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Philip William • 5 years ago


I just stumbled upon btcclicks. com and they appear to require investments. They got a few plans for investment for returns. There is no mention of ads - I definitely landed on btcclicks. com and decided to research it. There appears to be no mention of ad clicking at all and only levels of invesment like a HYIP Scheme. Also, cmecoins. com is a duplicate of btcclicks - 100% copy! Check it out News Online Income - I am very interested.

In the mean time I am off to research other stuff - chat later and keep up the great work!


Devon • 5 years ago

Dear Philip,
Please check again. BTCClicks is not an HYIP. It is an ad viewing site. Please check the screenshot below. That is the BTC Clicks we are reviewing here. Maybe there is a little difference in the spelling of the site domain that you are talking about. And yes, CME Coins is an HYIP, an illegal Ponzi scheme about which you can find our detailed review by clicking this link:- https://www.newsonlineincom...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Philip William • 5 years ago

Thank you very much here for the clarity News Online Income. Whopps, my mistake and thank goodness for people like yourself online that helps the rest avoid these scams. I have found three sites that I am debating whether they are good sites or just fake sites.

They are:-

https: // btcpool .io

https: // forkmine .com

https: // genmine. pro/ cabinet

I am particularly uncertain of the btcpool. io and would love to hear your opinion on all 3 - scam or legit?

Thanks again.

Devon • 5 years ago

Dear Philip,
Definitely, these all sites are scams. You can just see their rate of return on the investment. That is not possible for any legit cloud mining site to cover.

Philip William • 5 years ago

Thank you very much for your expert opinion on those sites and I will know to stay far away from them.

Devon • 5 years ago

You are welcome Philip :)

Janeth D. Elejorde • 6 years ago

They suck! I got 500 referrals in BTC clicks and my account was upgraded. All of a sudden they've deleted my account! They're not even responding to my emails! It's a waste! I remember someone took the balance on my account as well. Fuckers

Devon • 5 years ago

Dear Janeth,
Yes, we have also found lots of complaints similar to yours. That's why it is better to stay away from BTC Clicks.

is btcclick still paying till now

Devon • 5 years ago

Yes Rajeeb,
BTC Clicks is still paying, but the earnings you can make from BTCClicks is too much low. It is worthless to work with this site. That's why we don't recommend it.

Eston Bernard • 6 years ago

Are you an affiliate for ‘Wealthy affiliate’

Devon • 6 years ago

Yep Eston,
We are affiliate with Wealthy Affiliate. You can find our detail review on Wealthy Affiliate by clicking this link:- https://www.newsonlineincom...

Kari Flinn • 6 years ago

Thanks for sharing good article about btcclick.
I am also working the site.
I get payment regularly upto the dated:04/10/2017

Devon • 6 years ago

Dear JL BTC,
Thanks for the appreciation. Yep, we have provided the complete truth about BTCClicks within its review such as we have mentioned it is paying and we have also mentioned why we don't recommend it.