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Sunlit7 • 2 years ago

Just more proof the gig was a set up. Everyone knew he suffered from dementia, that's the reason they brought him in. No sane person would stand up there and deny long established scientific facts. The election was never stolen it was rigged to go down that way, democrats, republicans and the media all had their hands in on it.

Tross • 2 years ago

Hey Hunter, you are still a fcked up addict!

ADRoberts • 2 years ago

How likely is it that any of this will bring about action to put them in jail OR remove Joe from office????? Remember that there is plenty of evidence that Hillary has broken al kinds of laws And she is still not in jail? This country has become a BANANA REPUBLIC.

Steve_o • 2 years ago

Yeah, welcome to "Joe's A Goner", episode #196.

And Hunter Biden is a very poor replacement for Hunter Thompson.

So, who is the Champion of Worst, Biden because he's lost his faculties, or Carter because he had his?

ADRoberts • 2 years ago

Carter had a fatal case of:
2. ?Supreme ego. He could not ever see that he DIDN'T KNOW ANYTHING.

The Dog Father • 2 years ago

Even the dirty haji goat raping terrorists knew biden was senile. When the dirty haji terrorists learned that the dems stole the election to and make this pos president, the dirty haji's declared some new religious holiday. When said pos surrendered Afghanistan to the dirty haji terrorists, it became the most important event to them since their false religion started.

Vitt • 2 years ago

Hmm... I'm curious why there were text messages backed up on the laptop.

Pretty odd thing to do. Very difficult with a lot of phones as well.

Smells off to me... can't help it.

The Dog Father • 2 years ago

Even the useless dem voter knew the pedophile was too senile to run for office, but voted for him anyway. These are the kind people who allow their children to be abused by a man, because they buy them things now and then.

KT • 2 years ago

Get ready for a visit from Garland's henchmen.