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Nasty Piglosi • 3 years ago

We are at war. We need ignorant Americans to wake up and realize they are supporting a complete coup / overthrow of our government, military and security assets by foreign powers. We must fight with all we got.

extra salt • 3 years ago

I find that when people look at covid, the riots, and the election fraud separately the normalcy bias or Stockholm syndrome can kick in.

When you list all 3 as part of a bold push by all the same people with all the same goal in mind,

Then people can grasp that it was way too much for all of this to be done by all the same people to US all in the same year. This is much more than the normal insanity, the normal abuse, the normal grift.

This is all the evil/insane setting US up for a much more harsh and much more constant abuse and it will only escalate from here as we continue to march along with them. But we are many and they are few.

OxyMoron • 3 years ago

The problem is that "they" have a unified purpose, while few Americans can properly even identify the real enemy. And if you try to explain it they think you're just a "conspiracy theorist". It should be obvious to everyone at this point...but most people still can't see the big picture and who the evil forces behind it are - the elite globalists AKA the NWO.

Jefferson Voltaire • 3 years ago

“The great masses of men, though theoretically free, are seen to submit supinely to oppression and exploitation of a hundred abhorrent sorts. Have they no means of resistance? Obviously they have. The worst tyrant, even under democratic plutocracy, has but one throat to slit. The moment the majority decided to overthrow him he would be overthrown. But the majority lacks the resolution; it cannot imagine taking the risks.” ~ H. L. Mencken (1926). “Notes on Democracy,” p. 50, Alfred A. Knopf

Jefferson Voltaire • 3 years ago

Everyone should be working to organize militia in your local area. Be ready to handle local issues and to render aid to neighboring areas. Create regional ties between smaller groups to handle bigger issues & don't get duped by the propaganda. CIA is infamous for destabilizing entire regions to soften them up for coming actions.

Even more so, learn constitutional law and start removing treasonous Mayors, Governors and their enforcement Gestapo. Put a stop to unconstitutional BAR Association courts, DA's & prosecutors. Need to disassemble the machinery of tyranny from the inside out.


LostinOregon • 3 years ago

It seems that this is the first sign that the military will side with We the People!

extra salt • 3 years ago

We cannot allow the abuse to continue.

All of US are already constantly abused by these same people and they do it for power, wealth and also just for hatred of US.

Up until 2020 it was probably wise not to deal with it, to put it off because it just wasn't worth it, you could "live around them" meaning you could make the choice to avoid them by making a few choices in how you lived.

But we cannot live around them anymore; they have grown bold and demand to abuse their victims more harshly and to take whatever we have left that they didn't already steal. Trump must lead US for the sake of the future of the whole world.

JGault • 3 years ago


The best documentary on what is happening. Perfect for laymen who aren't intel experts.

TexanForever • 3 years ago

"... since Benedict Arnold gave away West Point" ... This is treason of he highest order by the CIA. The FBI and DOJ aren't far behind. Trials and firing squads are in order. This is no time for excuses or messing around. Hilda should be the first.

Forwarded to law enforcement. Good luck.

William Wallace VI • 3 years ago

forward what to law enforcement, the DOJ is pushing for the firing squads....https://www.federalregister.gov/doc...

The FBI.

John Christman • 3 years ago

Is this the same retired general who said that all the ballots were marked with a crypto code? I find this highly dubious quite honestly.

Olga Timasheva Held • 3 years ago

No, it was some liar shmak named Pieczenek that said ballots have water marks. Would be a great idea if it was true, but dude is a liar.

Zeke_34 • 3 years ago

No, I think that was a former deputy assistant secretary of state or some such verbose title.

Larry H • 3 years ago

Can retired General McInerney confirm that the CIA Director, Gina Haspel, was there, was injured, was arrested, was flown to GITMO, and is cooperating to give evidence in exchange for a life sentence, thus to avoid a death sentence?

Bull Gator • 3 years ago

To all the naysayers, if one looks at all the comments from the Dems they are preemptive of what seems to be happening now. Trump will not leave office, etc. Well this is a massive psyops against the US and Europe. Covid, Election Faud and a nearly brain dead candidate getting more votes than any US Presidential Candidate in history. Yes my friends the $hit is deep and wide and coming down like an avalanche.

Of course this is all totally under the Radar because Hunter Biden and his Father's criminal acts are under the Radar too. It is an ongoing battle and there is no one in clear control of anything at this time.

Sidney Powell during her live video conference said at the time of the Frankfurt Server confiscation, she did not know whether the Good Guys or Bad Guys got the Server in response to a direct question by one of the reporters. Now we have confirmation and more information.

Spock • 3 years ago

Faceberg fact-checked this report and they claim McInerney is lying and the story is false. Lol.

Bonicushead • 3 years ago

Wait. You mean the fact checkers that said Benghazi was a protest gone wrong and later said Trump was lying about the dossier being fake and then said Trump was lying about the dossier being used for FISA warrants? Really?? You're going with the guys that got...what was it...oh, that's right...EVERYTHING wrong?

Spock • 3 years ago

You missed my mockery of fake FB ‘fact checking’. SCOTUS must step in at some point and reverse the fraud.

Miggy10 • 3 years ago

Sorry but no. This is FAKE NEWS. It's likely a fake interview with an impersonator. Don't be so gullible. Use your head. I WANT TRUMP TO WIN MORE THAN ANYBODY....but I also know my President.
If we seized servers that PROVE vote fraud....Trump would be singing it from the rooftop.....he has said nothing......THIS IS FAKE.

mikephilly • 3 years ago

I concur. Its too much like a movie. Why wouldn't the CIA just house the servers stateside? Less conspicuous with the amount of network traffic leaving election sites to a foreign country. And any teir one unit would wipe out a bunch of private contractors that would most likely be ex spec ops but would not have the muscle and tech as Delta or the Seals. And DIA or plenty other units are much more capable than the 305th when it comes to IT forensics and Intel. No offense guys.

Surfinnonreality • 3 years ago

Rumor has it that biden has asked about the possibility of immunity if all this is true.
Of course, just a rumor. But one I am repeating it for fun.

htuttle • 3 years ago


Olga Timasheva Held • 3 years ago

So CIA in Frankfurt killed Americans?!! WTF?!!!

William Tell • 3 years ago

If the military lost lives seizing these servers, who has them now? The CIA? The military? How in the world will they be examined by anyone in America in the next week and half? This is ludicrous. Biden is picking his staff and getting briefings....and this is Mission Impossible stuff. Who wrote this?

Bonicushead • 3 years ago

Who cares what Biden is doing. Trump has a duty to remain until very serious situations are resolved...even using the military to do so. I don't believe this story as of right now and this story is a detraction from all of the actual fraud on video. And YES, Trump is talking about that.

Spock • 3 years ago

If I read McInerney correctly, he’s merely stating that the servers provide the footprint and roadmap of how the left stole this election. He didn’t say Trump would be exonerated and hence, given a second term as a result of this evidence. He said the left wok,d proclaim somehow that the evidence is political. He added we have to somehow convince a patently corrupt state and federal gov, that we demand justice? These are the same Marxists who condone burning and looting cities and businesses at will unfettered by laws, judges, prosecutors or courts.

Trump made an odd statement today. He’s going to declare his 2024 run during Biden’s inauguration. Wtf?

Rush inferred the day after the election that Trump was ill prepared for this election coup. Though he didn’t spell it out, I could hear the utter disappointment in his voice because he knows not ONE honest person will help Trump and his 80 million who voted for his re-election.

Dem Nutz2 • 3 years ago

Why is it no one else has been able to confirm this report?

Is this the same general McInerney who reported the Malaysian airlines flight mh370 being hijacked by Pakistan?

We need confirmation before going with this...

useyourhead2 • 3 years ago

Why you ask? Did you ask why when the Far Left Communist Media reported 24/7 for years that President Trump was a pawn of Vladimir Putin and Colluded with Russia?

Why haven't we heard about confirmation? Because the Far Left Media Complex controls most of the information channels to the public and have censored and/or failed to report anything; the same people who keep referring to Corrupt Slow Joe aS "President Elect" WHEN HE IS NOT.

They had no problem reporting 24/7 about the Phony Russia Collusion Coup Conspiracy, but when there are reports that do not support their Communist Democrats and their unlawful acts, they go "Dark" or maintain that the material is without foundation.

You people have got to stop watching CNN and the other Communist Media; stop using the Communist Social Media Censors; and start using some inate God Given Abilities of Critical Thinking and be skeptical AS TO WHY NO INFORMATION IS FOUND FROM THE FAR LEFT COMMUNIST MEDIA COMPLEX THAT IS FRANKLY NOTHING MORE THAN A PROPAGANDA TOOL THAT WOULD HAVE JOSEPH GOEBBELS BLUSH WITH ENVY TO HAVE HAD.

Dem Nutz2 • 3 years ago

Follow your own screen name idiot!

Olga Timasheva Held • 3 years ago

Very angree agressive and feebleminded shill.

Dem Nutz2 • 3 years ago

Shim...a troll stuck between she and him.

Dem Nutz2 • 3 years ago

F uck U Dude.

You have no Fn clue what I do or don't do...painting everyone with a broad brush stroke does nothing to deal with your angst.

You are nothing but virtue signaling your disdain and jumping to huge conclusions on what I wrote...ask first, attack later.

Get off your high horse and discuss the serious question I posed. We have plenty of Patriots exposing the truth. I am looking for some confirmation on a piece of news which is over the top. Confirmation gives us the ammo we need to pursue.

useyourhead2 • 3 years ago

No, F uck U, Azzbreath........TWICE!!!

Given your triggered response, SURELY YOU WORK IN PUBIC RELATIONS.

Dem Nutz2 • 3 years ago

Triggered? Who was the F uckwad who went off on a rant? You did, my precious little blowhard. Self awareness is not one of your strong suits...B itch!

useyourhead2 • 3 years ago


If ever you find yourself in the dark, saying "I can't breath", smelling the feces all around you, and feeling claustrophobic, as if the world is closing tight all around, be calm, you can be saved, and don't listen to the hot gases proclaiming it is "Trump! Trrrrrump! Trump-p-p".

Listen carefully. This may save your life.

You are suffering a disease.

Cranial Rectumitis.

Now put your hands on your hips and push HARD.

Dem Nutz2 • 3 years ago

you sound like a child...lmao

useyourhead2 • 3 years ago

It seems that you have the mistaken idea that anybody who does not agree with you is belligerent. That's not the problem of those who have differing views.


Dem Nutz2 • 3 years ago

I am open to differences of opinion,not a child having a petulant moment...I already did that stage in my life.

Dem Nutz2 • 3 years ago

Your answer wasn't an answer...it was an unhinged, baseless, end of the month period rant...all hysteria, no fact. Go figure, girly man.

I asked a question...still waiting for an answer...not some piece of S hit parroted mumbo jumbo.

useyourhead2 • 3 years ago

Says you !

You can't stand an answer that doesn't agree with your low IQ level. You could gain 25 points in IQ in order to rise to the level of clueless.

Now do humanity a favor and go jump in front of a train.

Dem Nutz2 • 3 years ago

Are you even 18? live in mommy's basement?

Olga Timasheva Held • 3 years ago

Sidney Powell did publicly confirm it and stated that it is true. Who else do you want to confirm ? CNN?

BelieveInAmerica • 3 years ago

If Trump had a pair of balls he'd immediately hire Flynn and McInerny and call out the marines on these bastards. But he's a coward. WTF happened to the John Wayne mentality of this country? When are we going to stop this useless talk?

Lesko Brandon • 3 years ago

Here is where this theory falls apart. The 305th MI Battalion is a training battalion, not a field intelligence battalion.


SecretSquirrel • 3 years ago

Fort Huachuaca is where the HUMINT school is located and definitely houses an intelligence component. Using wikipedia as a source. Pathetic.

Guillermo • 3 years ago

Not so fast. I was stationed at that base for a time. And yes, the 305th was and is a training battalion...but guaranteed there were Regular Army troops attached. Also, any number of troops could have been in and or near Germany, or dispatched on short notice.

Lesko Brandon • 3 years ago

So why not utilize the 66 MI Brigade that is in country rather than send units from Huachuca?

Guillermo • 3 years ago

True. There are Green Meanies at Bad Tolz in southern Germany so a cars drive to Frankfurt. There are also Special Units stationed in UK, Germany and/or Italy.