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Destiny • 2 years ago

Why is fauci working in china anyway? Is he teaching the chinese germ warfare?

Destiny • 2 years ago

These guys dont care about people all that they care about is money.

Destiny • 2 years ago

Fauci works for the Chinese. He sells them confidential info. I'd like to see his many bank accounts.

Jamie C. • 2 years ago

Bayer also released a medcation that had an active AIDS virus in it, hundreds of people contracted aids. Don't take my word for it, the data is out there.

#1TroubleMaker • 2 years ago

" we probably would have had a 95% refusal rate.”

Let me guess... The above didn't make the cooperate 6:00 news?

Calvin • 2 years ago

Will never take the blood clotting shot. My genes do not need therapy.

777VERITAS777 • 2 years ago

If only we could force all of those evil & satanic executives to take all 4 of those kill shots, that would be true justice!!!)))))))))))

Destiny • 2 years ago

Why did he lie? Why does the mrna shot destroy the immune system? Why are you experimenting on humans?

Guido • 2 years ago

They already knew what would happen and did it anyway.
They aren't experimenting on humans, ...they are knowingly killing humans, ... big difference !!

777VERITAS777 • 2 years ago

It reprograms every cell that is possible to produce very dangerous spike proteins, that go all over your entire body, so that, your immune system will attack dam near everything in your body, & to completely destroy your entire immune system at the same time…..

MandarinDucky • 2 years ago

There you go with the child abuse photos again!

disqus_TSVfqjLaQd • 2 years ago

wow, they are making women sterile with birth control pills

Biblical stuff. Revelation in particular.
Operation Warp Speed was going to happen with or without Trump. Trump got everyone to wake up to the corruption. That was probably the only card he was allowed to play.

wandakate • 2 years ago

The vaccines were fast tracked were they not? They never went through the prolonged test and trials that they needed in order to be proven effective...Trump was in charge of this "fast track program"...So yes they came out for distribution "ready or not" here we come. Seems like with all of the people now sick that got them and all of the thousands of deaths from people who were jabbed that they were certainly NOT ready to hit the market and be distributed...SO now what? I think perhaps that card was a very bad card to play. Is it responsible for much that has and is will continue to happen? Did somebody mention Revelation and the signs of the end of the age? Did someone say something about the Georgia guide-stones?...And doesn't that have something to do with depopulation? Ahhhh !!! Is 2 and 2 still 4?

Guido • 2 years ago

If they did it S-L-O-W-L-Y, ... do you really think ANYONE would have even noticed ?? Adverse events would have also happened Slowly and would have been far more easy to explain away with lame excuses. Nope, fast and dirty is how it had to be.

zorbatheturk • 2 years ago

Fauci snookered Trump.

So two years ago, the "vaccine" was ready and waiting. They just needed a "pandemic" to get everyone jabbed.

Gerald Greene • 2 years ago

'Gene Therapy' is false too as this implies some treatment for a genetic defect.

The Clot Shots are gene mutating.

krm • 2 years ago

It's really gene atrophy....
(of body tissue or an organ) waste away, especially as a result of the degeneration of cells, or become vestigial during evolution.
"without exercise, the muscles will atrophy"
waste away · waste · become emaciated · wither · shrivel · shrivel up · [more]
gradually decline in effectiveness or vigor due to underuse or neglect.
"her artistic skills atrophied from lack of use"
peter out · taper off · tail off · dwindle · deteriorate · decline · wane · fade · [more]

wandakate • 2 years ago

YES so basically...IF YOU DON'T USE IT, YOU LOSE IT!!!!! Ohhhh so true...