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Destini Symone • 6 years ago

And for those saying these people are in hell, oh me oh my you don't truly know God. You think God created his children to send them to their damnation? You're going by what was taught to us by the Europeans through Christianity. If you ask me we are living in hell already. With people pretending to be holier than though and throwing their bibles at people to justify their beliefs and what they feel is right or wrong.

baddgalbribri • 6 years ago

Its a shame that even in death people have to be such narcissist...this is the exact reason i keep saying social media needs to rid live streaming...nothing but a bunch of evil being streamed...people would rather put on live stream than call 911

Guest • 6 years ago

People need to teach their children to love themselves. Wanting "likes" for self-esteem to the extreme of live streaming your suicide speaks volumes to the level of love they had for themselves. This isn't mental illness, this is ludicrous. The extent that today's kids will go for the most "likes" and watched video is getting out of hand. Teaching children to love themselves regardless of what's going on in the world is something we as parents need to work harder at. Limiting the time spent on social media is another one. Sometimes we play into our kids self-esteem issues by buying them all the latest this and that. We need to stop that shyt immediately. Back in the day, we had less, but loved ourselves more. Today's youth put all of their self esteem into "likes" and that's a HUGE problem that will only get worse. When you allow society to validate you, they will always find new ways to destroy you. You can NEVER please people, just be happy with yourself.

baddgalbribri • 6 years ago

Yes their main goal is to become the next trending topic even if it means that their loved ones and best friends have to view their deaths...its extremely selfish...not only are you killing yourself but youre leaving your parents to have to come across a gruesome video like this...once its on the internet there's no taking it down

Guest • 6 years ago

They are all hoping their video will go viral. They do the extra most for fame and popularity. They were forming some clique at my daughter's school and when I realized she was a part of it, I INSTANTLY made her remove herself. They were mad and even trying to fight her for not wanting to be a part of it. I stuck with her thru it and she got over it. She's a one man army with her own brain, you don't need no extra group of bytches to uplift you. She didn't understand it, but she did in the end. Her stress level went down tremendously and she's a much happier person not having to deal with the pressure of keeping up with those fake @sz friends.

Roiyar • 6 years ago

I commend you for taking the time to get in there and embarrass your daughter in front fo those friends, so she can see that….you embarrassing her among her fake friends….gave her the strength and the power to see for herself how that emotion was not grounded in anything of any real value to her life and happiness. You have done what more parents need to do for their children. It's a much different world as much as a different mindset of youth out here. He have to be their guides not their friends when they need the wisdom of an adult to get them thru the often tumultuous period of being a teenager.

JDoll • 6 years ago

Adults failed royally on this one. This is a clear case of adults ignoring the youth, not uplifting them, and trying to do their own thing. Your days of reaching millionaire status is OVER. Focus on the youth.

Roiyar • 6 years ago

It's a tough call. Being a young person is hard and being a young person in love is even harder. When you are young… have a very finite view of the world and when it comes to love. It seems to be the end all and be all of thier world. It's the inexperience of youth. Not sure if parents can control how their children feel when it comes to their own mortality. I had a brother that wanted to take his life over losing love and my parents were cluelesss as to how to take it or address it….they Sat around talking amongst themselves while basically saying :

" I didn't act like this!!! What's wrong with you are you stupid?"

They did not have the skill to address it. What parent does? From what I understand she was also pregnant and the pregnancy was the shame of her parents cause they had a path for her. WHat they didnt know is….having a baby does not necessarily stop your blessings. She could still finish school just later. Many mothers go to school and continue to excell. And many accidental grandchildren grow up to be hidden blessings to their families.

Burton Nikia • 6 years ago

this is not the case. he was truly heart broken

Guest • 6 years ago
chill-e • 6 years ago

I doubt they're together, this is real life not the movies

Guest • 6 years ago
chill-e • 6 years ago

Who really KNOWS the afterlife without a doubt? Your theory sounds like some shit some little junior high kids thought up. But since you asked I believe your eternal life is similar to school. I feel you get reincarnated to certain situations to learn and raise your vibration to a higher level. If you fail to do that then I feel you reincarnate to a similar situation to learn those lessons you failed to do so previously. I doubt you get rewarded n live happily ever after in heaven by killing yourself due to some highschool fling lol cmon man

Guest • 6 years ago
chill-e • 6 years ago

I don't feel dead people end up in the same place. I feel you have a conscious connection to family/ancestors. I feel there's a conscious connection to everything and everybody but you're tied stronger together with family. When you die I believe there's a process that happens that sets you up for whatever situation you need to advance your eternal life, then you go. Now do you have free time to go n seek out past loved ones? Idk but I do feel that anyone you were ever close with their energy will forever be a part of yours meaning they're a part of you where ever you are and if you know how to tap into that energy then you'd be able to communicate with them wherever they are.

Guest • 6 years ago
Shell Boyd • 6 years ago

When you kill yourself..you go to hell! They are not together some where having fun like here on earth! I can't believe everyone is so blind and trying to sugar coat it so you won't hurt someone feelings. Hell is a real place that was made for the devil and his angels..but when you are not saved and die without having asked for forgiveness of your sins..you go to hell for all eternity with non-stop torment of your soul..Sounds harsh? It is! But its reality! There's no getting out or making it into heaven because your a good person.and definitely not when you commit suicide!..You want proof? Read you bible...Dont just read it..study it..Especially the book of Daniel..or Revelation..cause it's going on right now around us! If I hurt anyone's feelings..I'm not sorry..because hopefully I've saved someones life...real talk!

Clovebattlefield • 6 years ago

Shell Boyd, finally someone speaks the truth.. The sad part is, if people began to read the word of God, they can see first hand themselves.. Remember, there was these type even in early Christian history throughout the word, and Christ didn't wast any time with them, just the ones who desire the truth.. See, some people will never except Christ, and that's ok with Christ, he's not here for them. So all we need to do is tell the word and keep pushing toward the mark.. INTERNAL LIFE!!!!! Yes hell is real and so is Satan, so I hope you'll truly seek the truth and realize, Jesus Christ is the way and the truth.. I pray to God that y'all eyes will be uncovered..

Tim • 6 years ago

See what I stated above. Wake up.

DeNita Adams • 6 years ago

Most of your comment is true....first yes there is a hell...yes it is the place where the devil and his angels dwell....Just because you kill yourself doesn't mean you are not a good person....the book of Daniel is part if the old testament under the old law before Jesus came and died for our sins....Contrary to what people think you can be forgiven for committing suicide. ..let's take Judas for example before he committed suicide. ..he repents for his sins...(Matthew 27:3-10) .....there is no where in the bible where that says if we commit suicide we go directly to hell, if you have seen it please show me. God looks at our heart and whether we believed in him....That is the way to the kingdom of heaven, we did not know these kids relationship with GOD so we cannot say where they went, we should all just pray they knew him the way we do......I don't mean to step on ur toes or come off argumentative but I just felt the need to address the topic

Tim • 6 years ago

Here is some truth: Black Americans have been brainwashed to believe in Christianity, a religion that was passed down to them by their white slave masters. Google "Why are black people so religious?" It's insane how many of you blindly believe in a god that has never scientifically been proven to exist. And while Jesus historically existed, he is not the same Jesus in the Bible, which is nothing but a mythical book that was written by men. Wake up.

Ericka • 6 years ago

Please explain how Christianity was forced upon us by the slave masters when Christianity was in Africa way before colonization began. What was forced upon us was their twisted version of Christianity, not the true word of God itself

Tim • 6 years ago

Do your research. Christianity was not in Africa way before colonization began. What ignorance. There is not a single reliable source that would support you on that. Africans had an entirely different religion. Even a simple Google search of "Africans had an entirely different religion" will enlighten you.

Ericka • 6 years ago

So you mean to tell me that the entire continent of Africa had never heard the teachings of Christ prior to colonization? Please keep in mind that Some parts of Africa is in the Middle East, where Christianity was birthed. Also, if you read the book of Acts, it mentions Ethiopians being present during the spirit of Pentecost, last I checked Ethiopia was in Africa

Tim • 6 years ago

Once again, do your research.

Anthony Cotto • 6 years ago

To be completely honest you have no idea whats going to happen when you leave this earth just the same as anybody else on this planet. What you are basing your assumptions on was written by a human just like you and i so to forecast what's going to happen when you leave this earth is nothing more then an opinion or a guess. Everyone's entilted to their religioun and opinion but dont assume that's what's going to happen cause at the end of it all you dont know. Simple as that

FBG DUCC • 6 years ago


Tina Chi'girl Billingslea • 6 years ago

Amen shell boyd, u s
peaking truth, it's in the word of the Lord God almighty, hell n heaven is a real place.

chill-e • 6 years ago

Right, it is fun, and deep

ann • 6 years ago

Y'all two are 👍👍👍👍
I love to see two people with opposing positions be able to discuss it in an enlightening manner, not get coocoo just bc we're online, and start cursing and insulting one another. 😊😊😊

chill-e • 6 years ago

Yea she kept it respectful eventho I said her idea was childish so I had to reciprocate

Guest • 6 years ago
ann • 6 years ago

Come out and play😂😂

Guest • 6 years ago
ann • 6 years ago

Those dreads would be my breaking point...I gotta split y'all up into different days, or my hands won't ever unlock from the cramps😂😂I have 3 too, and by the time I get to mines it's whatever😒. I can't even b mad that I'm sitting here looking like Diana Ross had a baby for a Chia pet😫

Guest • 6 years ago
ann • 6 years ago

Sometimes I just be staring at them like😐😐😐(sigh) lunch 😐😐😐(sigh) after supper ok? (sigh) I ain't never going to bed (big sigh)

KeepinItABuck86 • 6 years ago


U FUCkiNG AroUnd • 6 years ago


Jeebus Crise • 6 years ago

If there was some connection in a supposed afterlife, would it not stand to reason that your theory is based upon life being eternal. That being the case, would not there be a before life and would we not have some connection to it, or some memory of it?
Dead is dead. Just as you have no memory of your birth, or months after, or memories of a life prior to birth, it is because there wasn't any. Dead is dead.

chill-e • 6 years ago

I believe youre born with just a fraction of your whole conscious. This whole universe is so ridiculously complex, WE are just as complex, just to pop up out of no where just to totally die out sounds proposturous

chill-e • 6 years ago

And there are huge holes in the evolution theory. Scientifically speaking evolution is bs

Tim • 6 years ago

What holes? Evolution is a scientific fact. Unlike belief in all these different gods, science supports it.

chill-e • 6 years ago

Noooo you are mistaken. Evolution is FAR from fact. They want you to believe it's fact but if you actually dig a little deeper you'll find 2 things, evidence that's blasts the evolution theory away and corruption in academia in dealing with historians and archaeologist. Real science does not back the evolution theory.

Tim • 6 years ago

Noooo. You are mistaken. And I realize that there is no point in debating someone who believes in a man in the sky rather than scientific fact that has scientific evidence supporting it. There was no Adam and Eve. There is, however, scientific evidence that all modern humans originated from Africa.

chill-e • 6 years ago

Who said anything about Adam and eve? You're prejudging. No where have I ever said anything about Adam and eve. I'm talking real science, you obviously believe what ever you are told because REAL science & scientists (the type you have to research yourself) say the current evolution "THEORY" is be bs. You clearly don't know what you're talking about because you don't even know the difference between fact and theory

Tim • 6 years ago

I'm prejudging you by mentioning Adam and Eve? You believe in the Bible and all that nonsense, don't you, like Christians tend to do? If you don't, then exactly what do you believe in?

As for real science, evolution is real science. And it's idiotic to state that it isn't. It's not about believing what I'm told. It's about having studied anatomy and the evolution of humans extensively. Stop your conspiracy theory crap that does not make a bit of sense. Whatever sources you are reading are clearly unreliable to anyone who knows what they are talking about.

Like I stated, there is no point in debating you. Can't have a logical discussion about religion with someone who believes there is a man in the sky.

Guest • 6 years ago
Tim • 6 years ago

Like I stated a little above, Black Americans (and other ethnic groups) blindly believe in Christianity. They are taught it from childhood and go on believing it without questioning it. If no one told us Santa Claus isn't real, many adults would be stating how real he is too.

chill-e • 6 years ago

Here's a crumb for you, google klerksdorphs spheres (2 billion) years old. Australopithecus is 5 million years old. Who was smelting metal spheres 2 billion years ago? It certainly wasn't no monkey men