get a life JJames, and take off those Rose colored glasses you sickening snowflakes.

JJames • 6 years ago

Though I should be immune by now, I'm continually astounded by the level of ignorance and downright stupidity Trump's hillbilly puppets display every day. It's as if they somehow are incapable of seeing what the entire world sees: a clownish figure, pandering to our basest instincts. A destroyer of normal political discourse, a dictator wanna be like his BFF Pootin', an administration in chaos with some new crises everyday. A Buffoon with the attention span of a pre-schooler, a thin skinned baby, crying for praise because of his deep seated insecurities. You could write a novel about this stooge!

Hawk • 6 years ago

Excellent post .

JJames • 6 years ago

With all due respect Charles, this administration will only "bounce off the bottom" on the day the Buffoon-in-chief is no longer President. Only then will this American tragedy be put behind us and our once great nation can begin the long and difficult process of undoing the incalculable damage that his sick man has caused.

Guest • 6 years ago
509th BW • 6 years ago

Trump loves himself. I wish General Kelly luck because the buffoon sitting in the Oval Office is so clueless about governance he couldn't even get his own party to follow him in one of the signature promises he made, repeal and replace. By the way, Trump said he had a great plan. Where is it? Trump said he was going to bring great people into the White House. Right. He brought in Scaramucci, praised him and then.... Brings General Kelly in, a good choice in my opinion, and, Scaramucci is fired. Trump trashes everyone who comes into his orbit save family. Trump doesn't want loyalty, he wants fealty.

MikeFromDetroit • 6 years ago

hmm. Perhaps we're discussing the despot, Obama? Did you offer him such criticisms as well?

TexasJustice009 • 6 years ago

"Trump loves himself" sayeth who, comparing him to whom?
Well, let's discuss that "love for himself" in comparison to
Wacko Barako Hussein Homobongo, shall we?
Rather than copying and pasting all that is pertinent, I refer
you to Go ogle, with this subject: How often did obama refer
to himself in his speeches? Then sit back with a bowl of
popcorn and you will be so entertained.
For instance, in a speech in Dallas SUPPOSEDLY to honor the
police who were mur de red by a BLM-inspired radic al, the punk
referred to HIMSELF 45 times in 40 minutes. Yeah, and recall
that speech was SUPPOSED to be about police officers.
Anyway, read all of the instances and then have the nerve to
say that Trump loves himself.
Oh, yeah, and one more -- when giving his, um,
"farewell speech" he referred to himself 75 times.
So who loves himself? Hilarious.

MikeFromDetroit • 6 years ago

Talking to Obama lovers is like swallowing rose thorns. They are an irrational bunch and always full of alt facts.

TexasJustice009 • 6 years ago


Maxi • 6 years ago

good job, sock it to em.

fasst • 6 years ago

"Trump loves himself" is a statement, Tex, not
a comparison. Doesn't matter if anybody else loves
himself more. There's a great website out there
called "using English." You should give it a look see.

TexasJustice009 • 6 years ago

So, apparently my meaning went right over your head, as
your gaze was obviously down, looking for something
else to give you an opportunity to look completely dumb.
Hey, it worked. Congratulations.

fasst • 6 years ago

There was some meaning in your post other than
at Obama? If so, I did miss it!

WeRAmerica • 6 years ago

Oh, such intelligence in your answers...like screech isn't what you snowflakes do from morning til night. Living off the teat of Government are you?

krepp • 6 years ago

What is it you don't like about intelligence? That
you seem to have a single digit IQ?

diamondgirl777 • 6 years ago

You ignore this man's open contempt of our President we support.
Charles Krauthammer is an atheist psychiatrist who is only puffed up by his own imaginations. You may like him and you are in the minority on this board.

da bandit • 6 years ago

Inferior intellect alert!

WeRAmerica • 6 years ago

So now it's about English? Listen to this: "Get Lost Snowflake."

krepp • 6 years ago

What is it about English you don't like? The fact
that you're not very good at it??

diamondgirl777 • 6 years ago

You spew 100% TRASH.