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David • 5 years ago

"Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and people will believe it."

"The broad mass of a nation will more easily fall victim to a big lie than a

small one. The greater the lie, the greater chance that it will be

believed. All epoch-making events have been produced not by the written,

but the spoken word." Adolf Hitler

We are not learning from history, it is no wonder we are so easily poisoned!

Thank-you for this article

Boomer Lady • 5 years ago

There is a lawsuit against the EPA by Fluoride Action Network that so far is being upheld by the court as it wends its way through the process, despite two attempts by the EPA to have it thrown out. So far the judge appears to support the contention of the plaintiffs. Anyone wishing to support the lawsuit, which if successful will ban fluoridation countrywide, can donate at fluoridealert.org.

omnimax • 5 years ago

considering that the NAZIs were experimenting with fluoride to decrease intelligence and make people docile-I would say our researchers are about 70 years behind the times!!!

Ty • 5 years ago

I've been saying for years ADHD is in the water.

Trogg • 5 years ago

The Nazis knew about the benefits of flouride back in World War 2. They put fluoride in the water of concentration camps to make the inmates more docile. Ever wonder why the US population puts up with such crap from their politicians? Know you know.

Boldog Csirke • 5 years ago

It also causes obesity, by messing up the thyroid levels.
Over-thyroidism was recommended 80 years ago to be kept in check by weekly 1-2 carefully timed and dosed sitting baths in F-laced water.

Sceptic • 5 years ago

What fluoride levels were significant in the experiment? This would help identify what constitutes "elevated levels of fluoride"

truth hertz • 5 years ago

Fluoride is a cumulative toxin. Your body is only able to expel 50% of the fluoride ingested. The rest is stored in your body. Not good for any part of the body. Hydrofluorosilicic acid(toxic waste)is what is added to your drinking water.

Defiant • 5 years ago

There's also a "link" between flies and garbage...doesn't mean flies cause garbage. The word "link" is REALLY bandied about in these studies.

Carmen Ortiz • 5 years ago

Wow! They finally discovered the Mediterranean Sea! How many years ago did I start using reverse osmosis for all the water than enters my body? Can't remember but I do know that my old (and not so old) filtering machines which are simple and not all that expensive, are now discontinued. (Can't allow something that actually works removing fluoride and chlorine and is cheap to stay around.) Lucky the company that used to make them was able to repair the original one and then offered me another they still had, for cheap. Once I started using them the issues that I had with memory loss went away. I'm 71 and can now remember things I read many decades ago. The memories just pop up.

Elijah Varga • 5 years ago

Are you telling us that our scientists are waking up? Gee, I like this (when one need a scientific degree to have some common sense)

Don_in_Odessa • 5 years ago

So one would think that North Carolina with the highest reported number of cases of ADHD would have the highest amount of fluoride in their water??? Better check again.

Only Human • 5 years ago

This is a throwback to a long-debunked argument of 50 years ago. However, not to say there couldn't be new evidence of deleterious effects.

truth hertz • 5 years ago

If you check, you will find ADHD meds contain fluoride.
"The active pharmaceutical ingredient in Prozac is fluoxetine hydrochloride, a chemical compound containing fluoride. Prozac is a prescription drug indicated for the treatment of depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bulimia nervosa and panic disorder, according to its product label. The product label warns users that taking Prozac may increase risk of suicidal thoughts, seizures, mania, altered appetite, weight loss, anxiety, insomnia and potential for impairment of judgment. Prozac may increase risk for neuroleptic malignant syndrome, a neurological disorder characterized by altered mental status, muscular rigidity, irregular pulse, rapid blood rate and irregular heart rhythm."

27633171 • 5 years ago

Sounds like the renegade General in Dr. Strangelove was on to something years ago. Isn't it funny how fiction suddenly bursts forth as reality ?

Foodnista • 5 years ago

Rhr entire Amweican water and food chain has been robustly weaponized! Thank Killary and her pedo snd serial rapists crime family.

Joe Cool • 2 years ago

She & her old man are the gifts that keep giving. They really crippled us with NAFTA, too.

GG • 5 years ago

I agree with the article, except for one thing.....“Our findings show that children with elevated prenatal exposure to fluoride were more likely to show symptoms of ADHD as reported by parents. Prenatal fluoride exposure was more strongly associated with inattentive behaviours and cognitive problems, but not with hyperactivity,” Dr. Bahash stated. If it was not associated with hyperactivity, then it can't be associated with ADHD which is Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder. Probably it could be associated with ADD only but not ADHD and those attacking the study will find the minimal mistake to say that everything is wrong with it...

Ashley Lamberton • 5 years ago

I was taught that ADHD comes in two forms; Attention Deficit HYPO-activity Disorder, and Attention Deficit HYPER-activity Disorder.In hyPERactivity The child is jumping around bouncing off the walls, whilst in hyPOactivity the child may be often in a day-dreamy state - "away with the fairies" .

truth hertz • 5 years ago

Once again many of the meds for these disorders contain fluoride. It is poison.

Carmen Ortiz • 5 years ago

I suggest you re-read what you quote. "was more strongly associated with inattentive behaviours and cognitive problems, but not with hyperactivity" Did you miss the "was more strongly"? That just means that the association was NOT AS STRONG, not that there was no relation. Plus, what were they looking for? Hint: it DOES NOT say "there was no link to hyperactivity". Plus, If it is linked to Attention Deficit, then it is linked to the "AD and D part of ADHD. ATTENTION DEFICIT ...DISORDER. You are aware that there is not mention that they were ALSO looking into hyperactivity? You are jumping to conclusions.

fvtomasch • 5 years ago

The Devil's Poison by Dean Murphy DDS has detailed information on the dangers of fluoride.

Tweaker_R66 • 5 years ago

Explain to me again the following:
* What good or need for this in people who have lost all their teeth.?
* Why do fluoridated toothpastes come with warnings that if your child swallows more than a pea size of toothpaste, you should contact the poison control center.?
* Why is concentrated fluoride listed as a Haz Mat poison material which, if ever spilled in transport requires fully suited in Haz Mat yellow suits with strict clean up protocols?
* Why is its addition to water not a crime nationally as some cities do not add it whereas others mandate it?
Oh yeah, one last thing, even drinking filtered water, most fluoride is absorbed through our skin. Think about that next time you shower...
Nuff said.

Carmen Ortiz • 5 years ago

I don't trust the "most fluoride is absorbed through our skin part" because if you are drinking the water, it's ALL going into your body. I don't filter the shower water, but I never use a tub to soak in and my showers are very short. All the water that I drink is filtered by either one of my two machines, that are able to get rid of fluoride (if a reverse osmosis machine does not state that it removes fluoride, it does not). They are no longer being made, I wonder why. (Not really.) As I mentioned in my comment, after I began drinking only filtered by my machines waters, my memory increase tremendously and I am 71, with a family history of all the women getting Dementia or Alzheimer's by their late 50's. It does not hurt to add TURMERIC to your food to help you brain function better.

fvtomasch • 5 years ago

Check out - "The Devil's Poison" How fluoride is killing you by Dean Murphy DDS. Very detailed look but simple to understand book.

William Clinton • 5 years ago

Only drink tested well water here but would someone please define "high levels of fluoride?" How much id high?

truth hertz • 5 years ago

This is per HHS, if you chose to believe them.
The optimal fluoride level in drinking water to prevent tooth decay should be 0.7 milligrams of fluoride per liter of water, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced Monday.

Donna G. • 5 years ago

Remember to get a reverse-osmosis water sytem or a home distiller so all your water will then be free from flouride.

Emil • 5 years ago

Fluoride is added to the water to dumb down the population as there are plenty of examples nowadays. Favorite trick of Nazi Germany as it was explained to Charles Perkins when he visited Nazi Germany in the 1030's. It is a poison to destroying our endocrine system especially our thyroid gland and our metabolism Read a book ttitled Chemical Warfare on America to learn more about this and other poisons fed to us via food, water, air and vaccinations. Available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Emil • 5 years ago

The Chinese scientist knew about the brain damage bu fluoride way back in the mid 1990's. they performed autopsies on the aborted fetal brains to find deformed brain cells. Thanks to our controlled propaganda msm this information has been withheld from us.

Tia Jolie • 5 years ago

Funny how the 'science' that is made public lags the rest of us be so many decades. Fluoride is neither safe, nor effective and the FDA is complicit. The burden of proof is on the pro-fluoride crowd, but their fake science yields nothing but baseless rhetoric...FDA-approved.


James Reeves • 5 years ago

Fluoride is the only drug forced on EVERYONE without consent.

Yet, yet, there is not one scientific study to prove fluoride (hydrofluorosilicic acid) is safe and effective for all members of the public, infants, children, sensitive, kidney problems (pre-diabetics & diabetics), elderly, etc.

This is immoral and should be illegal.

A. Realist • 5 years ago

From the quotes, I didn't see where anybody was stunned. I don't think click-bait-ish headlines really help you in the long run. I too, however, believe it is toxic.

Rustynail • 5 years ago

A quick check of the "ide" chemical compounds...They are all toxic; as is cyanide!

Rachel • 5 years ago

How about iodide? Essential to life.

Rustynail • 5 years ago

There are always exceptions!

Ashley Lamberton • 5 years ago

MMMmmmmm. As soon as you get into "exceptions" you get into problems. Just try teaching English with all of its "exceptions to The Rules".

john vieira • 5 years ago

This would appear to answer the question I have been asking for the last 2 years..." What has happened to common sense and the cognitive abilities in the 50- segment of the population"???

Micah • 5 years ago

Not to mention the epidemic of thyroid disease caused by fluoride, bromine, and chlorine being commonplace in our environment. This outcompetes iodine as they are much more commonplace than iodine and are all similarly reactive and in the same family I'm the periodic table of elements.

Luther R. Norman • 5 years ago

At least it is finally here for all to see, only if they will. Fluoridated water was used to keep people subservient in concentration camps so why would anyone want to believe it is beneficial otherwise?

rolloverandplaydead • 5 years ago

Proof: Fluoridated water turns people into NPC's......of which there are now millions...

tarbella • 5 years ago

To me this is nothing new. I have done a lot of studying for many, many years into the herbal and organic foods and meats, etc, plus much into the medical world and knew, just by what I had studied that fluoride was not good for the body in any way, plus many other things that have been put into our foods and land for growing foods. GMO is one too that is not good for us, along with home grown fish. Talk about the people being guinea pigs, I think we have been for many, many years now and you can see the results at hospitals. While many good things are happening, many bad things have been for a long time. Our world is a very greedy world, very money hungry, and until mankind learns to curve his greed, as God has said..."there is nothing new under the sun."

#1TroubleMaker • 5 years ago

How could any REAL scientist be "stunned" when both Nazi and communist scientists knew the neurological damage fluoride caused the brain when they used it in their concentration camps from the 1930's on. It's also the main reason globalist controlled USA dumped it into water supplies across the country under the 'cover' of dental, instead of 'mental', hygiene.

Ed Edgerton • 5 years ago

You are making a guilt by association argument, but I do think that there was and still is evil intent behind the fluoridation of water. The motivation was/is to pacify the population so that it would accept the sweeping social changes that have been imposed since fluoridation was introduced. The oligarchs are evil, and they view those of us who are not part of their identity group as cattle to be dumbed down and demographically replaced.

#1TroubleMaker • 5 years ago

Explain "guilt by association". I'm really curious with that take-away.

Sceptic • 5 years ago

"guilt by association". Exactly what it says. The evidence doesn't convincingly establish guilt but you associate the perpetrators with others guilty of similar things and then psychologically everyone thinks the original ones are guilty.

#1TroubleMaker • 5 years ago

The post had absolutely nothing to do with guilt. Yet, it had everything to do with both history and science.

Mourning Warbler • 5 years ago

That explains why a racist former city commissioner explained we needed to fluoridate for the poor back communities.... ? Really I think it either has something to do with the pH of the water and corrosion of pipes OR maybe some of the commissioners get cash or other favors.