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Onias Mutsitsiko • 6 years ago

how to register to mmm global

Devon • 5 years ago

Dear Onias,
MMM Global is a scam, so don't register there.

In Peru, MMM is paying without problems. MMM is changing the lives of many many people. MMM was designed to last for many years that is the idea of ​​its creator. Dear friend, you should inform yourself better. In my case I started investing with 2000 soles in January 2017. It´s not necessary but in my case I have a big group over 100 people and now I have a monthly installment over than 5000 soles. Besides I receive bonuses over 10000 soles each month. MMM changed my life, my family and friends. I only suggest you give to your suscribers best info.

Devon • 6 years ago

Dear Hernan Ponce,
Yep, MMM Global has changed the life of many people around the world when it just took their money and run away. Before you suggest us, better you do the research yourself first and find out how many people it has already scammed in different countries.

Porcelanato Liquido • 6 years ago

Friend. Thank you for your publication.

Could you specify which MMM countries do not pay? I have not yet found testimony from people complaining about not receiving.


Devon • 6 years ago

Dear Porcelanato,
MMM is making people confuse by paying to one country and then stop paying there and operating in another country and so on. So, actually it has already stopped paying in many countries, but again it starts to pay in few countries and even now already stopped paying in some of those countries as well. So, we never know when it starts to pay and when it stops. It is an illegal company, so it can do whatever it likes. That's why it is better to stay out of it.

Devon • 7 years ago

Dear visitors,
We have found lots of supportive comments for MMM, and most of those are from Nigerians and the obvious reason is MMM is still paying in Nigeria, but we should not forget the fact it has stopped paying in lots of countries and lots of members have already lose their money. You can also find out in our review as above that the owner has been already jailed before and you should also know the fact that MMM is not a legal company. So, we can't declare it as a good company just because at the moment it is paying in Nigeria. The business model of MMM is illegal and not sustainable. So, until any government or law prove it as a legal business or at least it pays back everyone who lose their money before, we will not revised our review on it and we will also not further reply to those who come here and argue with us by supporting MMM. Actually even we can delete all those comments, but we will not because we want everything transparent and we know we are not lying or cheating anyone. So, we don't think it is necessary to delete the comments which are against us because sooner or later truth will be revealed and truth always wins and even many members who have already lose money with MMM, they know what is the real truth. Actually, even some people knows the truth, they will still keep on supporting MMM because either they are earning good right now form MMM or they are themselves a team of MMM. But the motto of our website is to reveal the real truth about online business, so that is what our MMM review as above reflects.
Good Luck!
News Online Income

Tango • 7 years ago

MMM has come to stay in Nigeria, the more federal government is issuing threat, the more people join and the more stronger it becomes.

Scott • 7 years ago

And again you work for your money and have the right to do whatever you wish with it nobody critisied you for that, so I think you should leave mmm participant to do what they wish with their money and mind your business, find something good to publish here instead of talking rubbish of other people business

Scott • 7 years ago

If mmm is a ponzi scheme then banks are also operating a ponzi scheme, because when one person request for his or her money banks will also use the deposit of orders to pay the person and so on.......so try to learn, think, reason about the mmm ideology before posting trash here..... MMM PAYS

golden_richard • 7 years ago

Good thing never last

Devon • 7 years ago

Well Said! Golden Richard :)

Billy Banks • 7 years ago

How long this MMM has been in Nigeria?

Devon • 7 years ago

Dear Billy Banks,
Sorry for extremely late reply. We got busy in our new projects. From next time it won't happen again. Sorry once again.
According to domain register date, the Nigerian MMM site has been already 359 days by now.

Unbiased_Spokesman • 8 years ago

so according to you the, the system will fail and mavrodi will abscond with the money. i want to know how this will happen seeing that there is no central bank where the money is stored in. there is no place the money is kept were he can take it and run away...
Every bank operates like a ponzi scheme. ok tell me how you take clean notes to deposit in the bank and next time you go to withdraw you are issued old notes. What happened?
The gave you new notes to Mr X and paid you with Mr Y's old notes.
As long as the banks dont give out too much non performing loans, Customers dont withdraw their money all at once in one day, there can be no crash of the banks despite that the keep giving out huge loans to individual. MMM depends on new participants and faithful members to survive long. So instead of stand on the side lines and judge come in and join lets help make the world bettere

Harry Henry • 7 years ago

when MMM decides to dupe it's participants, they will target those that have offered pending help with huge sum, they will send a particular account number to all, When the account number everyone will be paying into that account thinking they are offering Help to a member That seeked help. This will continue until real members that seeked help gets no help as MMM keep direction everyone to their private account. This will continue until members start Public outcry but then it's too late. THE LAST MAN THAT OFFERED HELP WILL BE THE LOSER.

Devon • 7 years ago

Yep Harry,
Thanks for the supporting our review on MMM and warning people here against it by providing your opinion. Thank you.

Unbiased_Spokesman • 7 years ago

You think like a criminal.. you must be a Nigerian

tayokarate . • 7 years ago

In fact mmm does not need to do a large withdrawal even regular insinuation or a paticular account that does not PH but only GH amongst the regular transactions will milk the system dry. ..

Devon • 7 years ago

Yep Tayokarate,
100% agree with you.

Vennessa Clinton Edward • 7 years ago

What do you mean? Nigerians think like criminal right? you must be on some cheap drugs. Mr Harry, until MMM failed us all, that idea of yours is not true. For now, MMM is paying.

Devon • 7 years ago

Dear Vennessa,
Sorry for some racist comments here from some of our visitors. We have already informed them that racist comments are not allowed here.
About MMM, yep it is paying in Nigeria, but it has already stopped paying in many countries. So, don't invest more than the amount you can't afford to lose in MMM.
Good Luck!

Victor • 7 years ago

Yeah, you knew it was racist but didn't bother to delete the comment or even reprimand him until Vanessa pointed it out. Isn't that the height of hypocrisy?
For your info, it's December and MMM is still paying in Nigeria.

Andy • 7 years ago

Can u please name the "many countriess' it has failed?

Devon • 7 years ago

Dear Andy,
MMM has been already failed in countries like India, Russia, China UK, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Hongkong, Bangladesh, Thailand, Peru etc. Actually it has been running right now from Nigeria.

Andy • 7 years ago

That is not true bro. Mmm India is still working, Philippines is still working as well as some others u mentioned. Eventually it may fail but for now we will enjoy. Just do not b greedy, which is one of the hardest things for ppl to do. Mmm pays.......for now

Devon • 7 years ago

Dear Andy,
Nope, MMM in India, Philippines also has been failed, we mean their old format of paying back 200% ROI got failed and they close sites and then again restarted with 130% ROI. The site which right now you are saying has been running in India and Philippines is the one with 130% ROI, but either it is 200% or 130%, both business model is not sustainable and we are sure it gonna be collapse sooner. Only it will help them to sustain little longer with 130% ROI, but without any product or services, 130% or even 101% is also a Ponzi scheme which can't be sustain for long run. More than that, lots of members who have invested in that 200% scheme has been already in lost as they completely closed that scheme and didn't compensate the members that time.

Andy • 7 years ago

200% wow. 150% wow. Definitely not sustainable. Thanks for the info.

Devon • 7 years ago

Yep Andy,
They started with 200% ROI. Not only that, on addition to that, they keep on paying (10%+5%+3%+1%+0.5%) commissions to different level of sponsors which is 19.5% in total. A complete unsustainable business model. We have already explained in detail about it within our review as above and you can also find the background of owner within our review. He has been already jailed in the past for running same kind of business.

Vennessa Clinton Edward • 7 years ago

Aright. Thanks

Devon • 7 years ago

Please, Racist comments are not allowed within our site. Thanks for the cooperation.

Harry Henry • 7 years ago

You are the criminal, you must be a Russian

Devon • 7 years ago

Dear Harry,
We know it is not the one who started racist comment here. However, we request you to ignore those people who post racist comments here and at least don't reply them in same manner because racist comments are not allowed within our website. Thank you for your kind co-operation and sorry for the trouble that you have faced from the visitor of our website..

Harry Henry • 7 years ago

It's alright. I apologize for that mix up

Devon • 7 years ago

Dear Harry,
Thanks a lot for understanding. We appreciate it a lot :)

Devon • 7 years ago

OK then you can continue work with MMM, then you will find the details about it by yourself, through your own experience. Best of Luck for that. Rest we have already described within our review as above.

ADEOLA • 7 years ago

I have seen people write anti articles against Mmm all from assumption but I must confess that yours is the poorest of them all
Is obviously u don't know what u are talking about
So after talking nonsense you ended want to market us trash

Devon • 7 years ago

Dear Adeola,
Ok just wait and watch. After some months it will be clear who is telling true and our review is one of the poorest one or not. And if you think what we are recommending is trash, then for your kind information, lots of members from that company has already made a fortune. Even we can provide lots of examples, proofs for that if you want.

ashish • 8 years ago

I am a participants on MMM Global since 1st March and now making extra income doing simple task. But i question is that from 4th March many members are pending withdrawal over a month. So is MMM Pay? or lost all money? when sending support ticket reply system is getting update. withdrawal dispatch soon. Always not mention date. I have invested 200$. I dont know that is lost or received. Admin share your view.

Devon • 8 years ago

Dear Ashish,
As per the present scenario, it seems now you have lost your money. Sorry for that. This is why we always suggest people to do the research before investing in any company. If you have done research about MMMGlobal before investing in it, then you would have find our site in Google search pages and would have already known that this site is not good as we have already provided warning about this site from the date of its launch.

Wanderli Cardoso • 8 years ago

I'm participant on MMM Global since November 8th 2015 and MMM pays me more than 15000 USD and still paying all participants, Definitely MMM Global is legit. Thanks MMM Global, Thanks Sergey Mavrodi.

Khan Abdul Sattar Khan • 8 years ago

My brother invested $150 in MMM Global but did not get paid any penny. Definitely it seems a scam

Devon • 8 years ago

Dear Khan,
We know that MMMGlobal will stop paying one day. But, it seems till date they are paying. So, we think your brother still have hope to get paid. But not sure because this is their main motto for opening this site, first they will keep on paying to some members in order to lure more people into their system and one day they will stop paying completely. Lets hope your brother will get his payment before they completely turn into scam.
Good Luck!

Devon • 8 years ago

Dear Wanderli Cardoso,
You have post same comment within our Facebook page and here as well. However, it is our duty to reply each and every comment within our website.
So, like we have mentioned you before in our Facebook page, lets wait and watch.
If you read our review as above, you can clearly find out that we have also not said that they are not paying. We know they are paying and they will keep on paying for some more months in order to lure more people into their system. If they don't pay at starting, nobody will join their system. Every Ponzi pays at starting, so it is not a big deal. However, we are saying they can't sustain for long run because they haven't any additional income source to generate 200% ROI as well as to give 19.5% total commission to the sponsors. They are right now just paying first member from the money of second and third member so that they can gather more people into their system. But, this is totally illegal nature of business and even it get legal license, then also it can't sustain as money doesn't come through air. More than that the owner have already jailed for 4 years for operating same kind of business before.
We know you are supporting MMM Global because right now you are getting paid by them and you are earning good from it. But we want to suggest you to start withdraw before its too late and you lose all your earnings.
Ok lets not discuss more about it. Lets both of us wait and watch. We are sure after some months you will believe us because MMM Global will stop paying or even shutdown their site sooner or later.