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RJF • 2 years ago

Darn good reporting! Well done!

Garion60 • 2 years ago

Alright...by show of hands, who believed that Mark Meadows had Trump's best interest at heart.


Ok...let's try this: By a show of hands, who believes that Mark Meadows has or had America's best interests at heart?


BTW, Hank Johnson was part of this CABAL because Epstein lived on an island. Hank took measurements with a bubble gauge to make sure that Epstein's island wasn't pitching one way or the other. He didn't want another "Guam"...

Guest • 2 years ago
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Edward Bergoglio • 2 years ago

Trump and his shhiitttbag administration are a bunch of zionist cucked demons, I'm more excited for what is coming AFTER Trump. That is where we will crack some real eggs there!!! LOL

rrse7 • 2 years ago

Not surprising! meadows is one of the biggest f*****G RINOS in the republican party, next to turtle head mcconnell! Wake up you American DAs!

Baracudda • 2 years ago

I always knew that Meadows was part of the Globalist Deep State along with "My Kevin (McCarthey) and Lindsey Graham. They are ALL a bunch of phonies! I guess like the old saying goes, "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies even closer", that's why Trump allowed them to be attached at his hip.

Billy Bad.A • 2 years ago

No, Trump was just blindly naive! He entrusted these snakes and got bit every time. That was Trump's downfall. He played the pompous President and the MSM had a field day with it. Trump is like General Patton. Good at what they do but let their mouths and egos ruin what could have been great.

Baracudda • 2 years ago

No Comment!

bailintheboat • 2 years ago

Whoa. Look at that list from within our own Congress.

M B • 2 years ago

Meadows did not advise Trump well and stood in the way of Sidney Power helping our President. How Bannon has him on warroom is a mystery he must know he is dirty?yet he is promoting him and his book?

censordeeznuutz • 2 years ago

Every single one of them signed the Israel First Pledge..so Fk all of them. Notice there hasn't been 1 Gov who ordered a full State Audit? Even a full county Audit. They say the NJ Gov race was close.... You did not see 1 Dem sign except in down Town Trenton that the idiot put up himself. None of the races are close..and Dominion counts the votes... LET THIS PLACE ROT IN HELL.

T_ • 2 years ago

Just absolutely sickening.

T_ • 2 years ago

Wow. Another sell out. Both Dems and Republicans have sold us out to the CCP and Big Pharma. Where are the investigations as to ALL of their financial interests?

Cold War Boomerwaffen • 2 years ago

Mark Meadows is a cuckservative RINO and a pedophile too it appears… https://uploads.disquscdn.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Tammy • 2 years ago

Jesus.....no one in government works for the American people!!! No one!!! What the hell is going on!!! Where are these damn oversight committees and all that nonsense/!!

malinse • 2 years ago

How does a congressman become a millionaire from representing their constituents in a job that pays them <>$200,000.00?

It's a rhetorical question, please don't bother trying to explain it to me. I just want people to ponder how corrupt Washington DC is and the self-serving politicians in America have become.

Billy Bad.A • 2 years ago

This is one of the main reasons I think Trump should stay out of the 2024 race. His policies were spot on and he pushed through all of the bullshit to get things done where he could but he was way too naive in trusting the corrupt establishment Republicans one after another. He could not see the snake when he put his hand in the box and he got bit several times for blindly trusting very untrustworthy snakes. When the Civil unrest comes,....and it IS coming, We The People need to go after the unseen enemy of this country as in the sellout Republicans who does the bidding for the Marxist communist Left!!

bailintheboat • 2 years ago

Things get stranger all the time. Taihe Institute mystical promotional video about trans-humanism, linked within the article, ending with: Does truth really exist? Mother, I feel you.

Meanwhile, Peter Thiel gives a speech of how trans-humanism has fallen off a cliff. No interest. He doesn't say how far into it, out into the future there is no interest. I think microchips is something Christians would be interested in though. Charles Schwab speaks of that in 2016 with that goal being 2026.

It's not as though men like Bill Gates aren't pushing it that direction. Actively doing so, pushing things that direction. Data bases, software, technology, tracking. Started that years ago offering schools the software for tracking children from birth.

BraveNewWhirled • 2 years ago

I wish Mom had named me Wang.

NotASlave • 2 years ago

It's sad that Bannon grovels over him.

BraveNewWhirled • 2 years ago

Somebody needs to draw a map to the bathtub for that guy.

Guest • 2 years ago
gvette • 2 years ago

I'm guessing you're in love with blow hole killer Joe! I hope you're enjoying the destruction of our country, under blow hole, and the American Marxist demonRAT party!

Diaphanous1 • 2 years ago

Or did he choose to expose them?

Baracudda • 2 years ago

Well, unfortunately that's the Deep State for you & it goes deeper than anyone can comprehend! There no longer is any good choices! EVIL is "winning"! Sad, but TRUE!