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ScienceDiscovery • 3 years ago

Now we have the year 2020 and most signs are true. But do you really wonder? The End of this World is coming ... which means the end of all problems, because humanity proved without any doubt that it cannot rule itself. We need divine intervention. This world is still under the influence of Satan. We need divine intervention. There is only one solution.

Paul Rose • 5 years ago

The planet is being depopulated. Search "depopulation agenda" and find out, including the most powerful entities in the world, with their own mouths, tell all about it. It's irrefutable.
Obviously they are using a vetting program to pick the two groups out...to kill or not to kill.
I think there are three ways to make it though. One, to be approved (win the vetting app). Two, to be resourceful and stay alive even as the kill order is sent out on you. There's a third possibility which is mentioned in the Bible....To enter the kingdom of heaven/God. Good luck!

Bodhimom • 5 years ago

Good thinking and conclusions Mike. I believe that humanity has been controlled by E.T. or malevolent forces who have put in psychopaths in positions of power to enslave and now attempt to exterminate humanity. The Dark Forces on this planet are Karma Dodgers and will try to pass their negative karma unto the sheeple. If humanity is able to WAKE UP to what is going on, we can conquer these negative forces and reclaim our planet and civilizations back.

This is what the Q movement is about. Also, I believe that we are getting assistance from good E.T.s to help fight the bad E.T.s that have ruled over us (top of the food chain). We are at a pivotal time in our history. We are also here to help MANIFEST the coming Golden Age. If humanity wins, we go into a Golden Age; if we lose, we get exterminated.
Therefore, we need to Call for the Judgement of the Dark and negative forces on this planet, that they be exposed and that their Karma return unto them. Also pray for the waking up of the children of God on this planet. This is what the Q movement is about.

satelliter • 5 years ago

Your explanation, in theory, sounds good and viable, and I wish it was true but there is one thing you failed to fully understand, (in my opinion). Look back through the history of the human race, as far back as history can discover and what do you find? Wars, wars and more wars. The human race has always been plagued with those who want to kill, control and destroy. From the birth of Adam and eve, there have been bad seeds in the human race. History is replete with wars, dictators and kings of death and destruction. That is the one thing in the evolution of the human race that has never changed. Today, with all our knowledge, technology and state of higher learning, every nation of power still works feverishly to find more ways to kill more people faster and cheaper so they can win all the wars and control all the others.

I do believe there is a genetic flaw in those who strive to rob, kill and destroy others. The only way possible, as I see it, to fix the problem, is to eliminate from the human race anyone and everyone who demonstrates those tendencies immediately and without hesitation so the rest of us could live in peace. Of course this would mean literally murdering every crook, criminal, and person who does not respect and show compassion for others. The only other possibility is to discover this "gene for violence" and remove it from all humans. I would call it "cleaning the gene pool". So as long as humans procreate, there will be bad seeds, and they will also procreate, and it currently seems the bad seeds are increasing and the good ones are decreasing, meaning the human race is in full self destruction and taking the planet along with them in the name of gaining more power. And so it goes....

liars • 5 years ago

You should watch "Genomic Entropy" by John Sanford, PhD. Indications are that man was created about 6,000 years ago, and only has that many years left before becoming unfit to live, unable to reproduce, and will die out. But look at the Bible to see what'll happen before then.

Lucius • 5 years ago

"2) The aggressive ramping up of efforts to disarm all law-abiding citizens."
Really? Not where I live, that's for sure. Sounds like NRA inspired right wing paranoia.
Also, anyone who refers to something called "The real God" is batshit.

Sandra Sterkel Flack • 5 years ago

It is fascinating ... 'humans have spoiled the planet' ... but it is not the masses that have really created this situation. They have been duped, lead, educated, lied to, denied access, manipulated, etc .. into the state of affairs we now find ourselves in. The very people ( if we can call them this) who are beginning to try and convince us that we - the mass of humanity - are the problem on the planet - are the very ones who have lead us down this path of conflict, war, depravity, racism, endless conflict, law of the jungle is the top rule, negative focused societies, etc. It seems to be just part of their plan. They don't need so many humans anymore, maybe. ... and we are getting hard to control, perhaps. Humans are capable of sooooo much more! The lies we have been told for 100s of years now are being seen for what they are. They are understand how powerful our thoughts are - our minds are. What and who we believe we are as human beings is EVERYTHING. Why do you think they want us to believe we evolved from monkeys ?? (which we did not) Check out Gregg Braden, David Icke .. and YT channel 'newearth'. Someday we will stand together and say 'NO MORE' ... and we will not pay attention to them anymore... there are WAY MORE of us then them. Let us think with our hearts - for peace begets peace.

BeeTheChange • 5 years ago

This article left out the most important fact. Humans are creators; we create our personal reality and we create earth reality as a collective. Being told we are being "exterminated" by something more powerful than we are requires your consent. We will only be exterminated if we be-LIE-ve we are being exterminated. That is why they keep bombarding us with doom and gloom from every imaginable source because THEY KNOW we will create it for ourselves. There are people who are not affected by GMO's, chemtrails, vaccines, and all the toxins being dumped on us... why is that? Because they have taken charge of their reality. Everything you see around you has been created by you on the micro and by all of us on the macro. By beLIEving you are being exterminated you give your consent, and this is all "they" need to continue exterminating you.

Jcoasters • 5 years ago

That would be nice, but it doesn't hold up in practice. Why can't I spend all day stuffing myself with junk food and just believe I'll be skinny?

BeeTheChange • 5 years ago

It certainly would hold up... if you had control of your thoughts. And if you managed that, you wouldn't abuse your body with garbage food.

Joanna • 5 years ago

Humans can be creators of reality and of their perception of reality to certain degree (as far as our choice/will and knowledge goes). But it's hard for me to believe that humans are creators of nature (which is what is called in Genesis "the heavens and the earth"). And if we are not creators of nature, including life and the laws of physics, but are part of it and thus are subject to these laws of nature, then we cannot be in full control of our own life. We can try as much as we can to deny certain things that happen, but that doesn't mean that they don't happen, that just means that we are refusing to acknowledge them. It may work for a while in certain matters and we may think they don't affect us, but sooner or later, if we are to be affected, we will. Nature belongs to the one who created it. He created it with a purpose, and he assures us "From the beginning I foretell the outcome, and from long ago the things that have not yet been done. I say 'My decision will stand, and I will do whatever I please." (Isa 46:10)

BeeTheChange • 5 years ago

"Hard to believe" is a belief. While the things I mentioned (chemtrails, vaccines, etc.) are not natural, they are indeed creating "new nature" before our eyes. If you're sticking with the Biblical explanation of things, that will definitely delineate the boundaries of your creative ability, which is the whole point of religion. The solutions to 3d problems can be solved using multidimensional thinking. Unfortunately most humans are entrained by linear thinking and easily influenced into believing they are being exterminated, or alternatively, that some god is going to come down from the sky and save them. This whole article is nothing but soft disclosure, which is the new reality they are hoping we will create based on our beliefs about our destiny. If we come to understand and know we create our reality, "they" are toast, so holding onto limiting beliefs such as yours is exactly what they want and expect you to do.

Joanna • 5 years ago

This is your opinion, and that's fine with me. I wonder if all those people in Europe in the past (during the Second World War and after, even today in some countries) who were persecuted by the authorities to the point of encampment/incarceration, slavery and death because of their loyalty to God and not to the governments of the time, I wonder if those people could have made a better reality for themselves just by denying what was happening to them and their families. Look up "purple triangles". If you understand their beliefs and history, you'll also understand how truly free these people were because they believed in God and his promise.
True faith is a very liberating thing, which is exactly what "they" are afraid of (and not as you say "they want and expect"). The degree of persecution throughout history of people of this sort of unyealding faith (faith like that of Jesus) proves that the authorities and the dark rulers of this world know that in order to hold their power they need to get rid of those believers and those beliefs. This is nothing new, it's been happening since the ancient times and is still happening today (research persecution of Christians around the world). No "multidimentional thinking" will erase it.
For our universal problems there is no hope from any man. This is why they are pushing this alien agenda on us, to make us believe we can be saved by some beings not from the earth or by our aspiration to become like them. This is just another lie. Actually, this is the first lie ever told (read and think about what Satan told Eve in Gen. 3 and the implications of his original lie). The truth is that humans and the earth will be saved by God's intervention through Jesus. I have no doubts about it.

BeeTheChange • 5 years ago

This Truth Faith you speak of is very liberating. I just choose to have faith in myself instead of depending on outside help, and I have no doubts about my choice either. Best of luck to you.

satelliter • 5 years ago

We cannot just sit and prey for help from our Lord Jesus.....it does not eliminate chemtrails, Monsanto, GM food, vaccines damage.....etc.

Joanna • 5 years ago

Christians are required to do things in a certain way. Read Ephesians 6:1-18. Also, read Colossians chapter 3. And in Revelation 11:18 see what will happen to those "ruining the earth". I know all these things you mentioned are wrong, but apart from sharing the information and exercising my personal choices (refusing GM foods or vaccines, eating/growing organic food), I personally can't do much more. The true power comes from having faith in God and Jesus, and from always being loyal to them, no matter how bad our world is.

Joanna • 5 years ago

"The “gods” have given up on the human race and decided humans must be exterminated in order to protect the planet’s natural resources." Some things to consider. If this is true, if some alien civilisation is watching us and has been involved in our "progress", why wait so long to exterminate humanity? And why use slow sleazy methods, like the ones you list? Wouldn't these superintelligent entities see humankind's true colors thousands of years ago? What superintelligent being would look at our ancient nations, of whom majority were vicious murderers who sacrificed their own to some "gods", who didn't regard sex with children or animals as someting wrong, and think "if we give them knowledge and technology they will become "better", they will stop being power hungry and will protect the earth instead of themselves"? By this logic these entities would be very naive at least, don't you think? Also, the meaning of the word "better" could be deeply discussed in this context. What would these entities mean by it? Would it be "more conscious of the value of the earth"? Or would the meaning have more to do with morality and true self-sacrificing love for others? If so, how could that be, since these entities themselves are not moral beings (considering what you say, that they only care about preserving the earth for their own preservation)? If our morality doesn't come from them, where does it come from? Another thing is, would these entities not know that we will discover other planets and want to "move" there once the earth is unable to sustain us? Again, why are they waiting with the extermination? And why do it so slowly? Would it not make more sense to kill us all off in an instant (and long time ago) instead? Think about it. What we see in the world (and you describe it nicely) seems more like things God's opposer would do, who posed a challenge to God's original purpose for the earth and humanity, and who taunts God and keeps rubbing all our failures in God's face. He has to do things in a sly way, gradually, in secret, otherwise too many people would be aware of his existence and his plan to destroy us and the earth (to ruin God's plan) wouldn't work. According to the Bible Satan knows that he has a short time left before God intervenes, so he is becoming more desperate and more aggresive in his actions. He'll do anything to drag as many of us down with him as possible. He uses all his tools to turn people away from God: politics, religion, education, media, popculture, even science. Yet, going by the comments here, his plan to destroy us all will fail. Which is exactly what the Bible states multiple times.

GrannyGripes • 5 years ago

OH giggle

all of the globalists will be dead in 30 years or sooner.

viper • 5 years ago

so mike.....are you saying you do not believe in God?

josette • 5 years ago

Read the book of Revelation people! This is no deep dark secret for those of us who are awake & watching. Even so, Yahshua quickly come!

Frances • 5 years ago

Would someone who knows explain who wrote the Old and New Testaments, were they written in English, were they ever edited. Thanks.

Lucius • 5 years ago

Hahaha...ya, Moses wrote the early books of the OT in Old English. They were edited by William Tynsdale.

Daniel Henrique • 5 years ago

disqus_ilABdZjZM9 I do not agree

Joanna • 5 years ago

To answer your question on whether the Bible was ever edited, please watch Daniel Wallace's talk "How badly has the Bible been corrupted?" on y.tube.

Brian • 5 years ago

Genesis through Malachi was written in mostly Hebrew and Daniel may have been written in Aramaic. Matthew through Revelation were written in Greek. Matthew was first written in Hebrew, then written in Greek. All 66 books comprising the Hebrew and Greek scriptures were written by about forty penmen, but the Author who inspired them is Jehovah.

Yolande Erasmus • 5 years ago

The Old and New Testament were written over thousands of years by many different authors that came from different walks of life. Some were kings and some had humble everyday occupations, but the message of Redemption through Jesus Christ is one message. The Old Testament looked ahead and prophecied about Jesus also in shadows and types and the New Testament revealed Him as The Word, The Son of God, the only way and Mediator to the Father through His Atoning blood shed on the cross.

It was the Holy Spirit that inspired the Bible and worked through these people to write this God given book, that not even they understood in full when they wrote their respecrive parts.

Start reading the New Testament first and then the Old, it will be easier to see the whole that way.

The Bible is one glorious book by the only true God to show us the Way.

The people that wrote the Bible mostly did not know one another in person. It was written by some in Hebrew and others in Greek.

It was preserved in ancients scrolls and later translated to English. The ancient language are very rich and some translations to English differ slightly, but the overall message is the same.

The Bible talks about real events, historically true, but the deeper message is hidden in the parallel shadows and types.

The first 3 chapters of the bible talks about creation and how sin entered in. There we read about the two trees. The tree of Life is a shadow of Jesus Christ. Our problem still is that we want to live from Gnostic knowledge rather than to live a life dependent only on Jesus. Then we have our very first pointer to the message of salvation in the story of Caan and Abel. Caan wanted to offer to God from his own efforts what he thought was good, but God only approved of the lamb, pointing to Jesus's offer, Jesus is the perfect Lamb of God slain for the sin of the world (also for yours if you would accept it by faith) to bring Redemption. The Old Testament continues to show God's covenant with Israel, revealing Him as a Holy God, a covenant God, that hates sin and cannot fellowship with anything defiled and calls for a people seperated unto Him.

Many types and shadows and even direct prophecies follows in Isaiah and in Psalms about the suffering Messiah that would later come to rule. And then in the Gospels Jesus's life on earth is described by eye witnesses. The books of the apostle Paul then brings the Gospel to us Gentiles and how we can come into right standing with Creator God, Yahweh.

You can also watch Dr. Michael Heiser youtubes on the Unseen realm to understand more about other 'gods' that some refer to as aliens that was on the earth. Its all in the bible. And although the Elohim were impressive, they were all created by Yahweh God, through the Word, Jesus, and they were never a thread to Him ever. In His infinite Wisdom He uses everything for His glorious purposes.

Yes the world is in a mess. But that does not mean Yahweh is not (still) in control. Remember He is a covenant God, and the US as a nation made covenant with Him as well, and then started to turn their back on Him. When He lifts His hand of protection and evil floods in, it does not make Him any less in control. But a lot of prayer and repentence has gone up to heaven, and God gave Trump, allowed Trump to come in for a grace period during which the people have a final chanse to turn back to Him.

Yahweh is not like us. He is Holy. His ways are not like us. We cannot understand his ways with earthly reasoning. We need the Holy Spirit to have the mind of Christ. His perfect love drives away all fear and keep and sustains us even when all is shaken around us.

BP • 5 years ago

Wow...I'm not sure the One True God, creator of the Universe, is going to accept your rationale of the account of Moses. True love, justice and the righteousness of God are not easily understood. Satan has taken the fear of God away from us which is the key to wisdom, knowledge, and salvation. The God of the Universe most certainly takes sides.
Most people who ever lived on earth will be eternally lost for rejecting God and His ways. There is only one truth that we know for sure in this world and that is the Bible. God has given us more evidence then we need. He made sure we have no excuse or defense for why we didn't believe His Word on the day of Judgement. The time when every man will give an account. He is a holy God that is to be feared and obeyed.
Check out the following for evidence of the Bible:
God proclaims that His ways and thoughts are not like ours. His are much higher than our own. We must walk by faith and trust His Word. We will not fully understand in this life but we have enough knowledge to please Him. His Word is eternal and true just like Him. When sin entered this world, no surprise, His plan has always been to save His people. He has told us He has made known the end from the beginning. His people are those who believe that He came as a man to give an example on how to live and teach us the way back to God after our time of testing on this earth is finished. Those who receive eternal life are those who repent of their sins, die to themselves, are raise to a new life by faith and follow in obedience His Commandments. There are ten (not nine or eight) commandments to follow. God did not change the words He spoke and wrote on stone. The Holy Spirit now writes these words on true believer’s hearts that are given to each person who accepts God's ways and conditions. The old life is gone. We become a new creation by the work of God. His children live supernatural lives on this earth. Many have been or will be martyred. This world will never accept a true believer in the Messiah. They are soon attacked. This life and world is very temporary as you have pointed out and the end time prophecies are being fulfilled.
Most Christians today walk in unbelief and have no fruit of a changed life.
When humans, that He created, turn their backs and harden their hearts toward God then they become His enemies. He will judge correctly and fairly as He always has from the beginning. God is true to His Word. It will not change. It can not be misinterpreted, but easily misunderstood. The Bible is correctly understood only by those who have the Holy Spirit living within them by faith.. The Holy Spirit interprets and teaches who God is, His ways and expectations . We are living in times like the days of Noah. What is right and wrong are upside down.
Our enemy is from the beginning Satan and his demons nothing more. He has control of most people on this planet and it is running its final course. Our fight is not against flesh and blood it is a spiritual battle that rages. You do not need to speculate on what is happening it is all written in God’s word. Things are falling into place. The only life worth living here is the one that brings honor and glory to the one true God who is deemed as the enemy by our true enemy that is clearly waging war with God’s creation. His time is getting short.
*Matthew 24:24 (NKJV) 24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
*Matthew 10:28 (NKJV)28 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
*Ecclesiastes 12:13 (NKJV)13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:Fear God and keep His commandments,For this is man’s all.
Two great sins of mankind:pride and unbelief.
*Mark 10:15 (NKJV) 15 Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.”
We all must read and follow the true Words of God in the Bible. It will amaze.

Rod • 5 years ago

Mike, if you are reading this, I can only imagine how useful your voice
would be in advancing the truth if you would study the Bible as
thoroughly as you have studied science. I pray that God would give you
the desire to do that. I'm surprised how so many people who read your
articles have a correct understanding of Biblical truth and where the
real battle lies. They are not all wrong, Mike. Listen to them!

Amy James • 5 years ago

There is no plan from aliens to take over the planet. There is a plan by the elites to eliminate 90% of the "useless eaters" or "mundanes" and they will start over with their frozen non GMO seed stash and the other things they've been storing up underground.

Windy1219 • 5 years ago

Demonic people are "alien" enough for me.

David Samuels • 5 years ago

Fear Yahwah, DO his commands. It is the whole duty of man. repent, America. Classicredneckradio.com listen live weeknights 9 PM m - f before. Eljiha is here.

Robert • 5 years ago

David, did you mean to say "Elijah" is here? If so, do you happen to have any hints on his identity or current location? I've been searching for evidence of him.

The 3rd Elijah must certainly be alive right now, just waiting for the command to begin his ministry in what will be one of the most amazing, and equally horrifying, collection of world-wide events this generation has witnessed.

David Samuels • 5 years ago

listen weeknights to classicredneckradio.com 9 - 10 PM EST and you will hear him

FlyTodd Kallenbach • 5 years ago

Mike Adams is a non-scriptural fraud and antichrist......He wants martial law. Not only is he a medical quack, he's spewing dis-information about basic concepts of reality and the bible....

Jobob2u • 5 years ago

Specifics please, if you can be bothered. Otherwise you're just ranting.

Windy1219 • 5 years ago

Mike is a straight shooter. I trust him. Everything in the article agrees with many other sources and my own experiences working for the government as a weather forecaster and computer systems analyst.

Nicasio Martinez • 5 years ago


The forces of Satan
can take any form they please; --making themselves
to be aliens from another world serves them well. Hollywood is deep in this great deception, blame other worlds.

You have spiritual beliefs,

no where in the written word are there any other worlds in rebellion. Yes!
The means by which Yahuwah's creation, in His image, is now coming to
the day of judgement, are so numerous and defies the means to keep a

One day you may see,
it is not aliens of another world that parted the
Red Sea. If you believe our world is heading towards judgement; --so
did Egypt's Pharaoh have his day of judgement!

bobaka • 5 years ago

Once we were all slaves of the aristocracies. A short time ago, all commoners were slaves who were forced to do what the aristocrats wanted whenever they wanted anything. The queen of England has a commoner who wipes her ass when she shits. I move the time wand to now, and we commoners are still all slaves with pretty names. If an aristocrat faces a slave who disobeys? The slave is killed. That's what the police do. Disobey a cop and you are dead.We are witnessing one of the most rebellious periods of commoner human activity and the aristocrats can think of nothing else but killing us all off. See Killed by Police. Birdbrains must study socialism and psychology to survive.You must look up and see what is coming. And remember--education--meaning the development of the individual human's capacity to understand what is happening to him in life-- has resulted in the people knowing that the aristocracies certainly hate the commoner enough to try to kill them all at once. GMO food is universal.. The Georgia granites lay out the plan, or part of it. Slimy electoral politics have nothing to do with power, never touches power, and the constitution as now written guarantees the commoner will never have any power over what happens to him/her in life.

Joanna • 5 years ago

Mike Adams, you wrote "Note carefully that the entity speaking to Moses may not have been the actual God for the simple reason that this entity chose sides and committed mass murder of one side (the Egyptians) in order to save Moses and his followers. This action was geopolitical in nature, and the entity speaking to Moses had a geopolitical intention. This “God” wasn’t operating out of universal love, he was fulfilling a specific, mundane agenda of protecting one group of people while killing an opposing group.". From the standpoint of the entire Bible, your argument is faulty. There was a very good reason for God protecting the Israelites, reason you clearly either missed or don't understand. A reason that God revealed long before the exodus. Please go back to the beginning of the Bible, where we read about Adam and Eve's rebellion against God. Actually look even earlier, to Genesis 1, where God reveals his purpose for humanity and earth. In Gen. 1:28,29 we read that the Creator gave the earth and all living things to the first humans to "rule over" and wanted them to "be fruiful and become many". It seems that after putting all the efford in creating the earth (we know how special earth is, how perfectly fit for sustaining life) and preparing the garden for them God wanted them to take care of it and to make the rest of the earth Eden-like. He knew this was possible if they do it His way, under His wise and loving guidance. This is why He reserved to himself, and rightfully so, the right to be the Lawgiver, the rule-maker. After Adam and Eve, under the influence of Satan (meaning "the adversary"), who Jesus later called "murderer", "liar" and "the father of the lie", rebelled against God and His authority, and after God granted Adam and Eve's wish to rule themselves, God knew things will go wrong for the rest of humanity, although not by their own choice but that of the first couple. But God's purpose for the earth and humanity hasn't changed. He assures multiple times in the Bible that his will will be done. He knew from the beginning what to do to fix the mess caused by Satan without braking His own law. He fortold straight after Adam and Eve's rebellion that He will send another person to crush Satan (and to pay ransom for the humanity's lost prospect of eternal life on earth, as was God's original purpose). Read Gen. 3:15. This person, Jesus, was to be born through specific blood line. And it is this blood line, this nation, that God was protecting from the influence of other nations and from being lost. So no, God did not choose sides for geopolitical reasons. He chose sides to provide the saviour, "the Lamb", for redemption of the whole of humanity, which was exactly what you say it was not - "operating out of universal love".
Also, I think you greatly underestimate the power of influence of demonic spirits. They have been on earth since before the beginning of humanity. All this time they had for setting up our earthly system with the use of deception and manipulation. Our systemic problems have nothing to do with some alien civilization. Read Ephesians 6:12. Satan evidently wants our destruction, as even though he knew Adam and Eve would lose their prospect for eternal life, he still proceeded with the deception. And he continues on, even more so today.
I must say, I do think you are right about many things related to the state of our system. But you are also wrong about some. And writing about God in the way you did in this article, that it may have been some "impersonator of God who used advanced technology to communicate with Moses and perform “miracles” in order to achieve a geopolitical goal" is damaging. It damages people's understanding of God, and thus it damages a person's relationship with Him. This is exactly what Satan wants, to drag us away from our Creator.
Those who wish to use their thinking ability and reasoning (which is what you, Mike, say people are losing) may want to think about: what exactly would be that geopolitical reason for killing the Egiptian army and saving the Israelites? And why choose the Israelites over all other ancient nations? Why not choose the Egyptians for carrying on this geopolitical goal? Any other nation of that time was much more powerful than the Israelites. Logicaly then it would make more sense to choose the Egyptians or Babilonians for example.

Frozen • 5 years ago

Aww oh Mike. You are so confused..So sad. Read your bible again and this time open you heart fully to His truth. All that is happening truly will make sense and you will embrace it rather than write things that are so misleading and confusing to others. Not to mention that you will be using the fame and fortune you have for a much higher purpose that will bring you peace and joy. Truth is not in the eye of the beholder. It is in the eye of the beholden. Cry out to the one and only Creator and Savior while there is still time.

Jobob2u • 5 years ago

The answer to why things are the way they are is to be found here - https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Believer • 5 years ago

Disagree with the 'geopolitical' aspects of God's miraculous parting of the Red Sea.
Moses was leading them out of captivity and slavery in Egypt!!!!
Of course God was on their side. It was not some arbitrary 'geopolitical' thing. It was right vs. wrong.
You should probably not go THERE, you have offended me after many years of my enjoying your work. Likely won't view you in the same way ever again.

Jane Stewart • 5 years ago

The first thing I do when trying to decide what to believe is to reconcile it with Scripture. If it does not pass that test then I have to reject some or all of what is presented. I have always taken Mike Adams seriously but now, I have changed my mind because of his lack of discernment. I will pray for him.

Rod • 5 years ago

I understand your feeling, believer. We don't like seeing our God's character and nature misrepresented in this manner.

Dave • 5 years ago

Now I get it. This xplains a lot.

Genius • 5 years ago

Their makin a list
Their checkin it twice
Their gonna find out whos naughty or nice
Federal Claws is comin to town..

They see you when your sleeping
They see when your awake
They know if you been bad or good so shut up for goodness sake

You better not pout
You better not cry
Just do what your told and never ask why
Federal Claws is comin to town

The NSA is watching
The CIA is too
The FBI is on your trail
Now whatcha gonna do?

Oh you better not pout
You better not cry
Think of fighting back you better not try
Federal Claws is comin to town..

With facial recognition
And cell phone spying too
A database as big as hell
Has all the dirt on you

Oh you better not speak
You better not type
Orwell was completely right
Federal Claws is comin to town….

Thank you people thank you! 🙂

Margaret Tow • 5 years ago

I enjoy your health articles very much. You are revealing truths that need to be revealed. However, this sounds like New Age teaching which elevates man to a position of a god, believing that man must save himself. Everything you talk about here regarding the state of the world is no surprise to the God of the Universe. He foretold it all in His books of prophecy, especially Revelation. Yeshua told us in Matthew 24 that if time is not cut short in righteousness that no flesh will be saved, but that He will cut it short for the righteous' sake. God calls those who repent righteous because Christ's purchased righteousness for them.

In many articles, you point out how there is no more rule of law in our country. You appear to feel this is the reason for many of our problems. You are right. But you miss the point that man's law is based on God's Law. It is really the disregard of God's Law that is the root of the problem. You are willing to fight against and kill the lawless among us here but you cannot see that God has even more right to punish those who disregard His Laws? Egypt was given many opportunities to repent but still chose to stand in defiance of their Creator Who would have instantly forgiven them if they had repented. The ten plagues that befell them were the result of their own free will choice of unrepentance. Pharoah as their leader made that choice for them. It was only just that he should pay with his life in the Red Sea.

I am praying for you that your eyes will be opened to the deception you are under. The God of Israel is the Only True God. The Bible is His Words of Mercy to us -- His Creation. The Adversary Satan has many avenues of deception, New Age "Christianity" being one of them. Don't let your intelligence blind you to spiritual things. There is Hope. God's Kingdom will be our Refuge from Satan's kingdom -- Babylon the Great -- the New World Order.

Jenny • 5 years ago

Wait, so the fallen angels or "gods" of whom taught humankind all these destructive arts [see Book of Enoch] now wants to save the earth from what it taught humans?

No, these fallen entities follow their lord and master, the prince of the power of the air (i.e. spirit world), Satan. The goal has always been the destruction of humankind before humankind can find forgiveness of sins from a Believer through Jesus Christ our Lord. Satan and his fallen minions hate God and His redemption so much that they must destroy humanity now, for the devil knows his time is short in keeping fallen humanity as heirs of his dark kingdom.

Alan D Smith • 5 years ago

And, the thing is, "God" could stop it anytime. And, the other thing is that things are going God's exact way right now. He wants all the chaos that's about to happen. Otherwise, He'd change it. He's God, you see.

dmengdon • 5 years ago

Well said, I was going to say something similar myself. I presume you're a Christian, and are aware we're living in the last days before Christ's return. I pray daily for lost souls to find their way before it's too late.