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John Marshall • 2 years ago

Trump is not a good judge of character this we learned the hard way but at least he's endorsing a true patriot in Ms Rogers. Look what happened to Bunkin, he's now far left with wings, and his choice of Mark Smello's is even more naive'.and troubling Trump needs a bunch of real good, honest, advisors for starters, and not another Pontius Pence.

Jonny • 2 years ago

Wait a second, you mean they lost Arizona, claimed "voter fraud", then hired their own partisan far right unqualified "auditors" that cost AZ taxpayers millions, and then what happened?

They lost by even more?

That's f'ing hilarious!

SweetPie88 • 2 years ago

The only "election fraud",
is jew infested Arizona.

Voting for a jew conspirator to fix that,
just creates MORE of that.

And trump supports that.