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Irene Green • 6 years ago

I have been working with them since June of this year. I have had no problems. I get responses to my messages, paid on time, and always have job choices. Instructions are detailed and need to be followed with clear pictures... plain and simple. Willing to bet people who have complaints also have a low job rating. Canceling jobs or not completing jobs creates a path of issues for individuals. I love the app. I even have 3 individuals I communicate with within the company that keep me working at my convenience.

Devon • 6 years ago

Dear Irene,
Thanks for providing your inputs on Survey. It will help us to find out the updates on it. Please feel free to place your comment after 3 months again. Because most of time we have found out that people start to make the complaints against it after 6 months they join the company. We always consider the comments from people and if we start to get lots of positive response about Survey, then sure we will reconsider its review again. However, until now we have find out majority of negative complaints than positive feedbacks.

Jeanie Belcher • 7 years ago

I am currently doing work for Survey. com and do not agree with this negitve post. They have some problems but they are a new company and that can be expected. They are also working all of the country doing this and may not be able to answer emails right away. I have been paid for every job I have done and also been paid a bonus on some. Pay has been a day late before but never as exaggerated as this sounds. It is not hard work but it is work so if you are looking for something that pays you to do nothing this isn't it. The pay isn't high but you are not doing a high paying job if you are putting stickers on products now are you. You pick which jobs you want to do and when you want to work. If someone thinks this should be a high paying job they have never had a real job before. Some of the jobs take 10 minutes and pay 7.00. If you were to do 6 of them in an hour that would be 42.00 an hour every look at it that way. You can put a little effort into it and get more then one job at the same store or in same area at same time and make 40 or 50 for one trip. They also have some that are 8 hours a day which pay 120.00 for one shift but you have to work not talk on your phone or visit with other workers. This is a good place to make a little extra money when you do not have time for a 40 hour a week job. Maybe you should not base your review of a company on one person or situation or maybe the people complaining should get a 8 to 5 job if they think this is so hard. I don't think this kind of company is intended to make a person rich. If you don't like it don't do it. You don't even have to apply be interviewed or get hired here, what could be easier?

Devon • 7 years ago

Dear Jeanie,
You are saying Survey. com is a new company, so that already proves that you don't know about it. Even the most recent funding in Survey. com was done back in September 2012. Even you can find the complaints against Survey .com from 2014. So, how can that be consider as a new company? More than that, we are not saying they don't pay. We have only mentioned the volume of complaints are very high. You are saying we should not base our review on one person or situation. How can you think that we will only see the complaint of one person?When we do review, then we see the volume of testimonials, both negative and positive ones. If you also search in Google about the Survey .com complaints or reviews or testimonials, you can find almost 70% negative complaints against Survey .com. That is the reason we are not recommending it because if there is high volume of negative reviews compare with positive ones, then there must be something that company is not doing well. On top of that, you can't earn money in the way you are thinking. Yep, at starting you can find many surveys/tasks there. But, once you keep on completing them, you can't find much more tasks to do in coming days due to which your earnings will be less day by day there.

Jeanie Belcher • 7 years ago

When you say at 1st how much time do you mean? The 1st year 6 months or couple weeks? Again, you are making false statements. I have been working with them for almost 2 months since beginning of June and there is plenty of work. Like I said this is not a job to get rich at. It is a fun type job with very little responsibility for the pay. It is good pay considering you don't even have to apply. Just pick what you want to do and when. If you need a steady pay check each week to pay the bills and support the family sorry it will take a bit more then doing these jobs. I don't think these are intended for people needing that kind of income.
Maybe that is where the problem is you think that here in America you can do something as simple as these little tasks or write a blog putting down what seems to be the competition and live the American dream. Sorry not how it works here in this country.

Devon • 6 years ago

Dear Jeanie,
Look, we do our review base on our own reserach and what we find around the internet and compare both negative and positive datas. When we say at starting, we mean around 4-5 months. And you by yourself agree that from Survey. com we can't make full time income to make living from it and that is exactly what we are saying and our top rating companies are those from where people can make full time living by doing online works and businesses. So, comparing with those, Survey .com is not our choice.
In our review as above, we haven't said Survey is scam, we have only said we don't recommend it and we have also explained why we don't recommend it within our Drawbacks of Survey. com caption.
And we don't know what you want to say by live the American dream, but we are not from America, neither we are interested to have American dream.

Dee Blanks • 7 years ago

Add not paying contractors per their payroll schedule....for my first month with Survey. com the company payed per schedule, then beginning in June they just stopped paying without any communication.
So instead of paying on the 1st 10th and 20th, I wasn't payed until the 8th, 20th and now nothing.
Would I recommend this company, no not f they can
t pay contractors as scheduled, and yes if they get their shit together.

Devon • 7 years ago

Yep Dee Blanks,
Survey .com has such kinds of complaints as well as other many complaints form time to time about which we have explained in detail within our Survey .com review as above. That is why we haven't recommended Survey. com.
And extremely sorry for such a late reply. It is because of our system error due to which we were unable to get your comment notification within our inbox. Sorry once again.

Jeanie Belcher • 7 years ago

Well as I said I am at the end of my second month and have been paid each payday. It could be the people complaining they are not getting more jobs or are not being paid are doing the assignments incorrectly or not on time. There are very detailed instructions that need to be followed in order for the job to be completed correctly and them to be paid for it. If you continually ask for jobs then do not complete them by the deadline it plainly states you may not get further assignments.
See it is not as black and white as you are making it seem, There are two sides to every story also. Have you ever considered contacting Survey. com and getting their side of it?
One last thing I have googled Survey. com and it is very hard to figure one from another. It jumps around to things about other sites with similar names. I would like a link to where you say Survey. com got funding in 2012 or 14 which ever you said and funding by who?
That's it for me.

Lisa Pearlman • 6 years ago

I was assigned a job for this morning, after receiving a text message from Survey. com last night offering the project to me. But they were supposed to follow up by emailing me the details which they did not do. And the app showed no assigned projects on my profile. I claimed the store on the app, that they told me to go to in last night's text, but it says I'm on a waiting list. And pay was listed in app as $8 but they told me $15. And after texting them about these inconsistencies, they have not responded. So I am not going to show up at the store blindly without any instructions or details.

Devon • 6 years ago

Dear Lisa,
We suggest you to keep on contacting the support team of Survey. com and let us know after 1 week either they help you to solve your problem or not. Thanks for your comment.

Lisa Pearlman • 6 years ago

Ok they texted me today, Wed. They "approved" my "request" for the local store that I was supposed to visit for an audit this morning, and told me they could offer $7 bonus to go there today (Wed) (so $8 + $7 bonus would be $15, as was initially offered to me per text message.) However, they texted me at 1:30pm on Wed. so I had already left for the day. The app says project is still avail for Thurs & Friday, to be completed & forwarded to them by 11:45pm Friday. However, app quotes pay as $8 (no mention of $7bonus. That was only if I did it on Wed). So I don't know if I want to even do it for $8.

Devon • 6 years ago

Dear Jeanie,
Like you said, may be there are some people complaining about not getting paid by doing job incorrectly by themselves. But, we don't consider few complaints. We search in depth around the internet and uses various resources to compare both negative and positive aspect of any online work companies. When we do research on Survey. com, we found more complaints than positive testimonials. So, if majority of people are saying same thing, we should consider that because few people can do lie, but majority of people can't lie about same thing.
You are asking either we have contacted Survey. com or not? Well, for your information, we clear all doubts before we write the review. We sure did contact Survey. com at that time. Actually we either work ourselves or contact the companies before we write the reviews on those companies. So, sure we did contact Survey. com, but back at that time, they didn't reply us which gave us prove that the complaints from people for not getting response form Survey. com was actually true.
Yep, it is not easy to find all information through Google search, for that need lots of hard work. When we write reviews, we do such work and find as many things as possible. For example you didn't find about funding in 2012, well you can find that here:- https://www.crunchbase.com/...
So, like this there are many things which is not easily available regarding Survey. com, but those are there. So, you also start to search "Survey. com" complaints, then you can find tons of complaints from various people about it and also see the date of those complaints. Some of those are even 3-4 years old which will give you additional prove that this company is online from very long time. So, instead of arguing with us further, it is better you do all the research in the same manner as we have done. Then you can find out everything by yourself.

Jadyn Anne Lovell • 8 years ago


Devon • 8 years ago

Hello Jadyn,
How can we help you???